#also longer cape cause kaiba
ladydraculena · 1 month
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Kaiba is already wearing most of this outfit canonically - only a sketch for now - idea @leechysmile
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dementedxshade · 3 years
About the Muse:
Appearance: Mariku's wardrobe consists of wearing attire similar to what Malik did, save for instead of a wearing a light purple sleeveless hoodie it is replaced with a black sleeveless top.
He retains the cape that Malik wore when he was in charge of the organization of ghouls, except instead of being worn like a cloak like the original Malik it is worn billowing behind.
Yami Malik lacks empathy and is highly sadistic; having built a deck centered and themed around torture. He uses his shadow magick to manifest them into reality, painfully hurting his opponents for his own pleasures. However, he was overconfident in his shadow magick and particularly in his role in winning duels as he would have lost against Kujaku Mai had she not attempted to summon "Winged Dragon of Ra" only to receive the spherical form, and against Jounouchi Katsuya he wouldn't have won if he hadn't collapsed from exhaustion of "Ra's" torture effect when Yami Malik used its Egyptian God Phoenix effect. During his last duel he even stated that he got the most pleasure from torturing Yami Yuugi.
He wears golden earrings, neckwear, armbands and bracelets. His hair is spiked upwards and points in all directions, though retains the same fringes that are akin to wings that Malik's hair possessed as well.
In canon based verses or some select AU's he still retains the Sennen Rod (or a replica that he can utilize to use with shadow magick).
Canon-based Personality:
A person of pure cruelty and insanity who cares for no one but himself, as he was born of Malik's hatred, anger, and envy.
He has shown evidence that he will remove any and all hindrances that get in his way by threatening to kill Rishid, and even Isis for hiding their brother when he first manifested from Malik.
He shows indifference by showing no concern for Yami Yuugi's nor Seto Kaiba's pasts, something that his alter, Malik originally desired to know. In addition, while Malik's goal of becoming the new Pharaoh was fueled by a personal affliction towards the Pharaoh particularly, Yami Malik didn't hold the same goal nor seemed to have any specific goal other than spreading pain and suffering, and also a desire to exist outside, both to no longer be sealed inside of his alter ego and because he considers himself the "true" Malik.
In Noa Kaiba's Virtual World fortress, Yami Malik demonstrated a high degree of recklessness as he destroyed the fortress's computer, which was the only way of stopping the missile that had been programmed to fire at the building; his only care being the death that it would cause, and he was subsequently seen enjoying the frantic escape on the airship.
Despite his cruelty and evil, he valued his own life dearly; he tried to murder Rishid so he would not be sealed back within Malik's body and even pleaded for Malik to help him win against Yuugi after Malik was able to regain control of his body. Still, he shows traits of masochism as well as evidenced from his duel against Jounouchi: For example, after his "Gil Garth" was destroyed and its pain was transferred to him, he laughed psychotically and stated that he was enjoying the feeling. Though certainly reliant to a degree upon his shadow magick during a duel, Yami Malik was no means an incompetent duelist, and was always planning ahead during his duel with Yami Yuugi should the Pharaoh survive his attack of "Ra" by using his Egyptian God Slime to complete strategy of immortality and do a follow-up with "Jam Defender" to make it the only monster that Yuugi could attack (thanks to its regeneration ability);
He also knew more about the abilities of "Ra" than Malik and his outwitted his alter ego and Yami Bakura by changing up most of the cards in his deck.
Yami Malik is shown to have difficulty with advanced technology during the Virtual World arc as he was having trouble with a security pass-code when he pressed, only to be denied.
Yami Malik considers himself to be the "true" Malik, though he largely does not consider himself a part of the Ishtar family, referring to Isis and his father as Malik's rather than his, barring his first emergence where he killed Ishtar. He also explains the pain of Malik's past as if it were his own, though he did not actually experience the events himself; he was merely birthed from them, and even laughs after recounting it, explaining that it is the trauma that dominates Malik.
Modern Verse Personality:
Like his canon based inspiration, Mariku is still quite fond of spreading pain and cruelty and has a sadistic streak, but he is much more relaxed and manipulative in execution when it comes to being so.
He lives away from Malik and his siblings, and elects to running the bar that he has acquired through underhanded means while carrying out side operations for hire.
He varies in behavior choosing to interact with others in a more underhanded way and in many cases placing on a public persona. Despite this he has his own unspoken code of behavior and mannerisms.
While he can be quite cruel and sadistic, with the right people and interactions he has proven to be able to be somewhat vulnerable, albeit still secretive and omitting electing to use charm, flirtation, charisma to his advantage.
Romance and friendship wise he is capable, but might be slightly guarded cherrypicking and choosing what masks to display with others. He can even be surprised himself at times with what he learns from some interactions, and despite he would never admit it he can come to have a soft spot or even possessive and protective and loving side.
Though he would have difficulty ever declaring affection aloud, he could easily play the part to say what others wish to hear.
More to be added possibly.
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myriadcfmuses · 4 years
Yami Marik
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Yami Marik
Dark Malik
180 cm
5ft 9in
121 lb
55 kg
Favorite Food
Meat dishes
Least Favorite Food
Malik Ishtar (Original personality)
Isis Ishtar (Older sister)
Rishid (Adoptive older brother)
Father (deceased)
Mother (deceased; died in birth)
Battle City
Runner up
Deck type
Yami Marik is Marik Ishtar's second personality created by his own inner hatred and pain. He possesses Marik's body after Rishid falls into a coma.
Unlike Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura, Yami Marik did not originate as an entity sealed within a Millennium Item, but instead was spawned from the trauma Marik endured after being horrifically mutilated by his own father and sentenced to guard the pharaoh's tomb for the rest of his life.
Upon first awakening, he was wearing the original outfit of Marik, including a light purple sleeveless hoodie, black pants and black shoes. Yami Marik's usual outfit consists of a long purple cape with a gold chain, and black sleeveless tank top and beige pants. He wears golden earrings, neckwear, armbands and bracelets. His hair is spiked upwards and points in all directions, though he retains the same wing-like fringes of Marik's hair, and since he picked up the Millennium Rod, which he keeps in his belt while not carrying it, he bears the Eye of Wdjat on his forehead.
Whilst dueling, faint ghastly images of his face frequently stretch out from his head. As the duels progress visible veins slowly start to appear on his face.
He wears a KaibaCorp Duel Disk on his left arm as he is merely a split personality of the normal Marik. Yami Marik's facial structure is exactly the same as Marik's, though the similarities are offset by the differences outlined above.
Yami Marik is a person of pure cruelty, wickedness, and insanity who cares for no one but himself, as he was born of hate, anger, and envy. Yami Marik ruthlessly murdered his father, and was constantly trying to kill Rishid for being a hindrance to his existence in the outside, and threatened Isis with death for hiding their brother.
Yami Marik showed no interest in Yami Yugi's or Seto Kaiba's pasts, something which his alter ego wanted to know. In addition, while Marik's goal of becoming the new Pharaoh was fueled by a personal affliction towards the Pharaoh particularly, Yami Marik didn't seem to have any goal except for spreading pain and suffering, and also existing outside, both to no longer be sealed inside his alter ego and because he considers himself the "true" Marik.
Yami Marik lacks empathy and is highly sadistic; building his deck around torture-themed cards, and using his shadow powers to manifest them into reality, painfully hurting his opponents for his own pleasures. However, he was overconfident in his dark powers- particularly their role in winning his duels.
In Noa Kaiba's Virtual World, Yami Marik demonstrated a high degree of recklessness, as he destroyed the fortress' computer, which was the only way of stopping the missile that was programmed to fire at the building; his only care being the death that it would cause, and he was subsequently seen enjoying the frantic escape aboard the airship.
Despite his cruelty and evil, he valued his own life dearly; he tried to murder Rishid so he would not be sealed back in Marik's body, and pleaded for Marik to help him win against Yugi after Marik was able to regain control of his body. Still, he shows traits of a masochist as well by displaying psychotic laughter during his duel with Jounouchi Katsuya when Gil Garth was destroyed and its pain was transferred to him.
Though certainly reliant to a degree on his shadow powers during a duel, Yami Marik was by no means an incompetent duelist; planning ahead in case Yami Yugi survived the attack of "Ra" by using his Egyptian God Slime to complete his strategy of immortality and do a follow-up with "Jam Defender" to make it the only monster Yugi could attack (thanks to its ability to regenerate); he also knew more about the abilities of "Ra" than Marik and he outwitted his alter ego and Yami Bakura by changing most of the cards in his deck.
Yami Marik is shown to have difficulties with advanced technology during the Virtual World arc as he was having trouble with a security passcode when he pressed it, only to be denied.
Yami Marik considers himself the "true" Marik, though he largely does not consider himself part of the Ishtar family, referring to Isis and his father as Marik's rather than his.
Upon his first emergence from Marik when he murdered Marik's father, he explained the pain of Marik's past as if it were his own, though he did not actually experience the events himself; he merely birthed from them, after which he laughs upon recounting it, and explains that it is the trauma that dominates Marik.
Yami Marik can only emerge from Marik when the latter is filled with rage, though during the time of his second emergence, he managed to acquire enough power to bypass his restriction. As a Tomb Keeper, Yami Marik is capable of using the Millennium Items and the Egyptian God Cards, and subsequently creating the Shadow Games. As a result of winning a Shadow Game and inflicting a Penalty Game on his opponent, his power increases.
Yami Marik was "born" from the pain and suffering that Marik had endured when he was forced to take the scarification ritual to become a full-fledged Tomb Keeper at ten years old by his father. A year later, after Marik's forbidden trip to the surface, Marik returned from his trip having realized that his departure had been discovered, and was horrified to see his father torturing Rishid to a presumed death. Rishid's state enraged Marik, allowing Yami Marik to take control. Though he thanked his father for dealing with Rishid, Yami Marik proceeded to resist his father's punishment on himself and claimed the Millennium Rod for himself. Ignoring his father's orders to put the item down, Yami Marik used its powers to smash him against the wall. When his sister Isis protested for him to stop, he blasted her back and froze her in place. Yami Marik then proceeded to murder his father. He prepared to kill Rishid next, but Rishid was able to rouse himself, his presence calming Marik down and sealing Yami Marik away in Marik's body. It is never stated whether or not Yami Marik subconsciously removed Marik's guilt as he had done in the manga.
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