#and altaïr as the fang gu
teecupangel · 6 months
I was going to make this as a reply in the post but my explanation to @thedragonqueen1998 for the tags was longer than I expected XD
#i mean#look at the bright side desmond#at least it's not secret hitler#or werewolf#oh man#it could have been blood on the clocktower#desmond the bar got off easy XD#<previous tags#Secret Hitler???#EXCUSE ME????#EXPLAIN PLEASE!
Secret Hitler is a social deduction game where the group is separated to liberals and fascists + hitler. (Depending on how many the players are, the number of fascists will also go up, but the main idea is that the liberals should always be the majority) The main point is that the group has to vote for a president and a president has to vote for a chancellor. Then the rest of the group will vote if they like this 'combo' or not. If not, the president goes to the next person (clockwise I think?) until the majority of the votes agree to the current president and their chosen chancellor. The president then gets 3 random cards from the deck which can either be liberal or fascist. Then the chancellor would pick one of the two cards (policies which will be implemented in the flavor of the game). The goal is for one group to pass 6 cards (policies) of their faction before the other side can. That's pretty much the gist of it although there are other win conditions that gets unlocked the more fascists cards are put down on the board (like the president having the one time ability to execute someone and, if that someone is the secret Hitler, the liberals win) or a president electing the secret Hitler as the chancellor if three or more Fascists cards are on the table then the fascists win. The rules and a copy of the game that you can print is free here:
I always assumed it's one of the more common board games but, then again, I do prefer social deduction board games so maybe that's why I know it XD Although you didn't ask, I'll still share cause I really like this game: Blood in the Clocktower can be described as "Werewolf but everyone has powers and can lie and play even after dying" Blood in the Clocktower works with the Werewolf base game that there is a 'demon' among the villagers killing people every night (although there is a demon, Lil’ Monsta, that can't kill and whoever is killed is on the whims of the storyteller) and they have minion(s) to help them and the villagers can execute someone each day until either the villagers execute the demon (minions can be alive at that point) or the bad guys (demon + minion(s)) outnumber the villagers. There's more to it and it is one of the more complicated social deduction game out there and it's better with a more experienced storyteller who can know if they should lend a helping hand to the bad guys or the good guys but it's super fun once you get the hang of it.
Especially if you get one of the most stressful roles like the Saint where if the villagers executes you, your team (good team) loses or the Damsel where if a minion call you out and say you're the damsel in front of the villagers, the bad team wins. There's also the Recluse where powers that can check if you're evil might come up as 'evil' or 'minion'. XD Here's their official site:
And the Blood on the Clocktower wiki that has all the roles and even the rulebook and how to setup a game
If you're curious on how it's played, No Rolls Barred has a lot of Blood on the Clocktower videos. I would recommend Poppygrown if you can only watch one of them because the total chaos of that entire episode was hilarious.
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teecupangel · 11 months
I don't know if any of you guys know Blood in the Clocktower but I've been watching NRB's Blood in the Clocktower series and this plot bunny wouldn't stop banging against my head so here we go.
In a nutshell, Blood in the Clocktower is a deduction game that can be described as like 'Werewolves but on crack'.
All I can think of is a setup where AC characters are playing a homebrew game where Altaïr is the demon and Malik is one of his minions (much to his annoyance).
Altaïr is the Fang Gu which means that if he finds and tries to kill an Outsider at night, he dies instead and the Outsider becomes the next Fang Gu.
Malik is the Pit Hag so he can transform anyone into any roles that's not in use in the game so he just starts transforming everyone into Outsider roles both as a safety net to Altaïr and also so he would have the chance to stop being Altaïr's minion (fingers crossed).
But the kicker is that a Fang Gu automatically adds one Outsider in the game and the Outsider added?
Desmond... as the Damsel. XD
It's a very stressful game for Desmond because:
The evil team automatically knows there's a Damsel in play
If they guess he's the Damsel correctly, the good team loses
There might not even be a Huntsman (if the Huntsman picks the Damsel correctly at night, the Damsel turns into another role and even if he's been guessed by the minions, they won't lose) so Desmond can't trust anyone.
It would be funny if Desmond hardclaimed to someone and it turned out to be Altaïr who is like "Oh, okay, I found my escape route" so Desmond is kept alive for the rest of the game.
Funnier would be if Altaïr just keep picking off characters that aren't Outsiders and the town keeps killing the Outsiders Malik pit hagged so Malik just goes "fuck it" and transforms himself into a Leech or a Zombul and the arbitrary deaths that round would be Altaïr (who is the original demon) and Desmond (to finally give Desmond some breathing room).
Honestly, this is all an excuse to:
Make Altaïr a Fang Gu as a reference to how Fang Gu hopping 'hosts' can be like how the main characters of AC games always changes
Make Desmond a damsel to stress him out because LOOK AT THIS TOKEN:
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Plot Twist: Haytham was the Huntsman all along XD
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