#also saying he calls them mammaw/pappaw in private or around friends
schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
Headcanon time!
Taylor and Tyler both speak hints Spanish and have slight Spanish accents (they arent that noticeable, but enough were you can hear it. it really shines when theyre scared or angry tho), Aiden and Ben both speak Greek (or used to speak for Ben), and for the life of them they can not pronounce certain words(Biscuit = Bis-quet, Disguise = Dis-squise), Ashlyn has an Irish accent and hers is the most noticeable accent of the group, and I’m stuck on Logan. Any ideas?
I hadn't actually really put much thought into accents! But that's actually extremely adorable (especially on Aiden's part).
I have a very specific voice in my head for Logan (and I'm trying to remember what VA/character it is WITH that voice but They're Escaping Me Now), and this headcanon doesn't rly match that At All, but. Maybe he'd be the type to have a really subtle southern/country accent and try his best to hide it? Specifically he'd hide it out of anxiety/out of worry that people would hear how he sounded and assume he was "stupid" or anything else. It'll slip out sometimes (especially if he starts talking fast/around people he's comfortable) with some words but he's pretty good at keeping it masked.
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