#also i think tim is attracted to jocks who're nerds bc he's a nerd who's a jock (does. does vigilantism make you a jock? more at 9)
weirdfishy · 1 year
me, already sleep deprived: it's literally hell week, finals is Soon, you are Stressed, so Go To Sleep Early
my brain, wired from not Being Creative for the past month: but what if Tim Drake was a part of the GMP (Gotham/Metropolis Polycule; 10/10 is based on that onion/clickhole article abt the greater seattle polycule) and just. has had his support system increased exponentially bc of this but he's also is. not used to this. he baby (is a 24 y/o grown ass vigilante)
(one time, his doordasher stayed to chat bc "oh! you're dating Maheu- yeah they're dating Aleli right, who's married to Manny, who's got a mostly-bennies-also-painfully-pining thing with Elie, who's in a zumba class with Sammie, who's been my boo for five years now! anyway, so glad to meet you, love the apartment, very chic and cozy, call if you need anything!" Tim's head spun and spun until he realized his batburger got cold and he had a zoom meeting with Hong Kong and later, Cass, in half an hour)
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