#and i'm sorry i'm sounding so aggressive it's just so irritating seeing people blatantly disrespecting my rules
kairiscorner · 9 months
man u guys are funni you don't think i remember this? (tw: dr*gs and ov*r*os*)
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first time? that's rich, right @miguelswifey04
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at least change your wording to make it look more original bro
anyway, please STOP SENDING REPEATED REQUESTS. I AM NOT A ROBOT WHO IS REQUIRED TO MAKE YOUR STORIES. if you want to see it written, write it yourself :> i didn't respond to your request at first because i was uncomfortable with it, there, i said it. i'm sorry, but i cannot and will not fulfil your request. i think i've made it clear in my rules that i will not do disturbing themes, i am not required to, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE REPEATED REQUESTS.
i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're not the same anon spamming me and asking lin (hopefully not other writers) with this very request, i'm gonna tell you right now i am not comfortable with writing this. i'm sorry if i sound angry, bc i am. please respect us writers the same way as we respect you anons; i didn't respond to your previous req so as not to embarrass you or anything, but i can't keep quiet anymore.
sorry for the long ass rant, tl;dr: i'm not gonna write this, and if you send another req EXACTLY LIKE THIS OR HAS THE SAME THEME AS THIS OR ANYTHING TRIGGERING, YOU WILL GET BLOCKED. g'day.
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