#also if you havent read my drewroman fic thats also bottom roman and im writing the sequel rn (:
jackforshort · 1 year
do YOU have any fic recs? I’m new to this fandom and idk how to find fics
I know it sounds weird but I only read bottom Ro 😭 so if you have any fics where he is a bottom (with anyone, any sight) I’d love that!
why thank you for asking anon yes i do >:D
i also have an obsession with bottom ro so i totally got you. here's a few (all are mature/explicit):
under a spell, you're hypnotized by chipskylark - ambreigns, one of my absolute favorites from one of my besties
more i get through the gears by chipskylark - ambreigns
splash by cookiethewriter - ambreigns, omegaverse
Lace by n/a - ambreigns, roman in lingerie
(Leave Me) Breathless by countmeaway - ambreigns
Don't Overthink Things Baby by jollytimes - roman/seth/dean, bdsm
Mortal Kings Are Ruling Castles by n/a - roman/finn, a little supernatural since it's the balor demon and werewolf!roman
there is also Keep Me In Close Orbit by valmontheights (which i'm currently rereading for the millionth time) and please mind the tags but it's roman/triple h and one of the best bottom ro fics ever
lastly i have to recommend just ambreignstrain altogether. not exclusively bottom roman but i love ALL of their fics so i have to include them <3
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