#another inspiration is the final girl trope ( Re: halloween ) among a few others
fearthanked ยท 6 months
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โ€œ I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial. We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end. โ€ ( Rebecca by A.H. )
Becky is a diminutive ( or nickname ) of the name of Rebecca. And it could be referencing the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hit.chcock. Around the '40s, he directed a film adaptation based on a psychological thriller book named Rebecca. Scarecrow is known as The Master of Fear, which makes it even better that Becky's name is also related to horror.
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โ€œ You are crying! You are afraid of me! And yet I am not really wicked. โ€ ( Er.ik )
This is me rambling about concepts. Christine saw the Phantom as her Angel of Music and believed in that until the Phantom took his mask off. In a resemblance, and as I explained some time ago, Becky never thanked Batman for saving her but rather Scarecrow ( "My Scarecrow" ). Both Christine and Becky saw something more than just a mask. And the Phantom and Scarecrow also saw something in them that they wanted to sharpen but in a very egotistical way. I could bring more parallelism, even mentioning that it's curious that both girls have massive curly hair or that Jonathan and Erik share a similar tragic backstory. But I'm very emotional about the book and don't want to turn this into an essay.
Other media I take inspiration to write Becky: Dra.cula, De.ath takes a holiday, and Jane Ey.re.
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" Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous. " ( PG Wode.house )
There are a lot of myths tied to this color. In mythology, redheads were considered a symbol of sin and lust. Even in those old paintings, a man with red hair was portrayed as a traitor and a bad person ( Maybe that is why Jonathan is pictured with red hair in some adaptations ). Freckles were also part of this stigma against red-haired people due to racism. Becky had to live with this misconception. They called her a witch, a girl without a soul, a fiery temper, and too sensitive. This whole concept also goes against her appearance as she is not considered as someone attractive ( I personally find her beautiful. Her bullies can root. )
Another note I would love to end this post with is a quote from Mark Tw.ain. " Redheads are descended from cats. " Which is another reason why my Becky has a cat.
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