#and was very interstingggg
fire-but-ashes-too · 8 months
things that went down during my last family dinner
-an incestous relationship between a family friend's sister and her cousin (ew)
-all the thousands of crushes my aunt has had over the years plus comments from my grandma
-a hardcore shipping session from all my family for my aunt and her "ex" boyfriend whom are currently together in colombia and will be there alone together for the next month
-what went down during my parents'wedding
-my dad's version of scary story: he once got stuck in a house in somewhere while a storm raged outside with no electricity on halloween
-my grandpa leaving my aunt in the economy class while he went in buisness during a flight from italy to canada
-my grandpa leaving my grandma in an hotel in said canada without her credit card, so she couldn't pay for her hotel room
-my aunt's airplane sleeping methods
-this guy who once flew next to said aunt, whod probably taken a xanax before and had his blanket up his head, a sleeping mask over it and managed to sleep through all the several attempts at waking him up
-my aunt and her cousin (my uncle) pretending to be a couple on their honeymoon to get a free upgrade
-how to kill scorpions according to my grandma: smash them with a hammer
-me screaming when a wasp sat next to me
-zia cocchi goes to verona and back to melbourne: special edition
-how many crickets we saw
-this guy my aunt had a "crush" on whom she actually wanted to poison/j
-whether or not you can take melatonin while pregnant
-a tech glove made of a sock my brother made
-where the moon was (we couldnt see it)
-my aunt singing the australian anthem
-my uncles landlord who misteriously disappeared
-more people who misteriously disappeared, among which this guy my dad met who ran away from everything and everyone and travels america on his motorbike
-what my grandmas gonna do now that my grandpa's away
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
Hiiiiii i just posted the first chapter to something im working on! its going to get very smutty harry is a psychopath in it if you want to check it out i would love for you to read it bby <3!!!
ouuuu...that sounds interstingggg👀👀👀i’ll definitely check it out babessss🥰🥰🥰
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