#and then took us back through the labartnthine house to the library where he had all the books
guhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
Other eventful news, yesterday I said hi to my neighbor as I was walking up to my house and he said "let me finish walking the dog, in 20 mins I'll come knock on your door, I've got something to show you" and, because I live for the thrill and spice and variety that life can provide, I said cool, slay, cannot wait.
He took me and my roommate into a different house across the street that I guess he's moving into, and showed us some AMAZING, ANCIENT books like,,,, manuscripts from the 1500s, volumes full of etchings by rococo artists like..... books like a foot and a half tall and 6 inches thick with insanely detailed and delicate leather embossing. What I'm saying is when funky old men offer to bring you into their house sometimes it is worth it. Sometimes you don't get murdered and you actually get to see neat books
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