#and you can't tell me artem doesn't have a wattpad
samsspambox Β· 3 years
what's the most embarrassing thing they have?
ok ok so i was thinking about artem in an apron (have y'all seen his symphony of the night sr card?? gOOD SHIT) and this popped up lmao
ok so artem's most embarrassing thing he owns is an apron with the saying, "please kiss the cook he's touch starved" that he got from celestine for his birthday. he also got a chef hat that's fuzzy that he refuses to wear for sanitary reasons. celestine made him put on the entire get up once and now has that image as blackmail. ok but he also owns a wattpad account and he refuses to admit it
luke has fuzzy handcuffs. lISTEN LISTEN,,, i feel like as an NSB agent he has to have some type of cuffs (for protocol even tho he prefers brute force and dislocating joints,,, my guy cHILL) anyway he always looses them someplace. he doesn't wanna have them in his pocket bc they're obvious,, and he knows how to do his job,,, but he still keeps them on him and genuinely looses them. so aaron gives him fuzzy hand cuffs in front of the NSB cuz he's like "well, you keep loosing them, i think that's a cover story. these work better" and ofc this man goes rED.
vyn has a hidden collection of nightcore music on record lMAOOO. JK. i feel like he would have some sort of kiddy gardening tool. it's one of those things where it's so god damn stupid lookin that he just has to have it. it's probably like a small ass watering can with googly eyes and you bet his ass tries to justify it for his small plants but that's a lie!!! he just likes it!!! he also has a rubber duck to keep his plants company that looks strangely like marius but nope, it's just a coincidence.
marius has a ton but it depends what your definition of embarrassing is. he has a portrait of the whole nxx team in his art studio that he gets embarrassed to show and no one has ever seen it,,, but he also has a lot of joke art pieces bc having fun is a good way to get rid of art block and shit!! does he have a scale replica of a vaguely realistic ninja turtle? absolutely. deep down tho he tried his hand at writing edgy poetry when he was a teen and his brother made him keep it so he can't really throw it away but he's never showing anyone bc iTS SO BAD
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