#also i finally became concious of how much i ramble and added a readmore to this one lol
midnightbrightside · 26 days
Do you have any fluff to balance out your delicious angst?
i gotchu ❤
kristoph doesnt know when the wrights became part of his saturday morning walk with vongole, but they've somehow slid far too neatly into his routine. usually trucy is the conversationalist between the three of them, and today she's chatting about all kinds of space facts, apparently that's what she's been learning about in school recently.
turns out trucy loves the stars and would be able to see them all the time when she was travelling with her first daddy. she doesnt mean for that to come out like it does, but something flickers across Phoenix's face, something soft and helpless.
kristoph offers to drive them out of the city to see the night sky clearly, without any of the light pollution here in the city. the words leave his mouth before his brain has the chance to stop them. trucy looks ecstatic and she starts begging phoenix to take uncle kristoph up on the offer; of course phoenix agrees, and the gratitude shines in his eyes and weighs heavily on his shoulders.
it takes them a bit to find a a night where all of their schedules line up (phoenix wont let trucy stay up late on a school night), but it happens. the drive there is filled with chatter from trucy, she reminds kristoph of a younger klavier with all her noise and her grand way of speaking, bubbly and endlessly entertaining.
they arrive at a field and all 3 of them lay on the blanket as trucy chatters excitedly about miscellanous space facts and points out the constellations she recognises from her books, kristoph chips in with his own knowledge, and phoenix makes some up. trucy giggles and calls him silly, then she leans over to Kristoph and stage-whispers, “daddy doesnt know any of the stars." and kristoph nods solemly.
phoenix chuckles, "hm, i guess i don't. you'll have to teach me” an open invitation that trucy gladly takes.
her enthusiam is infectious and the two men are utterly charmed, she keeps going until she tires herself out. it's so quiet in the field now, it feels like it just the 3 of them in the entire world.
phoenix is the first to break the silence, “thank you, kristoph. this meant a lot to trucy” and me goes unsaid but heard nonetheless. “i owe you one” he says a little quieter.
“nonsense, i enjoyed myself, that's payment enough” and it should be a lie, but it doesnt feel like one.
it goes quiet again, and kristoph feels phoenix's hand brush against his, soft enough to be an accident. kristoph darts his eyes to the side without turning his head. phoenix is still looking intently at the sky, it's too dark to make sense of his expression. the gentle, barely-there contact burns at his fingertips and spreads across his body, he can feel his heart thundering in his chest like it wants to escape. he wants to escape. he doesnt move closer, he doesnt pull away either. Neither does Phoenix.
they stay there in perfect stillness for a while, it's almost dreamlike. for perhaps the first time, kristoph's head is empty. he could stay here forever.
trucy stirs, and phoenix blinks back to reality, "we should probably head back," he says. kristoph agrees and drives them home. they all linger in the doorway as trucy sleeps in phoenix's arms, he gently jostles her awake “say thank you to uncle kristoph."
trucy mumbles a tired “thanoo….” and phoenix smiles down at her, so full of love. kristoph has the strangest urge to kiss him.
he doesnt. instead he says his goodbyes and heads back to his car, the moment the door thuds closed the spell is broken. he grips the steering wheel and wills his chest to stop aching.
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