#and i mean i guess she cant exactly write exact prompts coz we’re all choosing different pieces to analyze but. i dunnooooooooo i jut
gnc-tits · 2 months
i have to write an essay today and like. i overall have enjoyed the professors classes but mostly just bcoz theyve been asynch. the professor…..idk maybe itd be different if it were taught in person or multi modal with a set class Time but overall she is just not tht great at teaching 😭which is FINE like im fine with teaching myself especially for a lit class but also??? this essay is a “literary analysis” and not only is the rubric ultra fuckin specific with what we have to write about but its also broken down by paragraph structure like in the rubric she Tells you what to write about paragraph by paragraph. like what are we even doing here
#the only thing we get to choose is!!!! the piece we’re writing about!!!!!#god its like soooooooo. like. oh my godnfnnzn#like how is anyone genuinely learning from this#fucking christ and half the assignment is pulling quotes from other academic essays which. okay. i understand the importance of reading#academic essays i really do. but it rlly feels like the requirements of this assignment has the essays at an equal level of importance with#the actual book/piece we’re reading and its like. how am i learning fuckin Anything by just quoting what other ppl have said and i dont know#finding a few quotes from the book to back up their statements like. its a lit analysis#am i fucking crazy like in a lit analysis its. supposed to be your Own analysis right????? hello 😭#ITS SO DARK IN HERE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME#and oh my fucking god the paragraph breakdown is sooo. its sooooo#like there is. no cohesive overall Thesis of the essay its just like 4 different essays in one. like. what are we even DOING#where is the creative freedom!!!! where is the encouragement to think critically!!!!!#its like each question that we have to answer within the essay could be its own prompt. but instead of being able to flesh that out and#explore it on our own and just fucking Think and Ponder and Write we have to cram it into 3 paragraphs then spend another 3 paragraphs#answering another question etc etc. like#i dont know this just all feels ass backwards to me#i dont even want to do it now but its 100 points so 😔#and i mean i guess she cant exactly write exact prompts coz we’re all choosing different pieces to analyze but. i dunnooooooooo i jut#*just wanted to have more fun with this :/
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