#explore it on our own and just fucking Think and Ponder and Write we have to cram it into 3 paragraphs then spend another 3 paragraphs
gnc-tits · 2 months
i have to write an essay today and like. i overall have enjoyed the professors classes but mostly just bcoz theyve been asynch. the professor…..idk maybe itd be different if it were taught in person or multi modal with a set class Time but overall she is just not tht great at teaching 😭which is FINE like im fine with teaching myself especially for a lit class but also??? this essay is a “literary analysis” and not only is the rubric ultra fuckin specific with what we have to write about but its also broken down by paragraph structure like in the rubric she Tells you what to write about paragraph by paragraph. like what are we even doing here
#the only thing we get to choose is!!!! the piece we’re writing about!!!!!#god its like soooooooo. like. oh my godnfnnzn#like how is anyone genuinely learning from this#fucking christ and half the assignment is pulling quotes from other academic essays which. okay. i understand the importance of reading#academic essays i really do. but it rlly feels like the requirements of this assignment has the essays at an equal level of importance with#the actual book/piece we’re reading and its like. how am i learning fuckin Anything by just quoting what other ppl have said and i dont know#finding a few quotes from the book to back up their statements like. its a lit analysis#am i fucking crazy like in a lit analysis its. supposed to be your Own analysis right????? hello 😭#ITS SO DARK IN HERE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME#and oh my fucking god the paragraph breakdown is sooo. its sooooo#like there is. no cohesive overall Thesis of the essay its just like 4 different essays in one. like. what are we even DOING#where is the creative freedom!!!! where is the encouragement to think critically!!!!!#its like each question that we have to answer within the essay could be its own prompt. but instead of being able to flesh that out and#explore it on our own and just fucking Think and Ponder and Write we have to cram it into 3 paragraphs then spend another 3 paragraphs#answering another question etc etc. like#i dont know this just all feels ass backwards to me#i dont even want to do it now but its 100 points so 😔#and i mean i guess she cant exactly write exact prompts coz we’re all choosing different pieces to analyze but. i dunnooooooooo i jut#*just wanted to have more fun with this :/
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thisblogisaboutabook · 2 months
Where Fate and Stars Align
Tamlin Week - Day 2/Poet -Tamlin x Reader
Tamlin and Rhysand’s sister daydream of a life of love and poetry.
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Warnings: Language, allusions to sex, implied character death
A sea of green splattered with the vibrant hues of varying wildflowers rolled across the meadow in gentle waves, flattening into a soft bed of earth beneath me, my head resting on my lovers chest, bare legs winding through his muscled thighs.
We’d laid in silence for an hour, the melody of spring lulling us into a peaceful daze. I’d spent the morning weaving flowers into his silken hair, his emerald eyes not retreating from me once as I sat on his chest, fingers trailing through those golden locks I adored so.
The world saw him as another heir to a throne but to me, he was a poet, a musician, a muse. I could spend entire days admiring the sculpted features of his face, exploring plush lips with my own.
Neither of us were made for the courtly affairs we were born into, we had the passionate souls of creatives - and here, tangled beside the pool of starlight we were just that. Two artists captivated by the beauty of the world around us, by eachother.
Tamlin pressed a kiss to my forehead, whispering into my raven hair. “Will we be poets in another life?”
I warmed at the thought of him chasing me through space and time, living the vibrant lives that we only dared dream of, dancing the nights away, making love and art in all of its magnificent forms. He’d write limericks and play the fiddle, I’d paint and maybe even learn to play the piano.
We’d live in a studio apartment along the Sidra, sharing our art within the rainbow of Velaris. Or perhaps we’d live in one of the more liberal cities tucked away on the continent where art as a profession was respected and not seen as merely a hobby of the elite with time to spare. Another world, even, where war and grief did not exist.
My delicate fingers traced the curved ridges of his abdomen, “You’ll be the poet, I’ll be the painter. I don’t have the way with words that you and your silver tongue do.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Silver tongue, yeah?”
I hummed at the implication in his tone. “Yeah.”
Turning on his side to face me, head propped on a hand he held my face gently in the broad palm of the other. “Any world where I spend my days by your side, putting my tongue to use in either lyrical or the most salacious of ways is a world I would fight for.”
“Hmmm.” I pondered, tucking a lock of golden hair behind his ear. “In our world, we get to be lovers, not fighters.”
Tamlin let out a somewhat incredulous laugh. “I think you’ll always have that wild streak in you, and silver tongue or not, I am but a mere male. I’ll surely give you plenty of reason to fight a time or two.”
My teeth found my lower lip as I considered. He wasn’t wrong. “That’s not fighting, it’s passion. We’ll turn fighting and fucking into its own art.”
Tamlin’s hand dropped from my face, trailing along my breast, to the indention of my waist, and down to the curvature of my ass. With a little squeeze he only asked, “Yeah?”
We made love in the meadow, tumbling in the grasses, playing the passionate parts of poet and muse. It was almost- almost believable, until a male voice called from the forest. “Tamlin! Get your ass back to the manor before father has your head.”
Tamlin stiffened. “You need to go.” He pressed a desperate kiss to my lips. “See you in a few days?”
I frowned. “I have to travel with my mother to Windhaven this weekend but once I’m back, we can plan our great escape.”
He looked at me as if he were truly considering it and honestly, if he ever took me up on the idea, I’d go for it. A life of love and peace, what a life that would be.
Pressing one final kiss to my forehead he whispered. “I’ll see you soon, my love. Go before my brother sees you.”
Tamlin hurried into the forest and I could have sworn a whispered, “Who was that?” carried on the wind to me.
And now I wait where fate and stars align.
Through time
Through space
Through love eternal
My poet tried to save me.
This world was not made for us.
Tags: @tamlinweek
General ACOTAR list: @lilah-asteria
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CAN I JUST SAY THAT YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING????? Its so detailed with a great flow and filled with so much emotion I LOVE ITTTT!! You got me lying in bed tossing and turning with “in pursuit of knowledge” 🥰🥰 that’s my favourite one I really hope you continue it!
Can I request one of the upcoming chapter to explore more on how Zhongli and reader first meet and what are the other things they did that made him fall for them more and more each day? Zhongli doesn’t seem to be the kind that falls in love at first sight so I’m interested to see how the reader seems to have slowly crawled her way into his stone heart UGHHH ❤️❤️😩😩 It can be filled with fluff or with smut, up to you! Thank you so much ❤️
Thank you! You can keep on tossing and turning then with this! I also head canon that when it comes to love, Zhongli wouldn't fall in love at first sight but instead he'd be like a snail. The entire time I'm writing this I thought long and hard on how to proceed because I couldn't decide on a satisfactory way Zhongli would meet reader. I already knew that it would be a speed run of Enemies to Friends, and slow burn Friends to Lovers. So I wanted their first meeting to be seemingly unremarkable to Zhongli.
In Pursuit of Duty
Summary: The simplest of things can lead to the greatest moments of our life. Meeting you was Zhongli's greatest fortune.
There were a few mortals in Zhongli’s life, both as an Archon and on the few occasions he mingled with humans, that were able to capture his attention or even his praise. And in all of his life, mortal and divine, no one was able to capture his enmity in the way you did.
“Would it really matter what Rex Lapis thinks if we entered and fucked around the domain in Guyun stone forest?”
Zhongli blinked, aghast at your tone as Childe covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.
“What?” You asked the two of them as if you had not merely suggested tampering with the seals of Guyun Stone Forest.
“The entire place is home to the fallen gods” Zhongli reminded you “a graveyard for those who died in the Archon War”
“It’s been decades, they should be already on the reincarnation wheel at this point” You waved his worries off, sending Childe to another fit of laughter while Zhongli felt indignant “‘sides Rex Lapis is busy doing fuck knows what he probably wouldn’t even notice if one of the seals got messed with unless one of the dead Gods decide to fuck shit up”
Zhongli, who was very much Rex Lapis in disguise, very much noticed it and though he was the one who orchestrated this whole scenario, felt no less than pleased with the attitude you were having.
“The dead still deserve to be respected!” Zhongli insisted as he blocked your hand from reaching towards one of the seals.
“You stick in the mud! You make it sound like I’m defiling their graves or something!” You whined “Besides the Heavens must be willing if they had a stray seal plaster itself on my face!”
“It was a ruined seal. The divine powers had long since dwindled from it. Thus, the Heavens had no hand on it” Zhongli stubbornly insisted as he moved to block your path.
On the side, Childe was still laughing loudly.
“That’s it! Fight me you bastard!” You shouted as you took a few steps back and summoned the elements to form your weapon, a spear.
And really, it was almost funny in hindsight, how you would choose his weapon of all things. The one weapon he was best at among others but right now, in this moment, Zhongli had felt more than annoyed.
“Very well” His spear, dragon’s bane, at his side “I accept your challenge.”
There were a few opponents in his life that gave Zhongli a thrill of the battle. Ever fewer were able to make the gears in his head turn as quickly as it did when facing you, each strike of your spear was clearly aiming for his life, and yet the look in your eyes didn’t carry a single thought of murder.
It was frustrating. It was Confusing. It was, most of all, fascinating.
Fighting you brought him back to the days before the Archon Wars, where the Gods of Liyue were at a semblance of peace. It made him remember the joy of fighting someone your equal, it made his blood rush in a way that it had almost forgotten. And Zhongli was starting to see that beyond your heretical ways, behind your annoying mask of affability, was someone who can walk in the path of the divine.
‘No, you would walk in it for the sake of your knowledge’ Zhongli thought as he blocked your attack and moved his feet to kick you in your stomach.
“This ends here” Zhongli declared as he summoned a steele behind your back.
The sound of your back hitting it rang loudly in the air but the look on your face was something he would never forget in a long while.
You spat out blood, shakily standing up from your position, “You win this round! But I swear on Rex Lapis’ six pack abs I’ll find a way to replicate that fucking seal!”
And then you were gone in a spark of electro.
The peaceful sound of waves remained in the air that somehow hung heavy. Childe had stopped laughing and was looking confused as he mused, “That’s the first time in a long while I’ve seen them look like that.”
Zhongli paid no attention to his words and instead picked up the abandoned seal and returned it to its proper position.
“Interesting” Childe muttered, softly and slightly ominous to Zhongli’s ears.
What he found interesting was something Zhongli wisely decided to not entertain. He really hoped that today would be the last time he’d ever have to be in the presence of Childe’s...friend.
For his part, Childe had no regrets in introducing Zhongli to you, or rather having Zhongli experience the misfortune of knowing you. From the moment Childe had met you again, he knew that his life would be thrown out of whatever carefully calculated plan Pulcinella had made. And it was one he was happy with, if the rumors in Snezhnaya had him part of the chaos then you were chaos incarnate.
It was precisely the reason why Childe had brought Zhongli with him when meeting you in the Guyun Stone Forest.
“A friend of mine, an expert in the ways of the divine and assorted knowledge, would lend us their skills in challenging the...impossible, shall we say” Childe said on the way “Most of their thoughts are heretical, almost, but well no one has ever said it wasn’t effective in reaching the desired result.”
“Ah, a researcher from Sumeru then?” Zhongli had asked, the light in eyes glinting in interest.
“Of sorts” Childe answered because as much as you stayed in Sumeru, most of your knowledge had come from your own experiments and cases from clients seeking answers the divine could not give.
This was why you were almost heretical.
“I must warn you that for them the sacred can be profaned and the profane can be sacred” Childe added as they reached the shores of Guyun Stone Forest, and found you basking under the gentle rays of sunlight in front of the Domain.
Zhongli stared at you, the sight of you head looking up with your eyes closed as it felt the warmth of the sunlight. Geo crystalflies surrounding you as a light breeze had the ends of your hair fluttering in the wind.
“Who is that?” Zhongli asked.
“My friend, the infamous Xiézhihuā Mìngfù of Liyue” Childe answered.
In that exact moment, you slowly opened your eyes, lashes fluttering softly as you blinked. The wind blew and a rain of leaves fell on you, gentle and calm as you stared at them.
Like an ill-fated omen, Zhongli began to notice you on the streets of Liyue Harbor. Rumors and words of your deeds would reach his ears, on occasion some of your cases would be told in the tea houses.
“Miracle” a few bystanders would say.
“Heretical” the few devout traditionalists would mutter in hushed tones.
But all agreed that you were a genius. An innovator that brought changes like a storm. You gathered envy and admiration in your wake, foreign nobles and dignitaries seeking you out for consultations or to ask for your help. And yet, for all of your infamy and prestige, Zhongli often found you amidst the crowd of orphans or Liyue’s slum dwellers.
Sometimes, Childe was with you, other times it was Director Hu and her friends, the second young master of the Feiyun Guild and the exorcist. In one memorable moment, Yanfei. But more often than not you were by yourself, answering questions from children with a pleasant smile and mischievous glint in your eyes.
It was such a huge contrast from the one he first met that it made Zhongli pause and observe you from afar. Enough times that those around him would say, “No need for alarm, Mr. Zhongli. Xiézhihuā Mìngfù is honorable.”
It was those words that made him ponder. For all of your borderline heretical actions, miracle works that trespass on the Divine, the entirety of Liyue agreed that you were honorable.
It wasn’t until Childe had asked for his help did he cross paths with you again. Weeks of avoiding you to maintain peace were all for naught when he found himself in your presence once more. A jar of osmanthus wine on your hand and an ingratiating smile on your face, you offered it to him and said, “Osmanthus wine, I’ll give this to you so don’t be a stick in the mud!”
In his youth, he would have immediately brawled with you. But now, Zhongli settled for drinking a cup of tea with contempt as much as the act could convey. Your laughter, melodious, rang in the private room of Liuli Pavillion.
“Aiyo! What a tough crowd!” You said as you sat opposite him and placed the bottle in the center of the table, “Then shall we begin anew? My birth name is a secret, my courtesy name is a secret, my title is Xiézhihuā Mìngfù! Xié for Heretic, zhi for knowledge, and huā for flower!”
“What kind of introduction is that?” Childe teased as he began his battle with chopsticks.
“An unforgettable one!” You replied, sending a wink to Zhongli who merely pursed his lips.
“I am Zhongli, a consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.”
You smiled and decided to leave the matter at that, somethings could not be forced. So you retreated and decided to just straightforwardly tell him your intentions.
“I’ve heard that Mr. Zhongli is knowledgeable in Liyue’s history.”
Zhongli could sense your sincerity, it placated him a bit, made the dismal first meeting a little bit better. So he tries because he is magnanimous and there was no reason to burn a bridge, “I am merely remembering what others have forgotten.”
He looked at you in the eyes, drawn to the way your eyes burn bright with curiosity. It reminded him of Guizhong so he shakes the thought away because the dead and the living must not be compared. But as the conversation grows long, the topics eventually shift from the job to everything else, Zhongli can’t help but notice your innate desire to help those who are unfortunate.
Somehow it made him understand why you were seen as honorable. It wasn’t until all of you were facing unknown danger did he realize what it truly meant when used on you.
The case you were asking was slightly connected with Childe’s job for you. The case was about the sudden deaths of several brides that were kidnapped and found dead at an abandoned temple. No one had reported it to the Qixing until one of the victims involved was a distant relative of a Qixing who was to be wedded to one of the Szehnayan Merchants.
Childe had taken the chance to offer aide, calling for your help as one of the known detectives of Fontaine. It had surprised Zhongli, and made him respect you but all of it was quickly thrown away when you had given him a cheeky wink and said, “I can even tell how big a man’s dick is.”
“Shameless” He had admonished and yet he was unaware of the small smile he wore on his face.
The investigation led the three of you to a small village in the mountain, with a local shrine that was dedicated to an old god that even Zhongli had never heard of. The three of you had pored over legends passed down by mouth, discussing and comparing with the records found in Liyue’s public library and scholars. Childe, through his seemingly endless funds, had paid for information on every victim so far that wasn’t in the packet given by the millelith. Zhongli, with his seemingly endless connections, had talked to everyone and anyone that had studied Liyue’s countless lores and legends. And you had talked with the family of the victims, investigating the crime scene and connecting everything that could lead to an answer.
That was how Zhongli found you, messed up clothes and tired eyes poring over documents in the middle of discarded papers that laid on the dark wood floor of your secluded residence in Minlin.
“Have you not slept?” Zhongli asked, frowning as he made his way towards you.
“Not yet” You answered as you got up and discarded the paper you were reading to go to your wide cork board that held all the relevant information you had, “I’m close to figuring out what sort of deity or demon we’re going to fight.”
“What about the reason?”
“Solved it ages ago” You answered carelessly, pointing at the left corner of the board.
Zhongli went over and flitted through the papers on that side until he found what he was looking for.
“A vengeful bride?”
“Mn” You replied as you removed a pin and replaced the paper with an old newspaper clipping “There was a record of a previous incident however the Ghost of that time was listed as defeated. The stories all claim that the ghost was of savage rank, and disappeared after letting go of their obsession.”
“Then it returned?” Zhongli turned to you, alarmed and visibly frowning.
You sighed and rubbed your aching forehead, “This was a man made disaster that went out of hand, I’m sure that whoever started this is probably dead. Chances are the first death awakened a sealed something” You looked at him, eyes serious “I’m figuring out just how old this thing is and what exactly are we going to face.”
“...The older it is…”
“The harder it would be to defeat it. Liyue’s lands are drenched in blood. Old grudges mixed with new ones from the Archon Wars. With cultivation clans dying out and having a single yaksha around, the karmic cycle of Liyue is already out of balance” You revealed and Zhongli was amazed with your discovery.
“Is there anything Rex Lapis could do?”
“...Fixing the karmic cycle? None. Solving this? His dragon qi would only end up being corrupted or he’d be punished by the Heavenly Dao. Time has changed a lot of things, but the rule that the Gods may not interfere with the mortal realm remains true.”
Both of you remained silent, You stared blankly at your board while Zhongli watched you. The heavy air from your words made your heart heavy, and Zhongli could see it. The fear that lingered in your eyes, the firm determination to save lives.
It left a ripple in the calm waters of his heart. A small unnoticeable ripple.
“Is it worth it?” Zhongli asked “Is it worth betting on your life to save the common people?”
You smiled at him, almost pitying, “To an adeptus like you, the amount of times mortals would bet on their lives to save others must be few, but Zhongli...I am the sort to always think that the common people are worthy.”
At that moment, Guizhong’s words echoed in his mind.
“Let me help you.”
A red sedan trudges up the mountain path, intending to pass through the temple. Behind the bridal sedan was a short entourage carrying three chests of dowry. In front of the sedan, were two people beating drums to celebrate the auspicious day.
Zhongli, Baizhu, and the Fatui disguised as locals were on alert as it watched the ominous trees of the mountain road. You sat inside the sedan, meditating in lotus position. Chongyun and Xingqiu were waiting in the temple where the zombified bodies of the previous brides were found. You had advised Ajax to not participate in the inevitable battle. Ensuring the possibility that his abyssal powers would react badly with ancient powers. With all of the preparations, you hoped that the odds would be in your favor.
You sighed softly, eyes opening as you felt the air change. You readied your weapon as soon as you heard the sounds of fighting.
The door opens and you throw out a talisman. In a quick move you stepped out, geo shield forming around you as you began plucking the strings of the Guqin. You looked at your enemy and found your heart easing up.
What stood before you was neither an ancient deity or demon, but rather a ghost on the verge of breaking through the Malice Rank.
“Don’t fear! We can subdue this one!” You informed your party, as you played the Sound of Vanquish.
Vines subdued the ghost, wearing the red robes of a groom. The Fatui began surrounding the ghost. Nine stone pillars acted as the foundation of the seal, pulsing with geo energy.
You felt rather than saw Chongyun come close, allowing you to draw upon his yang energy to balance out the pure yin energy of the ghost. Xingqiu stood on standby ready to recite the incantation for parting in case the seal fails.
The final notes of the song lingered in the air as Zhongli walked towards you, eyes never leaving the ghost, “I thought it was a bride.”
“A minor mistake” You replied as you played Inquiry.
‘Who are you’
The ghost didn’t answer.
‘Who are you’ you repeated the question.
‘Kill me’ it answered.
Your hands stilled in the air. You sighed and looked up from the strings and found yourself staring straight at the eyes of the ghost. Stunned at the mixture of emotions in its eyes.
“...There is no need to surrender to despair, your soul can still be saved.”
The ghost gave a mocking smile, “So what? My Chang’er is gone. We can never meet again in this life or the next.”
Zhongli’s eyes widened at the implication, just as Chongyun let out a small gasp. You felt your heart turn heavy even so you soldiered on, there was a need to find out the cause of this tragedy.
“Then tell me, why did you kill those women?”
“They deserved it!” The ghost screamed in anger, “They killed her! They killed her like she was nothing! Chang’er was innocent! They knew she was innocent and still-”
“You could have reported to the Millelith!” Chongyun said.
Cold mocking laughter rang loudly in the air, in it you could hear the bitterness of defeat and anger.
“Would it have done anything when the person behind this is an official? You’re too naive, boy!”
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and decided to shield Chongyun from one of the dark sides of Liyue.
“Are you really forsaking salvation?”
Zhongli watched as you walked towards the ghost and asked its name. He watched as the ghost whispered its name and you nodded before raising your hands, your index and middle finger pointing towards the sky, while the rest were closed.
Light gathered on your finger tips, the air charged with spiritual energy that was not of Celestial origin. It was an ancient divine power that Zhongli used to feel before he ascended to the peak of cultivation as a dragon.
With one downward stroke, the light slashed through the ghost. The light was so blinding that Zhongli had to shield his eyes as he watched the ghost turn into dust, its soul scattering to the wind. Your back stood straight, your hair gently fluttering.
Even though you were expressionless, Zhongli felt the heaviness of your heart. Despite that your eyes remained strong, unyielding as righteousness burned in your eyes. He watched as you strode in Ningguang’s jade chamber, as you reported your findings.
He accompanied you in going back to the village where it all began as you read the Liyue Qixing’s edict. He watched as you went beyond what Childe asked and went to the unmarked grave of Chang’er, offering incense on the blood stained stones of the temple.
He went with you as you sat on the highest mountain peak in Bishui, looking at the horizon with a blank look in your eyes. He didn’t speak and instead poured you a cup of osmanthus wine and silently waited.
“...Sometimes, I wonder if I can remain in the path of righteousness” You spoke, “I can never understand the hearts of humans, how could they easily ruin someone’s reputation, ruin someone’s life because of greed? I can’t understand why there was a need to go as far as scattering the soul?”
You cried without any tears, and Zhongli remained silent, unable to answer something he had always witnessed in his long life.
“Have you changed your answer?” He asked as he stared at his cup of wine.
“No” You replied and Zhongli could hear the self-mockery in your tone, “Even if one day I find myself in unbearable pain, I’ll never stop believing that the common people are worthy of saving.”
You looked at Zhongli, solemn in your bearing as the sun disappeared in the sky “Zhongli, no one has the right to decide on the outcome of human lives. Be it human or adepti.”
Zhongli thought back to the case, the sad story of two lovers who parted eternally because of jealousy and greed. The greediness of an official’s son for a woman who had no affection for him, the jealousy of the ladies over the popular young scholar. The selfish righteousness of the village folk that stoned an innocent woman to death over ruined reputation.
Zhongli thought of his contract. He wondered for a moment what you would say to him if knew that he dared to bet on the safety of Liyue and its people.
He closed his eyes and drank the wine that still tasted as he remembered.
“I pray that your heart remains in paradise.”
You toasted him and smiled softly. Zhongli vowed to never forget how beautiful you looked in that moment, with the slight smile gracing your lips as you drank the osmanthus wine.
The moon was beautiful that night.
Zhongli watched from afar as Osial rose. His thoughts echoing to the oath you swore that day in Guyun. A part of his heart felt sad and yet in awe of what you had accomplished.
He watched as the Millelith, Adepti and Fatui worked together to evacuate the civilians. He watched as humans and adepti fought together to bring down Osial once more. He felt proud and relieved at the result, glad at the knowledge that Liyue had no need of him anymore and yet a part of him felt trepidation.
The knowledge that the Age of Archons was drawing to a close. He thought of you, a beloved child of the Heavens, who could boldly declare that the Gods can be wrong. He thought of the words you spoke that night.
He thought of the days he spent with you, the rare times he went along with your tricks and harmless schemes. The easy way the two of you became friends. You were the first person he had easily became friends with, he mused at how quickly his dislike of you melted into fondness.
The way his heart had pinched when you said he wasn’t fun. The elation from being one of the few people you found interesting. He thought all of this as he handed his gnosis, as he kept his reason a secret. He thought of this as he looked around Liyue that had no need of him anymore, he thought of you as his feet automatically walked to where you were.
He stood away from you, watching as you cared for the wounded and then silently left. He spent the aftermath ruminating on his decision, on his actions while silently watching your actions with Childe during the last week of his stay in Liyue.
He waited for you to come to him, and ask him the question he could not answer. He steeled his heart and yet when you came to him, you didn’t ask and instead began talking about your recent adventures, asking him of his days and Zhongli didn’t know what to feel.
He knew that you knew nothing then. That you remained unaware of the truth but he let himself believe that you didn’t mind. So he spent his days with you, silently caring for you, protecting you in his own way.
He let himself bask in your vibrant presence, allowed himself to savor the feeling of watching you walk the path of righteousness. He unknowingly and willingly let you walk inside his heart, step by step, with each moment you spent helping others.
The days spent by your side, knowing the parts of yourself that no one else knew was the closest he felt in being mortal. It was so easy to forget that you remained ignorant when he spent his time worrying about your ability to be where chaos was, when his heart was easily influenced by you.
But now, in the privacy of the Dwelling in the Clouds, Zhongli watched as you grew disappointed. Your soft laughter filled with heartbreak and weariness broke his heart for reasons he couldn’t understand.
He regretted not telling you the truth when he had the chance.
He hated how he had no right to wipe away your tears even though he had spent countless nights and days warming your bed.
“Zhongli, I hate how I can understand why you did it” Your voice was so soft “Really, as an Archon you are undeniably good, you are peerless in that regard.”
He closed his eyes and readied himself for your next words.
“But I can’t call you a good person. Human lives aren’t something you should bet on so easily, no matter how careful you are” Your disappointment, your grief, and your weariness were all visible in your tone and body language.
He remained where he stood, watching as you descended. Each step breaking his heart as he slowly understood what you meant to him. He cried silently as you disappeared below the clouds and slowly sank on the ground.
For the first time in his life, Zhongli didn’t know what to do. There was no one he could turn to. He dreaded going back to a cold empty house devoid of you. He feared going back to the days that were dull, to a time where you did not exist in his life.
Where the sound of your voice was not commonplace, or the comforting scent of your magic that lingered in the space you occupied.
Zhongli laughed, loud and unrestrained, mocking himself for his stupidity. He hated how he didn’t realize it sooner, if he did then perhaps things would not turn out this way. He cried with all of his broken heart as he remembered the loneliness in your eyes.
He drank his sorrows away and as daylight broke through the clouds, he stumbled his way home. To the place that was devoid of you who he loved.
He fell on his bed that still smelled like you and silently cried himself to sleep.
He was already missing you dearly.
You stared at Zhongli, eyes distant as he stood in front of your door. A distant part of you wondered if things could be fixed, if the two of you could move forward from this pain.
But the rest of you were waiting for further disappointment, you knew the bone-deep pride of Gods. You understood that there was a bigger chance that Zhongli would cease contact with you, no one can easily put down years of habit and thought as a god so easily.
And yet as Zhongli stood beneath you, looking up to you. You couldn’t help but hope.
“...I can’t apologize for what I did” Zhongli began, “I don’t regret doing it the way I planned but I regret that I didn’t think of another way to test my people.”
You remained silent.
“I asked you once if the common people are worthy, the truth is I don’t know whether I find them worthy or not...but with you…” Zhongli trailed off, he felt that his next words were heavy.
He was afraid of laying his heart bare to you. The deepest parts of him that he didn’t fully understand, “I know that your life alone is worthy. I am a being born from rock, gaining humanity through cultivation. My heart is made of stone, softened by the dust. I don’t know if I would ever understand what being human means and everything it entails…”
You stared at him, unmoving, silently and patiently hearing him out.
“But I know that the only way I can keep on being with you is by changing this stone heart. So please, let me walk by your side, protecting you and your belief.”
Zhongli bent his waist, solemnly asking for your forgiveness and acceptance. He heard your footsteps coming closer and swore to himself to accept whatever the outcome would be.
“Stand straight.”
He stood and then he found himself in your embrace, your familiar scent filled his nose and Zhongli gently and firmly hugged you back. He held you fearing that all of it was an illusion.
“Let me learn how to be good while staying by your side” He whispered.
“I was afraid” You replied “of how easily you can decide on the outcome of your people’s life and death.”
You hugged him tighter, “I know that you still have secrets that you can’t tell. That even as you live as a mortal, the consequences of your actions as an Archon is something you would live with for the rest of your life. So I won’t judge you for that but Zhongli, I can’t be with someone who can easily bet on other’s life.”
“I understand.”
He thought of your words in Qingyun Peak, your confession that night in Minlin. He thought of the day he met you. He thought of the words he said in that temple ruin.
Zhongli understood what it meant to walk by your side, to take the same path as you did. He knew that from this moment onwards he would never be able to untangle himself from you.There was no room for anything else in his heart that was filled with you. It would always remain with you even if one day his entire being ends up in the abyss.
‘As long as your heart remains in paradise, I don’t mind letting myself fall into the abyss.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Any Iteration
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader is nervous that this new iteration of her won’t be something Spencer will like.
A/N: This is my first fic for my 1250 follower celebration!! If you want another fic with nipple piercings check out my first smut ever- Surprise Pretty Boy. It’s also based on this request that my amazing girlfriend @spencers-dria gave me- also please go send her some love she just tested positive for covid 🥺 Also again thank you all for 1250 followers- I can’t believe this is my 4th follower celebration!! I’m planning to continue to do them every time I hit another milestone (every 250) however- if I hit one while I’m doing my 30 fics in 30 days for April I’m going to find an alternative way to celebrate besides my usual 7 fics in 7 days- let me know what y’all would be open too (maybe a bunch of fic rec lists or maybe a writing contest 🤷‍♀️ idk send me an anon if you have an opinion on what would be the best option!) Thanks for reading and requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Non specific dom, Nose piercing (F), Nipple Piercings (F), Lots of nipple play, Unprotected sex, Slight bit of cockwarming at the end
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
Spencer wasn’t one to get angry about anything, disappointment or frustrations were the most extreme negative feelings that he normally felt towards someone that had wronged him. I was dreadfully afraid to see the look of disappointment on Spencer’s face.
We hadn’t been dating for long, only about three months of official dating. We also hadn’t gotten much further than a heated makeout session so he wouldn’t have seen any of the other piercings I had hidden under my shirt.
I had other piercings that weren’t visible to the naked eye that didn’t help quelling the fear that I felt. He had never taken off my shirt before as we had decided to go at a relatively slow pace in our relationship. I wondered in fear if he would also be disappointed with the barbells that were pierced through both of my nipples or- would he like them because they were not as prominent as the ring that was proud on my face.
I had said I’d meet him at his apartment to watch some Dr. Who and eat whatever take out we were feeling like that night. My nerves were lit with worry as I stood in the elevator after he had buzzed me up.
When he opened the door to his apartment to let me in I held my head slightly down as I walked in not wanting to have the conversation about the nose ring while I was in the hallway.
“Do you like it?” The words slipped out immediately when I turned to face him, not even letting him get a good look at me before speaking, my voice meek.
“Like what?” He was still confused, until I pointed to the ring that was pierced through my nose. “Oh- of course I love it!”
“Thanks, Spencer.” I fidgeted with my fingers a little still feeling nervous even though he had said he loved it.
“Why do you look so nervous?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.” My admission made Spencer frown and silence fell between us for a second while he pondered my words.
“I’d love any iteration of you.” There was no hesitation when he spoke. He always had such a way with words, including when he was ranting and of course his stuttering when he was embarrassed or nervous. His eyes were wide with adoration as if he’d never consider thinking you were anything less than gorgeous.
A rush of boldness came through me, wanting to show him what else I had hidden. My fingers danced along the hem of my shirt, maybe this was moving a bit faster than what we had spoken about earlier. But, I wanted to show him, to either let it lead to something more or to let him know what he was looking forward to when we made that step at a later date.
“Well- if you like this one I have another piercing that you might enjoy…” My voice was still holding a bit of tension, he may have liked the nose ring- but would he like the others?
When I pulled off my top his eyes went wide, his pupils expanding into black pools, he did not stop me. Then when my bra went off finally exposing the barbells that sat under my clothes everyday he was stunned speechless. I withered a bit under his gaze, fearing that my boldness had scared him. “I’m sorry if that was too much.”
He cut me off by speaking quickly, “N-not too much- just ummm- shocked??”
“Do you like them Spencer?” My confidence had returned a bit since he had confirmed that he did in fact, like them, but I still was holding back a bit.
When he gasped out a little ‘yes’ I decided to stop holding back, stepping closer towards him.
“You can touch them Spencer, that’s part of the reason why I got them.” I leaned in to press a soft ghost of a kiss to the shell of his ear making him shudder, I then whispered, “it makes them more- sensitive.”
A groan from deep in Spencer’s chest rose up quickly taking me by slight surprise. His large hands then rose up to finally palm my breasts, his hesitation had been whisked away by my words.
When he was no longer satisfied with palming my boobs he reached up with one hand to pinch my left nipple slightly. The slight sting sent a shock of pleasure down my spine in an instant, my panties dampening further in quick response.
A moment of silence passed, the tension suspended thick and heavy in the air before Spencer spoke, “Did you like that?”
I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still answered with a slight whimper in my voice, “Yes!”
The confident smirk on his face was something I hadn’t seen much of from Spencer, but I was thoroughly enjoying it. He pinched them both this time- and much harder too. The moan I let out was almost pornographic which spurred Spencer on to continue to pinch them, rolling the buds between his fingers before pulling again.
When he moved forward to wrap his lips around one of my nipples I felt like I had gone to heaven. As he laid kisses all along my chest I couldn’t help but try to grind my hips up into him, however I couldn’t from the position I was in.
I was tired of not being able to touch Spencer in the way I wanted, I wanted to give him some pleasure too. I pulled his mouth off of me momentarily so I could push him down to sit on the couch to be able to straddle him properly. He had whined a bit in protest at first, but when my legs that were now stripped of their clothing slung over his lap his complaint died in his throat.
My core rested right over the prominent bulge in his slacks now. I smirked cheekily a little bit before grinding down onto him.
His lips captured my nipple again, this time the one that had been slightly neglected. This time he also decided to bite his teeth down slightly and nibble a little.
“Harder, please!” I gasped as I continued to rock my hips over his clothed cock. He thankfully obliged me by taking my perked nipple and slightly sawed it back and forth between his teeth. The pleasure that came through me from his actions far outweighed the pain, the moan that came falling from my lips was a sign of that.
A squeak then fell from my lips as I was suddenly lifted up and then set on my back. I guess he had gotten impatient from my teasing.
“You’re needy.” I commented with a smirk. He had been unbuttoning his pants when I spoke, but paused when the words came out of my mouth. He then pinned my hands above my head with one of his own and dipped the other between my folds.
“Who’s really the needy one here?” I definitely liked the little taste I was getting of this side of Spencer, that was firmly evident by the amount of slickness was evident on his fingers when he brought them up to my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his fingers eagerly before he could pull them away bobbing my head as much as I could in my constricted position pinned underneath him.
“Fuck-“ He swore which was another normally uncharacteristic thing for Spencer, it spoke to his own neediness. Though I could not make a remark about it as his fingers were still far down my throat.
When he removed his fingers he also lessened his grip on my hands that had been pinned. I wiggled out of his grip to help him get his slacks out of the way. I didn’t care if I was needy as he had said, I was tired of the teasing and my arousal was so prominent I could feel it dripping down my thighs.
He didn’t need any preparation either, his erection looking almost a little painful. ThoughI was more caught up with observing how beautiful he looked- which wouldn’t normally be the adjective someone would use, but it perfectly described Spencer’s cock.
He filled me slowly, letting me feel every vein and letting himself feel every ridge. After he filled me all the way to the hilt he stopped for a moment, just to relish in the feeling of being impatient. I however was too impatient.
“Please move, Spencerrrr…”
“And you say you’re not the needy one…” He commented with another smirk that was now becoming a staple on his face, I never wanted it to leave. I moved my own hips, squirming underneath him to try to coax him into moving.
When he finally obliged me by snapping his hips quickly up into me I couldn’t help but involuntarily make a desperate moan.
It wasn’t long until he had created a steady rhythm along with me. The pace we had set wasn’t rushed, but was still desperate in a way. His thrusts were deep and quick, but he always paused a minute moment at the end of each thrust to appreciate me fully.
Our hands couldn’t stop exploring each other while he kept up our pace. From the amount of time Spencer was lingering to play with my boobs you’d think he was obsessed, maybe he was just a little. He also made sure to pepper kisses all along my neck, jaw, and face. He even made an effort to kiss the tip of my nose, making everything much more sweet.
I however had decided to rest my hands on his hips and ass, sometimes pushing him forward slightly when I felt our pace faltering slightly. When he started to pick up the pace I could feel my pleasure starting to come to its peak. I was going to fall over the edge soon and fast.
“I’m gonna cum!” I gasped, almost so whispley that it was barely sensical. Spencer was able to still understand my words, pitching his hips to hit at my sweet spot more intensely. Then he moved his dexterous fingers down across my boobs pinching my nipple on last time before he spoke,
“Go ahead, I want you to cum for me.”
My hands wound their way into his hair trying to grasp onto something as my orgasm washed over me in waves of pleasure. Spencer too wasn't too far behind, his own triggered as my walls clamped down tightly around him. We rode out our highs together, our heavy breaths mingling in harmony as we started to come down.
Spencer’s gaze was still heavily fixated on my body as we both caught our breath again. His eyes were glanced down at my naked chest, pupils still wide with wonder as he got to fully take in the sight without being clouded by lust. I couldn’t help but want to tease him a little.
“Hey, my eyes are up here, mister.” I said cheekily, though I could tell that he had definitely missed my joke by the look on his face.
“Sorry!” His little squeak was adorable and he started to move his way off of me with averted eyes until I stopped him.
“Spencer- I was joking.” The smile that was prominent on my face then morphed into a coy look. I moved my hands down to cup my own boobs before continuing while I pinched my nipples like he had done, “You’ve got permission to look anytime you want.”
His shoulders slumped a little as they always did when he was relieved, I was happy to see his own smile back matching mine.
We had no desire to move from our position, at least for a little while until I had to get up to clean myself. But, I was content to bask in bliss with Spencer for a while.
He brought me out of my thoughts by booping the tip of my nose with his pointer finger, my nose scrunching up a little in response. I giggled a little bit, moving my own pointer finger up to boop his own cute little button nose.
“Maybe you’d also look good with a nose ring.” He snorted loudly into my ear, making another fit of giggles erupt from me. At least this time my joke was caught by Spencer.
“Maybe so, but no. I’d like it better on you anyway.” His goofy little smile brought me such joy. In hindsight I should have never worried about Spencer loving my piercings, he’d think I was beautiful no matter what iteration I was. The little kiss he left on my nose was a testament to that.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Spencer Reid/CM
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Unpacking the Angel Event (Through My Own Perspective)
Okay so uh… this was a very uncomfortable seat the Devs have offered us today and like all things that give me moral uncomfiness, I HAVE to analyze it. Blame the ethics classes. A full disclaimer, this is not spoiler-free and is pretty much entirely just me unpacking my own feelings here. What may bother or not bother me could really affect you and there is nothing wrong with that. You are entitled to your own perspective. This is just me trying to walk through all the stuff in this event that just… rubbed me the wrong way. So let's get to it.
The Costumes
So. Let's start at the beginning. Diavolo apparently had the bright idea to put everybody in magical costumes of their angel forms (or something like it in Satan's case). This is… problematic.
The reason the brothers lost their angel forms was because they fell after the Celestial War… who's greatest causality (in their eyes) was their sister, Lilith. So one could imagine that their memories as angels aren't particularly happy ones… By this point in the "continuity" (this is Post-Attic, more on that later), they would have known that Lilith didn't actually die which may soften something like this a little. I dunno, I'm not one of them and trauma is uniquely personal to the individual, but the bigger issue is that Diavolo thought this was a good idea to start with to which I say! - I'm not at all surprised by that. Hear me out.
Diavolo is heavily implied to have had a huge ass crush on Angel Lucifer. He's also uh… probably a little sheltered (as sheltered as the royalty of Hell can be) and probably not used to think of his subjects' feelings on the things he does before he just does them. This is fairly evident in other events where he'll order the brothers to do XYZ task even if they want no part in it. It doesn't surprise me at all that Diavolo would want to see them (Lucifer) as angels again and not take into account how that could affect them. I don't think that'd be malice on his part, just shortsightedness, and he likely would have apologized if any of the brothers expressed an emotional problem with it to him directly.
Do they have problems? Yes. But since the event kind of wipes them of their true selves, that's better discussed elsewhere. Moving on.
The Bangles 
Holy fuck, how do we even approach this? So Simeon, in conjunction with Michael (probably, at this point I have to wonder if he's telling the truth about this) gives the brothers jewelry, presumably to wear to the party, that would… I'm not even sure. Curb their impulses? Force them to be mannered? The important thing is he did not tell them about that little detail before they put the bangles on…
This is… also problematic. First, we can try to establish Simeon's intentions versus what actually happened: 
The bangles were (likely) intended to be removable. It was the mixing of the magic that locked them in place so we can assume he didn't mean this to be a permanent change.
The magic on the bangles was probably amplified by the angel costumes. What this means is though we can assume that Simeon never intended them to become quite so… different, we'll never know just how much influence he was actually trying to put on them. It could have been anything from suppressing their sins to full blown force you to say please/thank you. We'll just never get to know now… 
I won't be the first person to liken this to mind control (nor the last) because… that's kind of how it turned out. Even worse still, it would have been completely involuntary on the brothers' part. Simeon DID NOT tell them what the bangles were going to do. Now, he claims later that he would have eventually, but we don't get to know when that would have been. I presume at some time after the party, because like. These are our boys. They're not going to consent to wearing something like that, they're just not.
This poses all kinds of questions and problems ranging from issues of consent to anatomy and even the worth of good deeds done out of obligation vs. free will and… I mean quite literally when I say Jesus Christ, Simeon, what the hell?!
I could write a completely different post debating whether or not what Simeon did actually had any moral merit but I won't because it'd be very dry and boring. I think the most interesting thing to take away here is that Simeon thought it was okay to do like, at all, and with approval from Michael (maybe) no less… That reflects something on angel society that I doubt will get explored but I need to ponder farther…
This section is all kinds of sticky so we need to move on.
The Development(?)
First off, to new players, don't worry this probably isn't canon (at least to the main story continuity). The Brothers should be back to normal in the new chapters and this won't have a long term effect on anything (aside from maybe a tie in to the next event ala Beach event-> Games). That's how Obey Me has always treated their events it seems and I sure hope they stick to it now. But, these are still the same characters going through a unique situation and that can offer some insight so… Let's discuss.
I mentioned earlier that the brothers had problems with this… Unfortunately, I think we only get to see Lucifer and Satan's thoughts in any detail because everyone else is too far gone by the time we reach them… Lucifer can pretty much be summed up as troubled and unhappy because (you know) not a lot of great memories as an angel. I presume that his wounded pride after the fall may also contribute. 
Satan is… more complex. I’m honestly more bothered by his change than anyone else’s because even he expresses how weird this is for him... (We get confirmation that he never in fact had an angel form, btw). Poor baby is going through a full on identity crisis and there’s a certain part of his mind that he’s not even allowed to use right now... Anger. The Avatar of Wrath, born from Wrath, can’t get angry and… Something about that just bothers me at a deeper level, not even I can express properly…
Everyone else is too far gone once we reach them. Their personalities are completely different and they can’t even acknowledge that’s the case. They think that they’ve turned a new leaf but we know that’s not the reality, that leaf was very much turned for them and it doesn’t make anything feel any better…
This may be my own opinion, but part of me thinks that this portion (and only this portion right here) was actually what the Devs were going for. They wanted us to be uncomfortable by all of this for like, story reasons. It’s a narrative trick. Think of the phrase “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” I think they were trying to use the absence of the brothers’ usual flaws and traits as a weird way of celebrating them. Kind of like saying, “We could have given you guys these perfect brothers, but they’re not perfect and we know that’s why you like them. Look at these perfect guys, doesn’t it feel wrong?” The answer is, yes. It does feel wrong. And under other circumstances, it would be affirming like they’d be intending, “I don’t want this emotionally-open non-otaku, give me Levi dammit!” But when you add this intended discomfort with the already sketchy way we got here it just makes it all the worse… 
And absolutely NONE of this is helped by...
The… End?
I think the thing I hate about this event the most (actually legitimately hate) is how it ends. In that it doesn’t. It kind of just… abruptly stops right after Lucifer starts coming to himself again. Though I suspect that’s because they’re putting incentive into getting the event cards, this in NO WAY does the narrative any favors.
Most people are not going to get those cards. Even with Lonely Devil as an option, it’s a huge time/resource commitment to get there. Because of that, the majority of people are not going to get to see the aftermath of what happened. We don’t get to see how the brothers feel about what happened. We don’t get to see if they do, in fact, come to and if they have any takeaways from the experience or if they’re utterly disgusted by it. The player character doesn’t even get the option to comfort them after something that was probably terribly traumatic. It. Just. Ends.
What that means is all of that discomfort that we had just lingers… There’s no resolution or pay off. It just… stays… This is the worst possible thing they could have done. If you want your audience to feel uncomfortable, that’s one thing, but unless you’re telling like, a psychological thriller you gotta settle them back down again! Deep moral conflict is not a turn on!!!
Personally, I don’t hate that this thing exists. I don’t. The part of me that majored in Philosophy loves analyzing media like this so I can’t say that I didn’t get anything out of it. I don’t think all media should play it safe, it’s okay to leave the audience with no good answers or a feeling of unease, but you really got to be self-aware of it. The biggest flaw of this event, in my opinion, is that it rarely comes across as self-aware of its own horror. You get a very brief glimpse of it from Solomon when he comments on how creepy things are, but Simeon’s happy. Diavolo’s happy. And though he’s a little uneasy, Luke’s pretty content, too. Add that to the abrupt ending and we never get to know if ANY of them realize how awful of a thing this was to do to the brothers... It makes it all come off as an endorsement of mind controlling your friends into better people and (to me) that feels really, really wrong.
So in conclusion… I dunno. If the next event isn’t something along the lines of “Angelic Demons Part 2: Fixing What We Fucked Up!” then I think they really botched this one guys… I hope somebody was taking notes.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Nifa Strikes Back
Levi hates St. Valentine’s Day with burning passion. The only thing that makes this holiday somewhat bearable to him is a little tradition he shares with his best friend Hange. But after hearing the news that Hange is going to skip the years-long ritual to go on a date with someone else, Levi is faced with conflicting and severely confusing feelings. 
thanks @innocent-ghost-demon for the idea! (i’m sorry it took me so long to actually write it lmao)
In Levi's personal opinion, St. Valentine's Day was the worst holiday of them all. It was meaningless and explorative and it served no other purpose than to fill the pockets of flowers and chocolate sellers. Levi hated it with burning passion, getting groceries in the weeks leading to the forsaken holiday was the cruelest torture, as he was immensely annoyed by big pink hearts and cute figurines with naked babies on display. It was almost impossible for him not to gag.
The only thing that quelled his hatred towards this day was a small tradition he shared with his best friend Hange. It had started years ago, when they were still in college. Hange's boyfriend had dumped her - she was heartbroken and upset, while Levi was furious and ready to go, find that bastard and beat the shit out of him for making Hange cry. Naturally, as college students, they knew only one way to deal with that kind of complicated feelings - get absolutely wasted at the local bar. Next morning they woke up with the worst hangovers of their lives and vowed to never repeat the same mistake.
But next year, Hange was rejected by a girl she wanted to ask on a date, and, like a good friend he was, Levi once again offered his shoulder for Hange to cry on. And once again they've found themselves clinging to each other as they shakily stumbled towards their dorm.
They got drunk that year again. And that's what they've been doing every year after that.
It was the only thing that got Levi through the awful holiday. Because of that, he was actually looking forward to it.
"Hey, four-eyes," Levi looked over the wall that separated their cubicles, throwing a small piece of paper to get Hange's attention. "Is your place as messy as usual? Or have you cleaned it for the occasion?"
"Huh?" Hange raised her eyes from a screen, pushing the glasses up her nose. "What do you mean?"
Another paper was thrown at Hange. This one landed on her lap.
"The shitty holiday, Hange. It's this weekend. So are we going to your place of mine?"
"Oh," Hange raised her hand, rubbing her neck. "About that..."
Levi frowned, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Did he hear a twinge of hesitation in Hange's voice? That was unusual. What could it mean?
"I can't go this year."
His frown turned into a scowl. "Why the fuck not?"
"I have a date."
Levi blinked. Hange's words... surprised him. And more than that, his own reaction surprised him. He felt displeased, but not just that. He was angry, he was disappointed. He was sad?
"You're going on a date?" he asked, cursing the weakness that colored his voice. What was going on with him?
"Yeah, sorry," Hange gave him an apologetic smile. "With all this work, I forgot to tell you about it."
"That's fine," he answered, even though it wasn't fine. Hange was going on a date, and Levi wasn't fine with it. Why wasn't he? Hange was his best friend, he was supposed to feel happy for her, right? Did it mean that he was a bad friend?
No, Levi decided. He wasn't a bad friend, he was a good one. He was worried about Hange, he had seen her get hurt by someone else, and he simply didn't wish to repeat the experience.
"Who is your date?"
Was it someone from the office, he wondered. If it was their co-worker, that'd be good, Levi could keep an eye on them then. But what if they start dating? Would Hange stop spending her lunch-breaks with him? Would she go and bother someone else if she's bored? Would she pay less attention to him?
Levi shot that train of thought as quickly as it appeared. He didn’t like thinking about it. It made him feel weird. It made him upset.
"It's Nifa's cousin, she set us up. I don't know the guy yet," Hange shrugged. "But if he's at least half as cute as Nifa, then it's worth a shot, eh?"
She looked at him then, tilting her head and smiling. It was Levi's cue to congratulate her and wish her luck. Or express his pity towards the guy. Instead there was an unpleasant, ugly feeling inside him. Hange broke their years-long tradition. To go on a date. With someone else.
And it pissed him off.
"Levi?" Hange reached out to him, grasping the sleeve of his jacket with her fingers. "Are you alright? You look a bit weird. Are you upset that we won't be hanging out this year? I'm sorry about that, I'll make it up to you."
"You don't have to," he grunted, shaking Hange's hand off. He turned around, feeling the acute need to leave. The concern on Hange’s face was annoying him. "Have fun on your date and don't worry about me. I wasn't looking forward to our get-together anyway."
*** It took Levi two days to admit his own weakness.
He promised to himself to ignore Hange. To forget about her stupid date and stupid feelings it had provoked in him.
But then he saw Nifa alone in the hallway and he just had to ask.
He approached the girl, stopping just behind her shoulder. "Your cousin," his rough, low voice made Nifa jump. She didn't hear him walk up to her. "Is he a good man?"
Despite a scare Levi just gave her, Nifa's lips lifted into a smug smirk. She looked at Levi, observing him closely. His face was as blank as always, but his shoulders were uncharacteristically tight and his eyes showed even more annoyance than usual.
Her plan was working.
"Cousin Greg?" Nifa twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "He's great! I think Hange would get along with him!"
Cousin Greg wasn't that great actually. In fact, he was quite boring and very annoying. But Nifa wanted to help her superiors admit their feelings for each other and Greg owed her a favor after that time when she had covered for him during the grannies' birthday. Hange didn't have to like him. In fact, if she starts liking him, it'd destroy all of Nifa's plans.
Hange didn't have to like Greg. And Levi didn't have to like the fact that Hange was going on a date with him.
Evidently, the most important part of her plan already proved to be a success.
"He won't hurt four-eyes, right?" Levi asked, a shadow of worry passing through his eyes.
"He won't," Nifa promised with a serious face. Inside, however, she could barely contain herself. Levi was so concerned! It was so cute! Nifa needed to share these news with someone, and quick.
"Alright," Levi pressed his lips together and nodded. "Thanks." He added before walking away, his head bowed and shoulders slumped.
As she watched him go, Nifa's heart constricted painfully. Levi looked so miserable, just like a kicked puppy. She actually felt bad for him.
It was for his own good, she had to remind herself. She was doing him a favor. Levi, no, Hange too - both of them - will later thank her for this. She was doing a right thing.
Nifa repeated these words a couple of times and then rushed over to the break room, where she knew she would most surely find Moblit. Her best friend would be thrilled to hear about her success. 
*** He wasn't brooding, he told himself as he threw another disgustingly sweet candy in his mouth.
He wasn't sulking, Levi thought, as he put the glass of wine to his lips. It was awful. He had been drinking this brand of wine for years, but he never noticed how mawkish it was. Hange’s taste in wine was as horrible as her taste in romantic partners.
He didn't care about Hange and her stupid date, Levi tried to convince himself, paying only half of his attention to the movie.
On his TV screen Harry ran away from Sally after their first night together, and Levi scoffed at his stupidity. It was obvious they're in love with each other, why couldn’t they just admit it? They were both idiots and this movie was stupid, Levi decided. Why Hange liked it so much was beyond him.
Harry and Sally started arguing at the wedding, when Levi's phone started ringing. He made no move to get up and pick it. It couldn't be Hange calling, because she was on a date. And if that was Erwin, informing him of some emergency at work, he could kindly go and fuck himself. It was Levi's day-off and he was allowed to be as miserable as he wanted in the coziness of his apartment.
After a few seconds his phone fell silent, but before Levi could sigh with relief and continue watching the movie, he heard a few pings that announced that he had received a couple of messages. Erwin wasn't one for texting, and that got Levi wondering who was trying to get into contact with him.
Was it Petra, inviting him to a bar with others from their office?
Or, maybe, that was Yeager or any of his friends, wishing him a happy holiday?
Either way, Levi decided to ignore the messages too. If it was Petra, she'd understand his desire to be left alone. And if the messages were from any of their interns, then Levi most certainly didn't want to deal with that. It was bad enough they'd given him chocolate at work. It made him feel like he was a high school teacher, not a partner of the law firm.
He shouldn’t support this kind of behavior, Levi decided and returned his attention to the movie. 
*** Levi was halfway through a bottle of wine and Harry was ready to confess to Sally.
Fucking finally, he thought, pouring himself more wine. What kind of idiots waste twelve years denying the feelings they have for each other? Just when Harry was going to say those three little words, someone knocked on Levi's front door. With glass of wine still lifted to his lips, Levi paused the movie and stared at the door, wondering who could be fearless enough to visit him at ten pm.
As he continued to sit and ponder on it, the initially soft knocks turned into vicious bangs.
Cursing at the impatient idiot, Levi put the glass down and got to his feet, marching to the door with a glare on his face.
He threw the door open and— froze, blinking in surprise.
Hange stood on a threshold, holding a bottle of wine in her hands and wearing a wide grin on her lips.
"Will you be my Valentine?"
Levi bit his cheek to keep himself from blurting out 'yes'.
"What happened to your other one?" he asked instead, putting on a mask of cold indifference.
"Ah," she ruffled her hair. "He was actually boring as hell. Not even half as cute as Nifa," she shrugged. "I guess she's the sole owner of all adorable genes in their family."
Levi scoffed, plucking his lips. He would not give Hange the satisfaction of laughing at her lame joke. "Your date turned out to be a moron, so what? You've decided to come and bother me?"
"Yeah? Would you let me in or not?"
Levi knew he could put up a fight. He could tell Hange how annoying and inconsiderate she was. But he also knew that it would result in absolutely nothing. Hange would still get what she wants. He would still let her get what she wants. Because in all the years of their friendship he hadn't learned how to say no to her.
So with an irritated tsk and a shake of his head, Levi took a step back, allowing Hange to come inside.
"Did you bring something, except wine?" he asked while Hange was busy taking off her shoes.
"Yes!" Hange passed him her handbag.
Levi opened, finding chocolate inside. Lots of chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.
"Four-eyes. Did you rob the candy shop?" he inquired dryly.
"No!" Hange snickered. "These are gifts."
Levi had received chocolate too. His collection wasn't quite as vast as Hange's, though.
"Are all of these from brats?"
"Some are from my team. Where's your chocolate, by the way? If I received so many, I can't even imagine how much you got."
"It seems like this year you're more popular than me," Levi pointed at only a couple of box of chocolates on his coffee table.
Hange's face fell after his words. She even opened her mouth, probably with the intent to apologize or, god forbid, comfort him. Levi scowled, silently telling Hange the misplaced pity to herself. He didn't really care about such trivial matters.
And he was more than happy to find out how well-loved Hange was. She deserved nothing less than that after all.
"Don't just stand there," he snapped, when Hange continued to stare at him without saying anything or even moving.
Hange lifted the corners of her lips and hurried after Levi to the living room.
"Oh!" as soon as she saw what was on the TV screen, she clasped her hands in delight. "When Harry Meets Sally! I love this movie!"
I know, Levi almost said.
"And it's one of my favorite scenes!" Hange continued to gash. She plopped down on Levi's sofa with a wide grin.
However, as she took a closer look on a coffee table, her excitement diminished considerably.
"Two glasses?" she mumbled, frowning in confusion. "Are you waiting for someone?"
"No, it's just..."
A habit, Levi realized. He put two glasses simply out of habit. He was so used to drinking with Hange that he had taken two glasses without even thinking.
"It's nothing," he finished awkwardly. "Let's watch the movie."
Hange stared him for a second, her eyes wary. But then she snapped out of it and a smile returned to her lips. She waited until Levi took his place on a sofa and then put her head on his thigh.
"Must you always do it?" Levi complained without making a single move to change their position. "I'm not a piece of furniture, you know."
"Just put on a movie, Levi," Hange mumbled, too used to his constant bitching to have any kind of reaction to it.
"So bossy," he huffed, but took the remote in his hands and resumed the movie.
On a screen, Harry was confessing to Sally.
"It's kinda bizarre, don't you think?" Hange asked. "They knew each other for so long and yet they've realized their true feelings only years after."
"It's a movie, Hange."
"So you think it's unrealistic?" she lifted her head to stare at him. "That two people can be close friends for years and continue to be blind, refusing to see how much they need each other?"
"I think you have to be unbelievably dense to not realize that you're in love with your best friend."
Hange giggled, and the quiet sound was like music to Levi's ears. "Yeah, maybe, you're right. They're really dense."
"Idiots," Levi agreed, laying a hand on her shoulder and pulling her closer.
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therenlover · 3 years
Brutal (A Demon!Daniel Bruhl x Starlet!Reader Ficlet)
(So, this is the first little ficlet in my Sour series, which can be found HERE! I hope you enjoy it! Also, enjoy blurry Checo, because he’s who @creme-bruhlee and I imagine as demon!Daniel)
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“And I'm so tired that I might / Quit my job, start a new life / And they'd all be so disappointed / 'Cause who am I if not exploited?”
Synopsis: A crime of passion accidentally summons a handsome demon who offers to make your deepest desires come true... for a price, of course. 
Rating; M (16+)
Warnings: Vague Allusions to Past Dubcon/Noncon, Explicit Language, Implied Sexual Content, Non-Explicit Murder, Making A Deal With A Demon, Maybe A Tiny Bit Of Monsterfucking???? If You Squint??? Not Really Though
Word Count: 1500~
“What is it that you desire?”
The man- no, creature- before you was shrouded in the darkest corner of your dressing room, perched languidly upon the chaise lounge that had been oh so kindly included in the rider of your contract by whatever filthy fucker decided they wanted to have you this time. He didn’t matter now, though. No, not now that his brains were splattered against the carpet. The only thing that mattered anymore was the creature in the corner. 
Even in the darkness, you could see its razor-sharp teeth glinting in the low light. 
Trembling with unused adrenaline, you smiled back at it, hands still covered in blood. “I’m not answering that until you answer a few questions of my own,” 
Surprisingly, the thing seemed to lean further back into its plush seat as it nodded, long pointed tail undulating slowly, like a python preparing to strike. “Very well. It makes no difference to me how long you draw out our little deal,” slowly, the thing chuckled, “Besides, for you, pretty one, I’d wait all the time in the world,” 
You groaned at his exaggerated wink. 
Still, it was too late to turn back now. With the blood on your hands for the death of the man at your feet, both physically and metaphorically, there was nowhere to go but forward. Maybe making a deal with the devil wasn’t your original plan, but it sure as hell was better than prison. With a sigh, you sat down heavily into your high-backed makeup chair. 
“So I’m assuming you’re a demon?”
The creature in the corner made some sort of deep, proud noise in its chest as its two, shadowy hands came up to stroke its curved horns, much like a goat’s, with a certain puff-chested reverence. Even while beholding it in that darkness, its features shrouded in black, there was an allure to the strange monster, a strange, sick draw. You were helpless to whatever had appeared before you and all its powers. Somehow, though, you had seemed to intrigue it despite your comparative weakness. 
“I go by many names, but demon is one of them,” it purred, red eyes glinting with something more than bloodlust, “I prefer others,”
“What should I call you then?”
“Whatever you please,”
You scoffed. “You said you had many names, why can’t you tell me even one?”
It huffed a long sigh, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve said that you saw smoke erupt from where its nostrils should be. 
That being said, it didn’t seem like the thing was frustrated. If anything, the creature seemed amused. From its words, you could only assume it had been hundreds of years since it had last entertained itself on the human realm. You could only hope your rage was entertaining enough to keep any of its less desirable emotions at bay. 
“Names have power, Schatz. I can’t just go around telling everybody who I am,” it’s accent felt thicker as it leaned back, “but I suppose, if you and I were to make a deal, that I could allow you to name me something. Or I could choose one for you,”
“What if I didn’t make deal with you?” you challenged the creature with a smirk. 
It hummed low in its chest as it pondered your question. “Now that would be no fun,” 
“For me or for you?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. Time was getting short now, with the clock on the wall ticking down the minutes until someone would arrive at your dressing room door to lead you out towards the set where the rest of the cast and crew were waiting. If they found you with the body it was over. Things with the demon needed to be resolved, and they needed to be resolved fast. 
Thankfully, it didn’t toy with you any more than you expected it to. 
“For both of us,” it replied, tail flicking almost excitedly, “I can’t touch you if we don’t make a deal, for better or for worse, and even then your soul wouldn’t be mine to toy with until the deal was complete. That being said, you’re in a pretty sticky situation. I think you need me just about as much as I need you, so I’ll ask again; What do you desire?”
You swallowed thickly. 
On one hand, you couldn’t imagine things would end up very pleasantly for you once the dark shadow who had staked its claim on that awful chaise lounge finally did have a chance to get its clawed hands on your soul. On the other hand, though, you had nothing left to lose. Fame, especially so young, always came at a price. You would wager to guess that even if your soul hadn’t been claimed by a demon, that it had already been stolen away by the producers and directors that pulled the strings of your life like you were some obedient little puppet dancing for an audience who wanted to devour you whole. 
In the end, an eternity in Hell with whatever was grinning at you like the Cheshire cat from the shadows might even be preferable to the horrors you’d already seen. 
Slowly, you answered its question. 
“I want to make every single person who ever took advantage of me suffer the same pain they put me through,” 
The creature’s face split into a toothy smile. 
“Now that’s what I like to hear,” 
Moving like smoke on water, it stood from its place on the chaise lounge, morphing in shape and size as it approached and held out it’s newly human-shaped hand to you. In his new form, at least, you assumed it was a he, the creature was handsome, all dark eyes and slick hair. He looked young, and somehow, even with his new, thin lips and human teeth, he retained his signature smile. You took his hand and shook it without hesitation.
Even with your heart beating almost out of your chest, you had to admit that, with a demon at your side, you felt more empowered than you ever had before. 
He noticed. 
“I am known to my kin as Asmodeus,” he cooed, long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he drew near to you. You couldn’t bring yourself to mind, “You, though, my sweetest pet, may call me Daniel,” 
Somehow, even after you had seen the faintest traces of his beastly form, you had to admit that the name suited him. Maybe not as well as Asmodeus, but it worked well enough. You looked up at him through lidded eyes. “I’m-”
Before you could answer, he pressed a finger to your rouged lips. 
“I know everything about you sweetling, no need for introductions. There is one last thing we need to do to seal the deal, though,” 
A pit formed in your stomach as you gulped, caught in Daniel’s entrancing gaze. You had to assume there was some sort of magic to it, a spell that kept you trapped for all long as he could stare down into your eyes. Still, it would do you no good to fight it. Besides, the pangs that were making their way through your whole being weren’t fear. 
Oh no, they were something much worse. 
“What do we need to do?” You asked, wetting your lips with your tongue. 
Daniel replied with a sly smile and a soft chuckle. “I need you to kiss me, of course,” 
Who were you to disagree with the expert?
With all the strength and bravery you could muster, you surged up and met Daniel’s lips with your own, melting into the kiss as he quickly took over, skilled tongue darting into your mouth to claim it as his own. He bit hard on your lip, hard enough to draw blood, but you couldn’t bring yourself to mind, not when your hands were busy exploring up under his shirt and finding purchase on the firm muscles that waited below. 
To be fair, he wasn’t exactly keeping his hands to himself either.
Sooner than you would have liked, though, Daniel was pulling his lips away from yours. It was just a fraction of an inch, your swollen mouths still connected by a string of saliva tinted a dark red with your blood, but you were already keening from the loss of him the second you caught your breath. The sound pleased him. 
“What are we to do first, sweetling?” he purred, letting his nails run gently against the soft skin of your waist, “I’m at your command,” His breath was hot against your fact, and he smelled like gun smoke. 
It drove you wild. 
You snuck a look at the clock before turning back to him, eyes aflame. “In about ten minutes we’ll need to have the mess in here cleaned up with any evidence gone, but before we do that, I want you- no, I need you to fuck me. Can you make that happen?”
Daniel beamed. 
“Oh, sweet girl, anything is possible with me at your side,” As he whipped you around to push you against the chaise lounge, licking his lips, he couldn’t help but add, “I believe this is the beginning of a very beneficial partnership,” 
And against all odds, as you hooked a leg up around his waist and pulled him in for another searing kiss, you had to agree.
a/n: WOW WOW WOW THAT WAS GARBAGE BUT I LOVED IT. I finished season 5 of Lucifer yesterday, so I was in the mood for some demonic shit. I hope it was at least semi-enjoyable despite being straight up shitty writing lol. 
Taglist: @tatestripedsweater , @elaineygrace , @multiyfandomgirl40 ,  @lovelymischief , @be-cautious-around-bri 
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
I... am probably going to get some kind of hate or backlash for this but... it’s kind of been sitting on my mind and I think it needs to be put out there.
This is going to be an essay. And I am not a confident or confrontational person so this is real scary for me.
I know how easy it is to take this - all of this blogging, writing, any creative outlet really - a little too seriously. For a lot of us, it’s a lifeline of positivity and a wonderful distraction to the shit show of daily life in 2020/2021. Certainly saved my ass last year. And I spend a lot of my waking hours thinking about it, because it’s my hobby and I adore it.
But (and I remind myself to do this CONSTANTLY) can we collectively take a breath and chill a little bit?
Let me explain.
I’m just seeing little hints poking through of toxic judgemental attitudes regarding how ‘legitimate’ someone’s fanfiction or writing is. That there’s somehow this divide between ‘real’ writing and ‘fast food’ fanfiction. I, for one, really dislike the term but I’m using it here to prove a point.
All of it, every piece put out into the public space, is valid. And I think it’s good to be reminded about that concept every so often.
We are all different people. With different experiences and preferences. We all seek out and consume different things, sometimes surprising even ourselves when we discover something new we didn’t think we’d enjoy.
Some people like more plot heavy and meaningful fanfiction. Those pieces or series’ that effect you and move you, play on your emotions in any and all ways. Some are short, some are 300k novels written over long periods of time. Some are canon, fix it fics or prequels, some are brilliantly imaginative AU’s involving our favourite worlds and characters we know and love.
Others enjoy (sometimes) quicker, sexually charged fanfiction. Fantasies played out in written form. Explorations of sexuality on a vast spectrum of more ‘vanilla’ (whatever that means to you) and more hardcore themes outside the regular realm of sex you might be used to. Characters we find attractive in places of canon or AU territory to thrill ourselves and others, or even just simply to scratch an itch.
Some enjoy both, on differing days. Dependant on moods or needs at the moment in time.
No matter what - All. Is. Valid.
None is better. None is worse.
When you read something you consider exactly or close to what you’re looking for from fanfiction, it is absolutely normal that you consider the piece, and the writer, of a higher standard. But this standard is subjective. Please remember this.
Don’t look down on others who enjoy something you don’t consider as having this standard. And certainly don’t have a lower view of the writer who put themselves out there to write it and post it.
We’re all judgmental fucks at times. I’ll easily admit I am, and have been. I’m in my late 20’s and still learning to be an emotionally intelligent human. I definitely have moments I’ve had to catch myself out. There are things I could rant on for days because of how much they irk me. And I believe it’s healthy to express your emotions about anything. But I do not put it into the public arena. I try my absolute fucking hardest not to let it colour any of my online interactions.
(This is the first time I’ve really put out a significant opinion in my own post and it’s fucking frightening. Seriously.)
If something is bothering me enough in terms of irks, that are completely subjective and my own, I speak to a trusted friend, to get the thoughts out and move on. And even then, some of those thoughts I’ve eventually pondered over and regretted the judgments I made.
But I will ALWAYS defend the right in this fanfiction realm for every writer to write about whatever the hell they want and not be looked down on or belittled for it.
If you are annoyed that certain pieces or writers get ‘popular’ or receive adoration you don’t believe they deserve - STOP YOURSELF RIGHT THERE. You can be annoyed. Go for it. Let yourself feel. But do not spread that negativity. Do not make yourself feel better by bringing others down in public view. It is not an appropriate coping mechanism.
Popularity is a whole other concept I do not have time to fully delve into. But it seriously happens by a decent combination of hard work that people don’t see, the right timing and LUCK. You cannot control it, and it will seriously help your mental health to not attempt to pursue as your goal. I speak from experience.
Whatever your reason for reading or writing fanfiction is, take a moment sometime to remind yourself we are at the end of the day just... fans. Fans of characters, actors, movies, TV shows, all of it. To be a fan is to be an enthusiast of anything that truly captures your interest. We just... like something or someone so much we read more about it, talk with others about it, even create more content about it.
Fandom is one of the coolest things I think humans have ever brought into fruition. People from all over coming together to love and discuss something that brings them joy or challenges their mind. And I’m sorry but I’m just getting a little tired of the competitiveness and superiority complex that works to make fandom a fucking shitty place to hang around in sometimes.
I am not saying everything has to be sunshine and roses, because there are lines that can be crossed and every good thing has it’s bad side. But... this is for happiness. At least, for me it is. Some days, writing out somewhat incoherent, horny thoughts and shorter stories brings me happiness. Sometimes writing out emotional turmoil and long, plot driven novel work brings me happiness. It’s just how my brain gives me that serotonin I crave, and I can’t excessively control that.
When people like one and not the other, I don’t care. I really don’t. I don’t need an explanation. It’s not personal. It’s just what brings THEIR brain serotonin, and I will never judge them for that. I’ve at least brought them a little bit of enjoyment in whatever way and that is just... fucking cool when you think about it.
Can’t it just be as simple as that? Fuck all the ‘popularity’ and legitimacy and notions of what is ‘better’?
Just do what brings you happiness, and give love/support/whatever to others who have done the same for you in what they’ve written.
That’s... it really. That’s all I needed to get out.
Okay. Anons. Yes feel free to counter me and make me feel poopy for my opinion because this is Tumblr and I’m not naive. Just know I probably won’t answer any hateful messages because I’m a wuss and can’t think of good witty replies.
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more writing! some AU stuff with Zelda & Ghirahim being idiots and Link and Fi having to deal with their shit. (prompt #7 from the same list I’ve been using) T for language (also on ao3)
Zelda trudged through the muddy Faron forests, weighed down by the monster of a sword strapped to her back. The rain was only a drizzle, but if they didn't get back soon the sky would open and they'd be drenched. Ghirahim would surely start complaining about rust, going on and on for hours about how his sword deserved to be treated and that Link never left Fi out in the rain and how Zelda was no better than Demise if she dared disrespect him in such a way—
They had to hurry.
"Bet you can't hit that tree from all the way over here."
Of course, that is not what they did.
"Oh, you are so on. I thought we had learned by now to never doubt my skills?"
"I'm just saying, visibility is not the best, it's dark and cloudy." Zelda shrugged, crossing her arms and leaning against a nearby tree.
Ghirahim sent her a glare, straightening himself up and summoning a glowing dagger. With a calculated flourish, he sent the blade flying into the misty woods,  never breaking eye contact with her. Though the dagger had disappeared from sight, they heard it hit the tree with a loud thunk! a second later.
The sword turned to bow arrogantly to an unseen audience, gloating and making as big of a deal as he possibly could.
"Ha! Who's laughing now?"
"Oh, fuck me.”
Link lay cuddled up on his couch, curled beneath a fuzzy blanket as he watched the torrential downpour outside the window.
"The weather's getting really bad, should we be worried about them?" He wondered aloud, looking to Fi for an answer.
"20% chance they got lost. 30, maybe, one of them got hurt. 50 they've just done something stupid." Fi rattled off, much less precise than she used to be. After the downfall of the Demon King neither had been very keen to start fighting again, so once the surface had been rebuilt and a new class of knights entered the academy, they gladly let others take on some of the heavy burden of saving the world. The hero and his sword were content to explore the world below on their own terms.
This did not mean, however, their lives were not filled with danger and chaos on any given day.
The door slammed open and the raging wind swept inside, shaking the walls of their home and rattling the shelves. Link jumped up, hurrying to the girl cradling a brown and tan lump under her arm.
"Help?" Zelda called into the house, out of breath and sopping wet. Behind her stood the demon lord, just as soaked, and even more upset.
"What did you do..?" Link cautiously approached them, reaching out for whatever Zelda had brought into their home. She dumped the blob into his arms, turning to wrestle the door closed once more. 
"Hello to you too, Link, and yes, we are okay, thank you for your concern." Ghirahim scoffed in his direction, but Link was preoccupied with the animal in his arms.
"Oh my goddesses, is this dead?"
Zelda had slumped onto the couch, dragging the other spirit down with her. Not waiting for a response, Link deposited the lump he was now able to recognize as a kikwi.
"I don't think so? We didn't see what happened, Ghirahim threw a knife into a tree and then we found him lying in the mud." She groaned, sprawling out over the couch with her head in Fi's lap. The sword didn't push her away, wet as she was, but didn't look too happy about it either.
"Yeah, well, if Mocha here hadn't gotten in the way—"
"It's Matcha, dumbass."
"The personal designation of this kikwi is Machi." Fi interrupted them, though the name of the kikwi didn't really matter as it was passed out on Link's floor, "Please refer to it by it's name."
"—he wouldn't have gotten hurt." Ghirahim finished, ignoring everything the other two had said. Link gaped at him, aghast.
"You killed him? "
"Who doesn't like a little murder to start their evening?" Ghirahim waved him off, sarcasm dripping from this words.
"We didn't kill him!" Zelda yelled from the couch, falling off a moment later with a loud thud. She popped back up in time to see Ghirahim poking the poor thing, nearly tackled by Link to keep him off.
"It's a plant, we can't have killed it anyway."
Zelda slowly turned to the demon.
"Do you think plants don't die?"
"You can't kill them."
"Yes, you can!"
"I think he means to say you can't murder them." Fi resolved, though she stayed in her place on the couch. "Murder is a term reserved for sentient life forms."
"Is it?" Ghirahim pondered, to the dismay of a very distraught Link. "That thing's barely sentient, but I would definitely describe it as murder if I actually killed him."
Fi, helpful as ever, chimed in with, "Murder has to be premeditated. Killing someone on accident would be manslaughter."
"Who says it was a accident?"
"I do, I was there!" Zelda piped up, "And he's not dead! He's sentient, too, non-sentient things don't scream when you stab them!"
"Fi's a sentient life form. I could stab her and I don't think she'd care."
"I would."
"Stop arguing over this and help me heal Mochi!" Link shouted over their argument, rifling through the cabinets for a potion.
"Machi." Fi corrected him.
Though he tried, it became clear no one was listening to Link. Ghirahim ignored his plea, continuing to argue with Zelda.
"Besides, your evidence is incorrect," He dismissed, turning to leave the dead (not dead!) kikwi. "Deku babas absolutely scream in pain and they're not sentient. They're plants, this thing is a plant, I didn't murder it."
"I can only verify with 30% accuracy that Machi is a plant."
"60/200 not plant still leaves, like, a quarter of a plant."
"No, that's not what I said." Fi sighed, growing exasperated. "I said I can only verify with 30% accuracy he is a plant. That does not mean he is 30% plant, 70% other. And for the love of Hylia simplify your fractions, you're killing me."
"—doesn't seem to be able to answer us right now, so we'll have to solve this later."
Link hadn't bothered to pay attention to their discussion. He hadn't been able find a potion (he'd need to restock up in Skyloft. given how prone to injury the four of them were, to be without one was asking for trouble) and stopped his frantic searching, kneeling next to the kikwi to take time and find what was actually wrong with him. There wasn't any blood, there didn't seem to be any wounds. In fact—
"He's just passed out, you scared him half to death!" Link sighed, tugging the plant into his arms. "And it's going to be even worse when he wakes up, put him back where you found him!"
"No way am I going back out in that, I'll rust." Ghirahim whined, gesturing to the rain outside. Thrusting the dead weight into Ghirahim's arms, Link glared at the demon and effectively silenced his protests.
"Fine." He grumbled, much less argumentative than he used to be, and disappeared in a shimmer of diamonds.
"I told you we didn't kill him—hey!" Zelda reminded Link and Fi, but Link was pushing her away from the couch she had been trying to fall back on.
"You're getting water all over our living room." He pouted, "You and Ghirahim are such messes. It's like you brought the hurricane inside with you!"
"You are both incredibly high maintenance." Fi agreed, going back to whatever she had been doing before getting rudely interrupted. "The difference is Ghirahim knows it. Zelda, darling—"
Zelda nearly knocked Link over when she heard the pet name. As forced as it sounded, and almost definitely something she had picked up from Ghirahim (meaning it was not meant to be affectionate, but mocking), the subtle sign of Fi's growing emotional responses warmed her heart. Zelda pulled the sword spirit into a tight embrace.
"You're getting me wet. You know, Ghirahim is right to worry about rust." Fi sighed, but she smiled at Link over Zelda's shoulder. "I was saying you're still in denial. He's rubbing off on you."
"He's rubbing off on all of us, because if you don't stop dripping over my carpet, I am going to stab you too." Link threatened. He had never been very intimidating, and it had only gotten worse as time went on. Brow furrowed and lips pursed, he ushered Zelda away from where she would cause the most harm.
"Yeah, yeah, keep throwing your little tantrum." Zelda ruffled his hair as she walked past him to the bathroom, hitting Link in the head with her wet hat before slamming the door.
"What are we going to do with them?" Link sighed affectionately, looking over the damage they had done. At least this time there was no blood to clean up.
"That is a question I unfortunately cannot answer, Master Lin—"
Fi was interrupted by a loud crash outside, followed by some colorful and violent language mixed with expletives. Link took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down, but the door slammed open with the force of the wind once more.
"So, problem—"
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slashuz · 3 years
for the danganronpa asks, what are your thoughts on each of the masterminds? ^^
OOOH YES i'll take any opportunity to talk about the masterminds
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Junko: I LOVE HER! SO MUCH! evil women are literally peak character design. I genuinely couldn't imagine Junko any other way than she is, her bubbly, annoying personality in contrast to the absolute path of destruction and devastation she leaves wherever she goes...god.. I adore her so much. I know a lot of people try to "redeem" or justify her actions with some like deep character analysis which is really cool and I like reading those, but honestly? I do just like taking her at face value, she's just fine as she is. Just evil and fun. She does it better than any of the boys could DREAM of. I really do have a huge soft spot for her. I know a few people didn't really like her return for Goodbye Despair, because it felt anti climactic or like kinda cheap? but I really liked seeing her come back. I think it worked REALLY well the way she was the one that broke the news to the survivors about their past, and especially when it came to Hajime. I do believe that Junko did really love the remnants... I saw a while ago someone say that her sprites are similar or identical to the sprites of the dr2 chars, and it was so like sweet? and if u think about it, the remnants really were like. her friends? as much as their devotion to her wasn't sincere since they were pretty much brainwashed into following her, they were the closest Junko has probably had to a genuine friendship. and it all circles back around to despair in the end with context of how she had to essentially FORCE them to be with her, and then again losing them to hope which I'm sure she expected to happen eventually, I think it's just interesting to ponder. But all in all, I really do love Junko!! As much as I miss her though, I think she died in a way that fit her very well (if you don't count the simulation shut down as her true death that is, which I don't), her moving down the conveyer belt with a smile on her face, waving goodbye..she's just so iconic and I'm glad she's our true original mastermind!
Izuru: WELL, if you consider him the mastermind anyway. I know a lot of people say that Junko is still technically the mastermind of Goodbye Despair but that's boooring and I think it's so much more fun tragic that Hajime was the one responsible for what happened in that simulation. My love for Izuru in general is VERY obvious anyway jdsfhssdf but specifically in context to him being the mastermind? I so enjoy when characters get pushed to their limits and break. Hajime's reaction to finding out he was Izuru Kamukura and what that meant for him was so visceral and gut wrenching I think I cried the whole of the last trial beyond that point. The emotions that were swirling around in that boys head at that point are unimaginable. Him putting the pieces together and remembering the hell he'd just gone through, figuring out how he contributed, or even caused the people he adored and idolised and really cherished so deeply to succumb to the most awful fates that he had to witness personally...It's genuinely heartbreaking. Hajime was growing on me quickly throughout the game anyway, but that last trial really did solidify his place in my heart. I love seeing characters being pushed past their limits until they snap, being able to see them in such a more personal perspective when their walls are broken and they give up trying to save face and maintain their persona but they just crumble I just. just adore it. Izuru/hajime mastermind is so tragic and hopeless and was so effective for the storytelling and context of the series.
Tsumugi: I've made my feelings about Tsumugi very clear in the past, but since this is in the context of the mastermind =
Her role as the mastermind was definitely....interesting. I guess I can't blame her too much for it since spike is notorious for its terrible writing around women especially, but the decision to make her kind of like a boring, unassuming character before her big reveal was so uninteresting? She HAD the wild in her because we saw it in the end trial, but at that point it was just too late. and it can be done well, because I really liked how it happened with Mikan!! That personality shift was so good I was really having so much fun. But the way it happened with Tsumugi...it was so cliché and out of place that it lost any and all shock value it could've had on me. and honestly, they pushed the "boring" persona so hard that I kept forgetting Tsumugi was even a character in the game, I literally constantly forget her name I usually just call her "the blue one" her presence was THAT insignificant in the game. That girl went from 3 speaking lines a chapter to being the mastermind. It felt SO forced and bizarre. Which isn't a criticism of her character but a criticism of team spike chunsoft's writing skills. I guess I'm a little hard on her though since I realllly didn't like V3 anyway, so she had a lot riding on her shoulders to try and bring it back around for me ajfhdfjh so I can understand why if you enjoyed V3 mastermind Tsumugi would be a fun twist for you, but for me she was really fighting a losing battle. I'm just glad Junko didn't come back because that really would've disappointed me. though I guess in the context of the game she IS Junko because Junko isn't real?? idk me and 1loer finished the game at like 4am and we were so EXHAUSTED we weren't even talking to eachother we just clicked through the dialogue, closed the game and said goodnight SDJFH idk. V3 in general just didn't cut it for me so by default neither did Tsumugi, unfortunately. But I guess my opinion of her will always be a little biased considering my negative feelings about V3 so take what I say with a pinch of salt. 1loer made a really good point though when I was talking to her about Tsumugi/V3 about how it could’ve worked really well if they had made it a copycat killing instead of this bizarre reality show retcon plot. Like how they did in the Saw movies, if Tsumugi had been really inspired by Junko and the remnants because it makes sense that there’d have been some people out there who idolised her sincerely, and it would've been cool to explore that concept! they could've kept the whole brainwashing mechanic and had the new characters be Junko/remnant fangirls who wanted to recreate the killing games for themselves in order to impress/honour Junko in their own little weird fucked up way! that would've been a really cool concept! V3 had a lot of missed potential basically.. 
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fae-fucker · 3 years
Zenith: Chapter 72-75
Chapter 72
We’re in Nor’s POV. She’s moping around in her ruined palace. We find out she ordered the attack on Adhira on a whim after learning Valen was there. Cool.
This entire chapter is about how Nor is doubting herself and how she feels shitty even though this should be a triumph, and Zahn, her boytoy who’s literally described as being “too good” and “too pure” for her, telling that she’s a girlboss. Then they make out and “lust tumbles through her” and the chapter ends on them fucking.
Chapter 73
Last we left her, Andi had angsted herself out of the room after an argument with her dad. She walks the gardens for a bit, thinking about the creation myth of this world. It involves Light Bringers and Night Spirits, and two of them fall in love and from their union a black hole is born, but around it a galaxy forms, and it also creates the Godstars, which are described as “all-knowing beings with the power to give and take, the perfect mixture of darkness and light.”
So with all this wank about light and dark, you bet your ass Andi’s gonna start rambling about how dark and/or light her soul is, which she promptly does.
The creation myth is ... fine? In theory? But something light and something dark falling in love and creating the world is a bit trite, innit? Baby’s first creation myth.
Arcardius was the first planet inhabited by the Ancients hundreds of thousands of years ago, and many believed that the Godstars must have given the settlers this gift to welcome them to their new home. But whatever the reason, Andi was grateful for it. She didn’t want to be in the presence of darkness after everything that had happened. She needed to clear her mind of all that had been clogging it since the beginning of the rescue job.
I think “clogging” is a more apt description than Shinsay realized.
Andi angsts herself to a new place with a floating rock waterfall fountain thing, where Valen is, equipped with his painting gear. We get a description of how hot he is despite having been beaten and starved for two years, because of course.
His brown hair was cropped short and, skinny as he was, it made his strong jaw more pronounced. Everything about his once-soft face was now hard edges. No doubt, with some more meat on his bones, he would be striking.
The boy she remembered from years ago had now become a man.
Damaged as he must be on the inside, at least his physical wounds would heal. The awful things he had experienced at the hands of Xen Ptera would hopefully become a distant memory, as well, and more bearable with time.
The way the “hope he’ll heal emotionally as well, I guess” is tacked on right after “at least he’ll be hot” is wildly hilarious.
Valen asks if he can paint Andi. For some reason he immediately starts putting paint on canvas, because fuck sketching, he’s too fucking good for that. Also what’s the lighting situation like? He’s waxing poetic about the way the light hits Andi’s cheek plates and purple streaks (with red tips that reaches her mid-back), but seemingly doesn’t need any light on his canvas to see what the fuck he’s doing, in the middle of the night? Ok.
Later Valen, with a paint-stained face because Artiste, asks Andi if they can go somewhere else because he needs a break. They go somewhere with a view of the Magical Purple Pinterest Garden, and it’s very breathtaking and shit.
“We’ve been through darkness, Andi,” Valen said. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t still live in the light.”
He closed his eyes, and Andi was left to ponder how much his words echoed her own thoughts from earlier, about the balance between the light and the dark.
Thank you for pointing out the thematic connection from THREE PAGES AGO IN THE SAME CHAPTER, Shinsay. I couldn’t have figured it out myself if you hadn’t held my hand like the imbecile I am. Seriously, I can’t figure out whether this is supposed to be helpful, or if Shinsay really thought they were geniuses and just had to point it out so we wouldn’t miss how cool and deep their writing is.
Anyway, Valen asks Andi to the obligatory ball portion of the story, saying he’ll have to dance as the future ruler of the planet (???) and he wants to dance with a friend rather than a romantic interest.
A friend.
He said the word as if he really meant it. As if, somehow, despite what they’d been through, the horrors they’d shared, Valen had begun to think of Andi as a friend.
Wow ... When he said friend, he meant friend, as in friend? Amazing. What a shocker.
Also, yeah, they did go through some horrors together. Like that time Dex tossed him down a flight of stairs while Andi was somewhere else. Or that time Valen was tortured for two years and Andi wasn’t.
Truly, a friendship of the ages.
I guess this is supposed to be a misdirect, but given how blatantly unrealistic this is and how easily Andi falls for it, it just makes her look a bit like an idiot, doesn’t it?
Chapter 74
This chapter is just Andi heading back to bed but taking a detour to the library, discovering that Alfie has been destroyed while some servants throw his body in the garbage on the way.
Oh no! Not Alfie, who’s only the most annoying character! Anyone but Alfie!
We get this:
As she turned to leave, a small, shiny object on the floor caught her eye. Quickly, Andi reached down and palmed it while the maid wasn’t looking. She didn’t know much about AIs, but the object in her grasp looked like a memory chip.
It could be nothing, a useless memento, but her gut told her something different. She’d look into it later.
I-is this supposed to be foreshadowing? You literally already told us what it was, why would Andi’s “gut” be telling her something she already suspects according to her narration?
Henlo? Editors? Anyone? Hello?
Hewwo? Mistew Pwesident?
Chapter 75
Dex has been following Andi around like a whole creep and watches her enter the library. He follows her inside and then we get the obligatory “shitty writer praises the magic of literature” bit.
“The general scoured the galaxy for this collection,” Andi said suddenly.
Dex turned. She stood near him in the dark room, softly lit by a beam of moonlight. The sadness in her eyes could almost be felt, like a tangible thing.
“You said Kalee was a reader,” Dex said. He laughed softly. “I didn’t know she was this much of a reader.”
“She loved exploring,” Andi said. “The general loved keeping her close. And so she turned to books for her adventures.”
“The sadness in her eyes was almost tangible.” There, I fixed it. Now shut the fuck up.
“What is it about memories,” Andi said suddenly, walking back toward him, “that gives them the ability to hurt us so badly?”
Dex shook his head. “The past is powerful. I think you and I both know that.”
She finally looked into his eyes. “I’m tired of letting the past control me, Dextro,” she whispered. “Aren’t you?”
I’m tired of letting this book control me, that’s for sure. What is this fucking dialogue? They keep talking in clichés without really saying anything, wasting our goddamn time instead of having an actual conversation.
Anyway, they finally get everything over with, apologize to each other, then make out but decide that uwu they can’t be together because they’re so hurt and damaged and whatnot. And honestly this wouldn’t be so cringeworthy if we didn’t know it’s all just a fucking ploy to drag out the will-they-won’t they subplot that I’m sure you’re all on the edge of your seats over.
The main reason this doesn’t work is that we don’t really get any sense of why this can’t work out? They just mutually agree, after having a hot makeout sesh, that they’re not meant to be for ... reasons? Even though they’re clearly attracted to each other, have no other attachments, romantic or otherwise, and have forgiven one another. Dex thinks they both “ruined” their future together in their own ways, but we don’t get any explanation for why they can’t just ... try to build a new one. Not even a “the memories hurt too much” or “I can’t afford the mental and emotional effort right now” or “there’s no time for it with the galaxy in chaos” or even a simple “I don’t want to.”
Instead it’s “I know we’re not meant to be because we both screwed the pooch last time we tried” and you’re just there like yes and? What’s stopping you from trying again? Give me a reason. IRL that would’ve been fine, but here it just feels like the authors are trying to convince US that they won’t get together, trust me, I promise, don’t even think about it and let it blow you away when they do.
I think, weirdly enough, the reason this doesn’t work for me is the perspective. Andi has actual valid reasons for rejecting Dex and seems like she’s still conflicted about her feelings for him, which would give her plenty of justification to not jump back into the relationship. But instead, we’re stuck with Dex, who’s been desperate to talk to Andi, be around Andi, who thinks about Andi constantly, but now, when a new beginning is within his reach, he decides without reason to not go for it because what, he feels like it’s not right and assumes it’s mutual? It doesn’t track with his previous behavior, which has been constantly focused on Andi up until this point. His sudden and inexplicable decision to not pursue this anymore goes against his behavior and motivations so far, which is why it strikes me as hollow and manipulative writing.
Had he maybe wanted to offer a new start but then Andi said something or he saw how unsure and hurt she still was and decided against it, then it would’ve made sense. Had we been in Andi’s POV and she just straight up rejected him, it would’ve made sense. But here, we get:
“We can’t... This won’t ever...”
“I know,” he said.
And in his heart, he knew that it was true. Their two worlds were never meant to become one. That even through the forgiveness, even with the unavoidable feelings that echoed between them, they could never share a future. They had already had their chance, long ago. They’d both ruined it in their own ways.
Andi doesn’t even give him a proper reason, he just assumes what she’s saying because apparently he’s been thinking the same thing? His “heart” just tells him it won’t work, when all this time, he’s seemingly done everything in his power to fix what he always knew wasn’t fixable? Huh???
I’m not saying this to say that Dex should’ve pestered Andi, he can very well accept her rejection but still pine for her silently. What I am saying is that this doesn’t track with his previous behavior, and just shows the authors’ hands in this as being a cop-out for the sake of melodrama and to keep the romance subplot going through cheap conflict.
Anyway, Dex asks Andi to the ball and she’s like “lmao too late” and then the chapter ends on this note:
When they parted ways, Dex couldn’t help but feel as if he were seeing Androma Racella for the very last time.
God, I wish that were me.
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nikki-writes-stuff · 4 years
Beauty In the Blood - Part Four
Summary: One day your friend convinces you to join a dating website that matches people based on their search histories, and when you match with Loki Odinson, a handsome, intelligent coroner who’s a fan of your murder mysteries, you’re absolutely thrilled. But there’s something off about Loki, and as your relationship progresses, you discover that his dark side is even darker than you could ever have imagined…
Pairing: Serial Killer!Loki x Writer!Reader
Read part three here! 
A/N: This story is based off of this post! I hope you guys enjoy; this is my first time writing Loki, and this will probably be the darkest thing I’ve ever written. Please let me know what you think as the story progresses!
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A/N: Warning! This chapter contains light smut at the beginning and heavy gore in the middle. If that kind of thing bothers you, then try skipping down to Natasha’s point of view. It’ll summarize what basically happened while sparing the nasty details. (Also, I’ll have you know that a lot of morbid Google searches went into the making of this chapter, lol.) Enjoy!
Your eyes flew open with a gasp, and your fingers twisted and dug into the sheets; a ragged, breathless moan tore itself out of your throat, and for a moment, you couldn’t tell whether or not you were still asleep.  You’d just been dreaming a second ago, though you couldn’t remember what about, but now, there was something hot and wet lapping at your already-drenched pussy.
Blearily, you looked down, making out the form of something moving beneath the blankets. Or, rather, someone. The events of the last night came back to you just as another moan escaped from your parted lips, and you threw back the covers to see a familiar head of black hair nestled between your spread thighs.
“L-loki,” you sputtered, voice still rough from sleeping. “Wh-what are you- oh, fuck-!”
His chuckle was muffled as he wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking, and your back arched up as your hands flew to his hair. You fought to keep your eyes open, wanting to savor the sight of his aquamarine eyes staring up at you while he gently grazed his teeth over your sensitive bud. The sensation sent shockwaves up and down your spine, and your hands moved to his hair as your hips started rolling upwards of their own accord.
You only lasted for an embarrassingly-short amount of time; you had no way of knowing how long Loki had been playing with your cunt while you slept, but within just a few minutes of waking up, you felt your toes curl as your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes never left his, taking in the proud, almost smug, gleam in them as he greedily tasted your cum.
His tongue kept lazily exploring your pussy, grazing over your clit as you jolted from the oversensitivity. Biting your lip, you tugged on his dark tresses, watching as he reluctantly pulled his head up to fully face you.
“Good morning,” he smirked, his lips swollen and slick with your juices.
“I… Good morning,” you stammered. “That was…one hell of a way to wake up.”
Both of you chuckled as he crawled up your body, wrapping an arm around your waist before pulling you into a kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and you couldn’t help the tiny groan that came out of your mouth at the lewdness it.
Loki pulled away, licking his lips as he looked down at you. For a moment, the two of you were silent, taking in the other person as sunlight drifted in from behind your closed blinds. His hair fell in thick, frizzy waves, no doubt rumpled from how you’d been manhandling it both last night and this morning, and his face seemed to be almost…softer than usual. Despite how he’d woken you up, you could see a faint gleam of sleepiness still lingering in his expression, and it made him look younger; with a smile, you traced one of his cheekbones with a finger, trailing it down the line of his jaw and sweeping it across his lower lip.
“You’re beautiful, Loki,” you whispered. You hadn’t meant to speak those words out loud, but there was no denying the truth in them.
A wide, close-lipped smile came to his face, and he pressed one more peck to your cheek before pulling away to sit beside you on the bed.
“I think,” he mused, “that we both need a big breakfast with even bigger cups of coffee after last night.” His voice was just a touch gravelly, but there was no denying the affection in it as he looked down at you, lazily playing with a strand of your hair.
“Don’t tell me I wore you out,” you chuckled, reluctantly pulling yourself to sit up. Loki gave you a tired, almost sheepish smile, before he pulled himself to his feet.
“I must be slowing down in my old age,” he joked, eyes scanning the floor to see where his underwear had ended up.
Propped up on your elbows, you watched the lean muscles of his body contract and bend as he stooped to retrieve them, and you were once more reminded of a statue carved from the purest white marble. The corded muscles of his thighs flexed with every movement as he stalked over to your en suite bathroom, and it was only when he’d closed the door behind him that you decided it was time to get up.
“I was thinking,” you called out, making your way to your closet, “that we could get some breakfast together at a café down the street. My treat.”
You pulled on a nude bra with matching panties, not hearing the bathroom door as it swung open. It was only when you felt cold hands descend upon your waist that you jolted and turned to face Loki again, not missing the way his eyes skimmed over your breasts.
“I’d say that you treated me to more than enough last night,” he purred. “Between your amazing cooking, your beautiful writing, and your absolutely sinful body, well…” His hands trailed up your sides, tickling over your ribs before slipping under the cups of your bra.
“A man can get spoiled quite easily.”
Needless to say, it was a while before either of you got properly dressed.
Loki sipped his black coffee as you consumed the café’s specialty drink of the day, his hand resting over yours as you both finished off your breakfasts. The two of you had been sitting in companionable silence for a while, giving you an opportunity to think of what you would right next in your newest work in progress.
“I can practically see the gears turning in your head, love,” he chuckled after a while, shaking you from your thoughts. “Care to share?”
You smiled, setting down your fork[NL1] .
“Just about the book,” you told him. “I think I’m going to write another killing scene soon.”
Your boyfriend’s eyes leapt up, his interest obviously piqued.
“Oh? How will our coroner do it this time?”
You winced unconsciously, your thoughts turning red for the briefest of moments as you considered whether or not to share your twisted ideas with him.
“I’m…not sure if it’s the right thing to discuss over breakfast,” you admitted weakly. “Wouldn’t want your breakfast to, uh, disagree with you.”
“Love? Need I remind you of what I do for a living?” was his deadpanned response. “I play with corpses for a paycheck; I promise that not only will it not bother me to hear, but that I want to.”
As strange of a response as it was, you couldn’t help but feel warmth bloom in your chest; you’d nearly forgotten that Loki wasn’t like other people. You didn’t have to filter your morbid, macabre thoughts around him. If anything, his dry and sardonic sense of humor encouraged the darker turn your conversations often ended up taking.
“Well… I’m considering having her…” You trailed off, searching for the right word. “Disembowel someone, I suppose. Her victim is one of the rare few she takes to satisfy a personal agenda; typically, she’ll just pick a random innocent, but this time it’s semi-personal. So I was considering a more passionate murder for them.”
Loki’s eyes were shining with a mischievous sort of joy, and you found yourself thinking, not for the first time, that if he wasn’t so directly involved with death on a daily basis, his love of such things would be concerning, to say the least. But you supposed that the same could be said of you, and so you trudged on with your brainstorming.
“I was thinking about having her cut them open and use their intestines to strangle them, but I’m not even sure if that would even work in real life,” you mused, tracing the edge of your coffee cup with a finger. “I imagine that a person would die from being cut open before they could die from asphyxiation.”
He nodded his head solemnly, turning over your words. You were relieved to find no disgust within his features – only mild interest as he pondered.
“Off the top of my head, I can think of a few issues that one would have if they were to attempt such a thing,” he considered. “For one, there’s the bleeding to contend with. And I would think someone could go into shock and lose consciousness if they’re awake and conscious during the ordeal.
“Which, of course, they would have to be. Otherwise, what fun would it be?”
A surprised bark of laughter escaped your lips, and your hand flew up to cover your mouth as Loki’s spread into a wide, toothy grin.
“You’re bad,” you chided, shooting him a look of mock-reproach.
“Oh, I’m well aware. But so are you, darling. It would appear we’re two sides of the same unconventional coin.”
Your smile softened, and you gave his hand a squeeze before tipping your head back and draining the rest of your coffee, not catching the spark in his eyes as watched your throat.
“But I will think about your idea while I’m at work; maybe I’ll come up with a way for our favorite coroner to pull off such an interesting kill.”
“Thank you, love. But I have to say, Olivia is still only my second favorite coroner.”
Loki hummed to himself, listening to the way the sound echoed throughout the cavernous theater. Typically, he preferred to bring his victims back to his home so as to ensure more privacy, but he was feeling festive this evening; why not celebrate the occasion with a bit of a change in scenery?
And what scenery it was. He’d first discovered the abandoned theater about a year after moving to New York. It was located on the outskirts of Manhattan, tucked away into a quiet, crumbling corner of the city that few ventured into. Not even the homeless dared take up residence in the old building; Loki had already nearly fallen through the worn, creaking hardwood of the stage once, and the ceiling was dotted with holes that hinted at the establishment’s imminent collapse. It was only a matter of time before man or nature razed the theater to concrete and crushed brick, but he doubted such a thing would happen tonight.
He’d always been remarkably lucky, all things considered.
The plastic of his hazmat suit crumbled and squeaked with his every movement, and it was becoming quite muggy and humid with his own sweat, but he’d been doing this for too long to risk getting caught now. He’d been meticulous, making sure that no trace of himself would be left behind – just his work.
His head perked up when he heard movement from behind him, and he glanced sideways at the evening’s entertainment. He hadn’t cared to learn his name; all he knew was that the man currently encased in duct tape and rope had cut him off in traffic, and that had been enough justification for Loki to follow him home. The poor sap hadn’t made it to his front door, though; no, he had a greater purpose to serve.  
He turned fully to watch as the man’s eyes blinked open, sluggishly roving about the room as he recovered from the blow Loki had landed to the back of his head. Once their eyes met, though, he watched as realization washed over his countenance, and in the wake of realization, terror. A deep, guttural groan was muffled by duct tape, and the sound bounced along the high-vaulted ceiling and peeling walls.
“Oh, my apologies,” Loki smirked. “Here, let me…”
He crossed to the man and knelt down, ripping the tape off in one quick, harsh movement.
“Please, I have a family-“ the man started to plead, but the coroner only rolled his eyes before standing up once again.
“I was hoping for something more original,” he sighed disappointedly. “If I had a dollar for every time I heard those words, I would probably be able to afford a second home in Malibu.”
He chuckled at his own joke, tuning out the man’s pitiful wailing as he dragged his toolkit closer. Squatting down, he lined up the three syringes he’d brought with him, just in case, before drawing out his beloved pocketknife. Its ebony handle shone in the dim lighting, reflecting a distorted image of the smile he was currently wearing.
“I-I-I can pay you, too,” he heard from behind him. “Anything you want! I work on Wall Street; I can-“
“Let me ask you something,” he interrupted once again. After lovingly setting the knife down next to the syringes, he brought himself up to his feet.
The man was now visibly trembling, trying to squirm his way out of the rope binding his arms and legs. Loki inhaled deeply through his nose; he could swear that he smelled the fear radiating off of his victim, could taste it on his tongue - metallic and salty and intoxicating.
“What is your name?” he inquired, tilting his head.
“Larry. L-Larry Farmer.”
“Larry Farmer?” He tilted his head back, shoulders shaking with laughter. “That… I’m sorry; I’m being terribly rude, laughing at your name like this. It’s just that you look like a Larry Farmer, if I’ve ever seen one.”
Larry seemed to be too frightened to be offended, though he couldn’t care less about what this soon-to-be-corpse thought of his manners. He reserved them only for those who deserved courtesy, after all.
“Well, Larry,” he continued on. “I’m sure you have at least some semblance of an idea as to why I’ve brought you here.”
“Please, don’t- don’t kill me, I-I’ll do anything-“
“If it’s any consolation, your death is, in a way, for posterity’s sake. You’re going to be famous, Larry. Probably in both the news and my lover’s latest masterpiece.”
He crossed the floor to the hook he’d set up earlier that day, hoping that it would work for its intended purpose. The hook was large and rusted, and connected to it was a long length of rope that he’d slung over one of the exposed beams above the stage. He’d tested his own weight on it, satisfied that it was still sturdy despite the state of the rest of the theater, but now he was starting to have his doubts. Mr. Farmer wasn’t as muscular as him, but he was quite rotund. And while Loki typically didn’t judge such a thing, he was worried that the man would either snap the rope or send the roof tumbling down onto them.
With one final tug to make sure the hook was secured, he started marching back towards the sobbing man sprawled out on the floor, delighting in the way his eyes widened and his feet skittered in their bonds, trying to push himself away from the killer as he approached. With a grunt, he grabbed Larry’s suit jacket and dragged him back to the contraption, his breath ragged by the time he managed to attach the hook to the rope twined around the quivering fool’s hands.
“Well, at least I can skip cardio tomorrow,” he grunted to himself through clenched teeth. His shoes clicked as he made his way to the other end of the hook’s rope, but their sound was almost drowned out by Larry’s screams.
“HELP ME,” he was shouting, his body writhing on the ground in a way that reminded Loki of worms once the rain washed them onto a sidewalk. “PLEASE, SOMEONE, HE’S GONNA KILL ME-“
“He sure is.”
Gripping the rope in both hands, Loki planted his feet and pulled, watching Mr. Farmer’s body as first his arms were raised up, followed by his torso, until, after a lot of panting and heaving on Loki’s part, he was suspended in the air. His feet were kicking as much as they could with tape twined around his ankles, trying to make contact with the ground, but he remained hovering just above it by a few inches.
After tying off the rope to a nearby post, Loki sauntered over to the hanging man, hands folded behind his back as he caught his breath from the excursion.
“There, now. Much better.”
His eyes followed the length of rope upwards, pleased that it looked to be holding fast. Finally, everything was ready for his little experiment. Stooping down, he retrieved his knife, admiring it for a moment before turning back to Larry.
“No, no, no, please, please-“
“Hushhhh, no one can hear you,” he purred, coming to stand before the man who was still persisting in begging for his life.
He rested one of his hands on Larry’s shoulder, gripping tight as he plunged the knife into his gut. The blade wasn’t terribly long – maybe four or five inches – but it cut deep enough that, when Loki flicked his wrist to make a long, clean slash along the lower abdomen, the intestines fell out with a wet, satisfying squish. Or, rather, part of them did.
“O-oh my god…”
Larry’s voice was a low moan of pain, and Loki took a second to bask in it as blood dripped steadily to the floor. His screams had morphed into anguished grunts and groans, which were infinitely more pleasing to Loki’s ear. A quick upwards glance showed that his face had gone unnaturally pale, and his eyes were half-lidded as he threatened to pass out.
“Oh, no, not yet-“
Loki stooped down, grabbing one of the syringes and stabbing it into the man’s chest, injecting it with his thumb pushing down on the plunger. Larry’s body jolted, a gasp parting his pale lips as his eyes once more snapped open.
“There, we go,” the killer purred, tucking the syringe into one of Mr. Farmer’s pockets. “A little bit of adrenaline goes a long way, hm? Now.”
He reached down, holding a length of slippery small intestines between his hands.
“Stay with me for just a little longer more, Larry. Then you can go to sleep; I promise.”
With gentle tugs and steady movements, Loki brought the length of the gut up and around Larry’s neck, drinking in the horror on his expression. A series of disbelieving, shocked gurgles escaped the man’s throat as Loki wrapped each hand firmly in the intestines.
“Wh-y,” he wheezed, surprising Loki with his ability to still speak despite the amount of his insides which were, currently, on his outside. “A-a-re y-ou do- doing thi-s-s-s…”
He chuckled in response, his eyebrows jumping up as he met Mr. Farmer’s eyes.
“Why are all the best crimes committed?” he countered as he started to pull on the length of intestine. The man’s eyes bugged out as he began to choke, and a crease formed between Loki’s eyebrows as he focused on not losing his grip on the slippery material.
He brought his face close to the man now struggling for breath, admiring the way his skin had started to turn from pale to purple. His voice was barely above a whisper as he answered his own question, keeping his fingers tight around the gut gripped in them.
“For love.”
Only seconds later, Larry Farmer’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, and all too soon, he went limp.
Later on, once Loki was showered and resting in his bed, he called you, holding the phone to his ear and waiting impatiently for you to pick up.
A smile came over his face upon hearing your voice, and he closed his eyes, replaying the look in Larry’s eyes just before he’d succumbed to death.
“Hello, love. I’ve been thinking about what you said over breakfast yesterday; I think I have a few ideas about how Olivia would be able to pull it off…”
There wasn’t enough caffeine in the world for days like this, but the large tumbler of iced coffee in Natasha’s hand would have to do. A matching one was in Steve’s as the two detectives marched into the theater, and she couldn’t help but sigh at the small herd of reporters that had already started to form outside the condemned building.
“I don’t know whether to be impressed or annoyed that they always manage to get here before we do,” her partner mused, casting a disapproving glance towards the news vans and flashing cameras.
Detective Romanoff’s eyes flashed as she followed his gaze, and her full lips twisted into a grimace before taking a sip of her drink.
“I’m gonna go with annoyed,” she sighed. “Vultures, the lot of them.”
“You won’t hear me disagree.”
He lifted the line of caution tape barricading the door for her, and she muttered a thank you before ducking under it and walking into the aged, dingey lobby within. The crushed velvet lining the walls had to be filled with decades’ worth of pollen and dust, and she was already fighting down the urge to sneeze. Officers were dotted here and there, trying to lift a print off of any possible surface, but she’d already been informed that they had yet to find anything useful.
“Detective Romanoff, Detective Rogers.”
The two turned to see Officer Coulson walking up to them, his hands hooked into his belt as he approached. Natasha’s lips twitched upwards; Phil was a gifted officer, a kind man, and a good friend, and seeing him managed to slightly lessen the painful headache starting to form behind her eyes.
“Coulson,” she greeted. “Heard you have quite a doozy waiting for us.”
“That’s one way of putting it. Just wanted to give you a heads up before you go in there. Let’s just say that we’ve already had an officer lose his breakfast at the sight of it.”
One of her manicured eyebrows arched up, and she and Steve shared a look before turning towards the doors that led to the auditorium.
“Is it that bad?” Steve asked, a node of trepidation in his voice.
“It ain’t good.”
With that, Coulson turned and walked out the building, bringing his phone out of his pocket to no doubt give Sergeant Fury a call. Natasha didn’t know what she was dreading more – walking into the auditorium, or having her superior breathing down her neck until they caught whoever had left behind the body.
Without further preamble, she squared her shoulders and pushed past the doors, eyes immediately widening as she saw what was waiting for them. A portly, middle-aged man was dangling from the ceiling by his own bound hands, and as she walked closer, she saw that his own intestines were looped around his neck like some kind of morbid scarf. Steve cursed under his breath, and Natasha nodded her head in silent agreement with the sentiment.
Fuck, indeed.
Doctor Banner, a forensic specialist who’d been working with the police since before Natasha had come to America, turned towards them as they climbed the steps to the stage. His salt and pepper curls were messy and wild, and stubble was thick on his cheeks, signifying that he’d probably left home that morning in a hurry.
“Oh, hey,” he greeted them, though his eyes were on Natasha alone. “You made it; we were about to get the party started without you.”
“I don’t see how that’s a party,” she fired back, nodding towards the corpse.
Banner nodded, glancing back at the body as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Yeah, I see your point…”
Steve smiled, glancing between the two before clearing his throat.
“What can you tell us about all of this, Dr. Banner?” he asked, drawing the scientist’s attention back to the matter at hand.
“Oh, right. Yeah, so this is Larry Farmer, age 49. Time of death looks to be about 12 hours ago; we’re lucky that we found him at all. If the local kids hadn’t decided to try and practice their graffiti here, who knows when he would’ve been found?”
He pulled a pen out of his breast pocket, using it to point along the length of intestine twined around Mr. Farmer’s neck.
“He lost a lot of blood, but the burst capillaries in his eyes and face suggests that he died from strangulation, not blood loss. Now, we found an empty syringe in his pocket, and we’ll have to do a few tests on it to see-“
“Wait a minute,” Steve interrupted, holding up a hand. “You’re telling me that this guy was strangled with his own-“
“Intestines, yeah,” the doctor finished for him with a wince. “Pretty fucked up, isn’t it?”
“To put it mildly,” Natasha stated, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Now what was this about a syringe?”
“Right; we don’t know for sure what it is, but I’m willing to bet it was either something to clot the blood or something to keep him awake. We’ll know in a few hours. The medical examiner will be able to test his blood, too, to see if there’s any other kind of chemical in it that shouldn’t be there.”
“Sounds good,” Natasha nodded. “Do we know which hospital he’s gonna be brought to?”
Hours later, she felt her heart sinking as Steve pulled up to Bellevue Hospital, its familiar shape looming over her as she thought about the man who was, most likely, puttering away in the morgue. Something in her chest ached at the idea, and her displeasure must have shown on her face, because Steve turned to her with a sympathetic glance one the care was put into park.
“He might not even be working today,” he offered, fake optimism dripping from his voice. “Besides, he’s not the only medical examiner here. Farmer might have been brought to Dr. Lyons, or Dr. Stewart, or-“
“The universe would never be so kind,” Natasha snarked before stepping out of the police car, pulling her leather jacket on over her sweater as the cold nipped at her skin.
Her breath turned to fog as she and Steve walked in side by side, shoulders brushing every now and then as she unconsciously leaned towards her friend for support. He didn’t know the whole story – no one but her and Dr. Odinson did – but he knew that there was history between the two of them. Everyone who knew of her prickly feelings for Loki assumed that they’d dated at one point in time, and she let them think that, not wanting to look on the past long enough to recall the twisted web of memories waiting there for her.
The morgue was always kept about ten degrees cooler than the rest of the hospital, and an icy finger trailed down her spine as she made her way to the familiar observation room. And, belatedly, the familiar man working inside.
Dr. Odinson was hunched over the body, sewing Larry Farmer shut with a precise, skillful hand; a small, absentminded smile had settled over his lips, and Natasha felt herself shudder at the sight. She would try to rationalize that he must be thinking about something pleasant, but she’d seen that same smile on his face countless of times before, all while he worked on the corpses laid out on his steel observation table.
Loki liked what he did, for reasons that she frankly didn’t care to learn.
“Dr. Odinson,” Steve called out, prompting the doctor’s head to turn promptly towards them.
“Ah. Hello, detectives,” he greeted, straightening up. He delicately placed the suture onto Mr. Farmer’s bare chest before stepping away and shucking off his examination gloves. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”
“We wanted to pick up the toxicology report on our way back to the station,” Steve explained. “Did you find anything that could be useful?”
“I found a few things that might be useful to you,” he informed them.
His long legs carried him to his desk in powerful, confident strides, and he retrieved a manilla envelope from the stack of neat papers situation on its surface.
“After running some tests, I-“
He was interrupted by the loud, tinny sound of a phone going off, and Steve’s hand flew into his pocket, pulling his device out and glancing at the caller ID.
“It’s Bucky,” he said, glancing up at Natasha. “Is it ok if I…?”
He trailed off, and a spike of anxiety pierced through her at the thought of being left alone with Loki. But she masked her unease with a tight, forced smile before nodding her head.
“Yeah! Yeah, go ahead; I’ll fill you in on whatever you miss.”
Steve nodded his thanks and walked out, accepting the call and bringing the phone up to his ear.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?”
His voice faded as he stepped out of the room, and no other words were discernable as he spoke to his husband in the hallway.
“…As I was saying,” Loki continued on, turning his full attention to Natasha. “After running some tests, I found an unusually large amount of adrenaline in his blood; Dr. Banner mentioned something about finding a syringe in his pocket?”
Natasha nodded, and Loki handed her the envelope, his fingers long and pale against its surface.
“Well, the exact numbers are in the report, but it was enough adrenaline to keep him conscious throughout the process,” he pushed on, a surprising lack of teasing in his voice. “He was, indeed, killed by asphyxiation, though I suspect that, if he hadn’t have been strangled, he would have bled out within a matter of minutes.
“There was a blow to the back of his head, too, that likely wouldn’t have caused any permanent damage, but it’s worth noting.”
“Well, that would confirm that he was knocked out and then taken to the theater,” she mused, biting her lower lip in thought.
“Either that, or he went to the theater with someone who then decided to knock him out. He was, however, fully awake at the time of strangulation.”
Natasha nodded, tucking the envelope under her arm.
“…Thank you, Dr. Odinson,” she finally stated. “I’ll give you a call if I have any questions about your report.”
Aside from the cynical jump in his eyebrows upon hearing her refer to him by this professional title, Loki offered none of his usual sly remarks or glances before turning on his heel and making his way back to the body.
“Any time, Officer Romanoff.”
She grit her teeth in annoyance, glaring at him as he pulled on another set of gloves.
“It’s detective, Loki. And you know it.”
His movements slowed to a stop, and once more his eyes met hers. She forced herself not to look away, staring back at him coolly until he resumed pulling on the gloves.
“My mistake,” he muttered. “Force of habit. Detective Romanoff.”
The redhead nodded, her curls bouncing in her peripheral vision, and hesitated for a second longer before turning back to the doors. Something in her made her stop, though, and she glanced back at the doctor as he picked up the suture once more, his hemostats clicking as he locked them in place.
“…Hey. You doing anything later?”
She hated the tremble in her voice, hated the sick part of her that wanted him to say yes. God knows she didn’t care for the man; his very presence set her teeth on edge.
But she was weak, and he had always been very skilled at relieving the tension she managed to accumulate during the days like this one.
Loki glanced up at her from under his lashes, but his hands didn’t still in their movements as he answered.
“I’m planning on cooking dinner for my girlfriend, actually.”
Silence stretched out between them, and Natasha did nothing to hide the shock on her features. Something cold wrapped around her lungs and squeezed, and she fought down a tide of embarrassment as she thought back to the woman she’d seen Loki talking to several days before.
“…Oh. I’m sorry, I… I didn’t know-“
“It’s quite alright,” he assured her in a, surprisingly, kind tone. “I always did say that conventional relationships weren’t my forte.”
She nodded, recalling the first time he’d said those very same words to her.
“She must be special, then,” Natasha offered, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. “To have changed your mind like that.”
A fond smile came to his lips, very similar to the one he wore when focused on his work, and though she didn’t feel even a shred of jealousy, it was still unnerving to see.
“She’s very special, Detective. Very special indeed.”
On the other side of the doors behind her, Natasha heard Steve say his goodbyes to Bucky, and she turned to walk out before he could join her in the operatory.
Once Loki was left alone in the room, he turned back to Larry Farmer, a bemused smile on his face.
“…It’s complicated,” he said to the corpse, staring down into his cloudy, sightless eyes.
He didn’t expect an answer as he finished sewing up the wound he himself had inflicted, but the smile on his lips didn’t falter.
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"Behave" and "Mine" smutty timees with Geralt the sexy witcher pretty pls?
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Geralt x Reader Word Count: 1,914 Rating: E Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: Some academically inspired smut for you xo
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Beware the witcher, they said, for they are a fierce breed. You longed for a taste of that ferocity for though Geralt was an excellent lover he was also very… well, not timid. He was passionate and thorough and very generous but he was so soft. He caressed and peppered kisses and was so careful with you all the time. You’d tried to tell him that you wanted him to be rough but even that had only inspired a slightly brisker thrusting, never really getting what you were asking for and you grew too embarrassed to vocalize it more clearly. It wasn’t until the pair of you attended a lecture by Jaskier that it clicked for him. He’d watched you stare at Jaskier in rapt attention as he shared the many different ways to express love and affection in art, including the acts that most deemed too improper to speak of. If anyone could and would speak of it, it was Jaskier de Lettenhove.
“When we write of a man’s loving strike it isn’t to glorify violence, but to communicate the needs being met in different ways,” he explained, “In the tale of the Lusty Carlotta she is shunned for her – quote – extreme tastes and even sent to a nunnery which is where she paradoxically finds her satisfaction. The severe punishments of the abbess awakens her own lust and whether or not you agree with the text from a religious standpoint you cannot deny it’s very evocative.”
Your eyes never wavered and you made little notes in the journal you’d brought as he spoke. Geralt glanced over and saw you were writing titles of the pieces he mentioned and slowly but surely the witcher understood.
“Now perhaps you think to yourself, what if someone’s partner is hesitant because they fear hurting their lover,” Jaskier said. Geralt caught himself nodding a moment too late but thankfully no one had seen. Still he listened carefully as the bard continued.
“This is where communication is vital. You must express in the story that the lovers understand the roles and why it’s desired. We take for granted that we know what our partners want but in life and stories the best, most stirring embraces may only be experienced between two who know what is wanted and know if they can provide that for them. If you’ve decided to write a tale or share an anecdote about a passion that explores this side of carnality, you have to be sure that you express clearly that not only is the submissive desiring of this, but the dominant one is as well.”
Geralt pondered this, chewing it over slowly in his mind and by the time they left he still wasn’t sure what to do with it. You noticed his pensive silence, sliding your hand in his and squeezing it gently to pull his attention to you as you walked towards the house. The amber eyes glanced at you and then flitted away quickly. If you didn’t know any better you’d say he was almost bashful.
“Is everything alright Geralt?” you asked.
“Did you enjoy the lecture?”
“Oh…” your voice grew small and you looked askance awkwardly. Geralt heard the defeated tone in your voice and tried to think of what to say. Words were not his forte. He didn’t know how to tell you that he finally understood what you were asking for and feared he may hurt you. He didn’t know how to tell you that it scared him a little that he enjoyed the idea of doing these things to you, or, as Jaskier had insisted one should think of it, for you. He stayed silent as you took off your cloak and hung it on the rack. He stayed silent as you moved into the bedroom and wordlessly began to change out of your clothes. He stayed silent as he crossed the room in quick strides and wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close. He cradled your face in his large hand, his golden eyes staring into yours intently with the words he could not say until he summoned the only one that seemed to capture what he felt.
“Mine,” he said in a low, firm voice. Your eyes widened slightly and you smiled.
“Yours,” you said. He loved the sound of it, loved the possessive and proud feeling that welled in his chest as you gazed at him and called you his.
“Mine,” he murmured against your lips, pulling you into a bruising, punishing kiss that you responded to eagerly. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he pulled you up against him by your hips as you wrapped your legs around him. He walked you back to the bed and experimentally tossed you down onto it. You bounced once and giggled, landing with your legs parted and your half-undone dress just barely shielding your breasts from view.
“Tell me what you want,” he said, and you felt emboldened by the lecture and the look in his eyes.
“I want you to make me yours. I want you to use me any way you want. I want you to p-punish me if I don’t do what you ask,” you admitted, stammering over your words but feeling freer for saying them. He was so proud of you and so in awe of how lovely you looked as you took charge. He wordlessly pulled his shirt off, throwing it aside carelessly.
“I want that too,” you said. He chuckled as he leaned forward, body large and looming over yours. He slid a hand into the opening of your bodice and palmed a breast so tightly you gasped. He startled slightly, watching your face warily but you didn’t look upset. He could feel your heart racing and roughly ripped the dress open further. You swallowed hard as he bared your body to him and ran a hand down it starting at your neck and down between your breasts and your stomach until he reached your mound. He was surprised to find you already dripping wet and he palmed you, enjoying the way you ground against his hand and writhed beneath him.
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?” he asked.
“You, Geralt,” you answered.
“Too fucking right,” he growled. You whined when he pulled his hand away but sat up with interest as he undid his belt and quickly finished disrobing. You ached with need at the sight of him, hard and thick and yours. He saw your eyes fall to him and he took himself in hand, stroking slowly as you watched.
“Tell me what you want,” he demanded.
“Be more specific.”
Your eyes flitted up to his and you felt your courage waver slightly. He sensed your hesitation and moved closer, reaching out to lift your face to meet his with a tender look in his eyes.
“Tell me what you want, love,” he repeated.
“I want your cock.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake Geralt where do you thi-”
He rolled you onto your stomach and before you could ask what he was doing you heard the thwack of hand meeting flesh and your ass stung.
“Behave,” he growled, leaning over you as one hand massaged the spot he’d spanked. You could feel his hard length brush against your ass as he moved to look into your eyes as you craned your neck back towards him.
“I asked you a question, Y/N,” he said in a voice that was stern and demanding though you could see a tinge of uncertainty and concern in his eyes.
“I want you to fuck me, Geralt. I want you to fill me up and make me scream your name. I want to be owned by you inside and out so fully that I feel the ache for days but still crave more.”
Geralt had never been one for dirty talk, preferring to use his actions over his words, but when you said this he understood its appeal for the first time. He kissed you hard and before you could get a proper breath he’d pushed you into position, propping you onto your knees and presenting yourself for him lewdly. He just looked at you for a moment, stroking himself though he was more than ready for you.
“I’m going to be careful,” he said, “But I’m going to give you everything you want.”
“I want you. I just want you,” you said breathlessly, propping yourself up on your hands and arching back towards him. He aligned himself at your entrance and entered you slowly. You were tight and warm and wet and he wanted to bury himself deep inside of you as quickly as possible but he kept his control. There was good and bad pain and he would be certain you only felt the first. He looked at the red mark on your ass and smiled. You grasped at the bedsheets, panting as he slowly filled you.
“Go faster I can take it,” you pleaded. He swatted you hard, giving you a matching mark on the other side and he felt you get wetter, screwing his eyes tight and forcing himself to breath slowly and maintain his slow, steady pace.
“I know what I’m doing, Y/N. Now shut up and take it,” he snapped, surprised but delighted when you moaned in reply and he felt you clench around him. You obeyed though you rocked against him lightly so he had to still your hips with his hands until he was finally, blessedly, buried to the hilt. He pulled out just as slowly, your little frustrated sighs music to his ears but nowhere near as beautiful as the gasping moan you gave when he quickly thrust back into you. The pace grew quicker, building slowly but still quicker than he’d planned. He had excellent stamina, not a brag just a fact, but when you came for him, suddenly and catching you both by surprise, he nearly lot himself as well. You clenched and fluttered around him and your moans were half-cursing, half-sobbing as he fucked you through your climax, pushing you with ease into a second one and this time he let himself take his release as well.
“That was…” your voice trailed away as you lay side by side. He stroked your hair and nuzzled your cheek with his nose, more tender and careful than usual as he tried to check in with you. He waited for you to finish your sentence, anxious for what you’d say.
“Perfect,” you finished, lolling your head to the side to give him a sleepy smile. “Did you like it?”
“Yes,” he said quickly, pulling you in close to press a gentle kiss to your puffy lips.
“Mmm good,” you yawned, “Would you want to do it again sometime?”
“Yes,” he answered just as quickly, “Would you ever want me to…”
You cracked open one eye and watched him, waiting for him to continue.
“Take the lead?” he finished.
“Ooh what would that be like?” you asked, seeking fodder for your dreams.
“I don’t know… We could read those stories you wrote down. See what they have to say,” he mumbled.
“Geralt of Rivia that is the sweetest, sexiest thing anyone could ever say,” you murmured, eyes falling closed though the smile on your face remained. He harrumphed, fearing that you were teasing him, but when he fell asleep moments later there was a smile on his face as well.
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You're So Warm (ii)
Pairing: Max Phillips x Reader
Summary: After his meeting with Y/N, Max is grappling with the fact that he couldn't turn her into a vampire. He invites her back to his office to continue what he started.
Warnings: Language, SMUT! Fingering, oral (f receiving), fucked on Max's desk. My first time writing smut so probably shitty writing? No editing, we die like men.
part i part ii part iii
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After a week of Max's tireless efforts, things at the office had finally started to quiet down. He had taken care of the people that needed to be taken care of and he had put legal at ease with some quick solutions about their little problem. However, Max's mind was still racing. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He could still feel her skin burned into his. No one had ever held as much power over him as this little mortal did. He was going out of his mind pondering what she had done to make him feel like this. It couldn't have just been her warmth. He could have gained the same sensation from a microwave. There had to be something else. He couldn't gain control of himself anymore. He couldn't stop himself from becoming distracted by thinking of her. The thing about all of it that had truly gotten under his skin was the fact that he couldn't find the willpower to change her. Every time he nearly bolstered up the courage, he thought of her heat and he couldn't bring himself to do it. This had to stop. He was in control. This was his company. He made the rules.
He paced the floor of his office, hands resting behind his back. Max glanced eagerly at the small clock on his desk. She would be here soon and he would take care of things. At exactly 5:00 on the dot he saw her skitter into the office and towards her desk. He stopped pacing and stood by the windows of his office to study her movements. Max's gaze became predatorial as he watched her set her bag down and smooth out her skirt. She was very gentle with her things, putting them in their proper place. His tongue shot out to lick his lips as he intently studied her hands. Before she could sit down, he flung his office door open and stepped outside. "Miss Y/N?" His voice startled her, causing her to jump. "May I speak to you privately for a moment?" She nodded and watched him turn and walk back into his office.
He was waiting for her just inside the door frame. When she stepped in cautiously, he pushed the door closed and motioned for her to take a seat. She did so promptly, twiddling her thumbs in her lap. She found herself unable to look up from her hands. "It's nice to see you again, Y/N." Before he approached her, he quickly shut the blinds on his windows so that he could proceed freely.
"It's nice to see you again, too, sir." She said in that same shy voice. He ambled towards his desk, stopping when he was in front of her. She realized she was avoiding eye contact and looked up. "May I ask what this is about?" He smiled at her blunt question and began to unbutton his suit jacket.
"Of course." She watched him peel his jacket off, fold it neatly, and place it on his desk. Max placed his hands in his pockets and put on his kindest smile. "Do you remember what happened the last time you were here?" This made her skin tingle as she remembered.
"Yes, sir. I do." She had only dreamt about it every night since. He nodded and walked around to the other side of the desk.
"So do I. And do you remember why I asked you into my office that day?" He placed his fingertips on the surface of the desk and leaned forward, waiting for her answer.
"I believe you mentioned a promotion, sir."
"That's right, I did. Good memory. Of course, we didn't exactly get around to discussing the promotion, did we?" She began to feel flushed as she shook her head. "I would like to finish our original conversation, if that is alright with you." She let out a small breath.
"Of course." Max gave her another warm smile which she offered in return. He began to unbutton the sleeves of his tight dress shirt, rolling them up to his elbows. She swallowed thickly as she watched his fingers. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed the way he looked as he showed off his powerful forearms, his shirt tight against his frame.
"As I have said many times in the past, what we sell here is dreams, right? We help people achieve more. That's why they buy from us because we are giving them something that is bigger than themselves." His hands moved fluidly as he spoke, illustrating the point he was trying to make. "Of course, I need people on my team that are going to help me achieve that goal. That's why I want you, Y/N, in a position with a little more power. I can tell that you are a dreamer. You are someone who believes in what we do and that is one of the most important things I can ask for. There is something very special about you." Max wished she knew how true his words were. He wasn't just spouting his normal sales bullshit. There was something special about her and he wanted her on his team. So, why didn't he want to change her?
Y/N watched him intently as he spoke, hanging onto each word. She found herself enchanted by him, feeling her heart twinge when he told her she was special. Max let out a sigh and came around the desk to sit next to her. As she watched him come down to her level, she felt a warmth begin to grow between her legs. When he sat with her like this last time all she felt was nervous, but something had changed in the last week. There was something more electric and tangent between them now that made her ache. She wondered if he could feel it, too.
"I like you, Y/N. You're a very capable young woman. I want to see you succeed." Warmth radiated between their bodies and Max could feel his resolve slipping away. "Is that something you want?" It was now or never. All she could do was nod, her breath trapped in her chest. He took a deep breath and moved closer, scooping her hand into his. His head was immediately swimming with a million thoughts that he tried to push away. Her neck was so close now. Just one bite and all of this would be over. "I want to help you." He whispered, leaning over so that his lips were hovering right above her neck. "I want to make you better." Finally, he pressed his lips against her neck and the feeling consumed him. Her pulse was beating wildly against him, the warmth of her skin shooting straight down to his cock. He felt himself twitch as he breathed in her scent. Without a prayer to stop it, he felt his aggression melt away into need as he began kissing the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes, leaning away to give him better access. His lips explored her, taking in everything. He let his tongue press against her before sucking her neck lightly, leaving purple spots in his wake. He then brought his hands to her face, bringing their lips together. She let out a small whimper as his tongue played across her own. In that moment, he allowed himself to say what he had been denying all week. "I want you." All she could manage was a small nod and he laughed at her pitiful attempt at consent. "What was that?" He pulled away from her.
"I want you, too."
"Good girl." That was exactly what Max needed. He brought his lips back to hers as his hands trailed down to her breasts. Y/N let out a moan as he pinched her nipples, which were already hard. He travelled beneath her shirt to gain better access. He growled sharply at the feeling of her warm, pliable flesh beneath his hands. They both stood up, needing to be closer. Max's eyes drank in the sight of her as he wasted no time ripping her shirt off over her head. She wore a black lace bra which did a terrible job of covering her. He bit his lip harshly as he admired her.
"Was this for me, sweetheart?"
"Yes." She mumbled, her answer inaudible as she looked at the floor. Max took her jaw in his hand, pulling her up to meet his gaze.
"Speak up." He demanded. "Confidence is key, darling." She laughed lightly.
"Yes. Ever since you kissed me I've been dressing up, hoping you'll notice me."
"I already notice you. It's not just that, is it?" She shook her head as he looked at her. "You wanted me to fuck you. A kiss wasn't enough, was it? You needed to feel me deep inside of you, making you scream my name as I make you mine. Isn't that right?" His words took her breath away completely. "I said, isn't that right?" He said louder now.
"Yes, sir." He nodded, grinning widely.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm going to give you exactly what you want." Still holding her jaw, Max brought their lips together, running his tongue along the inside of her mouth.
Y/N grasped at him wildly, trying to anchor herself. He felt her spinning out of control and held onto her shoulders tightly. "Come here. Let's see how wet that little pussy is for me." He pressed himself against her back, leading her forward. He took both her hands in his before pressing them solidly against the surface of his desk, bending her over. Admiring her ass which was on display for him, Max ran both hands along her skirt.
Y/N folded her arms in front of her, resting her head against them as she felt him pull her skirt up over her ass. His hands were big, caressing her skin so nicely. Max hissed as he explored her flesh. Every piece of her body was warmer than the last, driving him insane. She wore a pair of lace panties that matched her bra. It was a nice touch that made him smile. He hooked a finger into them, pulling them aside so he could access her. He pressed his finger against her slit, drawing it slowly all the way down to her clit. The contact pulled a small whine from her lips. Max rubbed his finger back and forth against her folds, collecting her wetness. He brought his finger to her lips which she eagerly sucked clean. "See how wet you are for me? Do you want more?" She nodded frantically, his finger still in her mouth. He pulled it away, bringing his hand back down to where she needed him most. He teased her entrance with a finger, which made her moan. He pushed into her as deep as he could, moving in and out of her with ease. Her fingernails dug into her forearms as he added another finger. The sensation was electrifying as he moved quicker and quicker.
"Does that feel good? Do you like the way I finger this tight little pussy?" His words made her walls clench around him tightly.
"Yes, sir." He added another finger which made her mouth gape. He kept the same fast pace, groaning loudly at the feeling of her. She was warm and slick and her moans only invited him deeper. His cock was rock hard now, straining against his tight pants. He curled his fingers upward, hitting the perfect spot inside her. "You feel so fucking good. I love the way you feel." Max pulled out of her without warning, causing her to whimper at the loss of him. He knelt down behind her, bringing his lips forward to her slit. He kissed her sensitive clit, sucking on it lightly. She tasted exquisite, better than blood. Better than anything. He lapped her up eagerly, enjoying the way she dripped for him. His tongue flicked along her slit to her entrance, delving inside her. He bobbed his head back and forth so that he could fuck her with his tongue. She sounded heavenly, calling out his name as she rocked back against his face. One of his hands gripped her waist while the other worked at taking out his cock. Once he had released himself, he began lazily stroking himself in time with each thrust of his tongue, causing him to groan. The sound vibrated in her clit, making it nearly impossible not to scream. "How does that feel, sweetheart? Do you like my tongue inside you?" He asked between licks.
"Yes! Oh, god yes!" She gasped before biting down on her forearm. He smiled against her.
"Are you going to cum for me?" She mumbled a yes through her teeth, embracing the warmth that was building in her stomach. "Do it. I want to feel you gush on my tongue. And when you're done, I'm going to fuck this sweet little pussy. Do you want that darling?" She could only nod now. "Good. Then cum." It only took a few more long licks before she came apart against his mouth. He used both hands to hold her hips steady as he helped her ride through her orgasm. She twitched as she came down off her high. Max took his mouth away, standing up behind her. "Did you like that, darling?" She knew her voice was useless and stuck with a small nod. He leaned down, pressing his body flush against hers. "Taste yourself on my lips, sweetheart." She obliged him happily, turning her head to kiss him deeply.
Max pulled away, taking her with him as he helped her stand up. She leaned against him, not trusting her legs. Holding her close to him, he made quick work of clearing a spot off his desk for her. When he was done, he turned her around and helped her lay on her back. Max couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the view; his human employee laying on his desk, legs spread wide for him. "Fuck, you look good enough to eat, sweetheart." He bit his lip, giving his cock a few strokes. She looked up at him through heavy lids, waiting patiently for him. He took a moment to pull her panties off, throwing them into his chair. He didn't want any obstacles. Max stepped forward, lining his cock up with her entrance. "Do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?" She nodded eagerly. He didn't wait another second before slipping the head of his cock into her. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to get accustomed to the warmth of her slick pussy wrapped around his thick cock. It was almost too much for him. She watched him get lost in the ecstasy. When he was ready, he pushed his hips forward until he was fully seated inside her. She moaned as she felt him stretch her open. Max brought both of his hands to either side of her head, steadying himself. Both of them were in silent awe at the feeling of being so closely intertwined. Her warmth enveloped his entire being as he stood there, buried deep inside of her. He opened his eyes, locking them with hers as he pulled slowly out of her before pushing back in. "You feel so good. Fuck, Y/N! You're driving me fucking crazy." Standing back to his full height, Max played with her clit as he pumped slowly in and out of her. She became lost in the pleasure, knowing nothing but him. He began to quicken his pace, thrusting in and out of her harshly. He rubbed her clit in time with his thrusts, causing her hips to jerk upwards against him. He brought a hand to hold her hip down tightly against the desk. "Do you like that? Like when I rub this aching little clit? Am I going to make you cum?" His thrusts became faster, delving into her even deeper now which made her cry out. Their skin smacked together crudely, the sound echoing around the office. They knew that everyone outside could surely hear them but they didn't care as they both felt their orgasms building. Max's thrusts became sloppy as he got close. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. God, you're going to make me cum so hard, sweetheart." His words were all the encouragement she needed as his fingers worked her clit aggressively. She released around his cock as he worked her through her orgasm. He gritted his teeth tightly as he gave her one last sharp thrust before pulling out. She brought a hand up to stroke his cock hard until thick ropes of his cum coated her stomach. She continued to stroke him as he came down from his high, milking every drop of cum he had onto her stomach.
They both panted heavily, heads spinning from the pleasure. Max tucked himself back up, zipping his pants as he went to find something in his office to clean her up with. He was lucky enough to find a box of tissues in the corner and made quick work of wiping away the mess he'd made. When she was certain she wouldn't pass out, she sat up and Max helped her off the desk. "That was amazing, Y/N." He commented as she picked her panties up and slid them on. "I've never felt anything so extraordinary." She rolled her eyes a bit and walked towards the door to retrieve her shirt. He watched as she finished dressing herself, crossing his arms.
"You flatter me, sir." They both let out a light laugh. She turned to leave and Max reached out to grab her wrist before she could.
"Where are you going?"
"Wasn't that all you wanted?" He was taken aback by the question. Had he come across as that much of an asshole to her?
"No." She raised her eyebrows at him. "I want you to be my personal assistant." She shook her head, trying to gather her wits.
"Right ... the promotion." He smiled warmly.
"Do you accept the job?" She contemplated the offer. This definitely wasn't what he'd had in mind when she came into his office, but especially now he knew there was no way he could bring himself to change her.
"Yes, of course." She replied with a grin.
"Good. I'm glad. I'll debrief you on your duties tomorrow but for now, you can go home early. I think you've worked enough for today." She giggled at this and nodded. She turned towards the door, taking a deep breath before opening it and letting herself out. Max watched as she disappeared, his head spinning. For the first time in his life, he had met someone who was a better human than they were a vampire. Right then and there, he knew he would do anything to make sure it stayed that way. Maybe Max didn't mind losing control after all.
Tags: @zeldasayer @talesfromtheguild @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @bobafvtt @lannister-slings-and-arrows @madadlorian @otherthingsinhead @readsalot73
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garrus-vakkarian · 4 years
Miraak's line "Do you ever wonder if it hurts? To have one's soul ripped out like that?" has to be the most thought provoking thing Skyrim ever dealt out. Which isn't saying much, Skyrim isn't Shakespearean, but that line just kind of floored me. Does it hurt? Is it not fucked up that our Dragonborn is basically a walking soul gem for divine beings? Miraak's character really could've delved into what being Dragonborn *means*.
Yes, I totally agree! And that really ties into one of my biggest complaints in Skyrim: it’s a mile wide, but an inch deep.
Skyrim, and TES as a whole, adores putting on airs for dragons. We’re told time and time again that they’re extraordinarily intelligent, and to that effect, we’re taught snippets of their language, their writing, and even their society. Yet, with the exception of 3 dragons (Parthurnax, Odahviing, and Durnehviir) they’re little more than mindless antagonists or rabid animals that become nothing more than a chore to take down.
The motivations of these “intelligent creatures” are never explored depth. Take Alduin, for example. He attacks the world because he wants to usher in a new age, and devours the souls of the dead to that end. But why does he devour souls? Why does he want to usher in a new age? Why does every Dragon, (save for the 3!) allow themselves to be coerced into blindly following him? Why is it common for dragons to desire to dominate, to control? We’re never told, save for a paltry "it is in their nature.”
But why? If they’re so intelligent, why?
It would’ve been fascinating to understand these creatures; to learn how to appreciate them.
Imagine how incredible it would’ve been to learn why dragons despise humanity; after all, they are the first born children of a God. How dare we attack divine beings? What right do we have to strike out against what Akatosh desired to exist?
(no surprise, but I love love love the theme of “God is dead” in literature)
But of course, such an explanation never happens. Alduin and his dragon posee simply attack the world because that is who they are, and we’re told to simply nod and go with it.
That is, until Miraak gave us a small window into understanding.
His sole line provided the closest we ever got to depth with these incredible, living dragons. And more importantly (like you said), it added depth to you, the player, and your role.
We see Dragons, violent as they are, and are left to reflect upon ourselves. We, the player, dominate; we kill and destroy thousands of people and creatures for the smallest grasps at power. Everything we do is to better ourselves, as that is in the nature of the game, just as it is the nature of dragons.
Miraak tells to consider the consequences of our actions. To us, dragons and bandits and npcs have become a mindless stepping stone. But to the world we live in, we’re a force for absolute destruction and pain, whether that be for good or evil.
We have, in our own way, carved out a world for ourselves; altered events, changed lives and ended them just to suit our own whims. And who else does that? Who else has desired to shape the world? Who else has caused pain and death on an unimaginable scale?
Alduin. He is simply the villain, and you the hero, only by difference of who we consider is more justified.
Now, like you said, Skyrim isn’t Shakespearean. The theme, “is your desire for growth worth the pain and suffering of others?” is never really touched upon by the writers.
And I seriously doubt Skyrim's writers in particular intended for the line to be that "deep"
But it’s nice to think about. Miraak, with his one line, made us ponder all the narrative potential Skryim has: potential that was ultimately squandered.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jotaro - Possessed
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3. This was my first fanfiction, the writing has improved ever since.
It was a normal day for Y/N and the crusaders. You were all aboard a boat for a day or two to join your destination.
You all decided to reunite at a certain hour to discuss your plan and what to do, but in the mean time, everyone was doing their own things.
Kakyoin and Jotaro were sunbathing in their uniforms, Polnareff was chasing some cute girls to pick up, Abdul and Joseph were getting some light drinks, and you, you were just strolling around the boat, having some time for yourself since it gets tiring being around men all the time.
You were walking along a hallway when you suddenly bumped into someone running around the corner, both of you falling on your backs.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry miss! Are you okay?" said the man while scrambling to get over you and check you out for injuries.
"Ugh... I-I'm fine.." you groaned as you opened your eyes, only to find the face of the man merely inches away from yours. You blushed a bit at the closeness "Um... " you muttered quietly at the man.
"You sure ?" He suddenly put his palm over your forehead, leaning a little bit more "Your face is red, aren't you a little bit sick?"
'Who is this guy??' you thought to yourself, confused at the behavior.
"No, no I'm fine, thank you, can you get off of me now please?" you said quickly, almost in a panic.
"Oh! Of course miss, my bad!" He finally got up and away from you very slowly, almost lingering. "Be careful little lady..."
You almost pushed him out of the way as you got up and hurried away from him, ignoring his last statement.
'Jeez, what is wrong with that guy? Some people are weird, man...' You thought to yourself a bit freaked out as you felt the guy's eyes still on you.
Later during the day, all the Crusaders got together in Abdul and Joseph's cabin to talk about future plans, where to go to next, new discoveries made by Hermit Purple and whatnot.
"So there might be one or more stand users in this very boat. Let's all keep our guards up." inquired Joseph to the group.
"Of course, let's search the ship in groups according to our stands abilities." added Kakyoin.
"I suggest Kakyoin and Polnareff since their stands could team up greatly with a good offense/defense ratio. Mr. Joestar and myself together as well." Abdul said.
"Good idea." said Kakyoin "So that means...." he trailed off, looking at you
"That means I'll team up with Jonathan!"
. . . Silence.
Everyone had a confused look on their faces while Joseph eyes widened like saucers.
You then realized what you said and got horrified.
"Wh- JOTARO! I meant Jotaro!!" You frantically said while putting a hand over your mouth.
No reaction from the men. You started to feel very flustered and added awkwardly.
"I-I don't know why I even said that haha.. I-I don't even know a Jonathan..."
The tension was horrible to bear. No one made a sound. That was weird. You weren't usually one to slip up like that.
"Hahaha... I must be tired haha.." you tried to laugh it off, to lighten the mood, but you could not ignore Joseph's hard stare on you.
As you couldn't take it anymore, so you got up from your seat on one of the beds and went on your way towards the door.
"Anyway, I'll go first, join me later Jojo.." and just like that you were gone.
The others tried to shake it off, like it was nothing, but Joseph was uneasy from the ordeal. He felt like something was wrong, and it wasn't just about getting the wrong name. Jotaro felt it too.
The whole day went like this, with everyone searching in vain, and with you slipping up every now and then, saying weird unusual things, and acting oblivious about it seconds later. That perked everyone up, but nobody knew what that was all about.
Until later, in the evening, everyone reunited again in the same cabin as before to report. Nobody could find anything suspicious on the boat. Not even Hierophant Green who scanned the entire ship.
Everyone was a little bit on edge to not find anything... It was too calm, too easy.
"I'm worried..." you started.
"We did everything we could... Or maybe there really is no one against us in here." said Kakyoin calmly.
"But then that would mean the stand user seen by Hermit Purple was not sent by Lord Dio..."
That was the kicker.
Everyone flinched and your eyes widened at your own choice of words. Something was terribly wrong with you today, and they had to figure it out.
In a matter of a second, before you could even react, Jotaro, who was sitting beside you, forcefully grabbed your wrists and pinned you to the bed, immobilizing you instantly.
"W-WAIT!!! THIS IS A MISUNDERSTANDING!!! I NEVER MET DIO IN MY ENTIRE LIFE YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!" You screamed, panicked, trying to sound as sincere as you could while struggling against his grasp.
Although It was true, with everything going against you and your weird behavior all day, you were hard to believe.
Kakyoin and Polnareff were speechless, Abdul was sweating while preparing to reluctantly summon Magician Red at any second if necessary. Joseph was glaring hard at you, not wanting to believe you could have been a traitor this whole time.
You were shaking like a leaf underneath Jotaro, who's expression was unreadable. You were panting heavily with anxiety. You tried to argue again.
"P-please!! It's true! I don't know what's happening today, I'm as confused as you are, but I swear on my own bloodline, I'm not a servant of Dio! I don't even know what he looks like I-" You cut yourself off.
At this point you could not prove your innocence, so in desperation you tried to look at the ones who were the most likely to believe you.
"Kakyoin... You believe me right..?" you called weakly, your voice cracking. He avoided your glance, not knowing what to think anymore. You turned your head to the left where Joseph was.
"Mr Joesta-" You were suddenly cut off by two strong hands cupping your face and making you look in front of you. It was Star Platinum holding you still.
"Wh-what are you d-"
"Don't move." Jotaro interrupted. He moved his hands so that he had both your wrists on one hand and brushed his other through your hairline only to find a fleshbud stuck in.
The other men were shocked at this discovery. So you were indeed under Dio's command... But how?
Confused and scared you wanted to ask what was going on. You eyed the others, asking silently for answers. You felt the pressure on your cheeks lessen and Jotaro replaced Star's hand with his own.
"Y/N, look at me." The dark haired male ordered.
"Jojo..." You were terrified, but trusted him with whatever he was thinking.
You tried to stay still while Star Platinum worked his surgery on you to remove the evil appendice. You couldn't help but but cringe a little and hold your hitching breath as you could feel everything.
It lasted seconds that felt like hours to you, Jotaro's beautiful ocean eyes conforted you through the operation. He was always so harsh, but his eyes held something precious and warm that eased you. Even the hand that held your face felt like a warm caress.
With a sharp burning pain, Star removed the parasyte while you let out a groan. When Star Platinum finally got rid of it you let out a breath of relief.
And just like that you blacked out.
Jotaro got up from his previous position while saying quietly "She went to sleep...". He was smart and perceptive, he figured you weren't always possessed. No, this was recent, and there is a stand user on board. He figured you must have met them and they were the cause of all of this.
"So what do we do now, we wait until she wakes up and explain?" asked Polnareff still very unsure of what's going on.
"Something doesn't add up. If she was sent by Dio, she would have attacked us straight up, or when we expect it the least. She had many occasions to do so. This is strange, I don't get it." added Kakyoin, trying to find a plausible explanation to all of this.
Joseph agreed "I don't believe she's a traitor either, but we'll have some questions to ask her when she wakes up anyway. I'll stay with her, you guys go do a last check up to see if anything unusual happens."
Everyone nodded and went again on another exploration. Now they know that if that stand user can put people into Dio's submission, they'll have to be extra careful and ready to meet not one, but many obstacles.
Long hours have passed when you woke up, only to find Joseph sitting at the edge of the bed where you passed out, but now covered with a blanket and some bandages around your head.
"Mr. Joestar..." you croaked out, a bit of sadness and guilt in your voice. He looked at you with genuine worry, glad that you woke up.
"Oh Y/N you're awake! How are you feeling? Nothing hurts?"
He was always so nice to you, to the boys and even to strangers. Joseph always felt like a caring father to you, which made you feel even more guilty. You shook your head in response.
"Mr. Joestar... Did I... Betray you..?" you couldn't look into his eyes as you said those last words. His expression turned serious and he gazed in front of him.
"No, you didn't. If anything, you're the victim here. Do you remember anything unusual that happened today?"
You couldn't think of anything for a moment until you remembered that weird encounter from that morning, when you bumped into that tacky man.
Your eyes widened in realization. You gasped and Joseph noticed that. As he was about to ask you what was wrong you sat up and exclaimed.
"That guy! It was him!! He's the one who infected me! That fucking bastard, he's so dead." You angrily threw the covers and got up, ready to find that guy and beat his ass.
Before you could storm out Joseph grabbed your arm, stopping you.
"Wait Y/N, explain, what's going on? What happened?"
And so you explained everything that happened that morning, with the guy bumping into you, acting like a creep. You told him how he got very close and touched your forehead too.
"I see..." Joseph pondered, "So that's when he put the fleshbud on you, you didn't feel anything because you were so distracted by his behavior...It's okay, let's calm down and get the others so we can chase him down. You remember his face, right?"
You nodded, now calmer than you were minutes before, thanks for Joseph and his reassuring demeanor. You two then went to get the others, only to find them grabbing a bunch of random people by the collar and beating the shit out of them, and Kakyoin trying to reason them in vain.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Yelled Joseph as he saw the chaos before him.
"We can't find the culprit so we're just punching everyone until one of them admits." Jotaro said like it was common sense, and Polnareff nodded like the supporting friend he was.
Joseph was so done with his grandson's bullshit, so you just got up to them saying that there was no need to, since you knew who was the guy.
Upon realizing that you were awake and safe, Jotaro just threw the guy he was holding over God knows where and just came to you with Kakyoin following.
"Y/N good to see you back! You scared us, you know?" Said the cherry-haired male with a soft smile. He then leaned in close and whispered.
"Jojo won't admit it, but he was worried sick, never saw him walk so fast to beat someone up." he added with a little snicker.
You blushed a bit at this. Really? Jotaro was worried about you? You tried to look at the male for confirmation, but he was looking the other way, efficiently hiding his face.
He just lead the way with his hands in his pockets, acting like he didn't care when he was secretly happy you were okay. It was kinda cute.
At one point, you were all strolling on of the hallways when you saw something that piqued your attention. A scene that felt like 'déjà vu'.
A few feet away from you, that same guy from before, bumped into a random woman, and was now leaning close to her to touch her forehead.
At this, you sprinted down the hall, taking out your stand to attack him.
The guy tried to jump back to dodge your stand, but is was too late. You violently pinned him to the wall of the hallway. You glanced at the woman who already had a fleshbud on her forehead.
The woman ran away, but Joseph and Polnareff were quick to react and ran after her.
"Leave it to us!" Yelled the french man, running off.
As you were distracted by the possessed woman, you didn't notice the guy getting away from your stand's grasp, and kicked you hard in the stomach, sending you stumbling backwards and falling into the solid chest of Jotaro who caught you.
You couldn't even say his name since your breath was cut by the impact. He just put his hands on your shoulders as you coughed while muttering a 'yare yare daze'.
The other crusaders joined your side to help you out, since they knew that even if you were strong, you really didn't like fighting or using violence.
"Huh? And who might you be? Ohh aren't you the cute little lady from this morning? Sad to see you didn't want to join us. Lord Dio treats us reeeaal nice~" the man sneered.
"I swear to fucking god-"
"How many people have you infected so far?" Kakyoin cut you off, scared that you might let yourself consumed by unnecessary anger.
"Oh? You don't wanna know how I do it? Don't worry about how many colleagues I have here, they're all probably with your two boy friends, having the time of their life."
"So how do you do it? I doubt it is just a stand. Did Dio lend you that ability so you can recruit new slaves in his stead?" said Abdul while scanning the guy, trying to find any flaws in his posture and manners, any potential weakness.
"Ooooh you got it first try! I like my men smart~" the guy said with a disgusting tone "I might just take you for Lord Dio."
And as he said that, he launched at Abdul and spread out tentacle-like vectors that the Egyptian recognized as the same ones Dio had when he met him.
"Abdul watch out!!" Kakyoin tried to warn him.
It happened so fast he didn't have time to summon Magician Red. You just tackled Abdul out of the way, while the guy fled the scene. Jotaro ran after him at lightspeed without even thinking twice.
"Jojo!!" you screamed as you wanted to go too, but Abdul held you there.
"Let me go Abdul! I can restrain that guy with my stand!"
"Don't act reckless Y/N, trust Jotaro on this, he can manage. You've already done enough for today."
"He's right Y/N, he'll be okay, let's go find Mr. Joestar and Polnareff they might need us more." Added Kakyoin, trying to reason you.
They were right, you thought. You wore a worried expression as Abdul helped you up.
After you reunited with Joseph and Polnareff, Kakyoin, Abdul and you managed to neutralize every enslaved passenger.
You were waiting for Jotaro to come back and remove all the fleshbuds, but the parasytes just dislocated themselves from their hosts and scrumbled away like insects.
The stand user could probably not control them anymore, which meant Jotaro succeeded.
Jojo finally came back while dragging Dio's underling like a potato sack, looking like a bloody pulp.
"Eeeewwww!! Disgusting! What did you do to his face, Jotaro?!" Joseph exclaimed while squirming. This was not a pretty sight, and the old man was squeamish.
"Jeez, you didn't go easy on him" said Kakyoin with a knowing look. "I wonder why..." he subtly glanced at you, then back at Jotaro, suggesting something.
Jotaro just clicked his tongue and blushed a faint color as he threw the guy over at the group.
"Just do whatever you want with him, I'm tired." he turned on his heels and started walking away while the others -more like Polnareff- were taking great pleasure in planning what they could do to him for revenge, as if being almost killed by Star Platinum's fists wasn't enough.
You just followed Jotaro while calling him.
"Jojo...!" He stopped and waited for you to catch up.
"Jojo... You... You knew that I wouldn't betray you? You actually trusted me?"
He didn't say anything, but his sea colored eyes answered for you. Your expression turned soft in gratefulness.
He believed in you, even when you were obviously acting like a traitor, he immediatly searched for Dio's appendice, knowing you would never betray him.. He trusted you. That thought alone filled your heart with love and appreciation.
"You saved me... Again. How can I thank you?" your soft voice and expression made him feel some kind of way. You were just too cute. He couldn't believe what he was about to say.
"Kiss me." He commanded, his voice and expression not faltering. You thought you heard wrong.
"... I didn't catch that, can you repeat?" You asked, genuinely unsure if you actually heard what you heard.
He suddenly approached you, the closer he got, the faster your heart was beating. His huge build towered over you.
"You heard me" he confirmed.
Your face and ears were burning, you couldn't believe this was happening. But this was your chance, he offered his consent, this was no time to ask questions, even if you had a thousand right now.
You shyly raised your arms to grab his collar, and looked around to make sure nobody was here to watch. God this was embarassing. You slowly pulled him down and got on your tiptoes, trying to reach for his perfect lips.
You succeeded as you gave him a tiny peck, short-lived, but full of love. You thought you could pass out from all the blood running to your face. But before you could let go of him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and captured your lips once again, in a longer, more desperate kiss.
You were loosing balance so your wrapped your arms around his neck, which deepened the kiss even more. It was bliss until you had to part for some well deserved oxygen.
"Jotaro..." You breathed in his neck "I didn't know..."
This small gesture made his heart skip a beat. He rarely ever felt so much love, and warmth, to which responded by squeezing you harder against him, like you were a soft pillow.
"I couldn't find the right time." He muttered quietly.
You both just stayed like this. Enjoying each other's warmth. It felt so right. Like two fitting puzzle pieces. You couldn't be more happy at the moment. Nothing could ruin it.
"Eeeewwww get a room you two!!"
... Except this.
You both separated, startled by an obnoxious voice coated with a French accent. You were even more embarassed at the fact that everyone witnessed this.You were hiding your face and Jotaro just glared daggers at Polnareff who was smirking.
"Finally, you got the balls to do it Jojo. Glad I didn't have to force it out of you." commented Kakyoin, his inner fanboy pleased.
The two other men just wore wholesome smiles on their faces. Glad to see something positive in this ordeal.
Jotaro just muttered his signature "Yare yare daze" as he grabbed your hand and got away from these nosy eyes.
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