#also sorry for being so inactive here 😔 I have a lot going on in my life atm
sparfloxacin · 3 months
hiiiiii helloooo 💞
I know it's not the same scarf but it's a similar scarf and that's good enough for the delulu and yet another proof of Aleksi's ollification (that whole outfit is tbh) 🥰
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have a great week!! <3
hellooo 💗 look at himmm 🤧 that is such an Olli outfit Allu is wearing and that was literally my first thought when I saw the scarf 😫
I can’t believe he’s like this, I swear I have never seen him wear a scarf before until now 😭 baby’s down bad (without even realizing it) 🤧💞
hope you have a lovely week as well 💗💞💓💕💖💘
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pepperbox · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the Trigun reboot?
the big tl;dr is that i'm enjoying it a lot!! there are a couple things that i'm like, not suuuuper thrilled about but overall: it's a yes from me!
(for clarity, i was a huuuuuge fan of the '98 anime and watched it with my mom as a kid! i read trimax later in life and adored that, and now the og anime is like. fine?? but comparatively falls flat for me now as an adult in my 30s. i've rewatched the anime only once as an adult but i've reread trimax uhhhhh three times in the past year alone lolol)
i'm gonna bullet point this bc that's just how my brain works best:
i love the animation! there have been a few instances where it felt off, but overall it's been a feast for my eyeballs
I'M SORRY BUT I LOVE THE NEW VASH DESIGN transmasc icon, he's perfect. i am absolutely not biased, ignore my undercut--
also it updated his look for the 2000s?? the broomhead was a Look in the 90s but it's so dated now i'm SORRY LMAO
also who out here is making hair gel on this fucking desert planet, i s2g,
the inclusion of roberto at first i was kinda ??? about but i quickly adjusted to him, esp as he started throwing soon-to-be-dead-mentor flags all over the fucking place. he cracks me up but i'm legit just waiting at this point for him to die to further meryl's development and to pass the torch derringer on to her
i do hope millie makes an appearance for meryl (so they can be girlfriends, as is only right) but her absence really doesn't break trigun for me bc uhhhh y'all, her and meryl have relatively minor roles in trimax and straight up disappear for like, volumes at a time
also i really hated her random romance with wolfwood in the 98 anime even as a kid and i will never forgive it for that
but ymmv!!!
i do think the pacing is a bit fast and i wish they either had longer episodes or more episodes to let it breathe a little! not entirely plot-wise because i actually like the reveals so far we've gotten because it's keeping even long time fans guessing for what's coming, but just for the relationships between the characters
like i would like more casual interactions between the four protags, and more vash & wolfwood getting to know each other before we jumped right to them butting heads so aggressively over morality and killing
but i do love that it also heavily showcases the consequences of vash's actions (or inaction)
because as meryl pointed out during the nebraska fight, he isn't actually doing anyone a kindness, he's just running away from pain
i am also sad that they took wolfwood AND livio's tits by the looks of it
rip 😔
also i am. not thrilled about elendira? i was really excited to see my wife on screen but instead they did that to her :(
i am curious about where the story is going to go!! because lost july hasn't happened yet but we're walking towards it, but when?
is it going to be mid-season? is it going to be the end of s1 if we're getting more than one season? will there be a time skip?
will [redacted manga spoilers] arrive?
will we get to see chronica and domina??
there's still SO much to cover, but i know they're mashing some things together (like jeneora rock was a couple different settings smashed into one, and it seems like the gung-ho guns and the eye of michael are even more woven together??) so we'll see but
BUT YEAH like!!!! i am enjoying it a lot overall!! i have a few gripes with it but i am so fucking happy to be watching trigun again, and as much as i would adore a 1-to-1 trimax adaption like they did with fma, i am really enjoying it being a retelling because i genuinely don't know what's going to happen!! it's fun!! i'm having fun!!
also there's a really emo thought i had about all trigun adaptions just being different lives for everyone and they're just caught in a loop
history doesn't repeat but sometimes it rhymes
i also love the fact that it's screaming that it's a passion project. that people who love the source material are all working on it, with nightow. they're bringing back VAs for both japanese and english versions, fans are animating and voicing it, it's amazing and shows how much love is going into this series, and i'm so glad to be able to experience it again
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livisnotlee · 3 years
1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 14
Hey sorry this took me a bit. For the sake of time I’m gonna go into less detail this time haha. Thanks for sending these!
1. Would you rather be more or less ticklish?
Definitely more ticklish, from my experience I like the sensations that come along with it so I want more of that even if it’s torture. It would probably also level the playing field more for any of the tickle fights I get into, which is fun and being more vulnerable would mean I would have to ask less, yay!
2. Do you have any melt spots?
I think my lower belly is the one of the only ones I can think of, thought it would be a regular spot for a while but tried it out and didn’t tickle that much. Definitely felt nice though.
3. Lers/switches, what’s your favorite spot to tickle?
Probably the sides, tum and armpits. They’re all pretty easy to reach and in close proximity to eachother. I especially love poking the sides, you can get such an adorable reaction from just one poke and I love it heheh.
8. Do you have any unusual ticklish spots?
Ok so this is weird but a while ago I tried one of those head masager things on my buttcheeks haha. They were pretty sensitive but haven’t really had much other experience to back that up, other than that maybe around the boobs? Tmi? Sorry 😅
12. Favorite tickle fic/gif/piece of art?
Aaaaa it’s hard to choose a just one cause they’re all so good! I like a lot of the Sanders sides fics, especially the ones by @inconveniently-placed-cactus or @oliviaischillin1204 and I think @fluffymary’s art is really good! There so much more stuff that I can’t specifically name right now but oh my god this community is so creative and talented I am living for it! To all my t-content creators out there, I respect you and appreciate you all so much 💖
13. Tag someone you want to tickle
Hmm for these two I’m not that sure cause I don’t really follow that many people, and I know even less haha. I guess the people who I would want to tickle are; @buubletealee @twordyfluffytrash and @squeaky-n-blushy.
14. Tag someone you want to be tickled by
And for who I’d like to be tickled by; @switchyglitch sounds like a really cool ler but he’s been inactive for a while now though so other than him @thebest-medicine and maybe @theanonymantickle.
And I think that’s it. Sorry if I’ve tagged anyone who doesn’t wanna be tagged, and hopefully my grammar’s ok haha. Gonna go to sleep now cause it’s 1:30 over here and I have school tomorrow 😔. Have a good day/ night wherever you are and stay safe.
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