ofarlows · 2 years
@angelseth​ asked: ☕ a 24 hour café + reversed 
                        THE  IDEA  OF  A  24-HOUR  CAFE  seemed  absurd  at  first.  then,  viktor  stopped  by  one  night  when  he  couldn't  sleep.  one  would  think  a  visit  to  a  café  when  you  were  experiencing  difficulties  sleeping  was  a  bad  idea.  however,  it  wasn't  so  much  that  viktor  was  having  difficulties  falling  asleep  rather  but  that  he  lacked  the  desire  to  sleep.  the  nightmares  never  stopped.  the  fear,  the  images,  the  pain  —  even  all  these  years  later,  felt  so  fresh.  his  past  haunted  him  hour  after  hour  &&  day  after  day.  after  a  while,  visits  to  the  café  became  weekly,  then  daily.  his  order  always  remained  the  same  —  a  cup  of  exceptionally  sweet  coffee.  to  most,  the  sweetness  of  his  coffee  would  elicit  a  visible  reaction.  but  viktor  liked  his  coffee  sweet  enough  that  it  could  cause  a  cavity.  no,  he  didn't  always  drink  it  this  way.  the  habit  of  sweetening  his  coffee  beyond  necessary  was  picked  up  from  his  late  husband.  nowadays,  it  was  one  of  the  few  things  viktor  had  left  of  him.  today  though,  his  coffee  wasn't  nearly  as  sweet  as  he  liked.  there  were  no  pastel-colored  sugar  packets  at  his  table  &&  the  barista  seemed   to  have  disappeared  into  the  back.  he  sighs,  thinks  about  drinking  it  the  way  it  is,  then  notices  a  table  that  has  a  mountain  of  sugar  packets  just  waiting  to  be  used.  viktor  knows  it's  strange  to  approach  a  stranger  well  past  midnight  to  ask  if  he  could  steal  some  sugar,  but  he  gets  up  from  his  table  &&  makes  his  way  over  anyway.  
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                     he  clears  his  throat,  coffee  mug  &&  spoon  in  one  hand  &&  the  other  shoved  in  his  jacket  pocket.  "excuse  me  —  weird  question  but  could  i  steal  some  of  your  sugar  packets?"
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ofviolettes · 2 years
@angelseth​ asked: whom or what lights you up?
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                     THE  QUESTION  ISN'T  ONE  THAT  REQUIRES  much  thinking  to  answer  —  not  anymore,  at  least.  but  amelia  stays  quiet  for  some  time,  thinking  of  the  right  way  to  say  what  she  means.  "tyler,"  she  says  with  a  nod,  &&  just  the  thought  of  him  makes  her  heart  beat  faster.  there  are  too  many  words  to  describe  how  happy  he  makes  her,   so  she  settles  on  something  simple.  "tyler  lights  me  up,  without  a  doubt.  he's  gentle,  caring,  and  always  knows  what  to  say  to  put  a  smile  on  my  face."
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chrisharwood · 1 year
Delivered to the mansion's door in a soft blue wrapping paper, addressed to @angelseth :
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There was a note with it:
"I was human once and I know how hard it can be. It's a mess, but I think you'll get the hang of it super fast! I hope this book helps too. And you know I'm here if you need anything, right? Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas! - Chris"
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ofmagenta · 2 years
@angelseth asked: 28. an embarrassing text
magenta: how are oh my god you dick stop driving up my ass there are two lanes for a reason magenta: sorry. speech-to-text. what a way to greet my boss magenta: i just wanted to see how you were doing magenta: i promise i don’t have anger issues 
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erikdragon · 2 years
Will you share your soul with me? Unzip your skin and let me have a see
Paint me in trust I'll be your best friend Call me the one This night just can't end
Lean for me, and I'll fall back You'll fit so nicely, you'll keep me intact
Oh, I'm so human
(about @angelseth )
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hollowmuses · 2 years
A text sent out of worry from Zeke.
Zeke : Hey honey, I haven't seen you around in a bit--Sure I haven't been around but still... Zeke: I hope everything is okay, let me know if you need anything alright? I've just gotten back and I'd love to hear from you. @angelseth
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daphnestclaire · 3 years
“i swear this is so unlike me.” celeste breathed out as she sat in the sand and looked up at the other angel, “i didn’t even know angels could have too much to drink...i know i never have.” she’d had a few too many glasses of wine and here she was, making a bad example of her kind and feeling awful for calling her friend out to get her this late, “i will definitely have to make it up to you.” she added and then laid back in the sand, “but for right now, maybe we should sit here until things calm down.”
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blackboxwcrning · 2 years
the moment haniel received the text from seth, they couldn’t stop themselves from paying their brother a visit. while they did enjoy car rides, her excitement helped her teleport to the bakery where seth was working with a bright smile plastered over their face. “it’s me! i’m really here.” they told him as they stepped closer to wrap their arms around him in a hug. haniel really was what some people described as a walking ball of sunshine and they didn’t let anything get them down. “tell me, what’s been keeping you busy?”
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angstfactory · 3 years
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Gnawing lightly at the tip of his thumb as he walked, Eoin’s gaze moved over the crowd of people and every booth available. Nothing quite catching his eye or interest. Even the Cupcake stand was about to be passed up, when the cambion smelled him. Eoin paused, head turning in that direction to focus closer before he decided to simply go over to the booth instead. But it was clear to the cambion immediately that he wasn’t there-- normally, he could sense him miles off anyway. The smell was there, though. All over this Grigori that stood there with the cupcakes, a smile at the ready. Has Erik touched every angel on this bloody island? Eoin’s eyes roamed over him a moment with no real expression, before his lips pulled into a sudden smile to mirror the others. “What kind of wee cakes are these?” he asked innocently enough, pointing towards a couple at random. @angelseth​
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islandofmuses · 3 years
Continued from [x]  “Thank’s okay,” Zeke smiled, shaking his head, he knew he haven’t been much of a friend to anyone latetly, hiding in his cabain in the woods, trying to find himself, luckly things were a little better, be he was still feeling a little guilty he walked away, “Even if you did you wouldn’t find me here, I know it doesn’t sound like me, but I took a little a vacation,” he giggled, “Well, forced vacation but still, vacation none the less,” he said reaching for the other’s hand and giving it a soft path, to ease his mind, he didn’t mind this, it wasn’t Seth’s fault and he had been busy too.  “Oh?” Zeke raised an eyebrow as he heard the other, “That bad huh? well, I think if you talk about, you’d feel better, honey,” he said taking a sip from his drink, “Just know, I’m here and I wil listen,” he smiled. “Well, it’s not as complicated as counting stars” he joked, “But, Lately I’ve been helping everyone and everyone has been feeling down, and I’m a empath, I think the negativity got to me, I was warn out, tired and I needed to step away, I’m still not all there which is why,” he pulled the necklace, showing Seth his amulet to block the empathy powers, “I have to come up with something to prevent me feeling what other people do.But I feel a little guitly about it, helping and being here for others has been what I do for so long.”
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porksodamp3 · 3 years
they’re neighbours, which solomon doesn’t mind, even if he does occasionally feel a stab of jealousy that seth continues to be a grigori while he himself is neither here-nor-there. not quite heavenly, nor mortal, nor demonic, occupying this horrific middle ground he himself created. he’s smoking on the small balcony of his apartment when he catches him looking over, deciding to give an awkward wave in seth’s direction. “hey. have a good time at the party?” he asks him, trying to make some friendly conversation. it’s not seth’s fault he fell - the angel even calls him brother. how sweet.
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chrisharwood · 3 years
text - chris & seth
Seth: No, no dragon tattoo. I am not sure if my vessel likes dragons.
Seth: How id you know I have tattoos?
Chris: it was a stupid joke meant for s
Chris: someone else
Chris: wait, do you have tattoos?
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hollowmuses · 2 years
🧜🏻‍♂️ a tattoo parlor + reversed with Avery.
He had in fact been comtenplating getting a tattoo for a while, but Avery was a bit unsure on what to get, he wanted it to make sense, something that had meaning for him, maybe something music related? He turned to his side noticing the other, "Oh, hey, I'm--kinda just looking," they chuckle, "Can I ask what you're getting? sorry I have the habit of being just a little bit nosy."
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erikdragon · 2 years
Walls came down Where did they go? I didn't notice When they fell, I fell for you Smitten and hopelessly Lost in this feeling Maybe I'm healing I couldn't be scared if I tried 'Cause nothing's ever felt this right
They say you know when you find the one Just a look from you, I come undone So here I go speaking honestly I think this is forever for me
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erikdragon · 3 years
Sitting by the empty beach, Erik let his mind wander. It’s been weeks since he and Eoin had their argument and something told him that it was the last. Part of him wished they had that conversation a good 300 years ago, part of him didn’t think they could’ve without blowing half the island.
Phone in hand, he wondered about calling Jason. Or Seth. And quickly decided against it, not to burden the people close to him with his problems. 
Destiny didn’t care though, because the angel was walking towards him.
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“I didn’t take you for the stalker type, my love.” He teased, fully aware how he house was just a couple of minutes uphill and people usually took the seaside route to reach him.
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chrisharwood · 3 years
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“Wait” he called, leaving the coffee shop and following the man with the blue eyes, drink in hand. “Are you Seth? I- I think we got our drinks switched” he said showing him the coffee cup with Seth written on it. There was also a sequence of numbers underneath that Chris was sure was someone’s phone number. Usually he’d be too awkward to go after the man, he’d just drink the wrong coffee and move on with his day, but the number there made it seem all the more wrong - what if they were expecting that man’s call?
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