#and people are like 'wow didn't expect them to make out 👀' sorry man this is the stop jerking me off stop sucking my dick show
kraniumet · 1 year
seeing an 18'000 note ch clip in the wild captioned something like "can't stop rewatching this 10 year old sketch". and it isn't even one of the iconicest ones
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greeksorceress · 2 years
oohh i need to hear your euphoria opinions for that ask game
OOOH! I LIKE THIS! i've been keeping so many things to myself that i'm going to pop off dghjgdsaj! thank you, love <3
Favorite character: the howard sisters, cassie and lexi! and fez too! ❣️
Least Favorite character: mmmh... my least favorite/most hated characters overall are nate and cal, but i didn't like elliot either :(
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): OH, GOOD ONE! honestly, i'm not a big fan of most of the canon ones, and i only like a non-canon one so my only two ships are : fexi (fez + lexi) and maddy+cassie (the writers were COWARDS)! i kind of liked kat and ethan before kat did him dirty tbh :(((
Character I find most attractive: maddy, without a single doubt.
Character I would marry: UGSAJHGDJ they all have so many issues lmao i guess lexi, because she's really smart and nice and interesting and beautiful and she's the least questionable/problematic (i know fez is an angel of a man, but his business tho...)
Character I would be best friends with: i think rue and i would fit each other's personality! i also think lexi, rue and i would be a good trio friendship like maddy/cassie/kat in season one.
a random thought: a lot of people complain about euphoria for being very popular, and say "i'm the only one who hasn't seen it" as if it was an admirable skill or achievement, but i bet they would have seen it if euphoria had been made in the 90s. most of euphoria haters dislike the fact that it's so popular, not the series itself. there are lots of things to dislike about euphoria tbh, but being "the show that everyone's into lately" is not one of those. people always do the same, they did it with game of thrones and they did it with IT. not watching a series doesn't make anybody look quirky or unique.
An unpopular opinion: i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but i really think the only purpose of nate and cassie together was to make nate look a little bit "redeemable". the writers truly went and ruined a good friendship such as cassie and maddy's just for the sake of writing yet another story about two girls fighting over a guy that has done them both so wrong. the writers made cassie's personality take a turn for the worst, and showed her in her lowest moment in such a purposely deceiving light while nate "deals with everything calmly, you start to empathise with nate, even". nate and cassie happened out of nowhere, and went absolutely nowhere expect making maddy and cassie fight. nate had never paid attention to cassie before, and he has abused both maddy and cassie through the series so much. yet everyone is focusing on cassie and "how terrible she is for backstabbing her bestie like that". a woman portrayed as "hysterical" and "unstable" to divert the negative attention and blame away from a male character? wow, never heard that before, right. (i'm sorry, i'm just so angry at the writers sagjhdgsahj)
My Canon OTP: FEXI <3
My Non-canon OTP: MADDY+CASSIE!!!!!!
Most Badass Character: maddy, for sure! tho lexi really popped off with the play!!!!
Most Epic Villain: laurie... i feel she's gonna do something big next season 👀
Pairing I am not a fan of: nate and cassie, because of the reasons i stated before! also, jules and rue have always been terrible for each other, like... they truly kept bringing the worst parts of themselves and the other when they were together.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): they did cassie and jules so dirty.
Favourite Friendship: rue and lexi! lexi and maddy! fez and rue! maddy and cassie before they ruined it!
Character I most identify with: lexi! also, cassie in some aspects too (my friends always say i'm season 2 lexi and season 1 cassie lmao).
Character I wish I could be: maddy! she's powerful and confident, i love and admire her!
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