#school bus graveyard webtoon
womp-womp-waa · 2 days
I need fics with people talking about Aiden's depression
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bugg-onthewall · 1 day
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Smol boy
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thurio-edau · 3 days
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f0rtunes-fool · 3 days
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catpeaches · 3 days
Please help
red added a few more days to school bus graveyard am so done for😢
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I'm in the worst state of mind imaginable but I've just seen red's story and It's so funny
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kalcium-yippee · 3 days
Ben Angst go brrr
When he woke up he was nowhere. 
Or somewhere? Had to be somewhere.
Everything was confusing; he felt dizzy, like his brain was going to leak out of his ears at any second. He had to center himself, just for a moment. The drained walls of the facility pierced into his skull; he couldn’t see right. His breathing couldn’t keep up with his body, but he managed to set himself straight, if just for a moment. ‘Where am I?! Where the hell am I?!’ Ben’s thoughts continued to race with the same words over and over and over and over. He gripped the sheets of the bed below him, ‘am I back in the hospital?’ Ben felt sick to the pit of his stomach. ‘I can’t be back there. I can’t be back. I can’t be back…’ Logically, Ben knew that he wasn’t back in the hospital, last he remembered, he was back at the school. At the school. At the…school. He was drugged. Some men plowed in and drugged him; they got Logan and Taylor, and then all memories since then faded away. ‘I didn’t do anything... I was out immediately... Why did it happen?... I should have done something. What if I- I could have… I- maybe, if…but..’ He couldn’t get his thoughts straight; the moment of clarity delved into rage.
‘I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person anymore, I’m not an angry person, I’m not an angry person, I’m not an angry person, I’m not an angry person, I’m not angry I’m not angry I’m not angry I’m not angry I’m not angry I’m not ANGRY.’ His fist hit smack against the tiled wall. Nothing happened. His knuckles hurt. Nothing happened. Something needs to happen. 
A sense of what felt like acid bubbling in his stomach started creeping its way up his throat. His thoughts were everywhere but where they needed to be. He immediately stood up and kicked his bare foot into the bed frame. Nothing Happened. His foot hurt. Nothing happened. ‘Something needs to happen’. He was swiftly blind with rage. The shaking feeling in his fist wouldn’t cease. He looked around and stomped towards the wood table, keeping tears back.. ‘I can’t do this, I need to sit down.’ he tried to remind himself but it was hopeless. He grabbed the table and threw it. He didn’t know in what direction. He just heard it hit the wall and a rush shivered up his spine. He reached for anything in his blurred view. Anything at all. He didn't even know what he was grabbing; he was just throwing and throwing. Ripping out dresser drawers, tearing up a sheet, kicking pillows. He grabbed the frame of the bed and lifted it. He tried to scream but nothing happened. 
It seems he forgot how. 
He slammed his head into the still held up bed frame, ‘why am I still like this.’ A tear worked down his face, he hastily wiped it off with one arm and with all the strength he could muster, he flipped the entire bed over, the icing on his disaster of a cake. “why” He barely said in a whisper. The sound of his own twisted, disgusting voice sent him a step back, he practically fell to his knees, he saw his reflection in the tiled floor and just started punching the ground. ‘whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy’ his thoughts kept repeating over and over again. Why did he have to be bullied? Why did he have to be beat? Why did he have to say goodbye to his passion? Why did he have to get stuck fighting Phantoms every night? Why did he get taken out? Why did he not manage to fight back? Why was he here? Why…..’why am I angry’.
He looked at his reflection on the floor. There was a bit of blood on his knuckles and dripping over his miserable reflection. Ben stood up and took a few steps back. He looked at the masterpiece the monster inside him made. The shaking feeling in his fist was gone. He sighed. Back against the wall, he slid down to the floor and sat in guilt and shame. ‘why’.
Absolute yap fest, hope you enjoyed😭🙏
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primalmagic · 1 day
when horror movies become therapy
it's been a year after the webtoon's final events, and the gang still can't watch real horror movies.
OR a sbg future au consisting purely of fluff, sleepovers, and, well, horror movies.
You would think, that one year later, things would have settled down. That everyone would be trying to get their lives back together, figure things out, and leave the past far, far, behind them.
The truth could not be farther from that.
The six of them have huddled together on Ashlyn's slightly bouncy couch, watching a crappy horror movie that was way too loud and way too flashy.
Watching horror movies had become a tradition between them, like a "take that" to everything they'd been through. It was a slow climb, sure, but it was something to do, and it made them all feel a little bit accomplished. Not being scared of another movie felt like giving a middle finger to the horror movie they lived through- almost like a step towards being... normal again.
Plus, they got to do it together.
"Someday," Taylor mutters, "We'll have the guts to go and watch a real horror film without freaking out."
Aiden snorts, shifting on the couch to avoid being squished between Tyler and Ashlyn. "Please, you wouldn't last ten seconds in an actual movie theatre."
She flicks him in the shoulder and sighs in pretend exasperation, "Please, you didn't last ten seconds in an actual movie theatre." She retorts, raising her eyebrows.
Aiden looks away, slightly red and embarrassed, "That was like, three months ago! And it was scary, okay? The ghoul thing looked like a phantom. There's no way you weren't scared too."
She can't deny that she'd also been freaking out, but Aiden's vocal reaction had made the entire group laugh for hours. He'd gotten up on his chair and screamed curses at the theatre screen, then spider-jumped two rows down and bounced outside. No, literally, he was practically hopping, flailing his arms and running out the door like an Olympic sprinter. He denies it, for some reason, justifying it with a flick of his hand and an insistence of it being only for the dramatics.
"Never said we weren't scared," Ashlyn blurts, grabbing a handful of sweet-and-salty popcorn out of an oddly geometrically decorated bowl, "Just sayin' that you didn't need to run out like Logan did when we first met him."
Logan squawks indignantly, "I did not run when I first met you!" He gets up to snatch some popcorn from Ashlyn's bowl, and makes an unpleasant face when he pops one into his mouth. "God, this is like if table salt and caramel had a baby, and then left it alone in a cornfield for a century."
"It's delicious," Ashlyn frowns, "You're taste buds are just deformed."
"Guys," Tyler groans, "Can we just watch the fucking movie?"
Aiden leans over to ruffle his hair, causing Tyler to squeak and try to move away. "Aw, poor Tyler," He snickers, "I think he's enjoying the movie. We should all be quiet and let him watch it, then."
"I'm not!" He protests, because the film is terrible and it would be incredibly embarrassing to enjoy it, "I just want you guys to shut up."
Taylor frowns, "No you don't," She declares, definitively.
He groans, "Either you guys watch the movie and shut up, or you turn off the movie and complain about disfigured salt babies for hours. There is no in-between."
Ben types something on his iPad and raises it for the rest to see, Both, please, and thank you. He smirks slightly, clearly proud of pissing Tyler off.
He groans, "You guys are exhausting, I'm leaving. I have to get to practice early tomorrow anyway."
"No!" Aiden screams, launching himself at the tired boy, "You are not allowed to leave, buddy. You are being held hostage by the Phantom Busters, please do not rebel in any form or way."
"I... plead the fifth?" He blinks, knowing that there isn't any way out of this.
"We're having a sleepover," Logan declares, "No negotiations necessary. Or allowed."
Tyler rolls his eyes, but his irritated persona is broken when he smiles, "Yeah, sure, fine, whatever."
Ashlyn grabs another handful of popcorn, "You know, you do have to ask the person whose house it is if you want to have a sleepover, right?"
"Nope," Aiden shrugs, "But I asked your mom already."
She snorts, throwing a piece of popcorn at him, "When the hell did you do that?"
It lands in Taylor's hair, and she swats it off quickly.
"Like, right before we started the movie? You just didn't see me 'cause I'm a fucking ninja," He finger-guns her and swirls around, "Now, if you will excuse me, I must notify my parents that they are free of another morning with me."
The movie has stopped playing, and when Ashlyn finally notices, she furrows her eyebrows, "When the hell did the movie turn off?"
Ben waves the remote and throws it to Aiden, who just put his phone down.
"It's been confisticated," Aiden declares, punching his hand in the air like he's holding a gold medal instead of a TV remote.
Logan sighs, "Confiscated," he corrects.
"That's what I fucking said!"
"Whatever," Taylor waves him off, "We can finish the movie tomorrow. You guys want to play charades?"
"Can I be a clown?"
She sighs, "It doesn't work like tha-"
"Don't worry, Aiden, you don't need to pretend," Tyler grins, then ducks away from the popcorn kernel Aiden chucks at him.
"I hate you," He snaps back, with no heat behind his words.
"Ditto," He replies, still basking in the warmth of Aiden's rage.
The blonde calms down rather quickly, or at least he hides his anger as fast as possible. "You know what, thank you. I am a wonderful clown and as I stand here today, I demand justice for all the clowns in the world! You have wronged them, Sir Tyler of the Hernandez." He bows dramatically.
Taylor wheezes, "I need to get that printed on a T-shirt, oh my god."
Aiden nods rapidly, "Oh my god, absolutely, we need matching T-shirts and like, earrings."
You don't even have your ears pierced. Ben types, sharing an amused glance with Logan.
"What about the clip-on things? We could totally get that!!"
Tyler flops back onto the couch, nearly knocking into Logan, who pushes him away lightly. "Aiden, you have too much energy right now, and it's almost midnight. Can we sleep now?"
Aiden looks at him like he's insane, "Who goes to sleep during a sleepover?"
"Me. Good night, Aiden," Tyler smiles, amused.
"Fine," He grumbles, "Let's get the sleeping bags out."
The fact that they all had sleeping bags at Ashlyn's house only proved that they had slept over way too many times to count. Not that she minded though, it was nice having people around, and now that she was comfortable with them, it was almost relaxing.
Sure, it got tiring sometimes, but it was a small price to pay.
Besides, without them, who else would she watch horror movies with?
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niredsw · 2 days
The only reason Ashlynn accepted to interact with the infected was because she felt guilty. She thought it was all her fault, Tyler and Aiden dying, Logan getting hurt, the gang starting to turn into phantoms… She thought it was all her fault. They ended up in this terrible nightmare only because of her. She never showed but ever since Tyler said it was her fault that they ended up there, she believed it. Every. Single. Word.
When she got hurt by that phantom on the ceiling, she felt guilty and selfish for getting hurt, that meant she would be a problem, a burden to them until they got to the graveyard again. She felt terrible when Tyler flew out of the car and died, just because she didn't turn back to save him. She should have heard the ceiling collapse before everyone, she was the one with the super-hearing afterall, but no. She didn't hear it on time and Aiden died. All because of her…
So there she is, sacrificing herself so her friends would be safe, getting almost killed just because she feel like she deserved it..
No. She didnt deserve to die yet, not when the others are still in danger. It was her fault, and she couldn't die before they find a way to escape. She didn't deserve to die, she needed to get them ot of this mess just like she dragged them in. That was when she felt the phantoms get control of her, that was when she opened a rift for the secod time, that was when she realised how she could get them out of this world, she needed to sacifice herself and close the rift from inside after they get out. There was no escape for her, and she was glad there wasn't. She didnt deserve it anyways..
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yaay its finished, maybe i did a little vent in this, maybe i did not, you could neve know..
anygays i officially joined the war!
@moonbiine @womp-womp-waa i learned from the best
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womp-womp-waa · 2 days
Aiden was jealous of Ben. That's right Aiden Clark is jealous of his own cousin. Look at how awful he is. Being jealous of his cousin who's gone through so much pain. His cousin who was bullied, who lost his voice, who has loving parents, who has a sister, who had people there for him.
How dare Aiden be jealous of his own cousin, how selfish could he possibly be?
He loved Ben, of course he did. But there was always that jealousy that Aiden covered up with his love and admiration for his cousin. None of the love he gave Ben was a lie, he just never told him how he truly felt. Such is his nature
He knows his cousins been through so much pain and deserves all the love he receives. But doesn't he deserve this love too? Hadn't he been through pain? Sure it wasn't physical pain, but it was still pain. Maybe if he did feel physical pain then his parents would pay attention of him, maybe then they would come home. If he hurt himself would that make him worthy?
He wished his parents would love him. Perhaps I'm another life. Maybe in another life he was worthy to be loved
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bugg-onthewall · 3 days
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Silly doodle from class
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thurio-edau · 2 days
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love yall sbg tumblr<3
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clownin44 · 1 day
Guys I'm not a strong reader I'm not reading all these
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arcaneafterhours · 1 day
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just a little sketch i wanted to get out
surprised i havent seen this idea yet JSJ
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Sometimes, I wonder what SBG would be like if it were set when the six were in college?
Taylor and Ashlyn meeting because they're roommates, and Taylor being excited to meet a new friend whilst Ashlyn is keeping to herself and listening to music all the time.
Aiden coming to meet Ben after a lecture and meeting Logan (and freaking him out).
The Sorrell Weed House trip being for a history credit they need and it being the easiest and quickest way to get it.
The Crane people (I forgot their name) being a mix of students and teachers like some sort of college cult.
Tyler already having a scholarship and finding it harder and harder to keep it with the lack of sleep he's getting.
Aiden not actually going to school but having to find excuses to stay around the campus so he and the group can plan and strategize.
Ben spending hours searching in the library or scouring the internet for answers as to what's going on.
Ben's bullies haze him and him having to watch so many new students go through it before he flips his shit.
The crew being so done with the phantoms in the middle of finals week they spend the whole night studying whilst in the phantom realm.
Rumours going around that they're drug addicts and that's why they all look tired.
I'm glad Red set it in high-school years but sometimes I wonder how it would change the plot
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