#and even that isn't an 'always' thing dslakfjdsa
not-poignant · 2 years
Ha, it's always the shoulder with Crielle's boys isn't it? Was reading and for a second I thought what would help Ef was Dr Gary pushing at it like Augus did for Gwyn, before realising their injuries are completely different and that would definitely not help Ef.
It's definitely been the shoulder three times out of about seven different stories! (not Spoils or Falling Falling Stars, not The Nascent Diplomat, not Quid Pro Quo, not As Green as the Ragged Grass) so idk if I'd call it an 'always the shoulder thing' personally (you might want to read those AUs if you haven't already! :D ) - Gut injuries are about as common, and beatings are actually more common.
Sadly pushing at his shoulder would not help. I mean it would have if it was a dislocation that hadn't popped back into the joint, but I think the RICE method will be what Efnisien needs most at this point!
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