#anyway dfdjkfdsk new posts and i really hope you enjoy them
holocene-sims · 1 year
another text post (but this time about the story)
hello, it's me again! listen, i know it's been since february that i've posted the story (or...actually really anything substantial at all...) but TADA!
there's a story queue to get going!
edit: and by get going, i mean it's already going. i forgot to post this announcement first. oops!
the queue is roughly about two weeks long and will post twice a day, as usual, at 8 and 9PM EST!
fair warning that i'm running the queue while i'm away in ireland without access to my computer or tumblr, so i won't be able to fix the next // previous links or refill the queue again until i get back! but as soon as i return, i'll do replies and housekeeping :)
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