#anyway height discourse brings out the most interesting people because i assure u i don’t take it so seriously
padfootastic · 2 years
i don’t care whether you publish it or not, i send it believing you *really* cherish sirius. i liked you because you love sirius and i love sirius with my soul. i hope you notice what the people who say sirius should be tall and top. they just need sirius for doting on and fucking *remus* good. once i didn’t mind tall sirius, but as time goes, i have noticed what tall-sirius-truthers have done to sirius. please open your eyes and see what your ~friends~ do and don’t afraid of being by yourself.
i’m…gonna choose to take this (and the other ones) in good faith because, well, the absurdly serious tone of this is killing me? (even tho i cannot figure if this is legit or trolling)
i’m gonna be honest, i’ve considered sirius tall since before i used tumblr, before i interacted in fandom, and before i even wrote fanfiction lol. there was a post about NBA-player!sirius because canonically, he’s described as being it too. beyond that, most of my hcs for sirius’ features is heavy projection. the skinny, tall , beanpole thing comes from my taste in guys, the tattoos and piercings are lifted directly from me (or my wish list), and a lot of his personality is things i do/like. so, um, that wasn’t an attempt to feel included? even if i was happily tumblr-ing in my own space, i assure you sirius would’ve been tall.
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