#altho.....i still don't know what her choice will be on virmire. SCREAM
I'm like halfway through Noveria with my new shep rn, after that it's just Virmire left (friggin YIKES), and what it has taught me is that Kassandra, miss goody-two-shoes following the rules Alliance postergirl, is in fact hanging on to her sanity by a thread. She is hinged but BARELY. She actually has so much bright, burning rage and contempt inside her at all times, and the only reason she's still a perfect Paragon is because nothing has made her snap yet (and she's clinging to those hinges for dear life).
She's spent this whole game so far trying to convince Garrus that The Lawful Way is the Right Way, so it's gonna be really funny if she goes off the rails in ME2
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apparently my screenshots from Port Hanshan are. MIA???
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