#and makes people assume we're a lot more divergent and chill than we actually are
centi-pedve · 9 months
religious rambling feel free to ignore if u dont care about our weird Christian stuff etc etc
anyways we've always felt strange about the idea that Christianity is anti-redemption because of the idea that demons are not redeemed and the fact that hell exists and honestly it makes us think a little bit. since God is the epitome of goodness, Satan is the epitome of evil. You can accept God's guidance (goodness) or Satan's guidance (evil) but you cannot be good or evil because you are not God or Satan, you can only be influenced by good or evil (this is all our perspective btw not everything we say is a widespread belief).
the existence of Satan as an irredeemable figure doesnt oppose the concept of redemption people Satan is not a human being... God doesn't follow the ideas of good and evil like humans do either so why should Satan. Satan cannot be good because he is evil. God cannot be evil because He is good. and this cannot be applied to people.
and honestly we dunno if we believe in Hell at least not in the way most people do. God loves everyone and He WANTS to love everyone. He is the epitome of good and so he can never do moral wrong. so either when someone goes to Hell it is a completely justified action AND/OR Hell does not exist as this place where people are cast into torment forever because they followed too much of Satan's guidance... God and Satan are constantly fighting this war and no matter how far astray someone has gone God will always want to bring them to Heaven because you are His creation and He loves unconditionally. Some are weaker than others and are more susceptible to the draw of Satan especially because of things like trauma or mental illness and we know God understands this and He wouldn't let His children suffer over things Satan created and so He will be your ultimate defender however He can. God is kind and we really do believe He would never let you feel pain if He could prevent it completely.
does this align with the Bible? No... but we think a lot of the Bible is flawed and misinformed. and the people who follow it blindly are misinformed. you should use the Bible to get a general sense of what God is and how His world functions but you should never take every aspect literally and you should never assume every aspect is true. It was written by man and so it is flawed. Shrug
it makes us sad when people portray God as cruel and unloving especially over traits that He gave us.
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