#also im straight up not liking eight as a character. shes not even likeable-lame like snippy is she just sucks
thesugarhole ยท 1 year
auuurugugh. rewrite text. captain sweetie im so sorry for what theyre doing to you. i cant quite explain it but theyre doing SOMETHING that sucks the otherwordly factor out of zeer i once so greatly admired. i already said this but i think its the inevitability of -exposing the world as "it really is Just Like That" and showing that captain isnt lying or making up stuff about anything- thats doing it. anyway
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captain sweetie im so sorry for what theyre doing to you!!! SINCE WHEN WAS ZEE THIS INFO DUMPY!!! oh the charm it would have if i didnt know it was true!!! also snippy is the idiot who let eight out btw he thinks youre being delusional becasUSE HE DOESNT KNOW ITS ALL REAL AND IM GOING IN CIRCLES BUT ITS FRUSTRATING HOW THAT KEY FACTOR TO CAPTAIN WAS LOST SO FAST IN THIS
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ok this one pleased the dramatic irony enjoyer in me. but thats because. if youre reading it for the first time you dont know thats exactly what happened (you can guess it to be true by virtue of being captain that says it BUT. you cannot yet guess that captain zeerself is the answer to the wish) and im on a re-read so. yea. im going in circles anyway it needed to be written in a way that always keeps the mystery up and only by the end of it and on rereads you catch on to everything. in my humble non writer opinion. its just not as compelling as having it all handed it to you through captain POV and invalidates snippys role as the protagonist that serves as the reader stand in (questioning all the absurdities)
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