#also i'm an absolute sucker for teh 5+1 things style fic so like if anyone has any recomendations i will gladly take them
jpg-of-dorian-slay · 11 months
oooh, can we know more about the Five times Lily Evans said yes (and one time she couldn’t)? it sounds really intriguing.
HI PLEASE JUST KNOW I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. i will take any opportunity to rant about my fics so thank you very much <3
the fic is basically a series of vignettes spanning from Lily first realising she has a crush on Mary in their fifth year to Mary leaving the wizarding world. it's technically a marylily fic bc they do date and then break up, but it's more focused on Lily as a character and how the war and affects her and her relationships.
the five things she says yes to range from fluffy light hearted moments to more serious war centred things, and the thing she says no to is when Mary asks her to leave with her and live as a muggle. Mary can't understand why she's risking her life for a world that doesn't accept them (as muggleborns) and she has her own issues with dumbledore and stuff, but Lily feels obligated to fight and help her friends. So even though she's conflicted and desperately wants to stay with Mary, she doesn't leave with her and that's something that haunts her for the rest of her life.
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