#amita // ❦ meta ❦
unboundpower · 1 month
amita's canon good ending: becomes a type of eternal dragon (for the people)
amita's canon bad ending: turns into a sc|p-682 (against the people)
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unboundpower · 3 months
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Delayed Onset Ki Disorder is very interesting and I wish they expanded upon it more. And established more ki-based illnesses or injuries. Give my "the Triclops as a group have the most knowledge regarding ki out of all Earthlings" headcanon extra fuel.
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unboundpower · 5 months
i also want to draw amita wearing cute clothes & outfits. because she deserves cute things.
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unboundpower · 1 month
Which of your OCs could ride a Nimbus?
YAAAAAAY I saw you (I assume you're the same person) sending out asks like this to my moots and I was wondering if you'd send me one too 👉🏾👈🏾 Thank you!
Amita - Well...she actually can't. At least not initially. Her problem would be that her heart is too full of discord to be pure. If Nimbus could talk, they'd probably say "you got the spirit but you need to get your act together" to her. But whenever she does try to tackle her emotional baggage and establish a sense of self-esteem for starters, then I think she could (eventually) ride Nimbus then. Basically needs to purify herself.
Morfna - Yes I think, though what "pure of heart" would mean for a Metamoran is interesting to think about...
Wendy - Also a yes! His character essence is a bit similar to Goku's ngl.
Mei - Uhhhhhh...I actually don't know. Considering "pure of heart" doesn't inherently mean one is a benevolent, do-good person...I guess she could. She enjoys being a thief, but she only steals from royalty or rich people (in more modern times), so!
Yu - Despite being the cosmic embodiment of Menace Energy™, she can! Because at her core, she is a pure being. Basically composed of neutral energy tied to a physical vessel. She can also be described as "semi-sapient" as well. Nimbus ironically wouldn't find much to judge her on.
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unboundpower · 4 months
What Amita's pokemon team would be because Pokebrainrot™ -
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unboundpower · 4 months
IDEA: Amita becoming a fan of Ribrianne & her idol group because of their cutesy aesthetics and bangin music. The process would probably be difficult since they're based on another planet pretty far from Earth, but she would def get some of their merch.
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unboundpower · 5 months
A sudden thought that surprisingly makes a lot of sense to me:
Amita is very ki-sensitive, which is fairly normal for a Triclops - however in her case she's more sensitive to the nuances surrounding one's ki signature. Just like how blood can show a lot about what's going on in the body on a physical level, ki can give a glimpse into the more abstract qualities of a person's inner workings.
But all of that aside, Amita honestly feels drawn to ki signatures that are very powerful. You could say she has a love of strength, but not in any militaristic "might makes right" way; just in the perspective of how someone would admire a good work of art. Along that vein, she's not all that charmed by those who have powerful ki, but their callous personalities and/or mentalities leave much to be desired. They're just intimidating or frightening at that point.
This is the reason why she developed an attraction towards Vegito initially, his immensely strong ki + his amicable personality (his looks also helped), though it wouldn't have been strong or significant enough on its own for her to want to pursue an exclusive relationship with him. Them getting to know each other better and building up chemistry is what allowed her fondness to bloom and for that to occur.
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unboundpower · 5 months
Realization: With z!amito Amita would be a lot stronger going into Super's events since she met Vegito way sooner and thusly would have been training with him for a lot longer compared to she in their relationship's Super verse. Maybe I'm biased but I think she would def be ToP-worthy level, and Vegito would 100% invite her to be a part of their team🥰🥰 (In this AU, uhhhh I guess Buu can fall asleep and leave the slot open for her. Don't have the heart to cut Yamcha.)
That of course could lead to some tasty Battle Couple™ moments.......hehehehe.
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unboundpower · 2 months
For the Three Eye Clan's / Triclops' culture, I take inspiration mainly from Hinduism and Taoism. I won't be portraying one-to-one copies of traditions or practices of course, but general ideas of certain beliefs in them will probably show now and then.
Hinduism will likely have a bigger focus overall, considering canon wasn't being subtle at all with Tien's introduction + his unique abilities.
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unboundpower · 2 months
Considering I changed Vegito to be fully Z based in his main verse, I guess that means he moved in with and has been living with Amita (because he was basically homeless beforehand)...he does still end up getting a capsule house though ("generously" given by Bulma). But instead of it being his primary abode, he treats it like a vacation home he and Amita use whenever they travel. Beats having to rent a hotel room.
EDIT: Btw, Amita's placement in the timeline is fluid - but when it comes to Z, she actually went to the Cell Games and met the squad for the first time there. Cell was even so caring enough to sic a Cell Junior on her as well! She barely managed to incapacitate it, and left since Goku sincerely requested her to. He, Gohan, + the others had personal business with Cell and he didn't want her to get involved (and likely killed; she was the weakest fighter there but still hella stronger than Hercule lmao).
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unboundpower · 2 months
Trope - All your fusions, Amita, and GOKU
Tropes! // accepting
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No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction!
When you get so immensely strong, there will come a point where you plateau and find yourself not being challenged anymore. Vegito adores fighting, but after years of not having any opponents who actually pushed him, it did cause him to lose a little passion for it. He struggles with staying motivated, and more so just exercises than trains most days. Whenever he spars, it tends to be with his kids in the idea of mentoring them. Naturally, the circumstances are a bit different in his DBS verse.
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Deadpan Snarker!
Gogeta can be, and often is, a sarcastic person. But he behaves like such in a very blunt, almost emotionless way that it can come off as him just blatantly insulting someone. He does it mainly for the sake of amusing himself, but seeing others around him also get amused makes it even better.
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Hermit Guru!
Four isn't some ancient, wise spirit or anything...but he knows a lot about the more intricate workings of the body and mind. He has a lot of experience, personal and otherwise, in those fields as well. Should someone stumble across him out near his home in the forest, and they happen to be curious to learn more about ki, they'll probably find his knowledge very valuable.
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Misunderstood Loner With A Heart Of Gold!
Amita doesn't initially come off as the friendliest person, nor is she that sociable in the first place, and there have been many instances over the years of people labeling her a bitch or calling her vindictive. But there have also been people who have gotten to know her a little more who ended up being surprised by how...soft she actually is. Even sweet. She even can do or say off-putting things, but who she is as a person is about the opposite of it all. It's complicated and there is a point (however unconscious it may or may not be) to her behavior, but people who don't like to make assumptions will eventually be rewarded for their patience.
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Innocently Insensitive!
Goku was raised on a mountain by a single old man. After he died, Goku continued to live on his own up until his pre-teen years. He's not the most socially competent, nor is he a charismatic master with wordplay. He tends to point out or remark on things that others may find insulting or offensive. However, Goku usually never means harm! Most times, he won't even recognize he said something upsetting until the other party either tells him or reacts in a negative way.
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unboundpower · 2 months
So if I said that Amita's spirit is "half" Eternal Dragon, how would y'all feel about that-
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unboundpower · 2 days
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If Amita ever met Zamasu and "Goku Black", she would genuinely want to kill them both. Not that she's capable of it in her main canon (yet), but the hateful bloodthirstiness will be palpable.
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unboundpower · 3 months
Still need to think more and do some further research, but for now I can say that the Triclops' traditional martial arts are based off of Thekkan Kalari and Baguazhang. Consists mostly of hand-to-hand combat, circular movements, evasive maneuvers, open handed/palm strikes, and focus on hitting an opponent's pressure points.
It's mainly a self-defense art tied to the clan's culture and not meant for full offense, but a user can cause impairment or internal injury in someone through attacking a pressure point, as that will disrupt or outright stop the flow of ki through the connected meridians in that area. It can range across temporarily preventing usage of an arm or leg, to stopping the heart. In general, the hits - should they connect - tend to sting or hurt a lot.
All Triclops are informed on where the pressure points typically are across many types of bodies (human, humanoid, & animal) in Earth's population, but Amita is currently the only Triclops alive who can actually see them and the meridians. As a result, her strikes tend to be highly accurate.
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unboundpower · 5 days
Tell me three HCs you have about the Triclopses (is that the plural? idk man). These can be ones you haven't gotten to talk about yet or ones you've mentioned before but have thought more on and have more to add. How do these apply to Amita, specifically?
So I've talked about how neat I think it is that the Triclops are canonically (as canon as outside official sources are) descended from alien life. I've struggled to add more to that in a way that doesn't come off as contrived or...overpowered-ish? But hell, Saiyans are the only alien race in canon who has transformations & power-ups & history worth a damn, so why not show love for a different race that's gotten literally nothing? Here's some of what I have so far:
1) The Triclops are descendants of a race - the Selenians - who were humanoids but had many draconic affinities, mainly out of symbolism as they worshipped their own Eternal Dragon. Or rather, the "Shadow" Dragon fragments of it since those dragons saved their civilization from total collapse because of their constant in-fighting & eventual abuse of their dragon balls; which resulted in the "Shadow" Dragons being created in the first place.
I got the label Selenian from this: Selenicereus ("Selenicereus, sometimes known as moonlight cactus, is a genus of epiphytic, lithophytic, and terrestrial cacti. A number of species of Selenicereus produce fruit that is eaten. The fruit, known as pitaya or pitahaya in Spanish or as dragon fruit, may be collected from the wild or the plants may be cultivated"). It's a roundabout pun for dragon fruit and them having dragon gods basically. There's also the "selene" aspect of it that applies to them / the Tricolps in the abstract sense that they're otherworldly to Earth yet they're closely associated with it, like the moon's relation to Earth. This is part of the reason why I've added the moon as an aesthetic to Amita's kit.
2) Some remnants of their ancient culture still exist in Dagi Village (my headc Triclops' sole dominant domain since they apparently live very secluded from Earth's general population - also I got Dagi from "dagian") through their mythology, but primarily in how they have a mysterious orb that no one knows the origin of, but it's always been their greatest "sacred treasure". It's regarded as holy and villagers occasionally pray to it - Amita once having done so herself as a child.
3) The Triclops' ancestors, when they touched down on Earth, are who primarily brought the existence of ki and ki control to earthling awareness. Harnessing one's life force was like second nature to them, and through mingling & osmosis, knowledge of ki was slowly spread around the planet. Only those who both believed in it and could actually achieve it kept the art alive, which were the minority, so it's become a "paranormal" belief nowadays and isn't openly practiced. The knowledge has persisted throughout generations for the Triclops though, so children are given far greater lessons than they would find anywhere else on the planet. For this reason, Amita has a very potent degree of ki control that probably even rivals high levels like Goku's, and the strength of her ki is in fact greater than her physical body's strength (in her current canon). This has been a sharp double-edged sword for her in her life.
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unboundpower · 9 days
Pokémon personality quiz!
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Grass is super appropriate for Amita, as are those subtypes. Meowscarda and Decidueye tied but both of them are pretty fitting for her too! A lot of those other matches do as well (Dusknoir tho 👀).
Very neat and fun quiz! The next Mystery Dungeon game should take notes.
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