#and you literally have to know someone participating to learn the location of the garage they all start at each night. it changes
wiinryrockbell · 3 years
can the jerks pretending to be pro street racers participating in the annual "race" down the highway I live by not do their shit at 2 AM. the police sirens I can live with but there was a helicopter hovering and circling the area last night and it woke me up from a dead sleep and gave my adrenal gland a real fuckin workout let me tell yall
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thestickchick · 6 years
It's not easy to get started in the martial arts as a grownup. If you're an adult who never trained, or someone who trained as a child but dropped martial arts training and want to pick it up again later in life, it's confusing and difficult to know how to start.
Where should I train? What style should I train? What's the "best" thing to learn for self defense? For women? For old people? Around injury? What style will help me get physically fit?
I wrote this guide so my answers to these questions are all in once place, as an attempt to help all of you grownups out there wanting to get started in the martial arts but have no idea how to begin.
You see, I was you once.
This is a long post, so grab a coffee or tea and settle in.
I hope this helps.
This is an important question only you can answer. This is the key to every consideration when choosing a school and a style.
The most common reasons people seek out martial arts training are for self defense and for physical fitness. These are not the only legitimate reasons to train, mind you, just the common ones.  
Other reasons might be to gain self confidence, to learn physical and mental discipline, to socialize and make friends (especially when you have just relocated to a new place), and to resume training after a long break. Or hey, you've always thought that martial artists were cool and wanted to be one.  Or it just looks like a heck of a lot of fun.
Arnis sticks, six foot long sticks, five foot long sticks, ropey whacksticks...
All of those are legitimate and fine reasons to train.
List your reasons for wanting to train in order of importance.  Literally, write it down.
Ask yourself if competition is important to you, or not, or if it's even something you want to avoid.  Many martial arts schools participate in tournaments, and some require it, and some don't. Include your answer to this question on your list.
Maybe you want to train with a child, together, as a family activity. Maybe you don't but you're fine with kids or teens being in the same class with adults. Or maybe you want to only train with other grownups, and not have any kids around. This is an important consideration, so put this on your list.
Write down your budget for training. The general costs of training vary widely depending on the school and locale and what's included in training, so I can't give you a great guide here. I can tell you, in my area of Texas, training typically runs about $50-90 USD for rec center programs (and may include uniforms, some equipment) and I've seen up to $200 USD for unlimited access at private martial arts schools. We'll get into fee schedules a little later, but make sure you have an idea of your budget before you move forward.
And finally, are you sure you want to train in the martial arts?
Do you understand what martial arts are all about? Here's how I define the term:
The difference in strategic choices and decisions is what makes one style different than another.  These strategic choices include (but aren't limited to):
Striking and kicking and grappling
Fighting with/against weapons empty handed, or armed
Aggressive action to inflict maximum damage or passive action to redirect or inflict as little harm as possible
There is one big "yeah but" style that often comes up, and that's tai chi.  Make no mistake, if taught as a martial art, it totally is a martial art. But it is possible to learn the style as an exercise pattern only and not see or apply the martial applications found there.
Yes, there are differences in how violence is though about and practiced, and sure, there's plenty of martial arts performance out there that isn't intended for fighting at all. Look up "XMA Weapons" for a great example of this. But make no mistake, it is all grounded in violence.
If you train, you'd better.
You can get many of the benefits of the martial arts in other activities, including sports, yoga, and Crossfit and other exercise programs.  So be sure that you're okay with violence before you start training in the martial arts.
Other than being comfortable with violence, don't overthink the whole "this style is better than that style" debates we get into.  When you are just getting started, style isn't terribly important, and there's no such time as wasted time in the martial arts.  No matter what you study, you will learn something useful.  You can gain experience and then change to something else that suits you better later, if you like.
Another differentiation is the training culture.  Is it derived from a specific culture (China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Brasil, etc.) or not? Fans of a specific culture often end up training in that culture's martial arts systems.  If you have an affinity for one of those cultures, it may influence your choices.
When getting started, this is your most practical consideration. The truth is, you're most likely to stick with training that is convenient for you to attend. You do have a life - job, family, and other hobbies and commitments - that you have to manage as well as martial arts training. There's no point in making it hard on yourself when you're first starting out.
You should consider areas around home, around work, along your normal commute, and around any other place you spend a lot of time (such as a church, or a child's activity at a recreation center). Unless you live in a very rural area, I'd recommend searching within 10-15 minute commute of home, and 5-10 minute commute of work. If you do live in a rural area, you need to expand your search a bit as you tend to have longer commute times to train.
Using a tool like Google Maps, search for "martial arts" in your target areas, and make a list of all the schools you find and what they say they teach that meet the location criteria. Save their contact information in your list (address, phone, web address, and email address).
Wait, does that sign say... karate?
If they have it posted, also write down the cost(s) of training (some will, some won't). This will be an important consideration later.
Find out the class schedule of each school on your list. Note if they adult classes or not. This may be posted on the school's web site and social media sites like Facebook, but they may not be, and you'll have to contact them to find out more.
Note - many schools have early morning and mid-day classes. That's why a school near your work place might be ideal for you.
Eliminate any schools that don't fit into your schedule. That is, if Sensei Joe's Karate Emporium only meets on Wednesdays and Fridays, and that's when Junior has basketball half the year, that might not be the best choice for you starting out.
As an aside:  if you end up having to take months-long yearly breaks for things like sports seasons it is very difficult to make long-term progress. It's not impossible, but very difficult, and in my experience, people who have to do this end up not returning to train. So keep this in mind.
If you decided you wanted to only train with adults, eliminate any schools that do not have adults-only classes.
Be sure to check out the martial arts program at your local recreation center, community center, or YMCA/YWCA. These can be very good, high quality programs at a reasonable price. The big plus with these programs is that they often have child care available during class. This is very important if you have very small children at home.
One alternate way to find places to train is via sites like Meetup.com and on Craigslist. Small, less formal or new training groups often promote themselves this way, and their classes may be in public parks or in backyards or garages (and sometimes the fees for training are minimal or even free). This does not make them any less legitimate than schools in rec centers or in stand-alone facilities, but they tend to vary in quality.
One other idea - if you just can't find a schedule that suits you, and everything else checks out, inquire about private lessons.  They usually cost more but you'll train one-on-one and get a lot more work done in class than in a group setting.  Sometimes a couple of students can get together and buy private lessons instead of group classes.
A NOTE ABOUT ONLINE (VIRTUAL) DOJOS: I do not believe that an inexperienced person can train online-only and become proficient at the martial arts. So I can't give you advice there, as I think it's a waste of money for people new to the martial arts.
Time to visit each of the schools on your list.
You should attend one or two sessions of the actual class you are planning to attend. That is, don't go see the Little Tigers class for toddlers as it will not look anything like the class you'll be taking. You will also want to make an appointment to speak to the owner/instructor/leader of the group.  Sometimes this has to be at a different time than class time due to how schedules work.
If it takes the instructor a long time to get back to you via phone/email (24-48 hours) that may be a bad sign.
Note the condition of the place you'll train. Generally speaking, you have the right to expect cleanliness, orderliness, and for it to not smell like dirty feet. It may smell sweaty like a gym, but not acrid.  Equipment should be in good repair.
Make sure to go to the bathroom. It should be clean and well maintained.  HYGIENE is super important in martial arts training and the facilities should be promoting this.
Remember your list of why you want to train?  Now's the time to look for those things. Some things to look for include:
If it's for self defense, do they do or talk about things related to that topic? Many schools promote themselves as being about self defense but don't actually teach it.  Do they understand the legal constraints around self defense where they are located (for example - if they teach someone to kick a bad guy in the head after throwing them down, that's a huge red flag, as that's illegal in many jurisdictions).
If it's for physical fitness, do they do exercises as part of the class, and do the students/instructor look physically fit? Schools very serious about physical fitness will often have workout equipment in the school, such as bar bells or other tools. If you see that stuff around, that bodes very well for it being a school with an emphasis on physical fitness.
If it's for mental and physical discipline, does the class look organized and focused, or is everyone sort of doing their own things willy-nilly? Adult classes are often a little less formal than kids classes, but people should still be quiet when the instructor is teaching, not wandering around, and working on what they're supposed to be working on instead of chatting.
If you want to train weapons, do you see any in the room? The particular class you are attending may or may not be working with them that day, but will typically have some displayed around the room.
Do the students look bored, or are they engaged and having fun?
Can you picture yourself on the mat, doing what the people there are doing?
Sweet nunchuck skills? Check.
At your instructor meeting, tell the instructor what's important to you, and listen to their answers. Do they answer your questions directly, or do they avoid them? Are they honest about what they do, or do they try to claim they are all things to all people?  Do they listen to your questions, or do they talk over you?
I think these are big red flags:
If they claim "It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6" or claim that legalities don't matter in self defense. This person is clueless and will get you in trouble.
If they spend a lot of time putting down other schools or styles. It's not about the downsides of other styles, it's about the upsides of theirs. To me, that suggests a struggling school with an insecure instructor.
Lineage issues: not willing to name who taught him/her, claims to have been taught by a mysterious Asian master as a small child (the name of the master might not even be remembered), created own style after earning a black belt rank as a child.
Not being up front about training fees and charges
It is also a good idea to search the instructor's name online, and see what you find. Is there anything out there that bothers you?
Trust your gut. If the instructor doesn't seem "right", and you're not sure if you can like or trust that person, don't pay money for the privilege of spending time with the guy, no matter how objectively "good" he might be.  Trust is important in the martial arts, and if the instructor doesn't seem trustworthy, your training will suffer no matter what.
At the school visit/instructor meeting you should also get a full accounting of fees and charges. If there is a trial class offered, get the costs BEFORE that class if possible.  There is no point to a trial class if you can't afford it.
DO attend that trial class if the costs are reasonable to you.
These may include:
Monthly training fee. There may or may not be a contract, and it may be for so many hours of training time a week/month. This may be tiered, offering more hours training for a higher fee schedule.  Make sure to read the entire contract, if there is one, and understand the fees and and penalties if you end up leaving early.
Testing and/or belt fees.  A belt fee, to cover the cost of the belt and rank certificate (if your school has belt ranks), is very common, often in the $20-30 USD range. Other testing fees vary widely, depending on the organization/school/style. It is not unusual for it to be a higher cost for higher ranks. This often includes the cost for board members to attend the test.
Mat fees.  This is often the drop-in fee for training outside of normal classes, during "open mat" sessions or charged to visitors to train.
Equipment fees: the cost of training/demo weapons, if needed, plus other school-wide equipment, like exercise equipment, striking bags, rolling dummies, etc.  Equipment (like bo, tai chi swords, etc.) is usually purchased through the school.
Uniform fees.  Required uniforms, such as gi/dobok and other things like shoes or protective equipment for sparring. Also for shirts/shorts, rash guards, etc.  Often this is purchased through the school like equipment.
Before you sign up, make sure you understand all fees, what they are used for, and when they are incurred.
Yeah, sometimes.
There is no rule of thumb as to what's "reasonable" or what isn't. A low-fee school might be the best one in town. Or it could be that you get what you pay for, and the highest fee school is the best. The most important consideration in terms of cost is that it fits your budget.
Now you have enough information to actually step on a mat.
The school you should choose is the one with the fee schedule you can afford, offering classes convenient to you and your schedule, that is clean and hygienic, has an instructor that doesn't skeeve you out, and meets your initial reasons for training, whatever they are.
Now it's time for the hard part.
Stepping on the mat.
Yes, fellow grown-up, it's not easy to step on the mat the first time.  You feel out of your element, kinda shy, a little scared, and afraid that you'll look like an idiot.  You'll be afraid your personal hygiene isn't up to snuff. You're worried that you'll hurt someone, someone will hurt you, or worst of all, you'll hurt yourself.
That's all normal and some of those things - especially looking like an idiot - will be absolutely true.
Been here, done this. But not as well.
You're a newbie.  Newbies know nothing, are often pretty clumsy, and often look like idiots.
It's all right.
You've joined the fellowship of people who get bruises for funsies, the folks who get put into a painful position and grin and say, "Do that again!".  Every one of us, at one time, were newbies too. Train for a while, and you'll be the one helping the newer crop of newbies and assuring them that everything is all right.
Starting training for the first time at age 39 was the best decision I ever made. I had zero martial arts experience other than watching my kid yell "KIAAAA!" and break a board on tests. I started training to get more physically active after I realized I am gonna get old and it was gonna suck if I didn't change my ways. I went to the same school my daughter and husband were in when I started, in a martial arts style I do not train in today.  I've changed schools, cities, and styles, and have kept training since 2008.
I went from "maybe I'll try this punch-kicking thing as an alternate to gym" to weapon-oriented martial arts instructor (who knew, right? I certainly didn't!).  I belong to the tribe, and you will, too.
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6four1-blog · 7 years
June 20th, 2017 (Kavousi, Crete, Greece)
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This week’s hours have been arduously long and I’ve been desperately trying to get more sleep without missing out on too much. The culture shock has been a bit overwhelming and the surplus of experiences is inundating my mental dam and overtaking my writing speed’s capacity. We had to work six days last week, which comprised of nine hours of physical labor everyday, seven hours on site and two hours in the gym. This crazy schedule is pushing my body to its limits but I am slowly growing accustomed to it. My mornings have become as rigid as a science experiment protocol. I unconsciously begin to take out $5.20 every morning at the bakery for my pastries. For these past six days, only three out of five trench members were on site, and the low numbers have blessed me with some extra digging practice and has allowed me to bond with a fewer number of people on a deeper level. There were rumors about negative drama pervading some trenches, and I really didn’t want my trench to develop that kind of culture. Thus, I attempted to make jokes in the morning as an effort to wake others up and lift the mood, even though I was dead exhausted inside. Alex and I have begun giving each other gifts every once in a while. Since Azoria is located in the mountains, any sea stone found on site must have climb there with some form of ancient human assistance. Because there’s no useful analytical data that could be obtained from these sea stones, they are the perfect, and only, ancient objects that we are allowed to keep. I would find a few round pebbles in the sieve every day and I would give them to Alex as presents. He keeps them all in the side pocket of cargo pants, which I find very cute. As the excavation progresses, I intend to build him a large collection; by the end of the trip, I hope he can look back on them as a metaphor for a wonderful third year at Azoria.
Before this week and due to the rain days, our longest streak of site work was three days. This week jumped to a dramatic six days of full-fledged plowing in 27 degrees Celsius weather. It was the physical equivalent of transitioning from Compsci 101 to Compsci 201. The sun literally cooks us like human-sized pieces of Kobe steak and our metal skaliskiris became so hot that our callouses were no less tender than sunny-side up eggs on a frying pan. Today, I woke up unable to completely close my hands, and it’s a miracle that I am still typing right now. I have probably consumed more than two grams of ibuprofen this week alone, a portion that would have probably lasted me a whole month of Ultimate Frisbee at Duke. But at some point in the middle of this week, a mental shell cracked and I entered a new state of mind about excavating, finding myself no longer afraid of the heat, the blisters, and the dirt. I was wearing work gloves for the previous two weeks but I have almost completely given up on them at this point. The clay surfaces and cobble packing require a lot of feeling and touch with certain tools, and while being able to discern certain layers of earth from others sounds like a fictitious ability, understand where clay floors exist is indeed an acquired skill and grasping it has been oddly gratifying. Since it was just Lexi, Kate, and I digging for a while, we have also begun to develop an affinity for certain skaliskiris. Tucker had marked his with the blue twist tie, I had marked mine with a black one, and I helped Lexi mark hers with a green-yellow one. In the end, interestingly, not only have I become attached to my team and the B-trenches, but I have also become clingy to the tools I work with.
On that note, I would like to emphasize I love working with the people in my trench. I love the atmosphere that we’re building, one filled with support, compliments, and, most importantly, sarcastic jokes. Even though Lexi sat behind me on the plane ride from Athens to Heraklion, I, until this week, never really had a full on conversation and quality time with her. She turned out to be a religiously committed volleyball player, practicing almost every day back at Trent University. That was something I could relate to very sincerely because I have lived, and I still continue to live, that lifestyle at Duke. Part of my conscience picked up on that aspect of her character from prior short interactions. There was a determination, sense of self, and mental toughness that is forged almost exclusively through intense participation in and commitment to a physical activity. I am just beginning to know Kate and talk to her more. She seems wholly wonderful like a book just waiting to be read. Later on in the week, she was really sick for a few days, and it was unfortunate that she couldn’t join me and Lexi on site. One of her fellow Iowa State friends’ grandmother passed away, and, even when she was getting sick, Kate sacrificed her entire night’s time and sleep to make sure that Jasmine booked the right flights and would have a safe and worry-free trip home. Her effort impressed me and after witnessing her concern and care, I will definitely make a conscious effort to talk to her more and get to know her better. Overall, in conclusion, working in Alex’s trench is truly a pleasure and I hope we continue to grow and maintain a positive culture for the remaining four weeks.
In addition to bonding with the people in my trench, I am slowly getting to know Alex a lot better as well. After long days on site, we have begun working out in this small makeshift garage gym owned by a local Greek man named Tosos. One can easily tell that Alex is a studious and incredibly kind man just by his demeanor, which radiated from the very timbre of his voice and the form in which he carries himself. However, there is an implacable beast in the man that awakens when the weights start clanking and the music starts beating. His rest intervals are short and he loves to pack his exercises into supersets, which, painfully, tore through all the ATP reserves I had in less than half an hour. His choices of lifts are forcefully dynamic and the pace is unforgivingly quick. The Cretan sun cooks the building we workout in, making it a furnace by the time we arrived at around 5:30 p.m. The oven pushes your exhaustion and blood flow to its absolute limit and every rep gave a pump I that was as novel to me as this island was itself. For the rest of the summer, I am going to put my trust in Alex and I will strive to continue following his workout regime. Having been an athlete all my life, I believe one’s attitude in athletics often translates to his or her work habits in other aspects of life. Now I have no doubt how hard he works at UNC, and I am super glad to have met a principled and persevering man like him.
If you didn’t know before, the two things in the world that I am the most afraid of and the worst at are dancing and singing. If I had to dance and sing in front of a large crowd alone on stage to save my life, I think I would prefer death. This past Tuesday was one of those days when I felt adventurous and bold. So, when David came downstairs and asked me to attend a traditional Cretan dance lesson with him, I said yes and walked out the door with slight hesitation.
The classroom was this mistakenly abandoned building that we’d walk by every day after excavating. The space was overwhelmingly green, and, in a mercurial flashback, I knew that my brother, whose favorite color is green, would have loved it here. The building was a large space converted into a classroom around fifteen or twenty years ago. Two bookshelves and blackboards were haphazardly placed on either sides of the room and both lengths had windows like that of a Gothic church. The blackboards seemed long out of use and parts of the chalk have been stuck on the board for so long that it could have easily juxtaposed some graffiti on a tunnel wall in Durham, North Carolina. One of the bookcases contained beautiful ancient tomes that consisted of, if I recall correctly, almost 20 volumes. The books seemed to be much older than the classroom, as if they were heirlooms of an old family of Kavousi that contained all of this villages’ ancient histories and bloodlines. The other bookshelf was a dramatic contrast, filled top to bottom with children’s books. David and I could not read the Greek, but the images were hilariously entertaining, depicting people of different cultures from around the world. Its depiction of Chinese people was this old, wise, Confucius doppelgänger, which is not a bad image of my people at all. We were halfway through exploring that bookshelf when the dance lesson started. The mid-age man taught us a six step dance that rotated in a circle. I was so nervous trying to learn and coordinate the steps that I grappled the shoulder of the people next to me as if I was hanging on for dear life. Afterwards, the Greek workman beside me, Stellos, introduced himself and apparently remarked to his friend that I was gripping his shoulder really tightly. The trench master Irini, who was on my other side, politely asked me to hold her hand with less anxiety and force.
Eventually, I did loosen up and really began to enjoy myself. Until then, the two indirect non-vocal ways I felt connected to someone was reading their writing and listening to their music. For me, reading another’s writing was both seeing the world from their point of view, as well as seeing into their soul with my own eyes; I get an opportunity to understand how their minds function and exploit a lucky occasion to imagine their perception of the world. Listening to their music connects me with their emotions, and I think one would be surprised by how much we can learn about each other from sharing playlists and songs. In my first revolutionary dance lesson, I discovered another way through which we feel connected to our peers. The beat of the song drowned out all of our howling cultural, academic, physical, and personality differences and served as an united pounding heart for everyone in the circle. Each of our feet were individual muscle fibers of this powerful beating organ, working together in unison with the rhythm and moving in absolute homogeneity and flowing grace. No one was the hero of the stage, and that was what I loved about this traditional Cretan dance. It was done as a group and was meant to connect you with others, rather than for you to show off and isolate yourself. Afterwards, as we walked back to Tholos, I thanked David for inviting me to dance. It was a barrier that I desperately needed to break, and I finally did it here on Crete.
Being confined in a small village allowed me, David, and Weston to grow very close in a short period of time. On a Thursday after working in sizzling conditions that put the Tuscan sun to shame, David, Weston, a bunch of the girls, and I trekked down to the Tholos beach villas. We attempted to check out an herb farm that, very unfortunately, was closed. David and I had worked on site that day and had grabbed a few beers before heading to the beach. After eating almost nothing up at Azoria, the alcohol flowed straight into our systems and had us tipsy in less than ten minutes. We proceeded to drink more beer as we walked and, by the time we found a table down at the beach café, the conversation was flowing like the Yangtze and words were just spilling out of our mouths. I always seem to express myself quite emotionally and very thoroughly every time I am tipsy. Being the only noticeable Asian person in this area, it was a time for me to reflect on what it meant to be a minority in the society that I live in. In the United States and Canada, I have always managed to find myself a bubble of friends who are also Asian and have the same values and life outlooks as I do. Being stuck in these bubbles curtains the fact that I am part of a minority and that, outside of these wealthy and educated spheres, being a minority plays a huge role in one’s identity. Among the local Greeks, I had to disprove the stereotype that all Asian people practice Kung Fu, since the main exposure that these Europeans have had to Asian culture is its popular Kung Fu movies. My physique didn’t really help prove my point; apparently, before they got to know me, they were referencing me as the “Karate Kid” in Greek.
As for my fellow Americans, I tried my best to explain the Asian-American experience. It was difficult because, previously, I never had to pry my mind and think so deeply about my Asian identity in America. I found my inspiration and preferred choice of diction in a Humans of New York post about a young African-American man and his experiences growing up in the suburbs of Miami. For Asian-Americans, oppression and inequality are not necessarily our biggest problems, and neither is socioeconomic status. Personally, I think the most pressing matter is a lack of recognition entrenchment in the collective American identity. For Asian-Americans, there is a barrier that makes it difficult for us to become the leaders and politicians of important institutions and almost anything to do with the general public. As a result, we resort to pursuing careers that either earn us the most money or the most respect. Our immigrant identity is still so young and fragile that we attempt to compensate by obtaining immense amounts of wealth and chasing after the most prestigious occupations, as if we are almost trying to bribe and prove our way into the collective melting pot. Being here in Greece lifted those weighty, ominous clouds off my back. It was as if Atlas had been finally freed from his eternal damnation, finally able to unwind and look upon this world with awe and appreciation for its beauty once again.
In my three short weeks here on Crete, I realized that the locals were always absolutely delighted to learn about my Asian background. They seemed to have had their fair share of American tourists and finally got the chance to spend time with someone who looks completely different. Instead of telling the Asian-American narrative that I have been building for the past twelve years, the anecdotes I shared and the mannerisms I described were as uniquely Chinese as possible, filled with experiences and memories that I pushed away and suppressed so that I could assimilate into Vancouver and fit in at Duke. Maria and I talked for two hours one night, and she told me to never forget where I came from. That “Chinese people, like Greeks, have a long history and a strong sense of ταυτότητα (taftótita; a rough Greek translation for ‘identity’).” As I rode back to the Tholos hotel in Katis’ car that night, I realized I had found myself in a community with an unapologetic and unconditional appreciation for my visible cultural diversity. I couldn’t help but beam as we sped down the road in the clear night. I looked out of the window at the faint outline of the Cretan mountains and at the constellations in the distant universe, finding the Big Dipper and the North Star. These constellations have guided ancient and modern sailors, both Greek and Chinese, away from and back to their homes for thousands of years. Staring at the North Star that night in the car, I decided that, after Crete and Austria, it was time to pay China a visit.
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gesteckt1 · 6 years
Samsung aa-pl1vc6w Battery all-laptopbattery.com
A reader named Elmars asked us not to use his surname, but we can’t leave him out because his story is remarkable: kit on the rack you see at right was acquired in the Baltic countries and eventually shipped to the USA where Customs became rather interested in X-Ray images of its UPS batteries.“I am a senior systems engineer running a much larger VMware farm for a cloud-based product for the printing industry,” Elmars wrote. “VMware certification is very expensive and I have yet to find an employer willing to stump up the >$5k for the required courses and certification. They are much more willing to throw me a decommissioned server or other gear - sometimes accompanied with the phrase 'knock yourself out'. With at least one supervisor, I was never really sure if it was meant figuratively or literally.“All told, probably about $3k in my own money invested and it has brought me a lot more benefit than a piece of paper titled 'Certified'.”
An ancient IBM dual P3 server (933MHz eServer x340) with 4GB RAM attached to a 1.5TB SCSI storage shelf, and 1TB internal SATA array. A dual-port Intel gigabit NIC makes sure the network floods the backplane at will. A SATA storage shelf that is a work in progress. Two VMware hosts licensed for Essentials. V5.1. The hosts are IBM x3455 machines with two sockets and four cores each and 48GB RAM. “These came out of an HPC shop in Texas for cheap,” Elmars says. “They replaced a pair of first generation IBM x3950 machines I had picked up in Germany. It was cheaper to replace the x3950 machines than to power them as they together ate 1KW just to run at idle and don’t support ESXI 5.x.” The last machine at the bottom is an old Rackable box with 8GB RAM and a pair of 2nd generation Opterons serving as OpenFiler NAS providing the data stores for the ESXi hosts. Elmars adds: "35MB/s sustained write speed is good enough for me." “An HP switch I don't even remember where I picked up.” Kiwi reader Andrew Gall says his lab only looks a little messy because when he took the shot below he’d lived in his current home for just two weeks.
Here's your chance to re-create the Osborne 1. Only in colour. With networking. And no chance of shoulder dislocation. Thanks to the recent explosion in hobbyist electronics - Adafruit and Arduino, I'm looking at you! - the availability of small off-the-shelf HDMI capable LCDs with driver boards has blossomed. There's a variety to choose from 1.5in up, so a Nintendo-scale 'nanobook' isn't totally out of the question.Davies told us the rig below is: “A CloudStack 2.0 implementation using a mix of equipment including Dell R900, R710, T610, R510, three 2850s and AX150 FC SAN, Equallogic PS6000, Power connect switches and a pair of Cisco firewalls.”“With the HP kit, my company have been very supportive and generous over the years and frankly I can't thank them enough. The Sun kit was donated by a friend who works for a hedge fund outside the UK.Nothing in the rig was new, but Chris says it has nonetheless "been incredibly useful to me over the years".Edward Alekxandr says one important element of his lab, which he uses to “learn (and play!) with VMware vSphere [as] we didn't have budget for a test lab at work, is “one very tolerant partner!”
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Edward says the lab: “Kinda expanded to host some apps for my brother-in-law for his car garage as well, but mainly to give me a sandbox to play around without breaking stuff at work.”What kind of stuff? “I've used it to test out upgrading our exchange server to 2010 before doing it for real, and could we replace our fileserver with Solaris 11 zFS (turns out yes!) and de-duplication,” he wrote.Here's one that makes good use of the RPi's other special characteristics: it's really small and physically lightweight. So hanging it on the ceiling next to a projector isn't going to cause the office Stealth & Safety crew too many sleepless nights. And yes, it's cheaper than a dedicated PC. Thanks to some decent LCD/LED projectors out there, for a number of situations it's much cheaper than, say, a 64in display screen.The RPi is ideally suited to the role of weather station: small, low cost and low power. The RPi makes a great data-logger, and you don't even need a network connection, just a large enough SD card. There tools and Python scripts out there to graph your data, or present it via a web page. And once it's up and running, you can contribute your data to shared sites like the WeatherUnderground.
GPIOs make it easy to hook it up to external sensors directly, or there are weather station boards to available to build. You can avoid a soldering iron altogether too: kits from Maplin or RS (for less than £60) that include all the basic pre-built sensors, or open source tools like Weewx let you talk to professional USB-compatible weather stations.John Robson’s rig, which he used to do some serious work on Seti@Home, represents the most unusual location, as is visible below.The rig is defunct but once comprised 17 PCs “from a P166 (on firewall duties) to a Dual CPU P III 800 (the 1GHz Athlon (water [email protected]) downstairs, all on a 10MB hub (not switch) and running flat out doing SETI@Home processing, with a local data cache of three days.”John notes: “17 PCs in a one bedroom flat was a little excessive, and it has mostly been donated/mothballed.”We’re happy about that, as the roof cavity location of John’s lab looks a far from ideal location for a computer of any sort, never mind 17 humming away producing heat.
John worried about that too, telling us “the tallest machine (on the left) used to run a little warm - the case still has rubber embedded into the top from when the feet of the keyboard melted.”David Given had the most exotic rig, as the server he has set up to drive his website and do what he calls “the usual routing/caching/proxying/firewalling/fileserving roles” has a motherboard built from “a customised Mele A1000 set-top box, based on a Cortex-A8 ARM core with 512MB RAM. For storage it has a 64GB Kingston SSD and 2TB Seagate spinning disk.“The big black square on top which makes it hard to photograph is a sound-absorbing baffle made out of a neoprene mouse pad. The console is an old laptop plugged in via USB.”Ashley Black runs a mail server VPN he uses to access resources at work and a home network from “the little under-stairs cupboard that even Harry Potter would find cramped.”The Reg wishes Tim and all those who took time to send us descriptions and images of their home labs all the best with their efforts. And their power bills.
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Is he having a laugh? Nope, thanks to apps like OwnCloud and BarracudaDrive, you too can jump on the latest bandwagon for under £30. Yes, you really can run a cloud server from your RPi. Why would you want to? The sales pitch is that it avoids the possible privacy issues of Box, Dropbox, iCloud and their ilk, but it also helps to get around over-enthusiastic firewalls at work. Plus, turns out a cloud server on the local network is really just a self-important NAS server. Who knew?As someone clearly on the mortally-wounded side of morbidly obese, I have found it personally upsetting that one can't as yet purchase a set of speak-your-weight bathroom scales featuring a choice of 'No coach parties, please'-style repartee. A niche market missed, I think. No matter. It is but the work of a moment (ahem) to whip up a RPi connected set of scales, and some Python scripts to play and display the appropriate (health warning) message.
Asterisk, the well-known open source telephone tool, will quite happily compile and run on an RPi, handling up to ten calls (or conference participants) without apparent strain. Getting your landline connected to your RPi may take some fiddling, and you'll need some external hardware. There are also options for ISDN connections. Just remember, you're saving on the PC hardware. But if you're just trying it out, you can configure it to use SIP instead. Before you know it, you'll be configuring voice-gaol, caller id, and cheesy country and western hold-music.Here's one just for the non-UK brethren, clearly. Turns out that with some pre-compiled C and a short piece of wire, you can trick the RPi's GPIO pin four into broadcasting FM Radio. How cool is that? So why aren't we being swamped by teenager pirate radio stations? It's certainly illegal in the UK. With a decent 75Ω aerial, a no band-pass filter and a following wind, the mighty calculations say you're looking at a signal strength somewhere in the 9-14mW range, well over the 50nW UK limit. Hey ho.
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itsworn · 7 years
40,000 Fans Weren’t Scared Of The Dark At Norwalk’s 40th Night Under Fire
Forgive us for the theft of young Newt’s line from the unforgettable film Aliens, but when more than 40,000 people show up for a one-day show (okay, it was mostly under the lights) at a well-groomed facility like Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio, you can pretty well assume they aren’t scared of the dark!, Down through its four decades of life the Kelly Services Night Under Fire has been referred to by numerous permutations of its real name, but it really doesn’t matter what you call it. You like Night Of Fire? That’s fine by us. Think Night On Fire is even better? Cool, use that one, because it doesn’t matter what you call it, this event is, without question, the single best one-day show in all of drag racing, and therein lies a very important point in today’s world of increasingly diverse forms of the sport.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re going an eighth of a mile, 1,000 feet, or a full quarter mile, if you’re going from Point A to Point B in a straight line from a standing start you’re drag racing, and that’s what counts with us. Yes, the NUF featured competition at all three distances, too. The reality is that there are more permutations of drag racing than ever before. We could try to list them all, but there’s no need. You know all about them, from the nitro-burning excitement of an NHRA Mello Yello Series national event to that “No Prep” bracket race at the track across town on Saturday night. Purists of one form of competition over another may never be convinced that it’s a race without Pro Mod, but for every one of them there’s someone else who believes no car should ever race on tires wider than 9-inches. It doesn’t matter, because it’s all drag racing.
What the Night Under Fire does is somehow encompass numerous forms of drag racing, bringing them all under one umbrella for a show that’s like no other, and that word “show” is all-important. Sure, there’s plenty of racing at the NUF, but it’s the show that really counts. You may believe that winning is everything, but for most of the 40,000 fans in Norwalk, the burnouts, wheels-up starts and everything else that took place between those Points A and B counted far more than the win light. And thus we come to our final point before trying (we will not succeed) to delve into all the nuances of the NUF, and that’s the fans themselves. Just as there are myriad forms of drag racing, there are fans for all of them – and they are not one and the same. The naïve among us may believe the same guy who loses his mind when John Force does a burnout in his Camaro Funny Car is the same guy who shouts himself hoarse when Ken Hall starts doing burner pops in his Jet Funny Car. Uh, no, they are not the same guy, and therein lies some of the beauty and appeal of the Night Under Fire, because there’s just enough, but not too much of, well, everything to attract fans of everything drag racing.
The diversity of those fans results in a lot of interaction that’s interesting to witness, and we’ve seen plenty of it. When the Nostalgia Drag Racing League’s Pro 7.0 category comes up to run you’ll see the more knowledgeable fans explaining what’s going on to the neophytes. You’ll also hear fans explaining to one another what a holeshot is and how the “slower” car won the race – which the announcers also did a thorough job of doing. Don’t know what a burner pop is? You’ll learn at the NUF. You’ve heard of John Force, but have never seen him? The guy sitting next to you will show you where the autograph session is (which every driver participates in). Need an event shirt? The stand’s right over there. When do the fireworks start? Just wait!
John Force continues to be the star attraction at the NUF, and, just like his 16 championships, he’s earned that position. But, while the NUF is a show, the racing is as legitimate as it gets. The Funny Cars are run Chicago-style, meaning that everyone runs the first round, with the two quickest returning to determine the winner (although everyone else runs that second round too, because this is all about the show). Force didn’t make the finale this year, but teammate Robert Hight did, facing off against former NHRA champion Cruz Pedregon. Height won going away with a very credible 3.865/321.58 to the Cruzer’s 3.927/322.84.
We could certainly list every elapsed time and speed recorded by the likes of Ron Capps, already a six-time winner in ’17 with the NAPA Dodge, Tim Wilkerson with the LRS Mustang, Jack Wyatt’s Dodge, Dale Creasy’s Jr’s. Tek-Pak Mopar and Del Worsham’s Lucas Oil Toyota, but this is about the show, not the timeslips, and the show was killer, with lots of header fire and very competitive times.
When we said the NUF has something for everyone we meant it. There was even a selection of young kids driving in three different invitational categories of Jr. Dragster. Now here’s a dose of reality: For most adults those cars don’t do much, but they are oh-so-important for drag racing’s future. When those cars began appearing in the staging lanes so did a significant number of other kids, dragging their parents along by the hand to show them the cars. Yeah, we saw a few dads blanching at the thought of yet another car in their garages, but we saw just as many smiling in anticipation of what might be.
In days gone by jet cars were often considered circus-like by hard core aficionados of the sport, but here, too, there’s been a change in attitudes. The hard core folks have come around, ‘cause with every afterburner pop and every run we saw more and more people really getting into it. The culmination was, of course, Chris Darnell’s simply awesome triple-engined “Shockwave” Peterbuilt – which bears as much resemblance to a real truck as this magazine’s editor does to, say, Brad Pitt.
Two years ago at the NUF (last year’s event was the only rainout in the event’s history) Darnell tore up the pavement behind the starting line with his afterburner pops, peeling back a 4-inch thick slab of asphalt like a ripe banana in the hands of a Minion. Management appeared less than pleased, but this time around track honcho Bill Bader, Jr. invited Darnell to blow down every building in the place on his last run. Sadly, he failed to do so, but the show he put on was memorable regardless of his inability to destroy brick and mortar buildings with a single blast.
When it comes to drag racing, pure drag racing, there’s nothing to compare to the NHRA U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis over Labor Day weekend, but by the same token, nothing compares to the Night Under Fire in Norwalk in August. It’s the kind of one-and-only that you need to experience in person to truly understand. For example, you like ice cream? Summit Motorsports Park may be the only venue in the country where you can buy a pound of small batch ice cream that comes hand-packed in a Styrofoam cup for only a buck. Yeah, just one dollar. Hate ice cream, but love fireworks? The show that caps off the evening’s activities, with boomers, starbursts, spinners and gosh-knows what they call the others going off from at least three different locations around the track is stunning. It’s a bigger show than you’re likely to find in a city of several hundred thousand inhabitants on July 4th – and we aren’t exaggerating.
But fair warning: The Night Under Fire may be habit-forming. The reason we suspect it is is because we spoke with fans from as far away as upstate New York in one direction, and Georgia in the other. All confessed to having been to the NUF for at least 10 years, and all called it the best damn one-day drag racing show they’d ever seen. We agree.
  A couple of years ago John Force dropped a few S-bombs during his pre-race interview with track manager, Bill Bader, Jr. Darned if he didn’t clean up his act this year!
Not a seat left, and pre-race festivities haven’t even begun.
The way to watch the NUF, from mom’s lap.
Every race at Norwalk opens with the display of a giant American flag, which the fans love.
A perfectly timed flyover by vintage WWII fighters crossed the starting line just as the national anthem ended. Good timing, cool planes.
Now this is how you do a patriotic burnout!
Are you an older fan? Then you know a flag starter when you see one. He sends off every pair in the ScottsRods AA/GS show.
Cars like this stunning 1933 Willys had the over-50 fans screaming for more.
The Nostalgia Drag Racing League’s Pro 7.0 field was packed with interesting cars like this Anglia.
More Pro 7.0 insanity.
You want wheelstanders? We got ‘em, including this spark-spewing pickup driven by (wait for it) 84-year-old Jim Brewer. He topped 120 MPH on two wheels.
Pro Mod cars? Yup, the NUF has ‘em.
Del Worsham’s all-black Lucas Oil Toyota ran in the threes, but didn’t make the finale.
John Force was the most popular driver on the grounds, but that didn’t help him make the finale.
Tuner Jimmy Prock (glasses, directly behind car) knew just how to attack the Summit Motorsports Park track, and thus led driver Robert Hight to the event title in three-point-eight-something seconds.
The new Queen of Diamonds, Sarah Edwards, gets ready to take off (not literally!) against the Beast From The East.
Are those people holding their ears? We can’t tell.
Chris Darnell’s jet almost defies description. The fans loved the show he put on.
A racer, who demanded anonymity, attempts bribing the tech inspector for the Jr. Dragsters. Okay, we made that up, but the dog enjoyed the evening as much as anyone with just two feet.
Nuthin’ like a jet Funny Car at night. Nuthin’!
Not an empty seat in the house.
Noise, flame and smoke. What more could any human being want?
Don’t laugh. One, or even both of these kids could grow up to be World Champions. Just ask Antron Brown or Erica Enders how that works.
Two-time IHRA World Champion Dale Creasy is a regular in the NUF. “The most fun I have all year,” he says.
Rahn Tobler was named Grand Marshall of the NUF for his 40-plus years of service to drag racing.
Defending NHRA champion Ron Capps has won six times already this year, but he couldn’t manage a seventh in Norwalk.
Cruz Pedregon’s Snap-on Toyota made the final round against Robert Hight.
Ready to fire, Force’s car is surrounded by fans.
How many autographs do you think John Force has signed during his career?
Sure, there’s a kid’s playground at Norwalk. Doesn’t every track have one?
You’d be smiling too with a pound of ice cream in your fist for just a dollar.
The brutal Bruiser Fiat, a favorite at Norwalk.
Don’t believe that smile. Seven-year-old Evan Clark of Brookpark, Ohio is not having a good time!
Best kid’s shirt at the NUF.
The post 40,000 Fans Weren’t Scared Of The Dark At Norwalk’s 40th Night Under Fire appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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 Most kids are unsettled by nature, their interest span is short, they also have trouble resting or position at one particular location for some time and whenever you don't fulfill their requirements, you will discover a substantial chance that they may start off weeping.
These factors cause it to difficult to suit your needs being a parent to bathe youngsters mainly because they see nothing at all fascinating in washing except for the belief that they may enjoy h2o.
The majority of children cringe whenever you lather them and could perspective themselves and confronts in most guidelines in order to prevent you against doing so.
Children also enjoy to splash standard water for the people today bathing them, a thing that can travel you nuts specifically while you are looking to let them have bath.
Nonetheless even we realize that children are hard wired to react in this particular kind of way and from time to time all of us can giggle at this sort of pranks. In case this arena which will take spot each day, sure plenty of, a few days in the future you may be at your tether's end.
Occasionally terrifying expressions can cow young children into submission but in the end, these techniques in no way job. Thus you should try introducing new tactics to ensure that youngsters start loving their bathroom and in this respect, bathroom playdoh toys may be a great option you could explore.
All youngsters appreciate their child Peppa Pig English Episodes toys and there is no unique in relation to bathtub peppa pig dublado toys. These newborn Peppa Pig em Portugues toy manufactured from possibly silicone or very soft fabric are playthings which you might keep in your child's tub while you are washing them.
Kids can certainly get engrossed making use of their peppa pig toys which mean you will have a lesser amount of issues showering them. The bathtub peppa pig toys and games which most youngsters want to have are the ones which make squeaky disturbances and peppa pig play doh kids toy that don't submerge in drinking water meaning they can always have it in their understanding. These children peppa pig full episodes toys will not likely only enable you to give your kids a much cleaner bathtub and also help finish it well in dual easy time.
Therefore when you have youngsters who loathe experiencing bathing, then you take into account buying shower Peppa Pig English Episodes toys on their behalf. Nevertheless while purchasing these, keep the safe practices facet at heart avoiding getting children play doh kids toys toy with razor-sharp or pointy ends and ones which have modest parts like switches as these could get unattached from your play doh kids toy due to consistent use and you will discover a possibility that your particular baby may possibly then jaws these.
Test buying infant peppa pig dublado toy which might be vivid in color and appealing on the eye simply because you want the child to keep engrossed within the peppa pig english episodes toy while you are bathing them. It can be greatest which you acquire your youngster together with you while you are looking for shower play doh toys because then you could gauge their allergic reactions making your decision correctly.
This author, aside from becoming a kindergarten trainer is usually a massive enthusiast of little one Peppa pig em Portugues Brasil toy and child keep track of. He advises folks to buy newborn items internet mainly because just one will get from which to choose numerous items in this article.
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