#and also like wish folks would cling to the whole ‘historical accuracy’ thing in any way that wasnt just a blatant excuse for bigotry
reading Interview with the Vampire right now and ive been having a lot of trouble getting through it largely due to how insufferable and racist the characters are (tho to what degree anne rice is doing that on-purpose is really hard to tell. im a little skeptical tho). And its really, really making me appreciate even more the AMC series and the earnest conversation it seems to have with the source material and the racism in it. and to some degree with a genre that is incredibly racist itself and largely excludes black voices entirely. honestly so fucking brilliant of the show to make Louis, who in the books is a slaver, a black man in an incredibly racist world who is earnestly and compellingly and furiously reckoning with his world (and his genre and his existential drama and his abusive relationship which is again so clearly tied into and a part of his being a black man). like its clearly made with love towards the original source material but louis (and claudia too) are just such a refreshing take on the vampire genres obsession with ultra-pale slave owners.
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