#also libby’s interface does not tell me when the next segment break in the chapter is so i have to guess whether i have time for it
emeraldgreaves · 10 months
Top 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
tagged by @theresa-of-liechtenstein!
favorite color: teal blue (jewel tones forever.)
currently rereading: no rereads atm, but working my way through Pride & Prejudice, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and Skyfaring by Mark Vanhoenacker.
last song: francesca from hozier’s unreal unearth
last series: in full—succession and the marvelous mrs. maisel, both of which ended on the same day. honestly we are not much of a TV household, but we’ve been watching an episode of my adventures with superman occasionally to unwind from work
sweet, savory, or spicy? savory!!
currently working on: a hand touch prompt fic, and my personal copy of a fanbinding project.
tagging (if you’re inclined) @thenightdayblogger @rangerdoubt @queen-scribbles @lilybarthes @morning-star-joy @feykiller @dwead-piwate-meggers @bi-stander @jae-gerbomb and @anakinsafterlife
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