#and should be able to without feeling like we're going to get cyberbullied for it like asjflnasl
revvethasmythh · 1 year
I think people just ship Imogen and Laudna because they are close friends and are women. Women who are not afraid to be affectionate with each other. I still very much hate people calling them lesbians when they both have expressed feelings for men. Why can’t they be bi or pan? It’s not a bad ship but the shippers are so fucking insufferable. And lowkey I think some people (a very weird subset of fans) just ship Laura and Marisha. And have shipped literally every Laura and Marisha characters. I have a lot of grievances or complaints with those subset of fans/shippers.
Okay, at the risk of getting spicy on my own blog, yeah anon, I feel you. I always try to remain open minded to certain ships and things that take hold in the fandom that I may not particularly like, but I have found myself drawing a harder line on this topic as of recently. Not because the ship is bad (not my cup of tea, perhaps, but not bad) but because I dislike the vibe of the shipping culture that is growing around it.
I mean, I say that delicately, but the specific attitude that has rubbed me the wrong way existed since at least the first 4sd and probably long before. It's like, the level of presumption that these characters a) are a certain way (re: your point about them regularly being referred to as lesbians despite showing attraction toward men/male presenting), b) WILL end up together, and c) that anyone who thinks otherwise is straight up wrong, that I have found off-putting, particularly as we're at a stage in the campaign where NO relationships are certain. I vividly recall seeing at least one person say with genuine confusion and a little bit of hurt after the first 4sd that they didn't understand why Marisha would even ask Robbie if Dorian had a crush on Imogen (let alone sounding excited about it) because "Laudna's in love with her :("
And in normal sized quantities, I'm never going to be a bitch about these sorts of things--ship what you want! life's short, imagine your blorbos kissing while you can! I do--but the breadth of it and the insistence that it will happen is something I have found grating for a long time. I mean, you try to be above it, but we're still human. Sometimes things are just annoying and frustrating. And how quickly it all gained ground is probably helped along by, as you said, the fact that a fair number of these shippers roved over from previous Marisha PC/Laura PC ships and have consistently shipped Marisha PC/Laura PC in every campaign. So, like, yeah. I get it.
Also, just a disclaimer that this is NOT about everyone who ships imogen/laudna. This is mainly about, as anon said, a specific subset of shippers that have contributed to a general vibe that has been. uh. not great. Which is fine and a thing that we can talk about, and everyone is going to engage with this post like completely normal and rational people! Right? Amazing. Thank you for agreeing.
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