#and Heon has to tighten the leash!!!!!!!
theinfinitedivides · 5 months
we're still not recovered when it comes to Ji Yong and his rabid dog tank status but notice how he only gets really worked up when mf*cker Eom tells Heon to kill him bc he'll reward him. it's almost like he knew daddy cop's boss was a f*cker of specific proportions + treated daddy cop like sh*t and so he used him to poke at him but he didn't know the scale of those specific proportions where said f*cker can now be at the point with his f*cking face nearly beat in and still consider Heon as a tool to be used. like that's all he is, someone to be tided over with the promise of a little extra gain under the table Ji Yong saw that and said 'if i don't tear your f*cking throat out right now that will be the crime i will go to jail for. not shutting your ass up'
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