#and they managed to defeat Cass easily but are struggling against Damian for some reason
arabian-batboy · 2 years
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Can we please have a “stop blaming everything bad that’s happen to Cassandra on Damian” challenge? Because Cassandra’s stans are becoming almost as annoying as Tim’s stans at this point.
Like this is such a reach and none of this is even true? Damian was never an incapable child that need his hands held and is just now becoming a badass martial artist out of nowhere? He was already a badass martial artist from day one, this isn’t a newly-created concept (also on a side note, we sadly don’t even see him being a good fighter in the Robin book, he’s literally nerfed af and gets his ass beat most of the time) and he’s been following the “heroes don’t kill” rule for over a decade now, again not a new concept.
I don’t like Batgirls (2022) either and you’re right Cassandra’s portrayal is bad in it, but for the millionth time that literally has nothing to do with Damian, his name hasn’t even been mentioned in the comic and I can’t even remember the last time he and Cass interacted with each other? Leave the boy alone already.
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