#and cauliflower and oranges and grapes and almond milk on the daily so to get that Freaky type cerial with all the sugar and dye
woodnrust · 1 year
This sucks. What do you mean that changes in diet means changes in stomach bacteria... This is so cruel that I can't have Trix cereal without getting sick to my stomach because my body isn't used to food-dye.... fu ccked up world...
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thisallbearsrepeating · 13 years
Diet Plan!
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1. Find Motivation!! Surround yourself with people who support healthy eating!
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2. Relate Exercise with relaxation. (always change your workout up) I pods and music help too.
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4. Most of your daily carbs and calories should come from fruits and vegetables but of course not all.
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5. Protein Source : egg whites and white fish….(Try to avoid red meat most of the time)
When red meat is cooked its myoglobin turns to metmyoglobins and got grey color as well. According to thinking red meat is obtained from mammals unlike white meat. Red meat contains more fat and grease in it. If we compare red and white meat with respect to their nutrition, we come to know that red meat is full of zinc, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamins B6 and B12, amino acids and iron. Red beef meat is enriched with 11 times more zinc as compared with tuna and 3 time more iron than raw spinach. Seafood - from fish, you get essential fatty acids like Omega 3.  This brain food helps to keep the cells youthful, the mind clear and the body’s salts stabilized.  As your body uses these nutrients, it better metabolizes the fats in your system, so that weight loss is an effect.
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6. Never cook your food in oil, salts, or butter. Try to keep it fresh. ( I use Pam or I can’t believe it’s not butter)
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7. I always stay within 1000 to 1200 calories a day when I’m trying to lose weight…I shift my calories a lot. (Go use a weight loss calculator online to figure out how many calories your body needs to consume a day and subtract it by 550 calories) I use sparkspeople.com and calorie count to track my nutrition and fitness.
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8. To prevent from having any bloating I stay between 800mg to 15mg of sodium a day.
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9. I Only Drink skim milk or unsweetened Almond Breeze
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10.Fat Free Cottage Cheese and (non fat)Chobani yogurt are good in protein and calcium.
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13. Dont eat after 6pm or before 9am. Stay occupied all day. (not there there is anything wrong with eating after or before those hours, and you should if you are hungry. I just don’t because it keeps me from mindfully snacking on food) It also helps me burn the food calories before I sleep.
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14. To stay full throughout the day by drinking lots of water, coffee, and tea. or no calorie low sodium fluids.
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16. Cut out the unnecessary calories ( Ketchup, creamer, mayo, BBQ sauce, salts, condiments etc.)
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18. Starting the day with a half of grapefruit
Citrus Fruits - The vitamin C in oranges is what helps to burn body fats.  Antioxidant C is also a major contributor to a healthy immune system.
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19. When you are having a horrible sweet tooth and you feel like you are going to binge try “Nestle fat free hot coco” its only 20 calories.
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20. Keep Sugar free Gum with you at all times.
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21.ALWAYS track what you put in your mouth, you’ll be surprised what foods are preventing you from losing weight.
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22. Always shoot for one lb to lose, not twenty at a time it helps from being discouraged.
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23.weigh yourself every other day. Remember weight fluncuates.
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24. Also dont deprive yourself give your self a treat once a week ( , whether its your favorite candy bar or a slice of pizza this might even cause you to lose more weight because you will be giving your metabolism something new to break down causing it to work harder and faster.
I used to deprive myself and I formed a period of binge eating which I’m thankful that I am over that period. So believe me do not deprive yourself!
If you are going to eat something bad make sure it stays within your calorie intake for that day!
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25. If it’s past 6pm or you have already reached your calorie count for the day and you are absolutely hungry here are my safe foods to have during those times: * 2 cups of Original Air popped pop corn * Strawberries, Cucumber, Green Beans, Celery, Sugar Free/Fat Free Jello, Lettuce, Green Pepper, Blueberries, Radishes, Broccoli, Egg whites.
apples ~ apricots ~ artichokes ~ asparagus ~ beet greens ~ beets ~ blackberries ~ blueberries ~ broccoli ~ Brussels sprouts ~ buffalo fish ~ cabbage ~ cantaloupe ~ carrots ~ cauliflower  ~ Chinese cabbage ~ chives ~ clams ~ cod ~ cranberries ~ cucumbers ~  Damson plum ~ dandelion greens ~ eggplant ~ endive ~flounder ~ frogs legs ~ garlic ~ grapefruit ~ grapes ~ green beans ~ honeydew ~  lemons ~ lettuce ~ limes ~ loganberries ~ mangoes ~ mushrooms ~ muskmelons ~ mussels ~ mustard greens ~ nectarines ~ okra ~ onions ~ oranges  ~ parsley leaves ~ parsnips ~ peaches ~ pears ~ peas ~ peppers ~ pineapple ~ pomegranates ~ prunes ~ pumpkin ~ quince ~ radishes ~ raspberries ~ red cabbage ~ rhubarb ~ rutabagas ~ spinach ~ squash ~ strawberries ~ string beans ~ tangerines ~ terrapin ~ tomato ~ turnips ~ watercress ~ watermelon
xdiet xfood xadvice
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healthzigzag · 5 years
50 Foods That Are Super Healthy
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Foods That Are Super Healthy
It’s really hard to know which foods are super healthy. A vast number of foods are both tasty and healthy. By filling your plate with quality protein, vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods, you’ll have meals that are versatile, colorful and good for you.
Here are 50 incredibly super healthy foods. Almost all of them are surprisingly delicious.
1−6: Fruits and Berries — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Berries and fruits are among the world’s most popular foods.
These nutritious, sweet foods are very easy to incorporate into your daily routine diet because they require little to no preparation.
Apples are high in vitamin C, fiber and numerous antioxidants. If you find yourself hungry between meals then apples are perfect snacks for you.
2. Avocados
This fruit is different than most fruits because instead of carbs they are loaded with healthy fats. Avocados are tasty and creamy and also high in vitamin C, potassium and fiber.
3. Bananas
Bananas are full of potassium. They are also high in fiber and vitamin B-6, as well as portable and convenient.
4. Blueberries
Blueberries are among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world and one plus point they are really delicious.
5. Oranges
Who doesn’t know that oranges are packed with vitamin C? what’s more, they are high in antioxidants and fiber.
6. Strawberries
Strawberries are low in both calories and carbs but highly nutritious.
They are loaded with manganese, fiber and vitamin C and are arguably among the most delicious foods on the planet.
Other healthy fruits
Other healthy fruits and berries include raspberries, plums, pineapples, pears, kiwifruit, peaches, grapefruit, olives, grapes, melons, cherries, mango, and lemons.
7. Eggs
Eggs are full of nutrients. Previously people think they were high in cholesterol, but a new study shows that they are perfectly healthy and safe.
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8−10: Meats — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Gently cooked, unprocessed meat is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.
8. Lean beef
Lean beef is among the best sources of protein and loaded with bioavailable iron. If you are on a low carb diet, choosing the fatty cuts is fine.
9. Chicken breasts
Chicken breast is low in calories and fat but high in protein. It is a good source of many nutrients. If you are on a low carb diet, again choosing the fatty cuts is fine.
10. Lamb
Lambs meat tends to be high in omega-3 fatty acids because they are usually grass-fed.
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11−16: Seeds and Nuts — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Despite being high in calories and fat, seeds and nuts may help you lose weight.
These foods are filling, crunchy and loaded with important nutrients that many people don’t get enough of, including vitamin E and magnesium. They are easy to add to your daily routine diet because they required almost no preparation.
11. Almonds
Almonds are a popular nut loaded with fiber, magnesium, antioxidants and vitamin E, studies show that almonds can help you improve metabolic health and lose weight.
12. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are high in nutrients. A single ounce packs a significant amount of magnesium, fiber, calcium, manganese and various other nutrients.
13. Coconuts
Coconuts are loaded with powerful fatty acids called medium-chain triglycerides and fiber.
14. Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are full of taste. They are lower in omega-6 fatty acids than most other nuts and much higher in monounsaturated fats.
15. Walnuts
Walnuts are high in nutrients and packed with fiber and various minerals and vitamins.
16. Peanuts
Peanuts are very tasty and high in antioxidants and nutrients. According to different studies, peanuts can help you to lose weight.
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17−26: Vegetables — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Calorie to calorie, vegetables are the most concentrated sources of nutrients. There is a wide variety of vegetables available, and it is very good to eat many different types each day.
17. Asparagus
Asparagus is a very popular vegetable. It is low in both calories and carbs but packed with vitamin K.
18. Bell peppers
Bell peppers come in several colors, including green, yellow and red. They are sweet and crunchy, as well as a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants.
19. Brocolli
Brocolli tastes great both cooked and raw. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber and contains a decent amount of protein.
20. Carrots
Carrots are a famous root vegetable. They are packed with nutrients like vitamin K and fiber. Carrots are also very rich in carotene antioxidants which have decent benefits.
21. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable which tastes good on its own. It can be used in different dishes.
22. Cucumber
Cucumbers are one of the world’s most popular vegetables. They are very low in both calories and carbs, consisting mostly of water. They contain vitamin K in a very small amount.
23. Garlic
Garlic is very healthy. It contains organosulfur that helps to improve immune function.
24. Kale
Kale has become very popular because it is incredibly high in vitamin C, Vitamin K and fiber, and a number of other nutrients. If adds a satisfying crunch to salads.
25. Onions
Onions are very popular in many recipes because they have a very strong flavor. They contain a decent amount of bioactive compounds believed to have health benefits.
26. Tomatoes
Technically tomatoes are fruit but are usually categorized as a vegetable. They are very tasty and packed with nutrients like vitamin C and potassium.
More healthy vegetables
Most vegetables are very healthy. Other worth mentioning include zucchini, turnips, swiss chard, squash, radishes, mushrooms, lettuce, leeks, eggplant, celery, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and artichokes.
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27−32: Fish and Seafood — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Fish and other seafood tend to be very nutritious and healthy. They are especially rich in iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that people who eat seafood regularly have a lower risk of many illnesses, including depression, dementia, and heart disease.
27. Salmon
Salmon is a type of oily fish. It is good in taste and contains a high amount of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and protein, and vitamin D as well.
28. Sardines
Sardines are oily, small fish that are among the most nutritious foods you can include in your routine diet.
29. Shellfish
When it comes to nutrient density, shellfish ranks similarly to organ meats. Edible shellfish include oysters, mollusks and clams.
30. Shrimp
Shrimp is a type of crustacean related to lobsters and crabs. It tends to be high in protein but low in calories and fat. It is also packed with various other nutrients, including vitamin B12 and selenium.
31. Trout
Similar to salmon, trout is a delicious freshwater fish.
32. Tuna
Tuna is very famous in western countries and tends to be low in calories and fat, while high in protein. It is a perfect food for people who need to add more protein to their diets.
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33−35: Grains — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years but some types of grains are very healthy.
Just keep in mind that grains are relatively high in carbs, so if you are taking low-carb diet then not recommended.
33. Brown rice
Rice is the most popular cereal grains. Brown rice is very nutritious, with a decent amount of magnesium, vitamin B1 and fiber.
34. Oats
Oats are very healthy. They are packed with powerful fibers and nutrients, which provide numerous benefits.
35. Quinoa
Quinoa has become very popular in recent years among health-conscious individuals. It’s high in nutrients, such as magnesium and fiber.
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36−37: Breads — Foods That Are Super Healthy
36. Ezekiel bread
Ezekiel bread is very healthy bread. It is made from sprouted, organic whole grains, as well as different legumes.
37. Homemade low carb bread
The best choice for bread may be which you can make at your home by yourself.
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38−40: Legumes — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Legumes contain antinutrients, which can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and digestion. They can be eliminated by proper preparation and soaking. Therefore, legumes are a very good source of plant-based proteins.
38. Green beans
Green beans are very popular in western countries. They are also called by string beans.
39. Kidney beans
Kidney beans are packed with minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Cook them very well because they are toxic when raw.
40. Lentils
Lentils are another popular legume.
They are among the best sources of plant-based protein and very high in fiber.
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41−43: Dairy — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Dairy products are packed with various important nutrients. Full-fat dairy seems to be the best because people who eat full-fat dairy have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Dairy becomes more nutritious if it comes from grass-fed cows, as it is higher in some bioactive fatty acids like vitamin K2 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
41. Cheese
Cheese is very nutritious, as a single slice of cheese may offer about the same amount of nutrients as 240 ml of milk.
42. Whole milk
Whole milk is very high in healthy fats, quality animal protein, minerals, and vitamins. It is one of the best sources of calcium.
43. Yogurt
Yogurt has the same health benefits as milk but yogurt has one extra benefit of friendly probiotic bacteria.
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44−46: Oils and Fats — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Many oils and fats are now marketed as health foods, including many sources of saturated fat that were before demonized.
44. Butter from grass-fed cows
Butter from grass-fed cows is packed in many nutrients, such as vitamin K2.
45. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains high amounts of MCT. MCT helps to lose belly fat and aid Alzheimer’s disease.
46. Extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is very healthy vegetable oil. It is very high in antioxidants and contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
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47−48: Tubers — Foods That Are Super Healthy
Tubers are the storage organs and contain a number of beneficial nutrients.
47. Potatoes
Potatoes contain a little bit of almost every nutrient you need, like vitamin C and packed with potassium.
48. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are very delicious starchy foods you can add in your routine diet. They are packed with antioxidants and other healthy nutrients. Sweet potato is a component rich in beta-carotene.
49. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is very popular in the health community. It can help lower blood pressure and cause weight loss. It is great to add flavor to meals or use as a salad dressing.
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50. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is packed with magnesium and antioxidants.
The bottom line
Whether you simply change up your meals or want to overhaul your diet, it is easy to add a number of these foods to your routine.
Many of the foods above not only loaded with antioxidants and vitamins but also make a great snack. Some of them even help to reduce weight loss.
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Immunity is one such tool that our body owns which can fight against deadly viruses like COVID-19.
Menopause is one of the normalities that occurs in women after a certain age and this leads to decline in immune power. Immunity today is required more of all to older people, to fight off COVID-19. Hence it is imperative to improve immunity during menopause in women today.
COVID-19 is gobbling us up everyday globally, during this human crisis let us do our share to help ourselves.
Here, today you are going to get a note on how menopause and immunity are interdependent and how you can improve your immunity during menopause.
Does Menopause decrease your immunity? 
Yes, the decrease in oestrogen and progesterone, particularly, can result in damaging your immune function. Hence it is necessary to know the importance of immunity while you are under menopause and we shall help you with guidelines to boost your immunity and manage Menopause symptoms. 
How can a Menopausal woman improve their immunity during this pandemic of COVID-19? 
In order to build a strong immunity & protect oneself, it is essential to follow a well-balanced diet & an exercise regime.
A balanced diet includes the following:
The best would be to think about the portions, we call it Truweight Plate Concept that consists of 50% Fibre, 25% Protein & 25% Carbohydrates: 
4 to 5 servings of seasonal fruits (100 g) and vegetables (100-200 g).
40 to 60 grams of protein obtained from food sources like lentils, pulses, beans, eggs and 70-100 gm of chicken or fish. You must add one protein source in each meal you take. 
1-2 servings of Whole grain Phulkas, Millet Bhakri or 1 cup of brown/white rice in each meal.
2-3 tsp of oil can be taken, preferably cold pressed oils or ghee. 
2-3 tsp of roasted seeds like pumpkin, flaxseeds and/or handful of mix nuts can be taken.
How do we ensure we are getting enough Micro-nutrients required for immunity? 
Micro-nutrients are required to prevent damage of cells which play a role in immunity. So below are the micro-nutrients which we should include in our daily routine 
Vitamin C rich Citrus fruits and red bell peppers, Guava, oranges, lemons, papaya, tomato juice can be taken. You can simply squeeze some lemon juice on your recipes of dal, salad bowl, soups, etc.
Kitchen Spices have a plethora of micro-nutrients that can help us fight against infections like cold and flu. Ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and capsaicin (from chilli peppers) are few spices that can be easily added to soups, stews, stir-fry, or salad dressings. 
Foods rich in Zinc like cashews, legumes, whole grains and egg yolks should be consumed since zinc is used as an active ingredient in the cold remedy tablet named Zicam. Zinc has proven to have some virus fighting effects. 
Good gut bacteria can help in improving your immune system. Keep your gut bacteria happy and healthy and it will do the same to you. Eat probiotic-rich foods such as Idli, Dosa, curd, buttermilk, pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir.
Studies suggest that consuming probiotic rich foods also help in reducing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and also help in reducing internal inflammation. 
Magnesium-rich foods may help you to feel calmer and help support immunity. Stress can deplete our magnesium levels too. Food sources are legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains supply your body with said micronutrient 
Antioxidants can help in reducing inflammation. Include Beets, green tea, garlic, spinach.
Can anything help in relieving menopausal symptoms? 
Yes, menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweat, and mood swings can be reduced by including the below foods in your diet.
Phytoestrogens act like a weak estrogen that may ease the symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens are found in plant foods such as flax seeds, soybeans, fenugreek, sprouts, legumes and many other fruits and veggies. 
Soy foods have been the rage lately. Researchers are debating their efficacy against hot flashes. Try adding some fermented soy to your diet like sprouted soybeans (1/4 cup) and tofu (1/2 cup). 
Flaxseeds are particularly good sources of lignans, a type of phytoestrogens. Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chestnuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts are all good sources. You can add flaxseeds to your smoothies or powdered in a soup or make a chutney. Tastes Yum! 
Many fruits and vegetables contain phytoestrogens such winter squash, green beans, greens, broccoli, cabbage, alfalfa sprouts. Dried prunes, peaches, raspberries and strawberries have small amounts of these plant chemicals. 
Another great source of phytoestrogens is found in beans. Beans are beneficial for many reasons including providing good sources of protein, vitamins and minerals including folic acid, minerals and vitamin B-6. For menopause, they provide omega-3 fatty acids (“the right fats”) which may help relieve the hot flashes. Other sources of omega-3s include fish, fish oil, olive oils, flaxseeds and walnuts. 
The trace nutrient Boron is important during menopause because it increases the body’s ability to absorb and hold onto oestrogen and vitamin D. Some fruits and veggies that are good sources of boron and oestrogen include plums, prunes, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges and vegetables cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, soybeans, sweet potatoes. 
Methi Ladoo: Jeera and fenugreek powder (50gm each) can be fried in ghee with little jaggery, made ladoos (10 gm each) and eat one ladoo everyday; this is to cover up all the elemental deficiencies during menopause.
Shall we restrict something? 
Avoid sugary foods, junk food/highly processed food, which can be high in salt and additives as well as sugar that contributes to imbalances in blood sugar and weight gain.
Limit stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and tea which can hinder the absorption of nutrients and produce heat in the body. 
Low salt intake, too much can affect blood pressure and water retention. 
Limit saturated fat which can affect blood lipid levels, the arteries and heart health. 
Avoid spicy foods and hot foods and drinks and these can often make menopausal symptoms worse.
Do I have to take any additional Supplements for Immunity and Menopause? 
Be in touch with your physician over the phone and update your health status. 
If any supplements or medications prescribed by the physician, continue the same. Don’t change the dose of medicines without physicians knowledge. 
Discuss with the physician and take a multivitamin supplement daily one for a month 
You can supplement your diet with OTC probiotic supplements like Darolac or Velgut. 
Take Chyawanprash 1 tsp in the morning. If you have Diabetes, then you can take 0.5 tsp each in morning and evening (There should be a 30 mins gap of your Diabetes medicine intake).
Does Stress play a role in immunity? 
Yes, when we are stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced.
Here is how you can beat that stress
Laughter, yes you read it correct, laughter can help in reducing stress hormones & increasing happy hormones in your body. You can read comics or watch a comedy movie – with your spouse or family for fun, do take care that you do not watch this till late night and compromise on your sleep. 
You can practice some breathing exercises, try doing pranayama. It will help in de-stressing your body and mind. 
You should connect to your distant friends and relatives over a frequent phone or video call to feel connected during these times when human touch is compromised; and overcome the feeling of lockdown. 
It is essential that you keep yourself active and busy; either by indulging in a regular routine of household chores, cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc or you can pursue your long lost hobbies like painting, learning new recipes, knitting, etc since you’re spending most of the time indoors. 
You can play indoor board games, cards, monopoly, etc with your family. 
Take steam inhalation by adding essential oil like Eucalyptus which strengthens your respiratory organ functioning, at the same time it will refresh you. 
You can take steam or hot water baths – twice a day to feel fresh from a lockdown day filled with lethargy. 
Does Sleep play a role in immunity? 
Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who do not get good quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus. Body produces cytokines that are nothing but immunity cells while being asleep.
Here are some tips to help you: 
Keep a regular bedtime and wake up time. Now that you are at home and do not have to travel anywhere, get a good 8 hours of sleep. 
There should be a soothing bedtime routine, minimise time spent awake in bed that means do not carry your mobile phones to bed. You must go gadget free at least 2 hours before sleep time. 
If you find difficulty in getting sound sleep then try following remedies: 
Drink 1 cup of Chamomile tea 
Add pinch of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk, drink this golden milk 
Drink 1 cup of Cashew Cinnamon Milk (Recipe shared below).
Does Exercise play a role in immunity? 
Yes, I am sure you are thinking how exercise can help in immunity. Exercise helps in improving defence activity and metabolic health. No no! you do not need to go out, below are a few exercises that can be done during lockdown. 
Take a walk on your terrace or around the compound wall of your house daily for 15-20 minutes. If you do not have enough space to walk, then just stand at one place and do spot jogging. 
You can start your day by a practice of 10-15 Surya Namaskar, Yoga. It gives you strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness. 
15-20 minutes of stretching exercises can be done in case you suffer from joint pains. 
Meditation and breathing exercises like Pranayama which help in reducing stress. Meditation of minimum 15 minutes can be done on waking up or before bedtime.
 You can check number of exercises on Truweight blog 
Looking for a diet plan to manage Menopause & boost immunity?
TimePlan 1Plan 2Plan 3Plan 4Early Morning1 glass lukewarm water + 1-2 cloves of raw garlicHerbal Tea / Water (1 cup) + Almonds (3) OR Walnuts (2) 1 glass lukewarm water + 1-2 cloves of raw garlic Soaked rice water 1 cup + Almonds (3) OR Walnuts (3) BreakfastBesan Ragi spinach chila / methi thepla (2) + mint chutney + 1 glass buttermilk1 bowl oats porridge + 1 tsp chia seeds + 1 tsp flax seeds + 1 cup sproutsRagi Chila / Pesarattu (2) + Vegetable Chutney (2 tsp) + Tomato Ginger and Mint Juice (1 cup) Brown Rice Idli / Millet Idli (2) + Mint and Coriander Chutney (2 tsp) + Spinach Juice (1 cup) + Vegetable Sambar (1bowl)Mid-Morning1 fruit (70-100 gms) + 4 almonds150-200 ml sattu drink + 4 almonds1 glass chia lemonade + 4 almonds 150-200 ml kokum drink + 4 almondsLunch1 cup dahi kadi + 1 bowl khichdi + 1 cup of any veg curry + 1 bowl salad + turmeric root pickle 2 phulka / bhakri + 1 cup paneer bhurji / 1 cup chicken preparation + 1 bowl salad + 1 glass buttermilk 2 phulka / bhakri + 1 cup veg curry + 1 cup dal + 1 bowl salad + 1 glass buttermilk 2 mix veg stuffed wheat Roti + 1 bowl chana / sprouts curry + 1 cup cucumber raita + 1 tsp pickle 1 cup Green tea + 1 bowl roasted makhana Evening Snack1 cup Green tea + 1 bowl roasted makhana1 cup Green Tea + 1 cup Dry bhel with sprouts1 cup Masala tea add a small piece of ginger + 4 pc dhokla1 cup Green Tea + 1 cup Cowpea Boiled and cooked like Sundal Dinner1 bowl yogurt soup + 1 thalipeeth + 1 tsp vegetable pickle + 1 glass Buttermilk with Ginger powder1 bowl lauki moong dal soup + 1 bowl veg upma 1 bowl veg soup + Any veg Curry 1 cup + Jowar Atta Roti (2) + 1 glass Buttermilk with Saunf PowderDalia with Vegetables 1 bowl OR Besan Chila (2) + 2 tsp Mint Coriander Chutney + 1 cup mix veg raita BedtimeTriphala powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup milk with a pinch of turmeric Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup cashew milk Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup milk with a pinch of turmeric Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup cashew milk
Looking for recipes? 
1. Yogurt Soup
1/2 tsp oil 
1/2 tsp ginger 
2 cup yoghurt 
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder 
2 tsp cumin seeds 
salt as required 
3 cloves garlic 
red chilli powder as required 
3-4 coriander leaves 
1 tsp garam masala powder 
Heat oil in a pan. Once it is hot enough, sauté minced ginger, garlic cloves for a few seconds. 
Add yoghurt along with all the spices and let it cook for at least 3-4 minutes. 
Transfer it in a serving bowl and garnish with coriander leaves before serving. 
2. Turmeric Root & Mango Ginger Pickle in Lemon Juice
150 gms Fresh Mango Ginger 
150 gms Fresh Turmeric Root 
1/3 Cup Lemon Juice (~5 Large Lemons) 
4-5 Green Chillies (optional) 
1/2 tsp Salt 
Using a few drops of oil, grease your palms. This prevents the turmeric root from staining your palms. 
Peel and chop the turmeric & mango ginger into thin slices. You can also julienne them. Cut the green chillies into 1/2′′ pieces. 
Add the mango ginger slices, turmeric root slices, green chillies, lemon juice and salt to a clean, dry, airtight glass bottle. Use a spoon and mix well. Close the bottle and let the pickle rest for 2 days. 
3. Cashew Cinnamon Milk
4-5 cashew 
1 cup milk 
1 pinch cinnamon powder 
Soak cashew in 50 ml milk for 20 mins 
Blend the above ingredients and add the remaining 100 ml milk with a pinch of cinnamon. 
Sleeplessness, memory loss, mood swings, frustration, body pain and what not your body can go through? While the period of menopause starts in you at a certain age, there are a lot of realizations that you go through and that starts with knowing that your immunity is being affected.
With COVID-19 pandemic on the row and still running, immunity has been the major medication for the survivors. This being said, if you are in a period of menopause, you better get going with building up your immunity. If not you, share this with the ones you love and are in menopause.
Menopause does not mean you are getting old, but it is that you have to pause on things that are unnecessary to the body and mind. As a woman you tend to spend most of the time looking after others, but today, it is your duty to serve yourself.
We have listed down certain guidelines here to help you improve immunity during menopause, but the one who can really help you is YOU. Let us start helping us starting today.
The post Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Benefits, Weight Gain, and Meal Plan
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/benefits-weight-gain-and-meal-plan/
Benefits, Weight Gain, and Meal Plan
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A 2,000-calorie diet is regarded as common and satisfies the nutritional requirements of most folks.
Even so, dependent on your activity amount, entire body dimensions, and goals, you might want a lot more.
This article discusses almost everything you want to know about a three,000-calorie diet, such as motives for pursuing a single, what foodstuff to consume and limit, and a sample food plan.
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Your each day calorie requirements are based mostly on numerous aspects, such as:
Gender. Females commonly burn 5–10% less energy at relaxation than guys of the exact same peak (one).
Age. The quantity of energy you burn at relaxation declines with age (2).
Peak. The taller you are, the a lot more energy you want to manage your bodyweight.
Action. Physical exercise and things to do like property perform and fidgeting raise calorie requirements (three).
Daily calorie requirements selection from one,600–2,400 energy for each working day for grownup gals and 2,000–3,000 energy for grownup guys, with the low finishes of the ranges being for sedentary folks and the superior finishes for individuals who are lively (4).
These estimates are based mostly on equations working with an common peak and healthy bodyweight for grownup gals and guys. The reference lady is 5’4” (163 cm) tall and weighs 126 kilos (fifty seven.three kg), whilst the reference male is 5’10” (178 cm) and weighs 154 kilos (70 kg).
Dependent on your entire body dimensions and activity amount, you could involve three,000 energy or a lot more for each working day to manage your entire body bodyweight.
Though athletes commonly have bigger calorie requirements than the general community, folks with bodily demanding employment, these types of as farm laborers and development personnel, might also want a superior quantity of energy to manage their bodyweight.
Conversely, if you complete average physical exercise a several times for each 7 days with very little activity in in between, you in all probability really don’t want that many energy, as physical exercise burns much less energy than most folks believe (5, six, 7)
Components like gender, age, peak, and activity amount influence whether you ought to comply with a three,000-calorie diet.
Although many folks are aiming to drop bodyweight, other folks are wanting to gain it.
Excess weight gain occurs when you consistently take in a lot more energy than you burn each individual working day. Dependent on your activity amount and entire body dimensions, three,000 energy might be bigger than your latest calorie requirements, resulting in you to gain bodyweight (eight).
Why you might want to gain bodyweight
There are numerous motives for seeking to gain bodyweight.
If you are categorised as underweight according to your entire body mass index (BMI), your healthcare company or registered dietitian might suggest that you gain bodyweight.
Alternatively, if you are an athlete, you might want to gain bodyweight — preferably in the form of muscle mass — to complete far better at your sport.
Equally, if you are a bodybuilder or into powerlifting, you might desire to gain bodyweight for improved muscle dimensions and strength.
In other situation, you might have a well being issue that boosts your calorie requirements, these types of as cancer or infection, or be recovering from major surgery (nine, ten).
Secure amount of bodyweight gain
Although experiments on the subject are scarce, an appropriate amount of bodyweight gain is .5–2 kilos (.2–0.nine kg) for each 7 days (11).
Even so, in folks with significant undernutrition, bodyweight gain of about 4.4 kilos (2 kg) for each 7 days has been accomplished properly (twelve).
Fast bodyweight gain might direct to uncomfortable side effects, these types of as bloating, abdomen distress, and fluid retention. If you are an athlete, these side effects can hinder your functionality by negatively affecting your exercise sessions or procedures (thirteen).
What is a lot more, immediate bodyweight gain can raise your triglyceride amounts, which might elevate your risk of coronary heart sickness (14, fifteen).
How quickly you gain bodyweight is dependent on how many energy you want to manage your bodyweight.
If you manage your bodyweight on 2,000 energy for each working day, you will gain bodyweight significantly faster on a three,000-calorie diet than someone who maintains their bodyweight on 2,five hundred energy for each working day.
For example, a single eight-7 days examine confirmed that when twenty five healthy folks ate an added 950 energy over their bodyweight-servicing calorie requirements, they acquired an common of 11.7 kilos (5.three kg) — 7.7 kilos (three.5 kg) of which was unwanted fat (sixteen).
If individuals exact same members ate only five hundred energy earlier mentioned their servicing calorie requirements for the exact same period, they would most likely gain significantly considerably less bodyweight.
For some folks, a three,000-calorie might aid you gain bodyweight. An appropriate, harmless amount of bodyweight gain is .5–2 kilos (.2–0.nine kg) for each 7 days.
The energy in your diet appear from a few macronutrients — carbs, unwanted fat, and protein.
Protein and carbs give 4 energy for each gram, when compared with nine for unwanted fat.
The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) established forth by the Institute of Medication of the Countrywide Academies suggest that folks get (17):
45–65% of their energy from carbs
20–35% of their energy from unwanted fat
10–35% of their energy from protein
The chart beneath applies these percentages to a three,000-calorie diet:
When mixed with resistance schooling, protein intakes on the bigger finish of the AMDR have been demonstrated to minimize entire body unwanted fat gain due to excessive calorie intake and raise muscle mass (18, 19, twenty).
Resistance schooling can promote muscle gain alternatively of unwanted fat gain on a superior-calorie diet (21).
Take in protein all around your exercise sessions, as properly as similarly spaced all through your working day to greatly enhance muscle recovery and expansion (22, 23).
Bigger protein intakes mixed with resistance schooling can aid improve your entire body composition.
Consuming three,000 energy for each working day from entire, unprocessed or minimally processed foodstuff, these types of as fruits, greens, entire grains, healthy fat, and lean proteins, can be complicated.
That is mainly because these foodstuff consist of many vitamins but rather several energy, requiring you to consume a significantly bigger volume of food.
Conversely, it would be rather straightforward to take in three,000 energy from very processed refined foodstuff, these types of as bacon, potato chips, candies, cookies, sweetened cereals, and sugary drinks, as they are very palatable and packed with energy.
But, mainly because these junk foodstuff lack vital vitamins for well being, it’s essential to get most of your energy from wholesome entire foodstuff, such as:
Animal-based mostly proteins: salmon, hen, turkey, bison, entire eggs, and lean cuts of beef, these types of as flank or sirloin steak
Plant-based mostly proteins: tofu, edamame, tempeh, peas, and chickpeas
Grains: oats, rice, breads, pastas, and quinoa
Dairy: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, and Greek yogurt.
Fat and oils: almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, olive oil, and nut butters like all-natural peanut or almond butter
Fruits: avocados, berries, apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes, and so on.
Vegetables: squash, sweet potatoes, peas, kale, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, and so on.
Moreover, protein powders, such as whey, casein, and plant-based mostly powders like rice, soy, or pea, can be extra to smoothies for a nutrient- and calorie-packed snack.
Lastly, mass gainer nutritional supplements, which normally give one,000 energy for each serving, are a handy solution, but it’s ideal to meet up with your calorie and nutrient requirements through diet 1st.
Highly-processed, nutrient-poor foodstuff to keep away from or limit on a three,000-calorie diet include things like:
Fried foodstuff: French fries, onion rings, doughnuts, hen strips, cheese sticks, and so on.
Rapidly food: tacos, burgers, pizza, very hot canines, and so on.
Sugary foodstuff and drinks: soda, sweet, athletics drinks, sugary baked goods, sweetened tea, ice product, sweet coffee drinks, and so on.
Refined carbs: cookies, chips, sugary cereals, pastries, and so on.
If most of your diet consists of entire, nutrient-dense foodstuff, you can love your favourite treats in moderation.
Make confident most of your energy appear from minimally-processed, nutrient-dense foodstuff and reserve sweets and junk foodstuff for the occasional take care of.
Here’s what 5 times on a three,000-calorie diet might seem like.
Breakfast: one cup (eighty grams) of oats with one cup (240 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk, one sliced banana, and 2 tablespoons (33 grams) of peanut butter
Snack: path combine built with one cup (eighty grams) of dry cereal, one/4 cup (30 grams) of granola, one/4 cup (34 grams) of dried fruit, and twenty nuts
Lunch: one cup (one hundred grams) of spaghetti with three/4 cups (183 grams) of tomato sauce and 4 ounces (112 grams) of cooked ground beef, as properly as one medium breadstick with one tablespoon (14 grams) of butter
Snack: one cup (226 grams) of cottage cheese and one/2 cup (70 grams) of blueberries
Dinner: 4 ounces (a hundred and ten grams) of salmon, one cup (one hundred grams) of brown rice, and 5 asparagus spears
Breakfast: smoothie built with 2 cups (480 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk, one cup (227 grams) of yogurt, one cup (140 grams) of blueberries, and 2 tablespoons (33 grams) of almond butter
Snack: one granola bar, one piece of fruit, and 2 pieces of string cheese
Lunch: twelve-inch sub sandwich with meat, cheese, and veggies with three ounces (eighty five grams) of newborn carrots, 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of hummus, and apple slices on the side
Snack: one scoop of whey protein powder combined in one cup (240 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk
Dinner: 4-ounce (113-gram) sirloin steak, one medium-sized (173-gram) baked potato with one tablespoon (14 grams) of butter, and one cup (eighty five grams) of broccoli
Breakfast: three entire-wheat waffles with 2 tablespoons (33 grams) of peanut butter, one orange, and 2 cups (480 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk
Snack: one nut-based mostly granola bar and one ounce (28 grams) of almonds
Lunch: six-ounce (170-gram) 90%-lean burger on a entire-wheat bun with one tomato slice and lettuce leaf, as properly as one one/2 cup (86 grams) of homemade sweet potato fries cooked in olive oil
Snack: one cup (227 grams) of Greek yogurt and one cup (140 grams) of strawberries
Dinner: 4-ounce (112-gram) hen breast, one/2 cup (eighty four grams) of quinoa, and one one/three cups (eighty five grams) of sugar snap peas
Breakfast: three-egg omelet with sliced onions, purple and environmentally friendly bell peppers, and one/4 cup (28 grams) of shredded cheese with 2 cups (480 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk to consume
Snack: 2 tablespoons (33 grams) of peanut butter and one banana on one slice of entire-wheat bread
Lunch: eight ounces (226 grams) of tilapia fillets, one/4 cup (32 grams) of lentils, and a salad topped with one/4 cup (30 grams) of walnuts
Snack: 2 sliced, challenging-boiled eggs atop a combined environmentally friendly salad
Dinner: turkey chili built with a 4-ounce (114-gram) turkey breast, chopped onions, garlic, celery, and sweet peppers, one/2 cup (123 grams) of canned, diced tomatoes, and one/2 cup (one hundred twenty grams) of cannellini beans, topped with one/4 cup (28 grams) of shredded cheese. Increase oregano, bay leaves, chili powder, and cumin as sought after for flavor.
Breakfast: three entire eggs, one apple, and one cup (eighty grams) of oatmeal built with one cup (240 ml) of dairy or plant-based mostly milk
Snack: one cup (226 grams) of simple yogurt with one/4 cup (30 grams) of granola and one/2 cup (70 grams) of raspberries
Lunch: six-ounce (168-gram) hen breast, one medium-sized (151-gram) sweet potato, three/4 cup (eighty five grams) of environmentally friendly beans, and one ounce (28 grams) of nuts
Snack: one/2 cup (130 grams) of chickpeas atop greens
Dinner: burrito bowl with six ounces (170 grams) of chopped sirloin steak, one/2 cup (130 grams) of black beans, one/2 cup (90 grams) of brown rice, one cup (35 grams) of shredded lettuce and spinach, and 2 tablespoons (sixteen grams) of salsa
This three,000-calorie, 5-working day sample menu features a selection of nutrient-dense foodstuff, these types of as lean proteins, healthy fat, fruits, and greens.
Dependent on numerous aspects, such as your activity amount and entire body dimensions, a three,000-calorie diet might aid you manage or gain bodyweight.
Full, unprocessed or minimally processed foodstuff, these types of as fruits, greens, entire grains, healthy fat, and lean proteins ought to make up the majority — if not all — of your diet.
One particular the other hand, very processed refined foodstuff like bacon, potato chips, candies, cookies, sweetened cereals, and sugary drinks ought to be restricted.
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kristinsimmons · 6 years
What to Eat—And What to Avoid—to Heal Cavities Naturally
As a dentist, I am a strong believer in equipping my patients with the necessary tools and information to treat the root cause of their dental issues, instead of just treating the symptoms. And that is certainly the case when treating cavities.
Many people suffer from dental anxiety, and it’s often related to cavities. Unfortunately, fillings are often the first line of defense against tooth decay, no matter how minimal the decay may be. There are definitely some cavities that require fillings (typically those that are deep enough to reach the nerve, thus causing pain), but I want you to also be aware that you have the power to reverse smaller cavities on your own, at home—and much of that power comes directly from the foods you eat.
Obviously, the best way to treat cavities is to avoid them altogether, and the good news is that the diet that helps to heal existing cavities also helps to prevent new ones from forming.
But before we get into the specific foods that can heal and prevent cavities, let’s first discuss some basics about cavity formation and the role that food plays in that process.
There are four main factors in standard cavity formation:
Your saliva and its properties—including minerals, volume, pH, and more
Your oral microbiome—the millions of microbes in your mouth, whether harmful, beneficial, or neutral.
Your diet—whether or not you’re getting enough of the proper nutrients for remineralization.
How frequently these three elements create the perfect storm for cavity formation.
The foods you eat on a daily basis have a direct impact on your oral microbiome and saliva, and when you eat the wrong foods (more on those later), you create an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
Additionally, the quality of your diet determines whether you are getting the necessary nutrients to support the teeth’s natural remineralization process. The word remineralization refers to the process of restoring minerals to demineralized areas—typically bones, teeth, or any other parts of the body that require certain minerals for their structure.
Your teeth experience a lot of wear and tear, and their ability to continually regenerate allows you to, ideally, keep the same set of teeth for the vast majority of your life. This process requires specific vitamins and minerals, however, and if you’re not getting them from your diet or from supplementation, you may be hindering your teeth’s ability to heal themselves.
Bottom line: You’d probably agree that there are foods that can cause cavities, but you may not have realized that there are foods that can actually prevent and even reverse cavities.
What to Eat to Reverse Cavities
Now, let’s take a closer look at the the specific nutrients your teeth need to reverse cavities, and where to find them in food.
Calcium has long been known to benefit dental health. In addition to providing the (re)building blocks that teeth need on a regular basis, calcium also helps you produce more saliva, putting minerals back onto your teeth that you may have lost from eating. (1)
Most people assume that dairy products like milk and cheese are the best food sources of calcium, but this isn’t necessarily the case. There are many people who have an allergy or intolerance to dairy, and conventionally-raised dairy products contain hormones and antibiotics that negate any potential mineral benefit. These products should be avoided.
On the other hand, raw, grass-fed milk seems to be more easily tolerated and digested, and it is also higher in mineral count than products sourced from factory-farmed cattle. Surprisingly, seafoods like salmon, oysters, clams, and shrimp are also great sources of calcium, as are plant-based foods like broccoli, greens, nuts, beans, cauliflower, figs, and olives.
Vitamin D
Often called the sunshine vitamin (it’s produced by the skin during exposure to the sun), vitamin D actually functions more like a hormone than a traditional vitamin. It controls the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus, so even if you are supplementing with those minerals in an attempt to improve dental health, your efforts are largely wasted if you’re not also monitoring your levels of vitamin D.
To underscore this fact, a review of a group of clinical trials found that vitamin D was a “promising preventative agent against tooth cavities and decay, which leads to a low-certainty conclusion that vitamin D may reduce the incidence of dental caries.” (2)
Spending time in the sun is the best way to boost vitamin D levels, but vitamin D can also be found in mushrooms, egg yolks, and fish like salmon and sardines. (3)
Vitamin K2
Like vitamin D, vitamin K2 regulates the absorption of minerals in the body. In fact, these two fat-soluble vitamins work in tandem to ensure that teeth have the calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium needed for remineralization.
Vitamin K2 can be found in fermented cod liver oil, egg yolks, chicken liver, and ground beef, as well as organic, grass-fed dairy products like aged cheese (for those who can tolerate dairy).
Magnesium is responsible for numerous processes in the body, including the remineralization of teeth. Magnesium controls the balance of other nutrients in the body—including phosphorus and calcium—which, when left unchecked, can actually promote the demineralization of teeth.
Try including these rich sources of magnesium in your diet: squash seeds, cacao, blackstrap molasses, leafy greens, and avocado.
Adequate phosphorus levels (typically above 3.5) have been shown to protect against tooth decay, but finding sources of phosphorus that actually benefit dental health can be tricky. (4) Phosphorus is present in beans, grains, and nuts, but those foods also contain phytic acid. This is problematic because phytic acid is known to bind to the the nutrients in food, making it difficult for our bodies to actually use them. (5)
The good news is that there are plenty of phytic acid-free sources of phosphorus, including meats, eggs, and dairy products. And without the phytic acid, the phosphorus found in animal proteins may be easier for the body to absorb.
Foods to Avoid to Reverse Cavities
We’ve already clearly defined “remineralization.” To build a growing understanding of healing cavities naturally, we should also clearly define the word “demineralization.”
Merriam-Webster defines demineralization as:
Loss of bodily minerals (such as calcium salts), especially in disease
The process of removing mineral matter or salts (as from water)
Tooth decay/demineralization is certainly caused by a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that the body needs to build healthy teeth. But it can also be caused by eating or drinking substances that can actually deplete the teeth of necessary nutrients.
Since we have created a good, working list of foods that we should eat in order to heal cavities naturally, we should also put together a list of foods to avoid (or greatly limit).
Thanks to a strong push from the media we all know that sugar is bad for your teeth. It’s definitely not the only culprit, though. Here’s a look at the top foods that promote the demineralization of teeth. Essentially, eating these foods on a regular basis makes healing your cavities naturally nearly impossible.
Foods High in Phytic Acid
Phytic acid is a well-known antinutrient that inhibits the absorption of certain nutrients, including minerals that are needed for remineralization, like calcium and magnesium. (6) It is typically found in grains, legumes, and nuts, including:
Simple Starches
People are often surprised to hear me say that saltine crackers are one of the worst cavity-causing foods, but it’s true. That’s because they are a simple starch that turns to sugar almost immediately after consumption. That fuzzy feeling on your teeth after you’ve finished eating a handful of crackers? It’s from the millions of harmful bacteria that love to feed on those types of foods, eventually multiplying and causing further tooth decay (and bad breath). Other examples of simple starches include:
White bread
White rice
Goldfish crackers
Sugary Foods and Drinks
Like starchy foods (that ultimately turn to sugar in the body), sugary foods and drinks provide food for the bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. Additionally, when these nutrient-deficient foods make up a large part of your diet, it’s also likely that you’re not consuming enough of the nutrients your body actually needs. If you’re trying to reverse your cavities, these foods should be avoided:
Fruit juice
Dried Fruit
When grapes are converted into raisins, all of the water present in the fruit must be removed. This process concentrates all of the naturally-occuring sugars, which explains why raisins taste so much sweeter than grapes. it also explains why dried fruits are horrible for your teeth. They act like a sticky caramel in the mouth, trapping sugar and sugar-loving bacteria onto the teeth.
Acidic Foods and Drinks
The acid found in the following foods wears away the enamel of teeth and exacerbates decay:
Orange, lemon and grapefruit juices (These can be highly damaging to your teeth, in one study, decreasing enamel hardness by 84%. Acids found in citrus break down the enamel, sometimes causing irreversible damage.) (7)
Sports drinks (Not only are they full of sugar, but at least one study has found that they are even more acidic than soda.) (8)
Energy drinks
Kombucha (While touted as a “healthy” drink, kombucha has a pH between 3.5 and 2.8—lower than coffee and many sodas, and certainly low enough to dissolve the enamel on teeth.) (9)
Acidic foods and drinks also strip minerals from your teeth (and body), leading to demineralization and decay. However, it would probably be impossible to avoid every single one of these foods all the time. If you can’t resist, (I know how important that morning cup of coffee is to many people) be sure to rinse your mouth with water immediately after consumption.
Final Thoughts: The Best Diet for Remineralization
Foods rich in vitamin D, vitamin K2, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus will help your teeth remineralize and stave off cavities, while also helping to reverse any current cavity formation through remineralization.
When eating acidic and/or sugary foods, remember to think about it wisely. You should try rinsing your mouth after eating these types of foods whenever possible, and minimize your intake.
The bottom line is this: Avoiding sugary sodas and candies is just one way to slow down the demineralization process. Adopting the best diet for remineralization also includes focusing on eating the right foods, and being aware of the potential consequences of many other foods groups.
Dr. Mark Burhenne
As always, please feel free to leave a comment below. I read each and every single one!
The post What to Eat—And What to Avoid—to Heal Cavities Naturally appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
What to Eat—And What to Avoid—to Heal Cavities Naturally published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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anthonyktc · 6 years
Diets and Dietary Restrictions
In recent years, a growing trend toward vegetarianism and veganism has arisen among youngsters due to their increasing awareness of health, the environment, and compassion for animals. As I learn about the health benefits that vegetarian diets have, I decided to experiment with having a vegetarian diet for a week.
Before discussing my diet, let's learn some information about vegetarianism together. Vegetarianism is the practice which excludes the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter (Vegans). I really like eggs and dairy products, there are a lot of nutrients I could get from them, so I would still like to stick with these during my experiment. Hence, lacto-ovo-vegetarians diets are my choice.
After choosing my diet concept, I would like to adjust my diet while pretending that I have an allergen. I chose peanuts as my allergen, as I have friends around me allergic to peanuts. So, I think this is a great chance to learn about their diets.
Typical Daily Menu for Day 1
1½ Cup of Kellogg's Special K with Red Berries cereal
Neilson's Partly Skimmed 2% Milk
Sautéed Bok Choy and Mushroom with Rice Vermicelli
Afternoon Snack
1 ea. Apple
Homemade Steamed Egg Topped with Sliced Scallions
Boiled Lettuce
Cooked Quinoa
Evening Snack
1 ea. Orange
Time: 20 mins.  Servings: 2
Roma Tomatoes 2 ea.
Tofu 150 g
Eggs 2 ea.
Water 2 Cups
Vegetable Broth 1 Cup
Salt To Taste
Chef's Knife
Paring Knife
Blanch, peel, deseed, and medium diced tomatoes.
Cut tofu into medium dice. Stir eggs and reserve until use.
In a pot, combine the broth and water, then bring to boil.
Add tomatoes, cook until soft. Add tofu cubes. Boil for a while.
Turn off the heat, pour in the egg. Quickly stir in the soup with a fork.
Add salt to taste. Plate.
P.S. I didn't create the soup, I think it is a very common soup in a lot of households in Hong Kong. I used to drink this soup a lot since my Grandmother would make it for me almost every week. For this time, I alternated the recipe which my Grandma used and make it an ovo-vegetarian version by changing the use of chicken broth to vegetable broth. I made this on Day 2, it still tastes good with the vegetable broth.
My 7-Day Log
I'm sharing what I had for the week. Peanut-free and Lacto-ovo vegetarian Diet.
Day 1
Breakfast: Strawberry Cereal w/ Partly Skimmed 2% Milk
Lunch: Bok Choy & Mushroom w/ Rice Vermicelli
Dinner: Steam egg w/ scallion, Boiled Lettuce w/ Quinoa
Snack: Apple & Orange
Day 2
Breakfast: Oatmeal & Banana, Blueberries
Lunch: Stir-fried King Oyster Mushroom w/ Red Rice
Dinner: Tomato Tofu Soup, Meatless Kim-bap
Snack: Milk & Almonds
Day 3
Breakfast: Brown rice porridge w/ Carrots and Peas
Lunch: Cheung fun rice noodles roll w/ Boiled Choy Sum
Dinner: Sichuan Vegetable Stir Fry
Snack: Roasted Sweet Potato
Day 4
Breakfast: Tomato, cucumber, red onion, avocado salad
Lunch: Curry Pakora w/ Chapati
Dinner: Spiced Lentil Soup
Snack: Cookies & Soymilk
Day 5
Breakfast: Spinach Omelette w/ Milk
Lunch: Tomatoes & Fried Egg w/ Rice
Dinner: Mushroom Parmesan
Snack: Mango & Peach
Day 6
Breakfast: Rice Paper Rolls w/ Veggies and Rice noodles
Lunch: Vietnamese Vegetable Pancake
Dinner: Thai Curried Butternut Squash Soup
Snack: Strawberries & Grapes
Day 7
Breakfast: Japanese Soba w/ Miso Soup w/o Bonito
Lunch: Sesame Rice Crackers w/ Coconut Milkshake
Dinner: Roasted Cauliflower Lasagna
Snack: Cherry Tomatoes & Pear
I guessed my body was trying to get used to having vegetarian diets for the first couple of days, after that, I am totally fine. Since I really love to eat meat, it was quite a challenge for me to stay away from meat for those days. After the week, I think I got along quite well. So after the experiment, I think I would adjust my diets by eating more vegetables and might reduce my consumption of meat a bit to be healthier, but I do not think I will completely stop eating meat. While for the peanut allergy practice, I didn't find any large problems, as I still have a great number of food choices other than peanuts (but staying away from peanut butter is hard, as I love PB&J so much).
P.S. As a chef, (if possible) always include various concepts of diet on the menu, being knowledgeable and flexible on replacing ingredients by alternatives. When planning your vegetarian diets, please use credible resources from Registered Dietitians, and to be careful that vegetarian diet could be unhealthy if that is not a balanced diet. Thank you for your time!
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
DASH Diet For Healthy Weight Loss And High Blood Pressure
The DASH Diet is the best diet according to the US News and World Report (1). DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and is the result of research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, USA, to create a diet that can lower blood pressure without medication. This diet can also aid weight loss, fight a few types of cancer, reduce the effect of diabetes, lower LDL cholesterol, protect from heart disease and stroke, and prevent kidney stone formation (2), (3), (4), (5). So, if you need to lose weight or are suffering from any lifestyle-related disease, you should follow the DASH diet to cleanse your system and lead a healthy life. Here’s everything you need to know about this highly successful diet.
DASH Diet – How It Works?
Image: Shutterstock
The DASH diet is simple – it allows the dieters to eat natural foods like veggies, fruits, nuts, lean protein, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, meat, and beans. The aim of this diet is to reduce the consumption of salty or high-sodium foods, which is the main cause of rise in blood pressure, obesity, and other diseases. Americans consume about 3400 mg sodium per day, and the standard DASH diet allows you to consume 1500-2300 mg sodium per day. This intake complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2010) (6). Also, you will consume limited sugary beverages and sweets. This is crucial if you are trying to lose weight because sugar ultimately gets stored as fat if you do not utilize it as an energy source. So, this combination of healthy foods, no processed or junk food, low-sodium and low-sugary food, and a healthy lifestyle is the working formula for this diet. Now that you have a fair understanding of the basic working principle of this diet, here are some points you should consider.
Guidelines Of DASH Diet For Weight Loss
If you want to lose weight, you should expend more energy than you consume as food.
If you want to maintain the current weight, you should consume as much food as you expend energy.
Check your activity levels to know if you are sedentary (light activity), moderately active (light physical activity and walking 1-3 miles at a medium pace), or active (walking 3 miles or more per day for 3-4 hours with light physical activity).
Stick to your recommended calorie intake.
Include the required amount of foods in your daily diet.
Avoid sugary, processed, high-sodium foods.
Work out regularly to create a negative energy balance in your body.
Check your weight and body fat percentage every two weeks.
Here’s a sample diet chart for weight loss. You can tweak this diet plan according to your calorie requirements per day.
Sample DASH Diet Plan/Menu For Weight Loss 
Meals What To Eat Early Morning (6:30 – 7:30 am) 1 cup fenugreek seeds soaked water Breakfast (7:15 – 8:15 am) 1 slice wheat bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter + 1 egg + 1 cup freshly pressed juice (without sugar)
Vegetable quinoa + ½ cup low-fat milk + 2 almonds
Mid Morning (10:00 – 10:30 am) 1 banana Or 1 cup freshly pressed fruit juice Lunch (12:30 – 1:00 pm) 1 medium bowl of veggies with lean protein salad with light dressing and sunflower seeds
1 medium bowl of leafy vegetables and mushroom/beans tossed with olive oil and ground flax seeds
Evening Snack (4:00 pm) 1 cup green tea + 15 in-shell pistachios Or 1 cup green tea + 1 small bowl baby carrots Dinner (7:00 pm) Grilled/baked 3 oz fish with veggies + 1 glass warm low-fat milk Or 1 bowl vegetable stew with legumes + 1 whole wheat pita bread + 1 cup yogurt
Now, let me tell you how many calories and servings of each food group you should consume according to your age and activity levels.
DASH Diet Women’s Calorie Needs Per Day 
Age (years) Calories/Day For Sedentary Women Calories/Day For Moderately Active Women Calories/Day For Active Women 19-30 2000 2000-2200 2400 31-50 1800 2000 2200 50 and above 1600 1800 2000-2200
DASH Diet Men’s Calorie Needs Per Day 
Age (years) Calories/Day For Sedentary Men Calories/Day For Moderately Active Men Calories/Day For Active Men 19-30 2400 2600-2800 3000 31-50 2200 2400-2600 2800-3000 50 and above 2000 2200-2400 2400-2800
Depending on your recommended calorie intake, the following tables will give you a clear idea on how much of each food group you are required to consume per day.
DASH Diet Food Group Servings/ Day For Women And Men 
Food Group 1200 Cal 1400 Cal 1600 Cal 1800 Cal 2000 Cal 2600 Cal 3100 Cal Veggies 3-4 3-4 3-4 4-5 4-5 5-6 6 Fruits 3-4 4 4 4-5 4-5 5-6 6 Grains 4-5 5-6 6 6 6-8 10-11 12-13 Meat, Fish, Poultry 3 or less 3-4 or less 3-4 or less 6 or less 6 or less 6 or less 6-9 Low-Fat/Fat-Free Dairy 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 3 3-4 Nuts, Legumes, Seeds 3  per week 3  per week 3-4 per week 4 per week 4-5 per week 1 1 Healthy Fats And Oils 1 1 2 2-3 2-3 3 4 Max. Sodium 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day 2300 mg/day Sweets And Sugar 3 or less per week 3 or less per week 3 or less per week 5 or less per week 5 or less per week Less or equal to 2 Less or equal to 2
To make your work a little easier, I have prepared a list of foods that you should eat and avoid. Take a look.
Foods To Eat
Image: Shutterstock
Veggies – Spinach, broccoli, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, asparagus, radish greens, collard greens, rocket spinach, squash, cauliflower, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin, chives, scallions, onion, ginger, garlic, carrot, beetroot, parsnips, cabbage, okra, eggplant, tomato, peas, etc.
Fruits – Apple, watermelon, grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine, pineapple, mango, plum, pear, pluot, banana, grapes, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry. Nuts And Seeds – In-shell pistachios, walnut, almond, pecan, macadamia nuts, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.
Grains – Brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat, whole wheat pasta, multi grain bread, and whole wheat bread.
Proteins – Chicken breast, lean cuts of pork and beef, mushroom, mackerel, salmon, tuna, carp, tilapia, tofu, lentils, kidney beans, peas, and chickpeas.
Dairy – Low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, and buttermilk.
Fats & Oils – Olive oil, rice bran oil, flaxseed oil, flaxseed butter, sunflower butter, ghee, peanut butter, low-fat mayonnaise, and sunflower oil.
Beverages – Water, freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices, and coconut water.
Herbs And Spices – Cumin powder, coriander powder, garlic powder, rosemary, thyme, dill, fenugreek seeds, bay leaf, cardamom, clove, star anise, mace, nutmeg, cumin seeds, and cinnamon.
Foods To Avoid
Image: Shutterstock
Salted nuts
Unlimited alcohol
Packaged fruit and vegetable juices
Energy drinks
Canned foods
White bread
Packaged soups
Cold cuts of meat
Processed meat like sausage, salami, etc.
Ready to eat foods
Prepackaged pasta
Ketchup and sauces
High-fat salad dressing
 It is clear that you should completely avoid eating foods that do no good for your body. This also means that you have to cook your meals to follow the DASH diet properly and get results. Worry not! With my help, you can prepare DASH diet recipes quickly with readily available ingredients in your kitchen. Check them out.
DASH Diet Recipes
1. DASH Diet Breakfast Fruit And Chia Smoothie Recipe
Image: Shutterstock
Prep Time: 7 min
Cook Time: 3 min 
Total Time: 10 min
Serves: 2
½ grapefruit
½ cup chopped celery
½ apple, chopped
1 teaspoon organic honey
2 tablespoons chia seeds
A pinch of Himalayan pink salt
How To Prepare
Toss all the ingredients into a blender and give it a spin.
Pour it into a glass and drink!
2. DASH Diet Lunch Quinoa Tofu Salad Recipe
Image: Shutterstock
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 5 min 
Total Time: 20 min
Serves: 2
100 gm tofu, cubed
2 cups baby spinach
½ cup cooked quinoa
½ cup finely chopped carrot
½ cup peas
½ cup red tomato, large cubes
3 tablespoons lime juice
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon chili flakes
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
Salt to taste
How To Prepare
Add one tablespoon of oil in a pan and sauté the tofu for 30 seconds.
Take out the tofu from the pan. Sauté the carrots and peas for 20 seconds and then add spinach. Sauté for 30 seconds and remove the pan from the flame.
Mix the sautéed veggies with cooked quinoa, tofu, lime juice, olive oil, chili flakes, pepper, and salt.
Garnish with chopped cilantro, and it’s ready.
 3. DASH Diet Dinner Grilled Fish And Veggies Recipe
Image: Shutterstock
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 15 min 
Total Time: 30 min
Serves: 2
2-3 oz salmon fillets (with skin)
½ cup thick slices of onion
1 cup broccoli florets
½ cup green peas
10 asparagus tips
½ cup yellow zucchini slices
1 teaspoon minced garlic
3 tablespoons lime juice
¼ teaspoon ginger paste
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon finely chopped rosemary
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon pomegranate
Salt to taste
How To Prepare
In a bowl, mix lime juice, one tablespoon of olive oil, garlic, ginger, rosemary, and salt.
Marinate the salmon fillets in this mixture for 10 minutes.
Toss the veggies with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Grill the fish until it is cooked.
In the meanwhile, toss the veggies into a baking tray and bake for 5-7 minutes. If you want, you can grill or sauté the veggies.
Garnish the fish and veggies with pomegranate before eating.
 So, you can actually prepare yummy DASH diet-friendly food at home without much fuss. But the big question is, is the DASH diet safe for all? Find out in the next section.
Is The DASH Diet Safe?
Image: Shutterstock
The DASH diet is mostly safe for all, but it is always a good practice to check with your doctor before you start the diet. I suggest this because every individual has a different body type and biochemistry, and none other than your doctor can give you the best advice. For example, this diet recommends consuming high-fiber foods, but if you have a stomach ulcer, underwent intestinal surgery, or suffer from IBS/IBD, you should not follow the DASH diet. It will irritate your stomach lining and make your condition worse. So, yes, the DASH diet is a safe and good diet for weight loss and treating many lifestyle and obesity-related diseases, but check with your doctor first.
This brings us to the next big question. Read on to find out what it is.
Who Should Follow The DASH Diet?
Follow the DASH diet if you
Have high blood pressure/hypertension
Suffer from insulin resistance
Are obese
Suffer from diabetes
Suffer from kidney disease
Have high LDL cholesterol levels
Are aged 51 and above
There are many benefits of following the DASH Diet. A few of them are listed below.
DASH Diet Benefits
Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Scientists from the UK found that the DASH diet could help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases (7).
Lowers Blood Pressure
It is the best diet to follow if you are suffering from high blood pressure. Scientists from the USA have proved that the DASH diet helped participants lower blood pressure by being on a low-sodium DASH diet (8).
Improves Insulin Sensitivity
A paper published by the scientists at the University of North Carolina confirmed that the DASH diet can help improve insulin sensitivity (9).
Helps Treat Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Researchers from Kashan University of Medical Sciences has proved that the DASH diet had positive effects on people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and also improved the inflammatory markers and metabolism (10).
Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes
DASH diet can also reduce and prevent metabolic syndrome, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes (11). 
All good. But, there are few glitches in this diet plan. I have listed them below.
DASH Diet Side Effects/Disadvantages
Cutting down on salt and sugar suddenly can be difficult for you.
It needs you to consume organic produce, which can cost more.
This is not a fad diet, so you will not see results immediately. It may take up to four weeks to show any results, provided you strictly follow the plan.
In these cases, you can read the following tips to know how to make the DASH diet more pocket-friendly.
DASH Diet Tips
Buy veggies and fruits from the farmer’s market.
Go to the butcher shop or the local fish monger to get meat or fish.
If you cannot give up on sugar or high-sodium foods suddenly, do it gradually.
Get rid of all junk and processed foods in your kitchen.
Avoid eating out.
Quit smoking.
Workout regularly.
Drink alcohol in limited quantity.
Have a cheat day once in every two weeks.
Following the DASH diet can surely be beneficial. However, you should consider these points before you start your diet.
Consult your doctor before starting this diet.
Be careful when you are with your friends and family as gatherings like these can throw you off your routine.
Do not completely avoid salt.
Take multivitamin and calcium tablets twice a week or as per your doctor’s instructions.
The DASH diet is not a fad diet and has science to back this fact. Whether you are suffering from high blood pressure or obesity, this diet is surely going to give you results. So, talk to your doctor today and start following the DASH diet to completely turn your life around. Take care!
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werresnutrition · 7 years
My Two-Week Vegan Test Drive
*Disclaimer: I’ve been eating honey, which is technically not vegan, throughout the two weeks.
After watching What the Health two weeks ago, I was totally totally disgusted by meat. I certainly don’t agree with everything they said, or even a lot of what they said, but I’ve always known the meat industry in this country was pretty awful, so I decided not to eat meat for a while. Then I thought why not take it a step further and go totally vegan, just for a two-week trial run and see how it goes. I kind of decided this about 11am, after I’d already had a vegan breakfast, but I didn’t take my weight or have time to get any blood work done. I emailed my amazing sister-in-law (She and my brother-in-law were totally vegan for a while and now try to eat vegan at least when they’re home and cooking for themselves.) to get some recipes and tips, and she went above and beyond what I was expecting with a ton of recipes, great advice, and some of her favorite vegan blogs to follow (I will include this information at the bottom of the blog.).
A lot of people think they’ll be “starving” if they follow a vegan diet, and I expected to be more hungry than normal, but I wasn’t at all! I was a little hungry when I got home from work, which I usually am, so I had a handful of pistachios before going to the gym, but I never felt hungry or deprived at all yesterday.
A lot of people also expect to experience more gas and bloating with all the added vegetables and beans, but I did not experience a difference during my first day. 
July 13, 2017
Day 1:
Breakfast: Plain soy yogurt with fresh blueberries, hemp hearts, and a drizzle of honey; gala apple
Lunch: Vegan bowl with quinoa flour rotini, salsa, half an avocado, half an orange bell pepper, and about ¼ cup salsa
Dinner: Vegan bowl with brown rice, black beans, garbanzo beans, broccoli, green beans, and artichoke salad with a couple of tablespoons of the oil from the salad is in
July 14, 2017
Day 2:
I weighed myself this morning at was at 120 (with clothes). Will do the same at the end of the two weeks. Blood pressure around 9am was 97/66
Breakfast: Plain soy yogurt with fresh blueberries, chia seeds, and a drizzle of honey, gala apple
**One of my clients brought in a back of salty snacks because she thought she was getting cheddar flavored, turns out it was jalapeno cheddar, so she brought them to me because she knows I love hot foods, and she hates them. I can’t eat them because of the dairy in the ingredients :( **
Lunch: Vegan bowl with brown rice, half an avocado, salsa, black beans, and half an orange bell pepper
Dinner: Cheese-less pizza! It’s not as bad as it sounds - it’s actually quite good! I ordered traditional crust with pineapple, and the waitress didn’t even look at me funny when I ordered it without cheese, which I had totally prepared myself for. I had to say no to my fiance’s birthday cake when we went back to his parents’ house to celebrate his birthday :(
July 15, 2017 (Fiance’s Birthday!!!)
Day 3:
Breakfast: Larabar after the gym
Snack: Handful of pistachios
Lunch: Benitos and salsa - not the healthiest, but nothing sounded good, and I was bummed about being vegan and not being able to eat a piece of birthday cake
Dinner: Vegan salad from Cheesecake Factory (well, about ¼ of it - it’s huge!!)
July 16, 2017
Day 4:
Breakfast: Vegan biscuits and gravy
I used my recipe for 2-ingredient biscuits, which calls for self-rising flour and heavy cream, but I subbed cashew milk. They didn’t turn out as well as when I’d used heavy cream, but they were fine with the gravy. I used my normal gravy recipe but subbed cashew milk for regular milk and used Morning Star sausage patties the I ran through the food processor to crumble them. After looking at the package, they patties were made with egg whites, so again, not 100% vegan TECHNICALLY, but for my purpose of doing it, I figured I could get away with it.
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwich, handful of almonds, and a Larabar
Dinner: More Cheesecake Factory salad and some pretzels
July 17, 2017
Day 5:
Breakfast: Smoothie with half an avocado, ½ cup blueberries, ½ cup coconut milk, and half a scoop of vanilla protein powder; gala apple
Lunch: Leftover vegan biscuits and gravy and some home grown grape tomatoes :)
After work snack (about 5pm): pretzels and salsa (yeah I know it’s a weird combo) and some almonds
Dinner: Yet again more Cheesecake Factory salad; this time I added more garbanzo beans and balsamic vinegar; coconut ice cream bar for dessert
July 18, 2017
Day 6:
Breakfast: Plain soy yogurt, old fashioned oats, honey, and blueberries; gala apple
Lunch: The last of my Cheesecake Factory salad (finally!) and some pistachios
After gym snack: about a cup of almond milk with about 1/3 scoop of vanilla protein powder
Dinner: Lentil tacos made from the recipe my SIL shared with me (recipe link below)
July 19, 2017
Day 7:
Breakfast: Avocado, blueberry, almond milk, and vanilla protein powder smoothie; gala apple
Lunch: Vegetarian burrito from Q’doba (flour tortilla, brown rice, black and pinto beans, roasted chile cord, salsa roja, guacamole, and shredded lettuce)
After work snack: Black pepper pea crisps
Dinner: Vegan broccoli “cheese” casserole (recipe link below)
Dessert: Vegan cookie dough for one (recipe link below; you can also use agave nectar instead of maple syrup; I used almond flour instead of all purpose flour, and it tasted like and had a similar texture to those Neapolitan coconut slice candy bars - yum! I left out the chocolate chips because I didn’t have any vegan chips)
July 20, 2017
Day 8:
Breakfast: The last of my vegan biscuits and gravy; gala apple
Lunch: Salad made with red leaf lettuce, Romain lettuce, green cabbage, garbanzo beans, and balsamic vinegar
Dinner: Lentil taco salad (just used leftovers from dinner on the 18th and piled some lentils on top some Romain lettuce and topped it with salsa)
July 21, 2017
Day 9:
Breakfast: Blueberries, two lemon date protein balls, and a gala apple
Lunch: Leftover broccoli casserole
After work snack: Snapea crisps, pistachios
Dinner: Half of a small vegan pizza from Papa John’s (traditional crust, no cheese) with jalapenos and extra sauce (was also excited that I got to eat the garlic sauce too - I always thought it was garlic butter, but no, not butter, just dipping sauce! Yay! It’s the small victories in life….)
July 22, 2017
Day 10:
Breakfast: Coconut cream pie Larabar after the gym
Brunch: Leftover half of my small vegan pizza from Papa John’s and a chocolate cashew milk ice cream bar
Afternoon snack: Snapea crisps
Late dinner: Bean and rice tostada from Roscoe’s tacos; a couple of handfuls of Frosted Flakes
July 23, 2017
Day 11:
Breakfast: Bowl of Frosted Flakes with almond milk
After church snack: A handful of veggie pretzels
Late lunch: Grilled Portobello cap topped with avocado, chopped red and green bell peppers, fresh basil, and salt and pepper; Bush’s Grillin’ Beans; pineapple and watermelon
Dinner: I was still fairly full from our late lunch, so I snacked on more watermelon and pineapple and some veggie pretzels
July 24, 2017
Day 12:
Breakfast: Plain coconut yogurt, old fashioned oats, and blueberries; gala apple
Lunch: Leftover Grillin’ beans and Portobello cap from yesterday’s late lunch
Dinner: Greek salad from Oaken Barrel (asked for no feta; lettuce, kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumbers with pita and vinaigrette) and a bowl of black bean soup
July 25, 2017
Day 13:
Breakfast: Avocado, blueberry, and coconut milk smoothie
Lunch: The rest of the Grillin’ beans with red and green bell peppers, cucumbers, and cauliflower
After work snack: Pistachios
Dinner: Lentil taco (leftovers from last week - gluten-free shell, guacamole, lettuce)
July 26, 2017
Day 14:
Breakfast: Gala apple and two lemon date protein balls
Weight: 119 with clothes
Lunch: Vegetarian burrito from Q’doba (flour tortilla, brown rice, black and pinto beans, roasted chile cord, salsa roja, guacamole, and shredded lettuce)
Blood pressure: 96/41
After work snack: tablespoonful of peanut butter; snapea crisps
Dinner: Homemade vegan vegetable soup (vegetable broth, V8 spicy tomato juice, cabbage, yellow squash from my grandma’s garden, seeded jalapenos from my friend’s dad’s garden, and green beans from my garden)
First day off of vegan diet: A huge piece of cake my *future* mother-in-law made for my fiance’s birthday that I’d frozen for this very day :) I didn’t even wait for it to completely thaw, and it was DELICIOUS!
My response to What the Health‘s claim that vegan is the only way to go is this: yes, a vegan diet is healthy because mostly you can only eat plant-based whole foods. You are very limited in snacks because so many traditional snack food contains dairy and/or eggs. A lot of desserts and breakfast pastries are also a no-no on a vegan diet, so there go a ton of calories a lot of non-vegans are getting on a daily basis. Therefore a person on a non-vegan diet who then makes a lifestyle change to become a vegan is very likely to drop weight as he or she will be cutting a lot of calories because their diet will be limited. The person will also likely have better blood work results and feel much healthier 1. Because he or she will be getting more vitamins and minerals because they will likely have to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables, 2. Because that person will end up having to switch out a lot of processed foods for whole foods,  and 3. Because he or she will likely lose weight.
My final thoughts on my two-week vegan test drive are that a vegan diet is totally doable, but it definitely has its challenges, especially when out to eat or eating at a relative/friend’s house. I never felt more hungry than I normally do, and I felt the same during and after my workouts. I also never experienced a difference in bloating/gas during the vegan test drive. I did not experience a significant weight change or notice a difference in my blood pressure (I’ve been monitoring it throughout the two weeks but not always recording it).
While it is a doable diet, it needs to be done right, and those following a vegan diet, especially strictly, need to make sure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals that are essential to our health. It is very important to learn which veggies, legumes, and grains, when mixed together, provide a complete source of protein, and sometimes it may be necessary to supplement with protein and/or certain vitamins (including B12). It is AMAZING how many processed foods and snacks are made with some form of dairy. I had to say no to a lot of my favorite snacks, even chocolate, because of their ingredients.
For me personally, I can see how it would be hard to follow a strict vegan diet for an extended period of time. I struggled with cravings for ice cream and my favorite snack foods that were out of my diet because of dairy. The cravings were worst when I was hungry and/or bored, and I also think my brain was telling me I wanted these foods because I knew I couldn’t have them. My fiance is not into going vegan, and we eat with his parents (also not vegan) a few times a month, and it would just be too difficult and not worth it to me (I don’t have any religious beliefs that restrict what I can eat) to permanently become a strict vegan. That being said, I will likely maintain a mostly vegetarian diet, as I’ve never been a huge fan of meat, and after What the Health, I’m even less of a fan. I will still make some of my favorite vegan dishes just because I like them, but I won’t be strict about it. Plus I’m really excited to dig into that piece of my fiance’s birthday cake that I stuck in the freezer for myself when my two-week test drive was over!
Think positive, stay active, and smile. -A
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Using the power of Ayurvedic science to soothe your baby
Are you having problem getting your baby (or little one) to sleep thru night? Does your baby seem to be fussy all the time?  Is your baby gassy or continuously getting diaper rashes? Are you having a Best Touchless kitchen Faucets  difficult time getting your baby to advantage weight?  Has your child received an excessive amount of weight?
We all recognize that each toddler is specific, however some of these demanding situations can be very frustrating.  And if it looks like you've tried all the mom advice you could get however nothing is operating, the only factor you might be missing is ayurveda.
Ayurverda is the traditional hindu system of drugs.  It’s technology is primarily based at the idea that the body need to usually hold a feel of stability.  While the frame is in balance, you are properly.  But whilst the body is out of balance, it will become ill.  In step with ayurveda, the food you eat, oils you operate and daily conduct you keep all assist to both hold the body in balance or can throw the body out of balance. This science now not only applies to adults, but babies as well.
So how can ayurveda assist with your baby? The solution is ayurvedic constitution.
Ayurvedic charter is the belief that the whole lot in the universe is comprised of various proportions of five factors - area, air, fire, water and earth.  Each of these five factors are similarly mixed into pairs of elements referred to as dosha types (or doshas). In keeping with ayurvedic science there are 3 dosha sorts.
Vata – the combination of space and air Pitta – the aggregate of fire and water Kapha – the aggregate of water and earth By way of figuring out your baby’s dosha type,  Best Touchless kitchen Faucets you'll recognise the way to soothe, heal and feed your particular toddler.  It's going to also assist you better recognize your toddler’s likes and dislikes, why your child reacts otherwise to positive ingredients, and most importantly, ways to hold their health and happiness.
Overview the lists below.  Upload up the entire Best Touchless kitchen Faucets  characteristics your baby famous for every dosha kind.  The dosha type with the highest quantity of characteristics, is your toddler’s dosha.
Vata dosha traits:
Skinny construct Satisfied and laughs loads Dry skin and hair, liable to eczema Light sleeper Light, sensitive or inconsistent appetite No longer without problems frightened of strangers Superb traveler Has a tough time gaining weight Colicky Prone to fuel, bloating or constipation How to soothe a vata infant:
Deliver a heat rub down inside the morning with sesame / almond oil Serve handiest warm meals and heat liquids Swaddle nicely and avoid exposure to wind and bloodless Preserve infant on a regular sleep and consuming ordinary Play mild, soothing track or sing to toddler Put to mattress early (before 10 pm) Encourage large meals Best Touchless kitchen Faucets  Use sesame oil-based creams and rash lotions Cautioned foods for child (or for mama if nursing): Sure: milk (served heat), honey, sugar, brown rice, wheat, oranges, bananas, avocados, grapes, cherries, peaches, melons, berries, plums, pineapples, mangoes, papayas, veggies served cooked now not raw (e.G. Beets, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, candy potatoes), cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cloves, mustard seed, nuts, tofu No. Raw vegetables, barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye, oats / oatmeal, light culmination (e.G. Apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries), dried end result (e.G. Raisins), sprouts, cabbage, beans, espresso or caffeine Pitta dosha characteristics:
Medium construct Purple, sandy or mild colored hair Sensitive pores and skin Skin that burns without difficulty Sturdy appetite / eats often Gets irritable whilst hungry Lively and loves to explore Prone to pores and skin rashes, irritations or eczema Best Touchless kitchen Faucets  Has temper tantrums regularly Prone to diarrhea A way to soothe a pitta baby:
Supply a heat massage inside the morning with coconut oil Supply cool baths Keep away from very hot / warm ingredients Keep away from very hot / hot environments Take toddler out of doors regularly for sparkling air Use coconut oil-based totally lotions and rash creams Maintain baby on a ordinary ingesting agenda – in particular at midday Advised meals for child (or for mama if nursing): Sure: milk, ghee, olive oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, candy culmination (e.G. Grapes, cherries, melons, avocados, coconuts, pomegranates, mangoes), asparagus, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green leafy veggies, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, okra, lettuce, green beans and zucchini No. Yogurt, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, honey, molasses, sesame oil, almond oil, corn oil, bitter culmination (e.G. Grapefruit, olives, papayas, pineapples, plums), hot peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, spinach, ginger, cumin, pepper, fenugreek, clove, celery seed, salt, mustard seed, and cayenne pepper. Kapha dosha traits:
Massive construct Huge, lustrous eyes Thick, darkish hair Wet, gentle pores and skin Gradual or inactive / lethargic At risk of coughs or colds Profits weight effortlessly Commonly calm and satisfied Obese Liable to excess mucous and congestion How to soothe a kapha baby:
Encourage toddler to play and move slowly around often Avoid bloodless and/or moist environments Best Touchless kitchen Faucets  Take toddler outdoor regularly for fresh air Use coconut oil-primarily based lotions and rash lotions Put toddler to bed early (earlier than 10 pm) and wake early (earlier than 6 am) Counseled ingredients for infant (or for mama if nursing): Sure: low-fats milk (served warm), light end result like apples or pears, honey, beans, barley grain and millet grain. No. Heavy fruit (e.G. Bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts and melons), sugar, tofu, nuts, wheat, white rice, salt, tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. Notice: ayurveda is a completely elaborate technology. The above facts is supposed to be a totally simplistic view of ayurveda that will help you speedy troubleshoot a number of the demanding situations you might be experiencing together with your baby/infant.
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bpnutritions · 7 years
DASH DIET: True Answer To Hypertension Or Just A Fad?
The following blog post DASH DIET: True Answer To Hypertension Or Just A Fad? is from Blood Pressure Nutrition Website
The ‘DASH’ in DASH Diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension … hypertension is a condition where your blood vessel walls harden and become less supple. In that circumstance, your blood finds it difficult to flow through your blood vessels, and your heart needs to beat harder. This is translated as higher blood pressure or hypertension. In the long run, this can be severely harmful for your heart, blood vessels as well as organs! But here is where the DASH diet comes in…
Photo Credit: Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas via Compfight cc
This diet is a natural way to lower blood pressure. It is generally seen that people with high blood pressure also have a high level of sodium in their blood. And low sodium diets are prescribed for them. The DASH Diet works on this principle. It not only decreases sodium intake, but works to lower its level in the blood further.
Now a word on the diet. This diet has actually been rated pretty high. And not only for blood pressure, but also for a number of other reasons!
The position of the DASH Diet in the U.S. News & World Report’s “best diets” list:
Best overall diet
Best diabetes diet
One of the healthy weight loss diets!
Source: WebMD Health News
So, that was a general idea about this diet, let’s then move on to…
Now what does the Dash diet generally do – what limitations does it put on a person?
The goal of this diet is basically to lower the levels of sodium in your blood. This is going to help to lower your blood pressure in the long run. This is because, across a number of different studies, it was observed that people with lower levels of sodium in their blood had lower blood pressure. In fact, high levels of sodium in the blood was actually linked with high risk of death as well!
Check this presentation of a study as it was presented in the New York Times website:
Chart of Low and High Salt Intake
And the DASH diet in this aim, has a few basic guideline – you are required to focus more on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy – and generally low fat food. This means that all fast food is off the table, especially in a regular context. In addition, you need to cut back on poultry and fish, and try and stay off fats, fatty foods, sweets and red meat.
As a general overview, that is what proponents of the diet would give you. But…
Now we take a look at what is the general outline of the Dash Diet…
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To start off, one integral part of this diet is regular exercise. Exercise helps to keep your heart and your entire cardiovascular system healthy, it helps your body to deal with stress better. And of course, it helps your body to burn calories, and keep off excess weight – which is a major cause of high blood pressure.
Besides these too, there are a few particular rules laid down by those who have formulated the diet. We have tried to note them here for you in brief.
To start with here’s what to include in your diet and why:
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At least 4 servings of fruit a day. Not only will this provide your body with vitamins and nutrients, they are a good source of roughage that keeps your digestive system in good shape.
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At least 4 servings of vegetables – this serves the same purpose, specifically leafy green which are very high in the essential minerals and vitamins you need. Also make sure you include colored vegetables like sweet potato, carrots and tomatoes, etc.
Photo Credit: Arria Belli via Compfight cc
About 6 to 8 servings of whole grain foods like bread, pasta, rice, or cereals – and mind you these need to be whole grains – with the germ and all the other edible parts of the grain.
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About 2 to 3 servings of dairy – though only low fat/skim/no-fat versions. These will give your body the essential Calcium, protein and Vitamin D it needs, but without putting in fat.
And now for what not to eat – fast foods, and soda and all that stuff are filled with a whole lot of sodium. So these should be avoided at all costs. Besides these:
Photo Credit: Lorenia via Compfight cc
No more than 6 ounces of lean proteins which includes fish and poultry. These can be fresh (though skin less) or canned (but not in oil). Also do not cook them with too much of oil, oil free cooking is your best bet.
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No more than 2, a maximum of 3 servings of fats or oils in a day. And by a serving of fat we mean 1 tsp of margarine or 1 tbsp. of low-fat mayo. Also steer clear of trans or saturated fats.
Photo Credit: PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast via Compfight cc
Less than 1 serving of sweet a day – in fact, you are only allowed a max of 5 servings in a week! A serving, typically, would be a tbsp. of sugar or a cup of lemonade etc. Again, always go for low sugar, low fat options.
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And since you should ideally stay off meat, you can replace that with legumes or seeds like lentils, kidney beans, almonds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, etc. – but not more than 5 servings in a week, again.
So – these are the general guidelines laid down. Well, by themselves they mean not much to you – but when you use these to work out your diet chart – that’s’ when they start to take on meaning. And we have got those for you too – the sample diet plans – but before we get to that, let’s answer another important question…
Through this food intake, what is the diet actually doing for you?
Firstly, it is obviously helping your body to retain less sodium, without actually cutting down on your sodium intake. Because as you can see – none of the foods that you are asked to have are ‘low-salt’. So salt or taste is not being sacrificed.
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But what is being done is that – your body’s calorific needs are being met – and along with that it is being given only the necessary amounts of sodium. In fact, this table should make things a little clearer:
Nutrient Goals
In other words, you are eating healthy – and you are eating what your body needs to counter the harm that high blood pressure and its contributing conditions have caused in your body. And at the same time you are also learning to:
Think about your meals realistically – and learn to adjust them on a daily basis
Learn to read food labels to be absolutely sure, and
Learn the use of pure spices to replace extra sugar, fat and other high sodium seasonings.
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Overall – health is the first goal of this diet. And now that we know that nutrition wise AND health wise – the diet is healthy for you… time to check out…
What you need to DO on the diet
We have explained the general guidelines to you already. But how does one incorporate these into their diet? We have a few tips lined up for you:
Take some vegetables and make them a part of your regular lunch or dinner.
Snack on fruits instead of other things that are full of fat and salt.
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Try and have a serving of fruit before your meal – it can be a nice start, and it is the best way to have fruits.
For a few meals a week, go all vegetarian.
After exercising, if you feel hungry, snack on a fruit.
Learn to cut down on butter and other fats – as well as jams and other sweets. Start out by using less – and work up to using only as much as is allowed!
 These are some of the basic tips – your dietician will be able to help you with more. But always remember one golden rule of this diet:
If you do it right – studies show that this diet, on its own, can lower your blood pressure in 14 days!
Here are the sample diet plans
But, yes, for that you have to be completely honest with the diet. For instance…
There are three plans here – but these are completely sample plans. You can follow this if you like, but keep in mind that no added salt is allowed. Additionally, you need to ensure that you are not making departures from the plan you choose. But that is if you choose to use these.
On the other hand, you can always go ahead and speak to your nutritionist and ask them to make out your tailor-made DASH Diet plan.
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Now for the sample plans:
Plan 1
Plan 2
Plan 3
Whole Wheat English Muffin with Jam
Oatmeal with Applesauce
Pineapple Juice
Light Yogurt
Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice
Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin with a Schmear of Light Cream Cheese
Wheaties® with Skim Milk Topped with Ripe Raspberries
1 or 2 slices Canadian bacon
Hard-boiled egg
6 ounces tomato juice, low-sodium
Dinner Roll
Chicken Waldorf Salad
Nonfat Milk
Baby Carrots
Minestrone Soup
Turkey and Light Swiss Cheese on Whole Wheat, Smothered with Cranberry Sauce,Topped with Romaine Lettuce Leaves
Cherry tomatoes
Acapulco Tuna Salad
Strawberry Jell O cup, sugar-free
Small side salad: dressed with Italian or oil and vinegar dressing
Plan 1
Plan 2
Plan 3
Baked Potato
Roasted Chicken Breast
Tomato Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Apple Crisp Topped with Frozen Yogurt
Grilled Salmon with Barbecue Sauce
Italian Bread Dipped in Olive Oil
New Petite Red Potatoes
Hearts of Romaine Lettuce Spiked with Grape Tomatoes, Olive Oil Vinaigrette
French-style Green Beans, Dusted with Crushed Hazelnuts
Very Berry Sundae (Strawberries, Blueberries, and Blackberries on Light Vanilla Frozen Yogurt)
1 cup (or more) mixed carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower blend: steamed or microwaved
Crispy Grilled Chicken
Salad: Romaine blend with Italian dressing Raspberry Jell O cup, sugar-free
Light String Cheese
Handful of Almonds
18 cashews (1 ounce by weight, 1/4 cup by volume, or small handful)
4 ounces lemon light yogurt, fat-free, artificially sweetened
And now that you know all these details, time to focus on another very pertinent question –
Is the DASH diet safe for me?
The DASH Diet has been featured in the U.S. News & World Report’s “best diets” list. It has been recommended by none less than Dr. Oz, and even by the USDA. When you have such names of authority backing it up, questions of safety shouldn’t arise.
Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight cc
In fact, if that isn’t all, there are a number of success stories from across USA who bear testimony to the effects of this diet. However, there is just one small catch. The diet by itself may be good, but it is no use without the requisite exercise. The diet can only work when it goes hand in hand with the physical activity.
In fact, Dr. Oz, even as he upholds the diet, also makes certain that exercising is a must. And here we bring you the plan that he himself suggests - the Donovan Green No Excuse Workout.
And that’s not all – you can check out the 3 part regimen here:
Doesn’t seem all that difficult, does it? Are you starting to think that you can do it? Well, if Dr. Oz. and all these figures of authority have a say – then you will very well be able to do it! And with success too!
But on a final note –
Is the diet the same for Men and Women?
Well, we went looking through how the diet was viewed by popular health magazines specially written for men and women. And here is what we found -
Photo Credit: LyndaSanchez via Compfight cc
There really is no difference –except maybe in the calorific needs. And this is where the dietician or nutritionist becomes important. Depending on your age, body weight and gender, as well as your line of work and lifestyle – the diet will differ. Portions will change, amount of exercise required may be more and the basics dynamics will vary. But then that isn’t really a gender specific thing – just as hypertension isn’t.
And so – to conclude, the studies and the proof all conclusively point towards the fact that success in the war against hypertension can be secured through the DASH Diet – provided you follow it right. So, are you ready for it?
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womensdiary-blog · 7 years
Healthy Diets – Paleo Diet and Vegan Diet
New Post has been published on https://womensdiary.com/healthy-diets-paleo-diet-and-vegan-diet.html
Healthy Diets – Paleo Diet and Vegan Diet
If you want to live longer, to have a healthy heart and not gaining weight, you should take into consideration some simple steps of healthy diets. Healthy diets mean the consumption of carbohydrates and calories according to age, sex and the intensity of physical exercises, and more important, you should consume regularly fruit and vegetables. The way you prepare your food when you follow healthy diets is as important as what you eat. There is the possibility to buy only healthy food, but if you cook them wrongly, then your effort of following a healthy diet is in vain.
Food you should include in healthy diets
1. Fruit and vegetables Ensuring a necessary quantity of fiber and vitamins, fruit and vegetables have many benefits on weight loss. This is possible because most fruit and vegetables are hard to digest, being considered food that help in fat burning. Transformed into drinks or salads, fruit represent a healthy solution when following healthy diets and they can be consumed anytime.
2. Cereals They represent another important solution of healthy diets, because without them any diet can cause different disorders to the digestive system. Specialists recommend that cereals should be consumed in the morning. When the body needs a high level of carbohydrates in order to help it to start the digestive mechanism.
3. Proteins Meat and fish products, such as: tuna, chicken or turkey contain a high level of proteins. They help in maintaining the elasticity of muscle tissues, and if you introduce proteins in your healthy diets, they can help in fat burning and calories in the body. Also, the proteins help in building muscle mass, which helps keeping you fit, full of energy during your diet.
The benefits of choosing healthy diets
Combining healthy diets with a physical exercises program, you will succeed in having a healthy body and a powerful muscle mass.
Doing exercises regularly at least 30 minutes daily will improve your health and energy.
Losing extra pounds will determine a decreased pressure on joints and muscles, and muscle pain will disappear.
The less sugar and “bad” carbohydrates you consume, you will feel more energetic during the day, because your body will need less time and energy to digest this type of food.
Information related to healthy diets are very diverse. Through this article you will find out detailed information about two important healthy diets. If you want to follow one of these healthy diets, we invite you to take a look and choose the best diet for you.
Paleo diet is very successful in United States, changing people mentality and life and brought them a perfect silhouette, but also a healthier lifestyle. Paleo diet consists in consuming few carbohydrates, less cereals and dairies. The perfect combination in this type of diet would be one third of calories sources to come from animal products (eggs, fish, seafood, venison etc.), one third raw fruit and vegetables and one third of cooked vegetables (boiled, grilled, baked). Even it is called “cave man diet”, the “cave lifestyle” is just the part that makes you think how people were eating 40.000 years ago. People who do not agree with Paleo diet, say that our ancestors lived less than us now. But this was because they did not discover microscopes, chemistry, viruses, they did not have treatments for diseases. Instead, they were taller, slimmer and well adapted to the environment. Paleo diet is not just a new diet, but is seen as a lifestyle and being part of a list with healthy diets. Paleo diet means supervising the way we eat and how we eat. Cooking is an important part in following correctly this diet. It matters also how much sport you do and what type of sport you choose. The proper physical exercises for Paleo diet should be jogging, walking, climbing, swimming. You also cannot eat too much, as modern people tend to do. A series of eating principles, older and newer, say that if you finish your meal before having the feeling of satiety you may live longer. In spite of some people say and even if Paleo diet has restrictions on some types of products, this diet allows a large variety of healthy food, such as: vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, oils, meat, fish and healthy fats.
In Paleo diet there are: deserts, raw food, but also well cooked. Here is a list with allowed food in Paleo diet: 1. Paleo meat and fish: keep your family away of processed and fatty meat. Avoid types of meat products such as sausages or any other products with low quality.
Chicken, ducks, turkey.
Veal, beef, goat meat, lamb.
Ostrich, pheasant or other types of birds.
Fish is one of the best sources of proteins and Omega 3. Frozen fish is better that smoke-dried, smoke-dried is better that canned. But the best is fresh fish.
Salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna.
Catfish, trout, carp.
2. Seafood: crayfish, crabs, shrimps, scallops, octopus, etc. 3. Paleo eggs: they are a good source of proteins, but also cholesterol. The eggs have a secret: if you consume only 2 eggs in the morning, they are very beneficial for the body. The eggs ensure the necessary dose of cholesterol for the body. 4. Vegetables and herbals: almost any vegetable and herbal are included in Paleo diet. But you should pay attention to vegetables with a high level of starch, such as potatoes, pumpkin. They are not harmful, but it is important how you combine them and especially not with meat.
Cabbage, broccoli cauliflower.
Avocado, salad, celery, zucchini.
Onion, garlic, peppers, eggplants.
Spinach, cucumber, peas, tomatoes, carrots.
Parsley, dill.
5. Paleo fats and oils: – Olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil (limited quantity). – Butter (limited quantity). – Fish oil (capsules). 6. Peanuts and nuts: almonds, nuts, cashew, flaxseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. 7. Paleo fruit: apples, peaches, plums, grapes, strawberries, apricots, watermelon, melon, pineapple, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, lemons, oranges, bananas. Here is the list of forbidden food in Paleo diet:
Carbonated drinks.
Fruit juices.
Fatty meat.
Salt or salty food.
Vegetables rich in starch.
Energy drinks.
Sweets and sugar.
A few years ago, vegan diet was considered extreme, but nowadays more and more people follow this strict type of diet in order to have a healthy lifestyle and to lose weight. Vegan diet has more and more followers, which consider that healthy diets based on herbs, but balanced, are the healthiest lifestyle. These diets are based on herbs, germs and seeds, and are excluded all animal products, including milk, cheese and eggs, which are allowed in some vegetarian diets. Vegan diet, well-planned is a healthy diet, nutritional adequate and ensures benefits for general health in preventing and treating certain diseases. Vegan diet – a diet for all ages. Studies have shown that a vegan diet is suitable for any age, even for small children, pregnant women or those who breast feed, and also for extremely active sportsmen. People who criticize the vegan diet say that if you follow this type of lifestyle risk to lose essential nutritive substances which are found in animal products. But nutritionists say that there is not a problem, but warn people who follow a vegan diet to pay attention to the nutrients from the daily menu. Surprisingly, vegan people do not have to worry about proteins intake, even if herbs are not good sources of proteins. They do not contain the whole range of amino-acids that the body needs for a proper functioning. It is true that, unlike animal proteins, most herbs do not contain  all necessary amino-acids for our body, but a bean of peas and some cereals can be a complete source of proteins. As long as our body will receive a variety of vegetables and cereals, everything will be alright. You can have enough proteins from beans, lentils, soy, tofu and other vegetable sources, such as seeds and nuts. Moreover, there are super-products such as soy or quinoa, seaweed which contain complex proteins. As long as you have a various diet during the day, your body can mix the nutrients in order to get what it needs. Vegan diet, a miracle for the body In general, in all diets, there are nutritional deficiencies when the percentage of cooked food id much higher than animal food. The solution is simple, try to add in your daily diet not just a big quantity of fruit, but also many raw vegetables, especially vegetables full of chlorophyll. In this way, the deficiencies and anemia are avoided. With the help of vegan diet, many people have lost weight and cured from serious diseases, thus this healthy lifestyle has become a belief. Vegan diet plan for a day:
Breakfast: almonds milk with dried fruit and sunflower seeds.
Lunch: vegetables cream-soup with cashew cream, one slice of cake with chocolate and mint.
Dinner: a “vegetable hamburger: with raw vegan mayonnaise and tomatoes cream.
One of these two healthy diets can be seen as a healthy diet plan for women who have overweight problems. You do not have to perceive a diet as a limited period of time, when all you have to do is to eat less and all types of food more or less tasty, but as a healthy diet plan in order to have a better lifestyle. Overweight people who want to lose weight quickly, can consider one of the two healthy diets above as an obesity treatment. For example, they can follow vegan diet for one year or more, and they will see good results. Obesity effects can be seen as serious disorders of the body, so choosing one of these healthy diets may help in improving general health.
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Immunity is one such tool that our body owns which can fight against deadly viruses like COVID-19.
Menopause is one of the normalities that occurs in women after a certain age and this leads to decline in immune power. Immunity today is required more of all to older people, to fight off COVID-19. Hence it is imperative to improve immunity during menopause in women today.
COVID-19 is gobbling us up everyday globally, during this human crisis let us do our share to help ourselves.
Here, today you are going to get a note on how menopause and immunity are interdependent and how you can improve your immunity during menopause.
Does Menopause decrease your immunity? 
Yes, the decrease in oestrogen and progesterone, particularly, can result in damaging your immune function. Hence it is necessary to know the importance of immunity while you are under menopause and we shall help you with guidelines to boost your immunity and manage Menopause symptoms. 
How can a Menopausal woman improve their immunity during this pandemic of COVID-19? 
In order to build a strong immunity & protect oneself, it is essential to follow a well-balanced diet & an exercise regime.
A balanced diet includes the following:
The best would be to think about the portions, we call it Truweight Plate Concept that consists of 50% Fibre, 25% Protein & 25% Carbohydrates: 
4 to 5 servings of seasonal fruits (100 g) and vegetables (100-200 g).
40 to 60 grams of protein obtained from food sources like lentils, pulses, beans, eggs and 70-100 gm of chicken or fish. You must add one protein source in each meal you take. 
1-2 servings of Whole grain Phulkas, Millet Bhakri or 1 cup of brown/white rice in each meal.
2-3 tsp of oil can be taken, preferably cold pressed oils or ghee. 
2-3 tsp of roasted seeds like pumpkin, flaxseeds and/or handful of mix nuts can be taken.
How do we ensure we are getting enough Micro-nutrients required for immunity? 
Micro-nutrients are required to prevent damage of cells which play a role in immunity. So below are the micro-nutrients which we should include in our daily routine 
Vitamin C rich Citrus fruits and red bell peppers, Guava, oranges, lemons, papaya, tomato juice can be taken. You can simply squeeze some lemon juice on your recipes of dal, salad bowl, soups, etc.
Kitchen Spices have a plethora of micro-nutrients that can help us fight against infections like cold and flu. Ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and capsaicin (from chilli peppers) are few spices that can be easily added to soups, stews, stir-fry, or salad dressings. 
Foods rich in Zinc like cashews, legumes, whole grains and egg yolks should be consumed since zinc is used as an active ingredient in the cold remedy tablet named Zicam. Zinc has proven to have some virus fighting effects. 
Good gut bacteria can help in improving your immune system. Keep your gut bacteria happy and healthy and it will do the same to you. Eat probiotic-rich foods such as Idli, Dosa, curd, buttermilk, pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir.
Studies suggest that consuming probiotic rich foods also help in reducing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and also help in reducing internal inflammation. 
Magnesium-rich foods may help you to feel calmer and help support immunity. Stress can deplete our magnesium levels too. Food sources are legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains supply your body with said micronutrient 
Antioxidants can help in reducing inflammation. Include Beets, green tea, garlic, spinach.
Can anything help in relieving menopausal symptoms? 
Yes, menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweat, and mood swings can be reduced by including the below foods in your diet.
Phytoestrogens act like a weak estrogen that may ease the symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens are found in plant foods such as flax seeds, soybeans, fenugreek, sprouts, legumes and many other fruits and veggies. 
Soy foods have been the rage lately. Researchers are debating their efficacy against hot flashes. Try adding some fermented soy to your diet like sprouted soybeans (1/4 cup) and tofu (1/2 cup). 
Flaxseeds are particularly good sources of lignans, a type of phytoestrogens. Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chestnuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts are all good sources. You can add flaxseeds to your smoothies or powdered in a soup or make a chutney. Tastes Yum! 
Many fruits and vegetables contain phytoestrogens such winter squash, green beans, greens, broccoli, cabbage, alfalfa sprouts. Dried prunes, peaches, raspberries and strawberries have small amounts of these plant chemicals. 
Another great source of phytoestrogens is found in beans. Beans are beneficial for many reasons including providing good sources of protein, vitamins and minerals including folic acid, minerals and vitamin B-6. For menopause, they provide omega-3 fatty acids (“the right fats”) which may help relieve the hot flashes. Other sources of omega-3s include fish, fish oil, olive oils, flaxseeds and walnuts. 
The trace nutrient Boron is important during menopause because it increases the body’s ability to absorb and hold onto oestrogen and vitamin D. Some fruits and veggies that are good sources of boron and oestrogen include plums, prunes, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges and vegetables cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, soybeans, sweet potatoes. 
Methi Ladoo: Jeera and fenugreek powder (50gm each) can be fried in ghee with little jaggery, made ladoos (10 gm each) and eat one ladoo everyday; this is to cover up all the elemental deficiencies during menopause.
Shall we restrict something? 
Avoid sugary foods, junk food/highly processed food, which can be high in salt and additives as well as sugar that contributes to imbalances in blood sugar and weight gain.
Limit stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and tea which can hinder the absorption of nutrients and produce heat in the body. 
Low salt intake, too much can affect blood pressure and water retention. 
Limit saturated fat which can affect blood lipid levels, the arteries and heart health. 
Avoid spicy foods and hot foods and drinks and these can often make menopausal symptoms worse.
Do I have to take any additional Supplements for Immunity and Menopause? 
Be in touch with your physician over the phone and update your health status. 
If any supplements or medications prescribed by the physician, continue the same. Don’t change the dose of medicines without physicians knowledge. 
Discuss with the physician and take a multivitamin supplement daily one for a month 
You can supplement your diet with OTC probiotic supplements like Darolac or Velgut. 
Take Chyawanprash 1 tsp in the morning. If you have Diabetes, then you can take 0.5 tsp each in morning and evening (There should be a 30 mins gap of your Diabetes medicine intake).
Does Stress play a role in immunity? 
Yes, when we are stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced.
Here is how you can beat that stress
Laughter, yes you read it correct, laughter can help in reducing stress hormones & increasing happy hormones in your body. You can read comics or watch a comedy movie – with your spouse or family for fun, do take care that you do not watch this till late night and compromise on your sleep. 
You can practice some breathing exercises, try doing pranayama. It will help in de-stressing your body and mind. 
You should connect to your distant friends and relatives over a frequent phone or video call to feel connected during these times when human touch is compromised; and overcome the feeling of lockdown. 
It is essential that you keep yourself active and busy; either by indulging in a regular routine of household chores, cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc or you can pursue your long lost hobbies like painting, learning new recipes, knitting, etc since you’re spending most of the time indoors. 
You can play indoor board games, cards, monopoly, etc with your family. 
Take steam inhalation by adding essential oil like Eucalyptus which strengthens your respiratory organ functioning, at the same time it will refresh you. 
You can take steam or hot water baths – twice a day to feel fresh from a lockdown day filled with lethargy. 
Does Sleep play a role in immunity? 
Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who do not get good quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus. Body produces cytokines that are nothing but immunity cells while being asleep.
Here are some tips to help you: 
Keep a regular bedtime and wake up time. Now that you are at home and do not have to travel anywhere, get a good 8 hours of sleep. 
There should be a soothing bedtime routine, minimise time spent awake in bed that means do not carry your mobile phones to bed. You must go gadget free at least 2 hours before sleep time. 
If you find difficulty in getting sound sleep then try following remedies: 
Drink 1 cup of Chamomile tea 
Add pinch of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk, drink this golden milk 
Drink 1 cup of Cashew Cinnamon Milk (Recipe shared below).
Does Exercise play a role in immunity? 
Yes, I am sure you are thinking how exercise can help in immunity. Exercise helps in improving defence activity and metabolic health. No no! you do not need to go out, below are a few exercises that can be done during lockdown. 
Take a walk on your terrace or around the compound wall of your house daily for 15-20 minutes. If you do not have enough space to walk, then just stand at one place and do spot jogging. 
You can start your day by a practice of 10-15 Surya Namaskar, Yoga. It gives you strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness. 
15-20 minutes of stretching exercises can be done in case you suffer from joint pains. 
Meditation and breathing exercises like Pranayama which help in reducing stress. Meditation of minimum 15 minutes can be done on waking up or before bedtime.
 You can check number of exercises on Truweight blog 
Looking for a diet plan to manage Menopause & boost immunity?
TimePlan 1Plan 2Plan 3Plan 4Early Morning1 glass lukewarm water + 1-2 cloves of raw garlicHerbal Tea / Water (1 cup) + Almonds (3) OR Walnuts (2) 1 glass lukewarm water + 1-2 cloves of raw garlic Soaked rice water 1 cup + Almonds (3) OR Walnuts (3) BreakfastBesan Ragi spinach chila / methi thepla (2) + mint chutney + 1 glass buttermilk1 bowl oats porridge + 1 tsp chia seeds + 1 tsp flax seeds + 1 cup sproutsRagi Chila / Pesarattu (2) + Vegetable Chutney (2 tsp) + Tomato Ginger and Mint Juice (1 cup) Brown Rice Idli / Millet Idli (2) + Mint and Coriander Chutney (2 tsp) + Spinach Juice (1 cup) + Vegetable Sambar (1bowl)Mid-Morning1 fruit (70-100 gms) + 4 almonds150-200 ml sattu drink + 4 almonds1 glass chia lemonade + 4 almonds 150-200 ml kokum drink + 4 almondsLunch1 cup dahi kadi + 1 bowl khichdi + 1 cup of any veg curry + 1 bowl salad + turmeric root pickle 2 phulka / bhakri + 1 cup paneer bhurji / 1 cup chicken preparation + 1 bowl salad + 1 glass buttermilk 2 phulka / bhakri + 1 cup veg curry + 1 cup dal + 1 bowl salad + 1 glass buttermilk 2 mix veg stuffed wheat Roti + 1 bowl chana / sprouts curry + 1 cup cucumber raita + 1 tsp pickle 1 cup Green tea + 1 bowl roasted makhana Evening Snack1 cup Green tea + 1 bowl roasted makhana1 cup Green Tea + 1 cup Dry bhel with sprouts1 cup Masala tea add a small piece of ginger + 4 pc dhokla1 cup Green Tea + 1 cup Cowpea Boiled and cooked like Sundal Dinner1 bowl yogurt soup + 1 thalipeeth + 1 tsp vegetable pickle + 1 glass Buttermilk with Ginger powder1 bowl lauki moong dal soup + 1 bowl veg upma 1 bowl veg soup + Any veg Curry 1 cup + Jowar Atta Roti (2) + 1 glass Buttermilk with Saunf PowderDalia with Vegetables 1 bowl OR Besan Chila (2) + 2 tsp Mint Coriander Chutney + 1 cup mix veg raita BedtimeTriphala powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup milk with a pinch of turmeric Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup cashew milk Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup milk with a pinch of turmeric Triphala Powder (1tsp) in lukewarm water OR 1 cup cashew milk
Looking for recipes? 
1. Yogurt Soup
1/2 tsp oil 
1/2 tsp ginger 
2 cup yoghurt 
1/2 tbsp turmeric powder 
2 tsp cumin seeds 
salt as required 
3 cloves garlic 
red chilli powder as required 
3-4 coriander leaves 
1 tsp garam masala powder 
Heat oil in a pan. Once it is hot enough, sauté minced ginger, garlic cloves for a few seconds. 
Add yoghurt along with all the spices and let it cook for at least 3-4 minutes. 
Transfer it in a serving bowl and garnish with coriander leaves before serving. 
2. Turmeric Root & Mango Ginger Pickle in Lemon Juice
150 gms Fresh Mango Ginger 
150 gms Fresh Turmeric Root 
1/3 Cup Lemon Juice (~5 Large Lemons) 
4-5 Green Chillies (optional) 
1/2 tsp Salt 
Using a few drops of oil, grease your palms. This prevents the turmeric root from staining your palms. 
Peel and chop the turmeric & mango ginger into thin slices. You can also julienne them. Cut the green chillies into 1/2′′ pieces. 
Add the mango ginger slices, turmeric root slices, green chillies, lemon juice and salt to a clean, dry, airtight glass bottle. Use a spoon and mix well. Close the bottle and let the pickle rest for 2 days. 
3. Cashew Cinnamon Milk
4-5 cashew 
1 cup milk 
1 pinch cinnamon powder 
Soak cashew in 50 ml milk for 20 mins 
Blend the above ingredients and add the remaining 100 ml milk with a pinch of cinnamon. 
Sleeplessness, memory loss, mood swings, frustration, body pain and what not your body can go through? While the period of menopause starts in you at a certain age, there are a lot of realizations that you go through and that starts with knowing that your immunity is being affected.
With COVID-19 pandemic on the row and still running, immunity has been the major medication for the survivors. This being said, if you are in a period of menopause, you better get going with building up your immunity. If not you, share this with the ones you love and are in menopause.
Menopause does not mean you are getting old, but it is that you have to pause on things that are unnecessary to the body and mind. As a woman you tend to spend most of the time looking after others, but today, it is your duty to serve yourself.
We have listed down certain guidelines here to help you improve immunity during menopause, but the one who can really help you is YOU. Let us start helping us starting today.
The post Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Guidelines To Improve Immunity During Menopause published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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