#and her post-genocide executioner/captain was a literal demon like guys he kicked all your asses several times trust me
heraldofcrow · 1 year
Ok, I’m kind of obsessed with the idea that the royal captains of the Cainhurst guard were like…insane if anyone spoke out against Annalise during her reign, but only because that’s just how intense she was as a queen.
You threaten betrayal or rebellion? You’re gone. Wiped off the face of the earth. You and your entire family. Annalise’s captain would leave your house in charred and bloody shambles. He would lead the guard to carry out the most gruesome executions possible.
I also like the idea that Annalise was like that because Logarius and the Church were threatening her with…basically genocide? So, she had to keep her kingdom absolutely devoid of traitors and disgruntled nobles. No room for weakness. She had to frighten her subjects into submission purely for the sake of their own survival.
It also goes hand in hand with my theory that Logarius himself was a traitor to Cainhurst and that’s why Annalise couldn’t risk any more betrayals. She and Logarius were locked in an unspoken game of strategical and political warfare. It was only a matter of time before it exploded.
And the captain of the royal guard? God forbid you spoke against the queen in his presence.
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