#and the muse gave me a saga (because Shinichi’s luck is terrible)
thrushsong-kvaris · 3 years
A DCMK Snippet (Adventures in Voting, part 1)
Kaito: Okay, Shinichi, get over here.
Shinichi: But—I have cold cases—
Kaito: Nope, no cases right now, you need to decide who to vote for.
Shinichi: Now? This instant?
Kaito: Yes! This is important! You need to vote for the laws you support and the people you think will make more of those laws.
Shinichi: I need to vote for people who make it more difficult to commit murder?
Kaito: If that’s what’s most important to you then yes, absolutely. Landslide wins are actually rare, so every vote counts!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
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