#and in my opinion blaze is for memes and pet pictures and small artists wanting to promote their stuff a bit soo yeah
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patriciavetinari · 2 years
Few things bring as much sheer joy as blocking blazed posts. I mean yeah the cat photos are nice, I'll keep them, but the 1 mile long post of a fanfic for a fandom I have -1 interest in? Gone. Someone's random opinions? No thank you. Artwork again for the fandoms I don't partake in? Bye. Promoting their whole published books? Sorry, no.
I'm not saying that stuff is bad - I'm not going to bother to read it or evaluate artistic skill, I block regardless of quality, because don't put stuff I didn't ask for on my dash. If you have spare income to do it once you might do it again and I don't want to see it.
I don't know, I think a few people might be doing that, blocking blazers,and they should, and yeah, I understand creators wanting to spread out from their possibly small bubbles, but it's tumblr, if you're putting unwanted stuff on my dash - you're shooting yourself in the foot, at least with me. If I'm ever later interested in searching for that fandom here – congrats, your blog is blocked and I won't see your work. If I'm ever looking for original literature recommendations or contemporary writers or creators on tumblr dot com (doubful, but who knows) - congrats, I won't see your work.
Blaze is for pet pictures. Maybe a blazed recipe would be cool, maybe a 'did you know' style random facts thing could be tolerated.
I don't even think blazing memes would be welcome (by me at least).
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