#and if it came to it obvi grandfather david would eat it up no matter what
dayurno · 5 months
what would be the main topics of argument between jean and wymack, do you think? would kevin try to play mediator or just completely ignore them?
ANYTHING REALLY.... but i feel like the most trending topic for them to argue over is exy, because jean's opinion of the foxes never truly improves besides that kevin's addition (and, begrudgingly, andrew and neil, but he'd never say it with all the words) is the only good thing about their lineup. he offers no real suggestions on how to better it but he has an endless well of criticism that makes wymack want to climb up the walls. talking to jean makes him think that coach rhemann is a saint, and kevin even more so
i think kevin does make a point to move closer to wymack at some point in their professional career/post-retirement and jean is not unhappy about this but he's not entirely happy either. they will learn to tolerate each other and they will spend many christmas dinners and new year's eves and birthdays and baby showers together, and maybe along the way as they grow older they will realize that their resentment of each other is more for the sake of old times than any real reason :-)
re: kevin. he absolutely does not play mediator and has to very pointedly stay out of it if he doesn't want either to feel as if he's picked a side. the only person i can see caring to mediate is abby, and jean respects her enough to drop any subject if she asks him to, so it all works out. if they're getting Too into it though kevin is known to fake a headache (or any type of minor injury) to redirect their attention
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