#anyway it's wild that i'm able to do this when i've always been daunted by the idea of creating gods based upon
tvrningout-a · 10 months
so!! now that i'm back from dinner, i'm gonna tell y'all about some of the gods i have in mind for rin's lore! only sunna has a name bc these are still rough ideas!
sunna, goddess of creation, life, and rebirth: she is the original mother, having created the mortal realm and birthing the gods and goddesses; after her divine children were born, she then created the original humans for them to nurture and shape. she is associated with flames, having risen from them the first time one of her children attempted to kill her. they succeeded only to witness her rebirth and watch as she used the very same flames to seal them away.
slá, goddess of the forge and construction: one of sunna's original children, she helped shape the terrain of the mortal realm, carving out rivers and molding mountains. wanting children of her own making, she carved the first dwarves out of stone, and sunna granted them life. as the mortal children grew, they forged the tools and gifted them to the mortals so that their lives might be easier.
líf, goddess of the wild, protector of flora and fauna: another of sunna's original children, she planted the first trees, created the first flowers, and cultivated the first harvest. aside from sunna herself, she is one of the only other gods capable of creating life; she created the first animals and created the first elves as the guardians of the forests and plains. they were created in sunna's image as líf greatly admired her mother, though current mortals debate this heatedly. after all, would sunna's own mortal children not be created in her image?
endir, god of the afterlife and death: life cannot exist without death, so sunna birthed him. he watches over the mortals' souls until they are ready to be born again, and he punishes the souls who commit heinous acts. to always be surrounded by death and the pleas of souls who want to live so badly is a heavy burden, so sunna granted him the ability to allow miracles every so often. some souls leave their body only to return within a span of minutes, and it is always his doing.
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