#i say rough ideas as i kinda flesh them out as i write this post asdf
tvrningout-a · 10 months
so!! now that i'm back from dinner, i'm gonna tell y'all about some of the gods i have in mind for rin's lore! only sunna has a name bc these are still rough ideas!
sunna, goddess of creation, life, and rebirth: she is the original mother, having created the mortal realm and birthing the gods and goddesses; after her divine children were born, she then created the original humans for them to nurture and shape. she is associated with flames, having risen from them the first time one of her children attempted to kill her. they succeeded only to witness her rebirth and watch as she used the very same flames to seal them away.
slá, goddess of the forge and construction: one of sunna's original children, she helped shape the terrain of the mortal realm, carving out rivers and molding mountains. wanting children of her own making, she carved the first dwarves out of stone, and sunna granted them life. as the mortal children grew, they forged the tools and gifted them to the mortals so that their lives might be easier.
líf, goddess of the wild, protector of flora and fauna: another of sunna's original children, she planted the first trees, created the first flowers, and cultivated the first harvest. aside from sunna herself, she is one of the only other gods capable of creating life; she created the first animals and created the first elves as the guardians of the forests and plains. they were created in sunna's image as líf greatly admired her mother, though current mortals debate this heatedly. after all, would sunna's own mortal children not be created in her image?
endir, god of the afterlife and death: life cannot exist without death, so sunna birthed him. he watches over the mortals' souls until they are ready to be born again, and he punishes the souls who commit heinous acts. to always be surrounded by death and the pleas of souls who want to live so badly is a heavy burden, so sunna granted him the ability to allow miracles every so often. some souls leave their body only to return within a span of minutes, and it is always his doing.
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quinloki · 3 months
Hahaha jokes on you for saying people are qualified to speak to you bc now I’m even more encouraged to send you my thoughts
Jk. But I appreciate your acceptance of them. I’m currently trying to bully my IRL bestie to hurry tf up on getting thru one piece bc right now my options are limited like she’s in enies lobby now and I’m like pls… at least get to post time skip… I can scream about Law and Marco then
Omg ok so it’s peak squirrel brain hours for me rn so lemme try to tell you about this brainrot I’ve been having.
I literally have no idea where it came from but modern au, you’re a patron at thatch’s bar, you go there often and are friendly with thatch bc he’s a nice guy. Friends with Luffy. You go to said bar, having a great time with your friends, whitebeard crew shows up bc it’s thatch’s place obvi, but some other crew busts in trying to pick a fight. Somehow you get yoinked as a hostage bc the other crew wants to fight somewhere else (a trap duh) and it’s not a situation where they can get you out safe so they’re like yes we’ll fight you at this location but Marco is like I wanna come too, prolly cause he feels responsible maybe you were by the whitebeard crew bc you were luffy’s friend or you were flirting with Marco and that’s why you got snatched
And the baddies they’re like fine fine but it’s seastone cuffs. They got beef with him or something so they were down, plus having one of their fighters tapped out seemed smart
So you go off with them and both of you are just subconsciously trying to protect the other Marco even has you come sit on his lap bc the sketchy van you’re put in has stuff all over the floor and you’re wearing shorts/skirt and it’s conveniently freezing in the van so like, y’all can warm eachother up
And the baddies are like oh wait is it the Phoenix’s gf is that why he wanted to come and they’re taunting like oh the things we could do to your little gf and Marco is like just remember the cuffs won’t be on forever
Anyways they drive y’all around until the meeting time maybe taunting or roughing poor Marco up a little and finally they all meet up at this trap location except obvi the whitebeard pirates are gonna kick ass and come to the rescue and they take you back with them to heal any injuries/make sure you ok
Oh no one of the baddies gets away and starts posting all over the dark web about the phoenix’s weakness and everyone is like oh you’re in danger guess you gotta stay with us for awhile
And Marco was so nice so you just have a huge crush but he somewhat avoids you bc he feels responsible so you’re like oh he does not like me back oh ok
And idk they’re loosely mafia ish so some shenanigans ensue of people coming after you but Marco is always there to protect you and the tension is off the charts
That’s kinda as far as my brain got bc I keep starting over lmao
Ugh I wish I was better at making that a cute little story I’m so good at coming up with things in my head but typing them out is so hard T_T
But I hope you enjoyed my brainrot I’m about to head to bed and will most likely be thinking of it more <3
An Author friend of mine - far more successful and suited to the job than I am - said something once that really sticks with me.
The ideas are the easy part, writing is the hard part.
Some people will come to her with ideas, and want some sort of 50/50 deal for doing "half" the work, and honestly, no matter how well fleshed out the idea is, it's barely going to be 5% of the process at best.
I don't share that to put your idea down, not even a little, but I do mention it to highlight that you're not wrong. Turning ideas into stories is the hard part, and honestly I always love seeing that truth understood too. (Real fun is when you apply that to other things and realize that certain types who have "great ideas" are rarely the ones who make them reality, but they really want to continually tell you how great their ideas are changing the world >.> )
I love everything about this!
So - I have to admit I have a Mafia AU Marco story I'm slowly working on. It's pretty complex so far, intended as a slowburn anyway, and I really want to incorporate this idea into it. I just love the vibes.
AND - lol - one of the points I wanted to sort out for it was specifically having the reader end up in the Main House for the Whitebeard Mafia family. This idea is PERFECT, a few adjustments for the reader type and the AU itself, and the vibes are there. It's a Devil Fruit AU too, so >.>
the reader as a hostage gets Marco as a "hostage", they're supposed to let her go at that point, but someone gets the brilliant idea that the girl keeps the bird inline, and Pops' prize bird keeps the other boys inline, so they're keeping both.
The idea of the doomed kidnappers thinking the two are together works, it'll be the 2nd or 3rd time they've met and yeah, there's been flirting, but nothing committal. So her staying at the Main House for protection still leave Marco with a sour taste - he does like her, but this situation isn't fair. He's too laid back and experienced to blatantly avoid her, but he makes sure there's always someone else around, excusing himself before his brothers can "leave the two of them alone" or anything.
In this particular story the reader is an adopted kid of Big Mom's, trying to get away from the mafia life to some degree, and more than that to avoid being married off for whatever reason by Big Mom in the first place. (this is grumbled about in the first chapter, so it's not some big reveal). That certainly adds another layer to things, especially if Lin-Lin sees it as an in to tie the two families together.
Ah, sweet Kazieai <3 I would love to utilize this wonderful idea you've blessed my morning with. Just because the idea part is easier than the writing part doesn't mean it isn't worth due credit ❤️Especially when it's just the scenario I was trying to come up with.
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revolvingfanatic · 9 months
i absolutely ADORE your writing skills. every fic of yours that ive read so far go in incredible detail and such amazing storylines! how do you write so well?? what's your writing process like??
First off, thank you!! 💖 So happy to hear you’re a fan of my writing style and ideas ✨ Thirdly, sorry if this post becomes a little long, as I’ll likely end up getting into the minutia 😆
My process is probably kinda odd, and definitely extremely time-consuming.
I start off with a rough draft(?), which is basically just me jotting down random possible ideas and thoughts for a given fic, sometimes in no particular order, just whatever comes to mind when I’m brainstorming. Sometimes fully formed paragraphs with dialogue, sometimes just little suggestions. Then when I’ve gotten that out of my system I start to organize it by rearranging everything until it seems to be in a good order, then deem that the fic’s overview and move it to a lower section of my document.
Next, I reference said overview and start typing up scenes and dialogue in a section above.
Anything I end up removing, instead of just straight up deleting it, I move it to the very bottom section which I label “cut stuff” and occasionally go down there to use an idea/line I’d thrown out because it didn’t fit, but found a new place for it to go where it does fit.
I also noticed I write everything in present-tense when it’s in the idea phase, then change practically everything to past-tense when I’m putting it into the actual fic.
Another thing I do is have the same paragraph pasted several times in a row with slight variations to lines so I can see which version looks best to me. I’m extremely particular about my wording; I have literally texted my sister to ask which of two words sounded better in a sentence. Many times. 😂 Part of the reason for that is because I don’t like using the same word twice within a few paragraphs when I can use a synonym. Like instead of “apple” a second time I’ll say like “the green fruit”, then “the healthy ingestible/the sour sphere” if I want to be funny. XD
I also have been blessed with a very active imagination; I have over 20 PiB fic ideas written down, most of which will never see the light of day, as it would take way too much time and energy to flesh them all out, lol (although if anyone wants to hear about them I’ll gladly show what I do have written for them~)
I’ll include a few pics for reference of what my fics look like while in varying stages of the writing process. (spoilers if you aren’t current on IDNFD or AFfaL btw)
(Also sorry I took so long to respond; I was in a car accident where I got T-boned by someone running a stop sign and had/have a bunch of bs [and pain] to deal with <.<)
Anyway, I hope my reply was satisfactory, and if you or anyone else has any more questions I’d be more than happy to answer them!
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pink-gladioli · 1 year
I need to write this because I need to get it out of my system and idk maybe after this ill stop lurking and start posting crap
this is a very rough draft of how i would re write the first ep of nexo knights prometed by @spicyicymeloncat s post talking about creating said re write. this is not a fully fleshed out story or even a good draft, it is simply me putting my ideas into text format. sorry in adanvance to anyone thinking this might be full fic or something of value, its just the keyboard smash of my thoughts.
So heres my shitty rendition of the first episode Okay first episode starts off following the main 5 including jestro in their 7th year at the academy (in this version there are 10 years of classes, and the first years are 10 yr olds) in the middle of a tournament battle. They end up losing cause jestro tripped or something and then Lance starts complaining about how this is their 3rd lost in a row and that jestro needs to start improving (in my mind he only really participates in the tournaments because his parents force him to, but it hurts his pride to lose). Clay of course starts defending jestro saying that he just needs more time to improve while jestro kinda just stands in the back looking embarrassed. Clay talks about how they have to better learn how to work as a team or something dumb like that and lance being the little bitch he is takes this personally. However, macy calms them both down before the situation escalates. then bells rings as lance and aarron are the first to leave and while axl follows them he gives jestro a pat on the back saying he did good and not to worry about it (I want axl to be more than just the one that eats a lot so hes very kind in my mind au). clay, macy, and jestro leave soon after and walk to some kind of ap class. On the way clay tries to comfort jestro after their loss (I want their friendship to be expaned upon more [it wont happen in the first episode, in my mind its mainly done by flashbacks. Think like zukos childhood is only talked about briefly or partly shown in flashbacks]) macy only butting in to mention that lance was being rude (macy for the most part is going to be similar to her show counterpart but im going to try to make her more mature because shes a bit whiny in the show imo). Once they make it class clay and macy say their goodbyes because jestro didn’t get the grades to make it into any type of ap classes so he kinda just roams the halls (the teachers don’t really like him, so they never took the time to properly fix his schedule). After a while he makes it to merloks library and merlok asks if he wants to practice some magic since he knows jestro doesn’t have classes. Jestro agrees and he start practicing a levitation spell on some pens with a wand merlok gave him. he struggles to control the pen, it either staying on the desk or flies up hirer then what he intended. Merlok doesn’t get mad though (mentor figure OoO more likely than you think) and just say that he should take a break and ask him about how his time as the royal jester is going. They talk for a bit before merlok has to leave to get something, but he says that he’ll be back. Jestro is just sitting there when he hears something (ya know who it is it’s your favorite necromancer) telling him to move closer to the book that is clearly sealed away before a magical barrier at the back of the room.
As soon as jestro gets to book, monstrox does the classic acting like hes not alive then going ‘boo’. This of course scares the crap out of jestro because imagen you start hearing a voice, thinking your going crazy, then this book behind a barrier fucking jumps scares you. Monstrox starts calming jestro saying some bs that hes one of merloks old friends before he and merlok got into a big fight and he cursed him to be a book filled with the worst kind of monsters for the rest of eternity. Jestro of course after hearing this is scared of monstrox (or the BOM or whatever you wanna call this man, book?) but mr necromancer over here starts telling his super sad 100% real backstory about how he was a screw up just like jestro and when he finally got good at something, that something being magic, he was shunned by the other wizards for not doing it the ‘right way’ (no it was because you were killing people ya crusty old textbook). Jestro despite sympathizing with him is still hesitant to listen to him so monstrox tells him that he can release him whenever he wants and that he’ll help him become respect and loved by his peer by taking over the kingdom. Monstrox then goes to ‘sleep’ as soon as merlok returns, jestro doesn’t say anything because a part of him is seriously considering siding with the BOM so he continues with his lessons with merlok. Do a montoage of the next couple of days of lance and some other students giving jestro shit until one day after lance was extra rude jestro is like ‘fine im going back to that crusty musty textbook and turning to the dark side’. Jestro, after merlok had finished his teaching and left the libary, manages to get monstrox out of his prison and into a bag (he also steals a staff idk how to incorporate that into this terrible story so far). On his way he ends up running into some 9th years that stars bullying him, this gets rid of his doubts that maybe he shouldn’t do this, and that he should just give people a second chance to learn the error of their ways and gives them some vague ass threat. Monstrox, who can hear everything, does that ‘oh ho ho now these mf are just re-enforing all the toxic ideas I placed in this boy’s head’ smirk and stays quiet for the rest of the walk.
Cue transition to an empty classroom as jestro takes out monstrox and places him on a desk, monstrox asks if hes ready to do this. Jestro gives a very ‘omg this moment is so emotional’ yes. While this is happening merlok returns to his library because his old ass forgot his pen or smt and realizes jestro (who usually stays in there until his next class starts) isn’t there and theres noting in the barrier prison thing monstrox was in. he of course goes running down the halls trying to find both of them, but before he can get far he gets stuck in a crowd of students as the bell rings. In the middle of the crowd theres clay and macy looking for jestro clay saying its odd that he wasn’t outside their classroom waiting for them like he usually is while Aaron, lance, and axl are just trying to get to their next class. Clay and macy run into merlok and ask him if hes jestro and merlok not wanting to say that ‘oh yeah know just looking for the wizard serial killer that has actually been alive for the last 100 years in my library that just so happen magically escaped’ just says that hes also looking for jestro and the form a small group while looking for jestro. on their way they pass aaron, axl, and lance looking confused af to why merlok is running like a track star followed by a confused clay and macy. Aaron looking for an excuse to skip class also follows them which prompts axl and lance to go off running trying to follow him.
Now theres a very scared and worried 300 something year old wizard being followed by five teenagers running down the halls of the one of the most prestige’s schools in the kingdom looking for a jester, and in merloks case a necromancer. Meanwhile jestro is opening up monstrox to the first page after the table of context and trying to figure out what hes supposed to do. Monstrox is like ‘have you never summoned the dead? Dam this is going to be more work than I thought’ and just tells him to read aloud the text at the top of the page and to wave his staff around. As soon as jestro reads out the ancient text with all the confidence of a mouse stuck in a piece of Rigatoni, the bookkeeper and either burny or sparks (it doesn’t matter which just one of them big guys) appears in front of him and causes jestro to scream in fear (the bookkeeper is harmless ik but he doesn’t know that). As soon as jestro realizes ‘oh taking over the kingdom mean pulling out monsters that could possibly kill every student in this school’ clay, macy and the gang (merlok is looking in a different classroom rn) burst in. Clay and macy thinking jestro is in danger immediately try attacking the monster but as you can imagen, they aren’t doing much damage, while lance runs out the room screaming for merlok to save them with his awesome wizard powers (aaron and axl also join the fight). Cue fight scene, jestro being like ‘oh no don’t hurt them they’re my friends’ and ‘I didn’t mean for this to happen’, the BOM being like ‘they aren’t your friends, they never did anything to help you’, blah blah.
Then right about when the monster is going to give the final blow to clay, lance comes rushing in with merlok and merlok does some wizard spell think sending a beam of gold flying out from his staff hitting everyone in that room and sending jestro and the BOM flying out of the window (this is the part when the main 5 get infused with some plot magic, hence why theyre the only who can use the nexo powers, shoutout to @spicyicymeloncat for mentioning this idea. They’re the ones that came up with most of the original ideas like the knights still being in school, them being hit with the magic rays, jestro being merloks appretince, and so many more cool headcaons that you need to check out like pls they’re amazing). Okay the screen goes black for a sec and then boom macy is the first to come out of the rubble (hc: her parents had fancy pants train her for any possible terrorist attacks, revolutions, or crimes against the crown) and immediately starts looking for clay. Hes mostly fine and the others start waking up as well but then clay starts looking for merlok and picking up pieces of rubble. Then after moving a very large piece of celling, he finds merlok laying there dead. 0o0 *gasp* this will totally not be fixed by the next episode and episode one ends there
is this crappy, yes i know
but this is just a very rough outline of how i would make the first ep, chapter, or part go and thats it, noting of substance
realisticly if i were to rewirte the whole story (which i might do in the same half-meme-half-writing style that this post was made in) i would make jestros turn to the darkside much longer, probaly taking in universe around half a year. that would also give me more time to expand upone each of the main 5 personalties and their reasons for becoming a knight. like just imagen instead of it being just a few seconds like described in the text, it would be months of jestros ecperince at the academy and finally taking up the BOM on his sugestion, not fully undertsanding the impact his actions could have on the kingdom until he gets his army of monsters.
again i wrote this because i wanted to get these ideas out of my mind and onto a word document and im sorry to this starved fandom that i wasn't able to provide a full story or even chapater of a show i know dam well could have been much more than just a ploy to sell legos.
again most of the actually good ideas come from @spicyicymeloncat and their post talking about a nexo knights re write. I guess this kinda my addtion to that post. if anyone that stubbles across this for some reason wants to use this a guide for a fanfic or any other type of fandom content be my guest! credit me ig?? idk how to do this ive never really posted anything before this
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cheridraws · 2 years
Hi I think ur AU is super cool!! I've been wondering, how did Mondo and Taka end up meeting? Could you elaborate more on the whole murder they ended up being framed for?
Hope you have a nice day/night!! :)
!!!!Sorry it’s late, I had a lot of thoughts to clean up
answer under the cut (warning: it’s long and ramble-y)
this made me want to hastily scribble some stuff so uh enjoy what I kinda had planned in my head with some explanation below it. I hope you don’t mind the bad quality agajshsks
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So, basically, it’s around the second or third day of Taka being in the city (still figuring out the timeline, oof). He’s leaving a diner when Mondo’s gang pulls out front. They end up getting exhaust and shit everywhere tho, choking out most of the customers (shh he doesn’t know he’s doing it—) Taka, upon hearing Sayaka’s complaints— she’s with him atm and also explains that he does this pretty often—decides to go confront him and. yeah an arguement takes place bc these two cannot get along to save their life (yet). Cat fight in the middle of the street yk
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Yeah, they hate each other at first tho (what else is new)
It’s uh. a little rough atm since I’m still figuring a lot of things out but that’s the basic idea
So yeah!! Farther along into solving their case they start to get along and… by the end of it they have that whole “your not so bad actually” attitude
So… for the murder case, I can’t say *too* much since I am currently writing fic for this and plan on posting it (hopefully) at some point so No Spoilers, but:
In short, a worker of the hotel/motel Taka has been staying at reported that a body had been found in Taka’s room sometime very early in the morning. It was ID’d as the cleaning guy. Evidence of both the room owner (Taka) and notorious gang-leader Mondo’s involvement were found at the scene of the crime… leading to the conclusion that both of them had something to do with it.
Luckily, Taka manages to get the two of them freed from custody long enough to investigate for their trial using his dad… but that only gives them about 48 hours until trial. These two will be working together to prove it was neither of them! With the help of the up and coming Hope’s Peak Detective Agency too hehe.
I hope this isn’t too ramble-y? I have too many thoughts and not enough brain power currently to flesh them out all the way yet. I hope it answered your ask tho... Thanks for the ask and have a good day/night too!!!
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Sooo...I kinda sorta purposefully didn't post anything on this blog for a little less than a week. I was thinking about the current state of this blog and where things might be headed. Since 2023 is almost upon us--or is already upon us, depending on your timezone--I feel like now is a good time to make a major change to how this blog functions.
More information under the cut.
Starting from now, there is no longer a posting schedule. Back when I first had the idea to post Deltarune dialogues, I thought having a consistent schedule would help motivate me to post dialogues consistently. However, the schedule seems to be doing the exact opposite. I don't want to post dialogues on here since I'll then feel too committed to the schedule and be pushed to get out said dialogues at a constant rate without slowing down and taking the time to make sure each dialogue isn't rushed and sloppy. I've made several mistakes on past dialogues because of this. Some mistakes were more extreme than others--some errors were simply a silly typo while others were related to pronoun misuse--and while mistakes are to be expected, it does begin to pile up over time.
Writing is something I love doing, and I want to have a career based on it in my future. But I don't enjoy writing if I feel like I'm forced to write or if I'm bound by a time limit. I want to put true passion and effort into every last piece of my writing, whether it's a dialogue or a personal work of mine. I don't feel as if my past dialogues have shown my true potential. I'm not saying all past dialogues were bad. I enjoy going back and re-reading through most of them. But I don't read my past dialogues and think "I put my absolute best effort into this". Because I didn't.
One phrase I try to follow is "quality over quantity". I would rather post fewer, more fleshed-out dialogues than many rushed and sloppy dialogues. This way, I can post dialogues on my own time and won't feel any pressure doing so. I will have more time to edit and re-read said dialogues and find mistakes or errors, such as portraying a character incorrectly or misgendering anyone.
Blogs like this depend a lot on how the moderator is affected. If a moderator is choosing to put the needs and expectations of what they THINK their audience wants before their own, they will feel stressed and burnt-out. The blog will not do well and said moderator won't feel content about their work. But if the moderator chooses to run the blog on their terms and not on what the moderator expects of the public, they will be happy, satisfied, and want to actively pursue what makes their blog special. Hence why I am choosing to abolish my posting schedule.
I probably didn't need to go on a whole explanation as to why I'm making this decision, but if any of you were curious, there's why. Don't worry, I'll still be active on here. I'm not too sure how often I'll post dialogues. My consistency will vary as time passes. But I don't plan to abolish this blog anytime soon. I truly enjoy what I do here, and I want to provide a more unique aspect to the Deltarune community. I don't see a lot of people in the fandom writing out dialogues, at least not in this way. I'm a huge Deltarune fanatic, and want to contribute to the fandom in my own special way.
Aaanyway, with that being said, I will still post the Christmas-themed dialogue and the New Year-themed dialogue. I would say when, but that kinda ruins the entire point I was trying to make about me not having a schedule, lol. So I'll give a rough estimate instead: I plan to post both dialogues in the following couple weeks. I'm late I know, I'm sorry about that :(. Hopefully they're still enjoyable, even if they're posted late.
Happy (almost) New Year, and thanks for reading!
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Chapter 4: All Good Times are Yours to Keep
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: A negotiation. A misstep. An understanding. Another surprise.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: E, 18+ MINORS DNI, descriptions of a female body, breast play, kinda fingering (f receiving), grinding, dirty talk, mention of past shitty bedroom experiences (not explicit), brief moment of discomfort (Mando gets a little ahead of himself, but they talk)
Notes: Thank you to everyone who's read up to this far! It's been a real fun time getting back into writing and it blows me away that people are actually reading it! From here on out we're getting smutty, so buckle up your butts and enjoy the debauchery.
Cross-posted on AO3
One Very Good Night Masterlist || I Think of You Series Masterlist
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That one word – yes – closes the space between him and you. You open your eyes and he is an expanse of flaking paint on metal, rough-looking fabric and solid flesh. Your arms uncross and go to touch his chest (he’s practically on top of you) before you stop them midair. Your fingers roll into fists as a too-loud giggle bubbles out. He leans back and tips his head to the side again but doesn’t move those light fingers from your jaw.
“I have no idea how to do this,” you say between spasms of nervous giggles.
“You mean…” Mando goes to step back, his implication clear.
“No! No, I’ve…I mean, this isn’t…this isn’t my first blurrg ride.” You were absolutely going to die of embarrassment. Who says that? But Mando’s laugh is warm and kind.
“Okay, that would have made this a much different night.” Something blooms softly in your chest. You weren’t expecting this. Well, you weren’t expecting any of this but especially not this.
“I mean, I’m not sure how to do…all of this,” you say, indicating all that Mando encompasses to you – the armor, him. He nods once, quick, then crowds up to you and takes you in his arms. The fingers on your jaw become a large hand curving around the back of your neck, the other hand caressing around your hip to rest on your lower back. You prepare yourself for something more – a rough push onto the bed, a grope, anything – but Mando just holds you there, the circle of his arms soothing, your face turned up to look into the black T visor. You can’t see much in the half light of the room, but you feel that he’s looking at you. You hope you’re looking into his eyes and not his forehead.
“If this isn’t your first ride…” You wince at the reminder of your word vomit, flushing at the double entendre. “...then I’m sure you have expectations.”
(lips tongues teeth fingers nails sweat moans skin)
“The helmet stays on,” he begins. He’s speaking slowly, deliberately to you and while most of the noise is filtered through the helmet you swear you can almost hear the man underneath it. A bassy voice, a bedroom voice.
“The armor too…” he pauses but you don’t interrupt. “…within reason.” You can hear the smirk in his voice. It makes your face warm just a fraction and a small smile creeps up, which he encourages with a swipe of his thumb below your ear. “Okay?”
So no kissing. No mouth on your skin…or tongue between your legs (damn). Barely any skin to touch at all, it sounds like. He’s giving you the option to back out. There are rules.
“Okay,” you whisper back, finally letting your fingers touch the chest plate of his armor. It’s rough, beaten up and bludgeoned back into shape, much like you imagine him under it.
“I’m good with my hands,” he offers, lightly squeezing the curves of your back as he presses you into him, “and good with this as well.” You can feel the cockiness in his voice and then (DANK FARRIK) his actual cock pressing against your stomach. You aren’t a great judge of size under clothing, but he feels thick and hard and like something you may need to work up to.
“Thank the Maker for that.” The joke falls flat on your tongue but the giggles have returned with a vengeance. “Sorry, sorry, I’m…I’m more nervous than I thought. This is…I haven’t been…in this position…” You’re digging yourself in deeper and you worry maybe he wants an out. But this man you’ve known less than 3 hours hums deeply and lets you breathe. You press your forehead against his chest, willing your heartbeat to slow.
“Then thank you for allowing me in your bed.” His voice stops your rambling with a quiet gasp and you breathe against the rust-red metal. The hand on the back of your neck travels down your spine and you miss the warmth of it briefly before he gathers the hem of your shirt in both hands. “May I?”
(so polite)
(please tear it off me)
“Yes.” You breathe that word, that beautiful word again as Mando steps back to drag your shirt over your head, his knuckles brushing along your sides and up your arms as you lift them. You are suddenly bare in front of him, breast band long since discarded, and he admires you with the slowly roaming T-visor. Everything feels more intense now that he’s got you half naked in front of him, but you try to quash down the shyness thrumming under your skin.
He tosses the shirt away (hope I can find that in the morning) and lets his gloved hands drag along your sides, sliding up your twitching stomach and ribs, between your breasts before lifting to rest again on your shoulders, thumbs stroking your collar bone.
“Mesh'la.” He breathes out a foreign word and a sudden rush of need drives you to touch him. The vambrances are cool under your fingers but the gloves are almost as supple as skin. You squeeze them, the reality of this warrior drinking you in loosening your tongue.
“Maker, Mando, you're...beautiful,” you whisper, and at first you think you’ve surprised him. He watches you for a moment, completely still, then something releases in Mando. His breath sounds like a bull rancor’s, puffing behind the metal barrier as he drags his fingers down to the waist of your pants. He drops to one knee, stripping the fabric off your thighs and calves in one smooth motion. The helmet is level with your crotch and the stifled groan he makes at the sight of you absolutely bare before him makes your pelvic floor drop. Heat begins to build between your legs but he doesn’t stand after you kick your leggings to the side. Instead he grips the back of your thighs and rests his forehead (the helmet’s forehead?) against your belly. The contrast of the cool metal on your heated skin makes you shiver as he prays at the altar of your sex.
“Couldn’t stop looking at you,” he murmurs as his hands knead the backs of your thighs. You tentatively place both your hands on the crown of the helmet, feeling it tilt and turn with the wearer. It’s smoother than the chestplate and significantly less beaten up. You’ve heard of beskar, again from your textbooks, and the incredible shine and beauty of the helmet confirms it. Your fingers dance lightly on the seams and grooves, your hands coming to rest on either side. It feels sacrilegious to leave fingerprints on it.
Mando stands up the moment any weight rests on the helmet and you snatch back your hands, afraid of offending him. You wait for a reprimand but instead he’s leading you back towards the bed.
“Lay down. Lay down and let me tell you what I’m going to do to you.” If you thought you were aroused before, the absolute sin in his voice makes your cunt slick with pleasure. You sit on the edge and he drops again to one knee, a rush of possessiveness coming over you (mine chose me praises me). His hands roam with more fervor now, pulling yours to rest on his shoulders, dragging his own heavily down your back, but not touching where you ache the most.
“First, I’m going to open you up for me. Gonna make this pussy cum at least twice before I even take my cock out,” he says as he spreads your knees wide and drags his hands up to caress your hips.
His words are filthy and you want to be in the same headspace he’s in but you’re doubtful you’ll be able to get even one orgasm. Not for lack of trying (or lack of complete gut-churning arousal) but you’ve barely cum once with any partner. Though you’re rethinking your skepticism with how fucking turned on this litany is making you feel.
“Then once you’re ready, more than ready, I’m going to slide into this…” he pauses to drink in the soft wet mess between your legs. You instinctively try to slam your knees shut but fighting the tides would be a more worthy endeavor. “…into this perfect pussy and try not to cum instantly.” The short giggle he pulls from you earns you a squeeze to the inside of your thighs before he crushes you against his chest, grabbing handfuls of flesh from your back, your shoulders, the dimpled flesh above your ass. You try to scoot your open cunt back from his stomach, afraid that you’ll smear your arousal onto his clothed stomach, but he growls (actually growls Maker that’s hot) and keeps you pulled tight to him.
“Fuck, Mando…” you whine, your mouth where his ear would be if not surrounded by metal. The gloves are soft and supple on your skin but you want just a little more, to ask for one small thing, one tiny amendment to the rules. “Can…can you…” He pulls back to look at you and you already feel wrecked. Your lips are wet and loose, your fingers gripping the fabric around his neck as you try to organize your request in your head. He waits, cupping your face and tracing your lower lip with the tip of his thumb.
“Can you take off your gloves?” You barely moving your lips to speak, willing yourself to ask with more force than you manage. You can’t look in the visor, ready for an admonishment.
He strokes your hair back from your face. “Of course Mesh’la.”
When he stands up a rush of cold assaults you, and without him there to wrap your legs around you close them. He stalks back to the end of the bed and begins to unclasp and remove his artillery – a bandolier strapped across his chest, the belt holding his blaster (much smaller than the euphemistic one), his dark cloak and a ring of charges wrapped around his calf – before placing them on top of the linen chest. Last he peels his gloves off, revealing golden skin with thick fingers and wide square palms. Your mouth waters at the sacred sight.
He pauses, watching your observation as he flexes the joints briefly. The muscles and tendons hint at the strength behind those hands and you feel your cunt clench at the thought of them inside you. Scooting back on the bed, you sit facing him, your face wild with anticipation. His steps are reminiscent of a stalking predator, soft and smooth. He settles both bare hands on the bed by your ankles and begins to crawl up to you (holyfuckingshit he is going to make you cum untouched), his head cocking at the hitch in your breath.
You lean back on your elbows as his body begins to cover your own. The helmet drifts down to skim over your skin so lightly it makes your entire body clench. When it slides over one nipple, the cold slip of it pulls a low moan from you.
You slap a hand over your mouth but Mando rips it away, wrapping both hands around your waist and sliding your hips down against his spread thighs in a smooth, forceful motion. His hands are hot and dry, lightly rough and the sensation against your soft skin is electric.
“I want to hear every noise I pull from you tonight. Don’t you save a single one.” The demand in his words drags another moan from your lips, quieter and wavering. Mando straightens up high on his knees above you, rolling his shoulders back and squeezing your thighs in supreme satisfaction. You are a feast at his lap and the anticipation of him devouring you makes your hands shake.
“Perfect.” His voice has dropped whole octaves and the soft touches have given way to something stronger, more purposeful. He walks his hands up beneath your breasts, fingers dipping into each rib as he explores. You roll your hips against nothing, Mando’s own arched well above yours, his hum of appreciation spurring you on.
“Mando, fuck, I’m so kriffing turned on right now, please.” You never begged a partner for anything, but then again, you never had anyone offer the delights he was tempting you with.
You barely stop speaking when those gorgeous hands cover your breasts, capturing your hard nipples between the webbing of his first and middle fingers. Your back arches and he hisses as you drag your hips higher up his thighs and bridge your back. The friction you crave is still so far, the muscles of your abdomen trembling with want.
Mando’s fingers dimple your breasts, alternating between cupping the weight of one and sliding the pads of his fingers around the nipple of another. It’s sweet torture, unpredictable (almost reverent). You can’t contain the little gasps and keens even if you tried.
“Do you like this? Do you want more?” he asks as if he can’t see how your body reacts to his careful touches. You whine and spasm under him, the tiny jolts of pleasure he’s pulling from you forcing your eyes back into your head.
“Fuck, it’s good, it’s good,” you breathe out, hands fisting into your hair, the sheets, whatever you can reach. Mando presses his thumb firmly against your hardened peak and traces fast circles. Your hips buck and he murmurs praise over your writhing body.
“...barely started and you’re already so turned on, makes me so hard to watch, Maker that noise, keep making it, fuck, can you cum like this? Gonna make you cum any way you can dream of…”
(you are absolutely going to cum)
Just as the sensations start to make your skin itch and the desire to have those hands on your cunt threatens to snap your spine in half, he removes them. Your eyes flash to him and he’s watching you with a posture you are guessing is smug.
“Patience,” he tuts, and a flash of frustration crosses your face. “We have all night.” The promise in his voice makes your thighs press against the outside of his. His strength is unrivaled but you can’t help squeezing hard against him. You whine and reach up to grab for something, anything he’ll give you. Your fingers skim his upper arm before he wraps his hand (warm dry rough strong) around your wrist. With a slow press, careful of your elbow, he pushes your wrist down next to your head. His body leans and his head hovers over yours, draping you in shadow.
“This what you want?” he hums, and his other hand slides under your lower back. The flat of his palm presses your hips up off the bed and your cunt finally presses against the thick line of his cock. You moan again, nodding as he lets out a small sigh at the friction.
You can feel him pressing softly into your core, not enough to build a fire yet but enough to feel the outline of his cock slip along the seam of your cunt. He’s still holding your hips up off the bed as he drops to his elbow. The hand on your wrist moves up to lace with your fingers. It takes your breath away for a moment, an unexpected tender touch. His fingers are thick between yours, stretching your joints pleasantly. You stroke your thumb against the rough skin of his index finger and his breath stutters.
He only indulges you for a few shallow rolls of his hips, then he’s lowering you back to the bed.
“Mando, please…” you whisper, your lips dry from all the heavy panting you’ve been doing. He slips his hand out from under your body and lays it flat on your stomach. You seize with need.
“Distracting,” he says, but it’s affectionate. “I told you…twice.”
You open your mouth to shoot back a quip - something like I’m surprised you have enough blood going to your head with what’s in your pants - but you’re cut off by the downward path of his fingers. It’s achingly slow and the scratch of his calloused skin ramps up your anticipation. You lift your hips up again and he shakes his head at your neediness.
“Maker, you’re going to end this before I’ve even started. Lay back and let me do this,” he scolds, unlacing his fingers and pushing himself up to arch over you. At the sharp words you still beneath him, your eyes focused on the ceiling. Mando continues to slide his hand down where you want it but now your body is locked up. You force yourself to take a couple breaths to ground you in the moment, not where your mind is taking you. The echoes of harsh words, exasperations and snaps while bare and vulnerable deaden your ears to the room you’re in now. Mando is preoccupied with his teasing touches, but when he looks up to see your brows knit together he stops.
“Was that too much?” Everything slams to a halt. His hand skims quickly up to rest in the center of your chest. His fingers pet at your skin softly, the motion soothing and releasing a small piece of the tension you’re holding. You shake your head, smiling at Mando and banishing the memories as best as you can.
(he’s only here for the night, he doesn’t need your baggage)
The visor holds on you, his body so still it makes you fidget. You move to sit up, to entice him with a handjob or with your mouth on him, anything to make him stop looking at you like that. Like he’s trespassed and should repent. The hand on your sternum keeps you still while his thumb keeps rubbing circles on the skin beneath it.
“You didn’t like it, the way I spoke to you.” It’s a statement, not a question. Your eyes dart away and grind the skin of your lower lip between your teeth, trying to summon up the words to make this moment pass. He adjusts the placement of his knees before sliding both arms behind your back. “Around me,” he says in your ear and you comply, wrapping your arms around his neck. You have a moment to acknowledge the armor is cold against your chest before Mando is lifting you up into his lap. His hips slot easily between your soft thighs as he sits back on his heels, settling you high on his powerful thighs. One thick arm wraps around your lower back while his knuckle strokes under your chin. You thought Mando would be all solid muscle coiled to strike, but his arms are plusher than you expected, his stomach powerful but soft against yours. Leaning you back enough to see him, he holds you there like you weigh nothing.
“If something bothers you, or I’m doing something you don’t like, tell me. I want you to feel as good as you’re making me feel right now.” His voice is soft, coaxing you to relax. You nod and he stops the motion with a firm touch to your chin, head cocking at your contradiction.
“Yes, I will. Sorry,” you say. His hand smooths across your cheek. You expected this to be a lot rougher, more forceful and fast, Mando taking what he needed from you and you accepting whatever you could get in the aftermath. But he’s taking so much time with you it makes your heart hurt.
“Nothing to apologize for. I like to hear when I’m doing a good job.” His hand starts to move back down your body, his fingers pausing over the swells and dips to stroke deeper, to indulge in your unique shape.
“You are. Doing an amazing job,” you reply, relaxing more under his touch. “Don’t let it go to your head,” you add, and with your bodies pressed so tight you can feel the way his indignant huff comes from his diaphragm. He continues to knead and stroke and grab at your flesh, eliciting moans and sighs you bury against his shoulder.
“I can’t believe how good you feel,” you sigh, lips dragging against the coarse fabric. Mando makes a pleased humming sound, his hips pressing forward against you again. The next phrase hangs on your lips, afraid to ask a question you might not like the answer to. But Mando is responsive under your hands as you press your fingers over his shoulders, stroking over the muscles and clasping behind his neck.
“How good am I making you feel?” you purr, and it might be the sexiest thing you’ve asked any partner. You’ve had a few men in your bed, but whether it was nerves or shyness you’ve never teased, never tried to entice a partner to lavish you with praise. Always asking if you were doing something right or if they were liking it, but never if you were the reason. But with Mando now flexing his arm behind your back and hurrying his hand between your thighs you feel bold.
“So kriffing good Mesh’la,” Mando grits out as you pull away to watch him. He looks up at you, beautific in the soft light of the room, and presses his forehead against yours. The cool metal warms quickly against your skin and a word skitters through your mind (kiss) before Mando’s fingers slipping into your folds brings blissful silence.
He slides through your slickness slowly as you react to his touch, lightly teasing at your entrance before dragging up to your clit. A few gentle circles spread your arousal and you keen at the slow fire he’s building in you. Your eyes close but you keep your forehead pressed to Mando’s, gripping the fabric at his shoulders as your hips jerk. His thick thighs hold you open as he slides back down to bring more slick to your clit. A few passes and his fingers glide against you so smoothly you rock against them with little resistance. Your orgasm approaches quickly (all that buildup) and you let go of the shyness and embarrassment you were holding so tightly.
“Mando, fuck, yes, that’s so perfect, can’t believe you’re here doing this to me, Maker I can’t…can’t believe I’m going to…kriff, on your fingers I’ve never cum on…Mando don’t stop, please this is perfect, so perfect, you feel so good, let me…I need…need you…fuck…” Mando picks up speed and pressure just enough to drive all sense out of your words as he spills his own.
“Fuck, yes, cum on my fingers, haven’t even gotten inside you yet and you’re gonna cum on me, kriff, kriff you’re so wet, I’m gonna love this pussy, gonna spend so much time making you cum over and over, yes, yes Mesh’la, cum just like this, let me see it…”
Your body tenses and he moans, watching you succumb to your peak. After the first wave your hips buck hard and fast, chasing your orgasm. The rough weave of his pants coupled with the stiff edges of his cuisses mark the back of your things as you let your orgasm wash over you. Mando grips you tighter and presses the heel of his hand against your clit, palming your cunt as you rock and whine through the aftershocks. His name becomes a chant on your lips as you come down.
“Mando…Mando…Mando, fuck, I…” you try to say, but he pulls your body against his and your head lolls against his shoulder. The deep breath you take of his neck assaults you with layers of nondescript fabric scent, the sweat of exertion, and sun-baked warmth. His hand strokes soothingly up your back, the skin tacky from your sweat. He doesn’t remove his other hand from your cunt, holding you there as you feel your sticky cum coat his palm.
You both sit in silence, him maybe breathing heavier than you, before he speaks.
“One.” The wicked smile in his tone makes you lean back to look in the impenetrable black T. He tilts his head to the side and while locked in his gaze pushes one thick slippery finger into you. The shift of expression from sated to mildly confused to shock to pleasure pulls a “That’s it Mesh’la,” and a possessive growl through the vocoder.
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If the Grindelstore story is now more reciprocal plus textual canon; do you think that will/should lead to *slight* changes in the future storyline? Not sure if Im making sense but to me the story of "subtexual romance + kinda one-sided feelings" and a "mutual love + textual romance" warrant a different conclusion, obviously all major canon beats will still be there but Im thinking like maybe Dumbledore vitis Gellert in Numerngrad in a way the books didnt imply or something like that...
This post will be long because I can't help getting into my issues of how changes work. You didn't sig up for such a long answer, so if you want to skip to my specific visit for a potential visit, it 's in the penultimate paragraph.
My reaction to changes depends on what we mean by 'changes in the future storyline', because that hasn't been written in the first place. When Rowling wrote the subtextual version of Grindeldore she had the rough outline of their story. As an author or screen-writer fully fleshes out a story, they draft and edit several times. As the characters develop, the feelings of the creator may change, so the story shifts.
But Grindeldore's rough outline was published long before Rowling and Co. got to really write them, so the situation is trickier. I don't think that what we've known from DH should change. Obviously what was subtext in Harry's story is 'text' in Dumbledore's, as it should be. While I have mentioned that I feel that the ship is more reciprocal, I don't think that it's a major change, even compared to Rowling's old interviews.
She had said that Grindelwald would not have returned Albus' feelings the same way. If we take that to mean that he didn't love Albus, the change is huge. But it can also be addressing that Grindelwald's love was not unselfish, which is still true. She had said that Grindelwald would have been narcisistically taken by all the common things he and Abus had, which is still true. She had said that Albus became a fool for love because he was blinded to Gellert being morally bankrupt, which is true. She had said that Gellert was a user; still true.
Then there are other changes that are more... stretched and I think they should be careful with the way they handle those because it's a slippering slope.
Skeeter said that Albus and Dumbledore did not see each other agaun until the duel of 1945. The private meeting aside, people all over the world saw them in Buthan. They didn't see the duel, but they knew that they had seen each other. Skeeter practiced vicious yellow journalism and she filled in blanks and interpreted intentions to her taste, but she wasn't that bad of a researcher. The elections were transmitted all over the world and it absolutely makes no sense for her to not know this. My point here is that I don't mind changes but I still want consistancy.
They used plot-armor for the early duel so I won't get into that. Having in the same movie two duels in mirror-dimensions with the dimensions being created by completely different magic was a mess, but not in terms of the ship's canon.
In DH Albus says: 'I delayed meeting him until finally, it would have been too shameful to resist any longer'. When we read without having FB, this was a confirmation of Skeeter's comment about Albus delaying the fight for about 5 years (1940-45), during which people died.
The movies introduced the blood troth to justify the delay. This kind of helps the part of the audience who trashes Dumbledore's character. It makes it easier for them to stomach the situation because one could argue that he wanted to go against Gellert but couldn't. This raised a problem: I remember that when we got CoG many of the old crew (pre-FB Grindeldore shippers), me included, liked the idea of Grindeldore having this commitment to each other, but not the implication that Dumbledore might have chosen easily to move against Gellert. That would have diminished the depth of Albus' feelings and angst. They kind of salvaged it because during the SoD duel neither one wanted to harm the other. But by breaking the bond early they are creating a new problem. Albus has promised to Theseus to move against Grindelwald, even though we know he's dreading it. He has already tried to reason with Gellert, he has put himself in a situation where it's already shameful for him to keep resisting. In the next movie the streets will run with blood. What justifies the delay until 1945?
I'm a shipper, but I'm also someone who appreciates consistancy and good writing. I think that the FB movies have done a phenomenal job with the emotional aspects and the thematic nuance of Grindeldore, but by changing things they ARE in danger of ruining certain things instead of fixing them and they are constantly putting their foor in their mouth by trying to fix one thing and opening up other fronts for criticism.
But sure, there are loopholes for some changes. Anyone keeping up with my headcanons knows that I lean towards tragedy. Having Albus and Grindelwald alone at Nurmengard, talking one last time, unpacking a lot of emotion and sharing a last kiss before parting forever would be my brand. It also makes sense to me that Albus will have to push for Gellert to be imprisoned instead of executed, so even if the Confederation ended up allowing it, I don't think they'd give visiting rights to Albus. My own storytelling insticts aside, Albus COULD have visited without contradicting canon. He says: “They say he showed remorse in later years, alone in his cell at Nurmengard. I hope that is true." It's a very vague statement and Albus is known to share truths indirectly. If Albus had at some point a very limited visit and Gellert seemed remorseful, but Albus simply did not want to experience the overwhelming emotion of that meeting in that moment, it could have been a way of saying 'He said he felt remorse but I never got enough time with him to know if that was true' in the only way he could manage without being completely overcome. There is a way to twist words and use the room they live for interpretation to add elements without openly contradicting canon.
i just hope that Rowling, Kloves and Yeates will manage to find the balance between developing the story and not contradicting canon. It needs a lot of attention to detail, but it's not impossible. And of course I hope that they 'll actually be given the chance to finish the story in the first place.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hello ! this is my first time sending an ask and i had to say i love your writing and im excited to see where deep sea is going <3 the world youre building is so interesting and i cant wait to see whats going on with maiko darling!! i wanted to ask, whats your planning process like for longer fics like this, or how do you normally write fics in general? ive been lowkey wanting to get into writing fanfic, but im not sure how to start, especially since i worry abt writing a character wrong 😭
OMG this ask,, thank you so very much!!! deep sea ended up turning into more of a lengthy project than i originally anticipated, not that i'm complaining. i think there's a lot to explore there and i'm excited to get to everything that i have planned. as for my writing process... i learned a lot from hell within reach, which i started last year, since it was my first venture into novel length territory hrjtmkg (i still need to finish the last chapter but i'll get to it eventually). i think the main thing i learned is that organization, my greatest weakness, is vital for long fics/stories in general.
deep sea's development has been a touch cleaner than HWR since i've been trying to apply what i learned. to give some insight into the process, it looked like:
early early planning phase: getting a rough idea of what i wanted, mostly the reader’s story and how it relates to scaramouche. not very structured. just lots of ideas that didn’t even play off each other yet. i messed around with various possibilities, just kinda throwing stuff at the wall to see what would stick. brainstorming and such. 
research phase: basically what i talked about in this post! i did reading, watched interviews, the like. took a bunch of notes, made a vocabulary list, the works. this is also where i came up for the name of deep sea’s okiya, shinju-an. i ran the name through a good friend of mine who is fluent in japanese to see if my research on naming teahouses was correct, which it apparently was. phew.
plot outline 1.0: a bare bones outline. breaking down every character’s motivation, how that would move the plot along, etc. i ended up scrapping like 80% of plot outline 1.0, but the core elements remained the same. 
writing chapter 1 and crying: basically what it sounds like... kinda a rough test to see how well i could (or couldn’t) pull all these various concepts together into something coherent. 
plot outline 2.0: at this point certain things go on the chopping block. i shed a tear for each idea i liked that i must get rid of so the story makes literally any sense to anyone who isn’t me . this is where i changed misato’s role in the story (very drastically), started fleshing out maiko darling’s backstory more, along with how keiko and ishioka would impact the overall narrative rather than making them like. forgettable background characters. it was mostly the very middle of the story/the end that gave me trouble... i’m still slightly undecided on the specifics of the ending, but the general idea is figured out.
back to chapter 1 with Mostly everything figured out: most of the first chapter was finished, i just went through and cleaned it up. added lil hints that made me feel sneaky. started wondering why i put so much effort into yandere genshin impact fanfic and not my schoolwork. 
some important things to note — every time i felt discouraged or blocked by not knowing where the story should go next, i forced myself to take a break rather than soldiering in. this was kinda a new technique for me. i normally like to have everything Nice and Clean and Finished as soon as possible. i feel as if this mindset helped me a lot in the long run! a good night’s sleep is sometimes the best remedy to feeling frustrated when the story isn’t coming out like how you pictured. there’s nothing wrong with taking breaks. 
as for how i write my regular, non multi-chaptered fanfic... i kinda... just wing it. 😭 i’m sorry that probably sounds very disappointing. i wanted to challenge myself with deep sea, but for my other fics, i consider it more of a fun outlet. i’ll get an idea i like, start writing without ceasing, get to the end, and then look back/edit through the mess i just typed. it’s a lot more simple. 
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Fic: Do As You're Told
Okay so I'm not going to attempt to write "real fic" for Joel because I haven't played the game, don't have time to watch playthroughs, and have only seen friends play TLoU2 up until that point. So I don't have Joel figured out BUT!!!!!!!!
I saw this post and my first thought was "Wow, that's just like in TLoU but, you know, nice." And it got me thinking, and so I whipped this up, not a "real fic" but bullet points, because I'm a little wary of Joel.
Nasty Joel/cishet woman reader piv rough hate sex underneath the cut. 18+ only. Hate fuck warnings apply: may not be for everyone. I tried to keep it non-abusive.
Thanks to @floraandfrost for encouraging (more like yelling at) me to post this!
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Reader and Joel hate each other for some reason. It doesn't matter why, but they do. Because Jackson is such a small place, and working together is of the essence, they usually just give each other the cold shoulder. If there's a town meeting and one of them has something to say, however, you can be sure that the other is going to sneer disdainfully. If they're both at the Tipsy Bison on a Saturday night, people can be sure there's going to be a yelling contest, and probably fisticuffs. (At least from Reader, I'm not sure Joel would hit a woman, but he would very probably grab hold of her wrists and twist them back to stop her from punching him again.)
And one day, you end up on patrol together. Someone got sick, no one else could cover. With gritted teeth and in hateful silence, you ride out of Jackson with Joel. Destination: a remote station where you have to do check-ups. You get there fine, you do your checks, and then you get run over by Infected. You take a stupid risk, just because you can't allow Joel to be right on the matter ("Why can't you ever do as you're fucking told?!"), and barely escape unharmed (you get some minor injury, a cut on your arm or something). Lucky for you, the Infected focus on your horse for a second. Not staying to watch it get torn apart, you turn around and run. Within moments, Joel has caught up with you, pulling you up onto his horse. Your heart is beating like crazy, your arm is stinging, and you're feeling light-headed. It was so close. You haven't been so close to dying in years.
The wind picks up, and it starts to snow. Before you know it, you're trapped in a blizzard. Instinctively, you huddle up against each other on the horse, despite loathing the touch of the other. "The horse is not gonna make it back tonight carrying both of us," Joel says. "We need to find shelter."
Yes, you need to find shelter indeed, because you need to get off this horse. You need to get away from Joel FUCKING Miller, whose hard dick is pressed up against your buttock. Through layers of jeans, you can feel the hard length, and you're furious with yourself for how turned on it makes you. It's a physical reaction, you understand that: the horse's movements are making your ass rub into Joel's crotch. And you need to stay close, for warmth. The situation is infuriating.
Luckily, there's a safehouse nearby. It's an old ski lodge located high up on a hill, with a view over the valley. It's rarely used in winter because of the panorama windows that leak heat, and will broadcast the presence of light for miles. But it's what you have.
By the time you arrive, you're both furious. You're angry because you're kinda in shock after nearly dying, and survival and Joel's cock pressing into your soft flesh have made you horny. He's angry because despite his strong dislike for you, he didn't much enjoy seeing you almost die, and you got yourself in that situation because you're so goddamn stubborn and wouldn't fucking listen to him, and then you made him hard and it was so fucking humiliating. And it makes him crazy that he can't stop thinking about fucking you.
You gather provisions, raid the firewood stock, find blankets in a cupboard, argue about which room to set up camp in, but you end up in the living-room. It's your idea: you know that you're going to have to share a room, and you want that room to be as big as possible.
When there's a fire going, you finally sit down in front of it, and take your jacket off to have a look at your cut. And somehow, Joel ends up next to you, offering to help. "Fuck you, Miller, I don't need your help!" "You can't bandage that on your own, don't be a stupid bitch!" "Just get out and get bit or freeze to death in a pile of snow, so I don't have to see you again, you asshole!"
You finally accept his help, scowling. And somehow, you end up kissing. It's the near death experience, it's the tension, it's the erection against your ass, it's the frustration. It's Joel's rugged yet handsome face, it's his hands that are surprisingly gentle with your injury, despite having locked your arms on your back, rendering you immobile and helpless against his broad frame.
It's a fight. You roll around on the cold floor, struggling for dominion. He's stronger, but you're slithery, agile, and you have nails and teeth that you are not afraid to use. When you've bitten him one time too many he grabs you by the throat. "You fucking stop that or I'll put you through that fucking window." "You don't have the balls."
He almost does put you through the window, but not by throwing, oh no, he rips the clothes off your body and slams you against the window so that the glass shakes. He rubs himself against your back, pushing your front up against the cold glass, one hand locked behind your back, the other around your throat.
"You gonna take what I give to you?" he growls into your ear. And you're sopping wet, and you hate him so much for make you sopping wet, and it drives you insane that you're so hungry for his cock, the cock that's still in his jeans but once again hard and pressed up against your buttocks. You push back, rub your ass over the bulge, and hiss back: "Old man, do you need a hand crank to get started, or why am I still waiting?"
He splits you open like an axe through a log, grabs you by the hair with one hand, and digs the fingers of the other into the soft flesh at your hip, and just goes to town on you. And it is the most intense experience you've ever had, nothing else can measure up, and it feels so oddly right despite your loathing for him. You want to run your mouth, tell him to fuck you harder, to actually put you through that glass, but his cock has rendered you dumb, and all you can do is moan, and tighten yourself around him, and rub your clit with a shaky hand. When you start to build up, you find your tongue enough to press out: "C'mon, Miller, fuck me like you mean it!"
And he releases your hair and grabs both your hips, and snaps his hips to yours so hard, so fast, snarling "Cum for me, cum for me now!" and you cum in a huge squirt that wets your hand and shaking legs and feet and the glass in the filthiest possible way, and the sound Joel makes is not human.
He fills your slick, pulsating cunt with strong spurts of thick cum, slowing down his thrusts but not coming to a stop until you whine. Your legs don't carry you anymore, so you sink down to the floor, throbbing and aching and absolutely loving it.
You somehow drag yourself to the pile of clothes and blankets in front of the fireplace, and collapse. Joel puts a couple more logs on the fire before laying down.
"Huh," he says. You look at him, frowning. Your attitude towards him is slowly returning. He looks back at you and gives you this shit-eating, absolutely infuriating grin. "Turns out you can do as you're told, after all."
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lettrespromises · 4 years
@luveranime​ wrote : ❝ Heyyy! Could you do one where kuroo and akaashi and atsumu are leaving to another country for volleyball purposes and they have to say goodbye to their s/o?🥺🥺 ❞ A.N :  ❝ Dear reader,  this is my first request and i’m nervous as heck, i’m trying really hard not to scream right now. anywhoopsie! i tried to make these both sad and fluffy because all my posts are kind of angsty and i don’t want to be pinned as a heartbreaker. i had so much fun writing this so thank you so much for requesting, sending lots of love and kisses your way! mwah!  Sincerely yours, Nikki ❞ Genre: Kinda sad, kinda fluffy. Warnings: Bits of crying, mentions of sex but no actual smut (post time-skip for Atsumu).
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Kuroo is the type of person who gets emotionally attached slowly, but once he’s attached to you, there’s no going back. His passion is unmatched (yes I may be writing this because he’s a scorpio and so am I), meaning that he will pour every ounce of love he possesses into your relationship.
He loves hard and will always put you before anything else. As a matter of fact, you were the one who had to force him to go abroad to study new volleyball techniques and come back as a better, more experienced player.
It took forever to convince him though. He felt guilty for leaving you behind and as stated before, you come before anything else, including volleyball. (Lucky you, he’s putting his first love after you.)
As much as he is excited to meet new players, learn new ways to be a more efficient middleblocker and discover a new country, his excitation counterbalances with the thought of leaving you. He’s both looking forward and dreading leaving Japan, and you in the process. 
The latter causes him to lack slumber, he has terrible insomnias because his emotions are tearing him apart. Thankfully, you’re here to whisper sweet nothings to him and secure him in your embrace to make him fall back asleep (although, the few nights leading to his departure often result in him squeezing the life out of you when you’re sleeping, send help.)
The atmosphere of the ride to the airport is very close to pure denial. You’re both singing until ripping your vocal cords, his palm has found a permanent place upon your thigh, sometimes he squeezes your flesh to print this sensation into his head because deep down he knows this is the last time he gets to see you and touch you before a long time.
At the airport, you’re the kind of cliché couple to melt into each other’s embrace amidst comforting silence. You both feel like you’re all alone in the airport, like there’s nobody else there.
Your hands grip his Nekoma jacket hard, as if your life was depending on it, but after all, you just needed to keep this feeling with you at all costs- the feeling of your boyfriend’s toned arms around your waist, squeezing you like there’s no tomorrow while you keep your eyes shut.
Kuroo, on the other one hand, runs his digits through your hair in a comforting manner and delivers occasional pecks on the crown of your hair. 
However, you both know it’s time (although you might have been trying to purposefully make Kuroo miss his flight), which results in Kuroo saying “Kitten, I know it’s hard but I have to go now.”, cue your cute self looking at him with pleading eyes. “Don’t give me this look, baby, I hate this as much as you do.”
He envelops your cheeks with both of his gigantic palms and presses one final kiss upon your lips, it’s everything you wanted and represented Kuroo so well- passionate, caring, both soft and rough on the edges. His thumbs wipe away the tears crashing down on your cheeks, once he pulls away due to the lack of oxygen, he doesn’t miss to slap your butt because... Kuroo...
Upon leaving, he puts his Nekoma jacket upon your shoulders while flashing you his toothiest smile : “I’ve always thought you rocked it better than me, kitten.” 
As he makes his way to the main hall, he looks back at you and mouths a very touching “I love you, I’ll be back to you soon.” and blows a kiss your way, you stare at him and squeeze his jacket against your chest, at least you have a new cuddle buddy as a replacement.
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Ahh, Akaashi, or as I like to call him: agASHEHHHH.
It’s safe to say that he is the polar opposite of Kuroo regarding display of affection. Love with Akaashi echoes to comfortable silence, but that certainly does not mean he wouldn’t get the moon for you if you asked.
Akaashi becomes unconsciously a bit more distant and a bit more silent the week leading up to his departure. He thinks that gradually separating himself from you will hurt you less once he’s gone, he just wants his absence to cause you as little pain as possible.
You, on the other one hand, get quite frustrated with this semi-silent treatment. He doesn’t come at your place as often, he cuts the conversations short and says he’s too busy with Bokuto-san to hang out with you. 
The truth of the matter is, he’s hurting so much from the inside, and this idea of his is just eating him alive. It eats him alive because you’re away, and he’s the one blocking you off. He absolutely hates the way he’s acting.
Hence why, the day before of his departure, he crashes at your place with takeout, a bouquet of everlasting flowers and all the good stuff to have the perfect movie night.
Needless to say, you’re shocked once you see him and all these things he brought specifically for you. He takes time to carefully explain why he chose to bring you all of this: he ordered this peculiar takeout because it’s your favorite, he got you this bouquet of everlasting flowers so you can have a permanent proof of his love for you and the full ‘movie night’ equipment to light up the mood of this fatidical night.
Although he doesn’t really initiate any kind of affectionate touches, this night is the total opposite- he delivers pecks everywhere on your face, envelops you safely into his embrace, plays with your hair while you’re watching the movie and whispers a few “I love you so much.” in the crook of your neck.
Eventually, you both fall asleep and he carries you bridal style to your bed where you both spend the night together, comforted by each other’s embrace.
Akaashi insisted on going to the airport alone, the will to cause you as little as possible still embedded in his brain. Thus, he leaves you while you’re sleeping and admires you one last time before delivering a sweet peck on your forehead and whispers “I’ll be back before you can say it, dove.”
Once you wake up, you pat the other half of your bed only to realize you’re alone and Akaashi has already left. However, there’s a curious bag next to your bed. As you open it up, you realize it’s filled with Akaashi’s clothing and his signature smell is locked in within the fabric, there are also a bunch of neatly handwritten notes for each day he’s gonna be without you. All of them are reminders of your qualities, how much he loves you and memories of your dates with polaroid pictures.
 Upon seeing all these precious things specially prepared for you, you go back to sleep, hugging his pillow close to your chest with a soft smile on your face, Akaashi’s favorite smile.
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Oh well, now this is a wild one.
Dating a professional volleyball has its pros and cons, and needless to say, the biggest disadvantage of dating Atsumu is how often he needs to go abroad to play against a foreign team. 
Now, of course you’re his number one fan and rightfully so and Atsumu asks you to come with him all the time but you can’t just leave your professional life aside, hence why it’s always bittersweet when he has to leave.
However, if it’s bittersweet to you, to Atsumu, it’s the best occasion to tease the hell out of you because you pout every time he brings up the fact he has to travel to another country. Cue the inevitable “Aw, is somebody gonna miss me or what?” and the obvious wink sent your way.
Teasing you is a way to make you crack a smile or laugh, which indirectly makes you forget about his trip for work or at least it makes it less painful because you’ve been laughing so much with your boyfriend. And to Atsumu, it’s the perfect way to capture a few candid pictures of your beautiful grin so he can admire them all once he’s far away from you.
Now, I hate to state the obvious but when I said that Atsumu is a wild one... I meant it. Hence why the night before his departure, he always makes sure to please you in bed and make you scream him name, because God knows when he will be able to do it again and hear such a sinful melody coming out of your mouth.
He does insist on you coming to the airport with him, and there again, he’s a wild one : Atsumu has no shame in making out with you right there, right now in the airport in front of the incredulous looks of the passengers around you.
He won’t hesitate and honestly has no shame regarding public display of affection : open mouthed kisses, trails of kisses left on your neck, a hand adventuring on your derrière, hell, even hickeys if he’s feeling like it.
Atsumu takes pride in leaving a few love bites, it’s a literal physical reminder that even though he’s not here with you, you know who you belong to. And nothing makes him smile more than imagining you staring at your reflection in the mirror once the bruises have healed up.
Nonetheless, the full make out session is broken by none other than the MSBY Black Jackal team’s obvious coughs, you know, a way to say “Hey, lovebirds, we don’t actually want to assist to the creation of a baby live in an airport and we kinda have to go.”
Both you and Atsumu know it’s time to part ways... But not before he plants a series of kisses on your plump lips and whisper a succession of “I love you so much, babygirl” or other “I’m gonna miss you so much, you have no idea”, orrrrr “You drive me crazy, baby.” and eventually the obvious “I can’t wait to make you walk weird for three days straight once I come back, princess.”
Eventually, you wave at Atsumu with a shy grin plastered upon your face, now that everything he said to you has sunk in, in return, he blows an obnoxious kiss your way. 
Once he returns to the team, Kiyoomi keeps his distance, even more so than usual because, I quote, “Do you have any idea of how many bacterias are shared in a kiss, Miya? 80 millions, which gives me 80 millions to stay away from you.” cue Atsumu replying with a smirk “I don’t regret a single one of these bacterias you’re talking about, totally worth it.”
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lostlitany · 2 years
uuuh 13 & 18? aaaand 7
Oooooh okay
13- What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Don’t overthink it, follow the serotonin, be self indulgent, write what you want.
I have very self-diagnosed, very un-medicated ADHD, and these are the ones I stand by!
When you overthink your writing, you’re gonna write yourself into a wall. The process no longer becomes fun cause now it’s stressful. You turned a coloring sheet into a math test and now you’re worried about your grade and what colors you’re using and this fun activity isn’t fun anymore. So like, just don’t worry about it
This kinda falls into the category of being self indulgent. It’s *hard* okay? I won’t deny for a second that it’s hard to write something and not get feedback. It’s torturous to post a chapter or a oneshot and spend hours refreshing your email, checking your kudos counts, waiting for someone to validate your existence. But eventually someone will. And you’ll have had more fun writing that self indulgent one bed au than you would have writing that ‘gotta be different, gotta be normal’ office au that your fandom doesn’t have yet. You’ll have more passion with what you want, and it’ll show in your writing. The words will come easier when you write what you want.
Follow. The. Serotonin. This one is probably more exclusively for the neurodivergent writers? Personally, I’ve got, like, 5 fics- that I’m kinda actively working on? A couple of my fics are unfinished because I was forcing myself to write them and finish them, even after a change in my life. I get in moods- and those moods push me to write different fics with different vibes. So when I finish one story, I immediately start another with the same vibes so that when I’m feeling a certain way, I can still be productive. I have a fic for when I’m depressed, one for when I’m angry and need to cool off, one for when I’m actually relaxed and happy, so on and so forth. I add on to whichever Google doc gives me the most serotonin in the moment. But! That doesn’t work for everyone. Some people only want to focus on one fic at a time. To that I say, fuckin go for it! But don’t force yourself to write the next scene if you’re not really in the headspace for it. If you’re not feeling it, do something else, draw a picture, read another fic, play a game, come back in an hour and try again. Follow the serotonin lol
18- Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I never used to! I came up with ideas, and then just kinda ran with it. Wrote myself into a couple walls and plot holes, but didn’t really care. It wasn’t until Silent Gossip that I actually used an outline. Silent Gossip was originally “Mina’s Room” and it was a bullet point fic. I thought it was a cool idea and I figured it would stay in my Google docs forever, but after I finished When Light Breaks Through the Rain, I didn’t want to work on the other two wips I had, so I pulled out the old idea list, found that one, sent it off to my Bestie, got some nice feedback, and then dive into the story again with the bullet points to guide me. I was actually able to write at a consistent rate, I knew what was coming next so I was able to think of how I wanted to write a specific scene long before I got there. It was really a breeze to write, and so much easier to keep track of, and for the first time ever!! I had! A consistent upload schedule!! I got a chapter out each week!
Now I’m kinda attached to that style of writing. I liked having the flexibility to change anything that didn’t feel like it was working as the fic became actually fleshed out, and it feels like Silent Gossip is an actual edited story, and not just a random rough draft. So I didn’t use any tools before hand, but going forward, I think I’ll stick with the bullet point outlines. It helped me get all my ideas in chronological order, easily move scenes around where they fit better, and just develop a better fic in general.
7- Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- bold of you to assume I remember anything I’ve written LOLL
This is an excerpt from Try Me; my Bakusquad crossdressing oneshot
Kaminari had never been more ready to face a Tuesday. […]
Though the members of Class 1-A had come to expect something like this, and Aizawa didn’t seem to care, Kaminari was chasing the high of the stares he caught on his way to the classroom that morning.
After all, it wasn’t everyday people saw four boys from the infamous class of UA walking through the hallway clothed in the girls’ uniform and decked out in makeup. Not to mention the alien-esque pink girl walking beside them fitted in the boys’ uniform.
Without the extra help of sleeping, studying, or eating, one would think Kaminari would feel unprepared for this math test. But after the most wonderful spa night, where he learned how to shave his legs with his friends, all the fun he had doing his makeup with Bakugou’s help in the morning, and just spending time with his four best friends who all wanted to crossdress with him in general…
Kaminari had never felt more confident in himself in his entire life.
I love this part because there’s this really strong feeling of empowerment that tends to come along with it. Look at what’s actually written here. We know the five of them are walking in side-by-side. We know that just about everyone in the school is watching them in awe. We know Kaminari is feeling confident. That’s it.
Do you know how many people have read this part and then talked to me about this striking mental image they had? They can clearly picture these losers all lined up next to each other, being cool, sometimes with sunglasses on. People can clearly imagine the slow pan of their shoes, the cut to the skirts, another cut to their backpacks or torsos, and then the final cut to a wide slo-mo shot of them all walking away from an explosion while epic music plays behind them.
It’s not in the writing at all, but people feel that power, it resonated with them. And it gives a lot of us this same mental image despite it not being described that way at all! Idk I just think it’s neat!
Thank you uncomfortabun! Sorry for the wait. It took me a while to figure out what to put for 7 lolll but I finally found something!
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xlovelybeanx · 4 years
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✭ Sorry for not posting in a while, I’ve been having some trouble sleeping and keeping my emotions cool so it’s been kinda hard to stay focused on here - but I hope this small fic will cure your boredom while I finish up my other ones! (I actually got my inspiration from Yagami Yato’s sleep aids - which I use, btw - when Bakugou said “quit tickling me” in his sleep. I thought it was cute as hell.) (I’ve also been really sick. Lovely. >~<)
✭The art belongs to Calys_Artsy_Side on the My Hero Academia Amino - all credit goes to them!
Title: “Sleepy.”
Pairing: Kiribaku + Midoryia.
Summary: Bakugou is tired, Kirishima just wants his friend to not fail, and Midoryia is trying to keep the situation under control. ..what a strange way to start off the morning.
Warnings: Other than swearing, none.
“Oi, Bakugou.”
Bakugou looked up with a blank face - dark eye bags shadowed his eyes, and he really wasn’t looking so good. That being said, with the events of yesterday, of course he looked like that. Not only did he have to train at his agency, the people at U.A thought it was a good idea for him to take care of a class of kids, along with Icy Hot and a few bastards from Shiketsu. All he wanted was to go to sleep - but it was 10 am on a Monday morning, of course, and he couldn’t afford to get left behind by his classmates. But the more and more he thought about wanting to lie his head on his pillow and relax, the more it all seemed to be coming true.
Resting his head on his desk, the blonde closed his eyes, watching himself drift into a very peaceful sleep. His arms wrapped around themselves, giving him access to a make-shift sort of resting place - and just like that, he was off in his own little world. “Bakugo,” Kirishima whispered, leaning down to check if he was actually awake. Giving him two small pokes to his cheek, the red-head sighed softly. What was he going to do with him? He had a rough day, sure, but didn’t they all? It had messed up his sleeping schedule, to be fair, and it was immediately showing. “Oi, Bakugou.”
Kirishima couldn’t help but wonder why he was the only one to notice the angry loud blonde was finally quiet - it should surprise everyone, not just him. What to do, what to do, Kirishima thought as he pondered everything he could do to wake him up. Then it clicked. “Hey, Midoryia,” he whispered, watching the green haired boy turn his way. “Look.” He said, pointing to the knocked out boy on his desk. Midoryia immediately put a hand over his mouth, almost as if he was in shock - “I haven’t seen Kacchan sleep in class since he was a elementary schooler, more or less before he got his quirk. Was yesterday really that hard for him?”
Kirishima shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I need a way to wake him up-“
They were both surprised when Bakugou shifted to side, his light snores being drowned out by the random words that he was saying. ... Bakugou was a sleep-talker, they both realized and before they could say anymore, the words “quit tickling me” flew out of his mouth. No one knew why he had said it, then again, the only one who really heard it was Kirishima seeing as they were so close. “Midoryia...” he said, looking over with almost a sadistic grin. “Prepare the class for an explosion.”
“Eijirou, what are you doing-?! Wait!”
Before he could be stopped, Kirishima already had his hands under his arms, digging into the soft and sensitive flesh underneath. Bakugou immediately woke up, his eyes widened in surprise as he jerked harshly, falling off the chair. Red-faced and slightly in pain from the impact of falling out of the chair, he had no time to react when his best friend pounced on him, immediately trying to dig his hands into his sensitive skin. “S-STOP! K-KIRISHIMA, WHAT... A-ARE YOU DOING?!” Katsuki yelled as he grabbed both of his hands, trying to keep them from touching him.
“You’re the one who fell asleep! You’re always saying ‘I can’t afford to be left behind’. So don’t fall asleep! And I know just how to wake you up!” At this point, the whole class was watching in awe - and Aizawa wanted nothing to do with it, so like always, he creeped into his sleeping bag and used this time to get in a nap.
“THAT DOESN’T MEAN-!” Katsuki’s words left his mouth as Kirishima hardened his arms, watching the strength leave his body - because of being tired and because of his overwhelming power. When two sets of hands immediately dived in on his sides, he couldn’t hold back the uncontrollable laughter that was threatening to spill from the start.
“WAIHAHAHAT! KIHIHIHIRISHIMA! YOHOHOHU BIHIHIHITCH! IHIHIHLL KIHIHIHIHLL YOHOHOHOU!” All of that only fell on deaf ears - Kirishima knew he wasn’t going to kill him. In fact, he’d probably would forget about it. His laughter was very deep, and if he wasn’t a complete asshole, most of the class would agree that his laugh sounded very attractive. Desperately squirming underneath his friend, he tried his hardest to push him off. The only person who knew that he was ticklish other than his family was Midoryia from when they were younger, so Bakugou thought that he might have told him as a way to wake him up.
“Kirishima, you might want to stop...” Midoryia warned as he looked at his explosive friend’s hands, noticing that they were activating on their own. “...Kacchan can’t control his quirk when he’s getting tickled. He might accidentally blow up the room.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Kirishima said as he shifted downwards, watching his hand brush against the blonde’s thigh. The squeak that left his mouth could only be described as unmanly and very high-pitched. The whole class stared at Bakugou, who was now bright red. “W-What?! Is there a p-probl- AHAHAHAHA WAIHIHIHIT! KIHIHIHIRISHIMA!”
“Awww, sweet little explosion boy getting taken down a peg by a few tickles~? How embarrassing~.” The last part was whispered in his ear, to not completely ruin his reputation. To Bakugou, this was just torture - undignified torture and he needed it to stop, or else he might just do what Midoryia said and blow up the entire room. “EIHIHIHIJIROU!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Katsuki blurted out, unaware that he said Kirishima’s first name. Hearing his name being called out like that made him stop his assault. There was nothing to it - he didn’t mind being called Eijirou - it’s just... it felt different when Bakugou said it. He couldn’t quite find a word for it. Katsuki took this time and kicked him off, as harshly as possible since he was still hardened, and stood up. The blonde was still shivering at the sensations, everyone noticed.
“Thank you,” Katsuki mumbled in his ear, still a bright red as he picked up his pencil and started writing again. Everyone seemed to go back to the lesson, and Aizawa had already gotten back up from his nap - it was still a surprise how he even napped through that. “You’re welcome,” Kirishima whispered back softly, watching his face turn into a pouty scowl. He could only chuckle at that. “Just you wait, I’ll get you back. When? You’ll never know.” The laugh that came out of Katsuki almost sounded sadistic, but he only scoffed.
“Try your best, Lord Explosion Murder.”
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popatochisssp · 4 years
Hello! I know you're doing skele and right now but I just wanted to ask how you outline your fics, personally, I can't outline my stuff if my life depended on it and I was wondering if you had any tips or advice on how beginners should outline their stories. Love your stuff <3
Disclaimer, I don’t know how useful any of this will be, for a beginner or otherwise, because every creative brain works a little differently and there’s always at least some trial and error while you figure out what works for you, specifically...
But that said!
My outlining process boils down to throwing everything on the page and refine from there until it’s polished.
I start by writing down everything, all the ideas and concepts and daydream fodder that was previously just floating around in my brain needs to go down somewhere, usually in a word doc but in a pinch, I’ve definitely used the Notes app on my phone--because let’s face it, in the middle of the night when you’re supposed to be sleeping is one of those times that inspiration and cool ideas sometimes run rampant and I’m not gonna get all the way up to get my laptop but the phone is right here and this needs to get written out.
Obviously, if I just left it all like that, I’d have a very messy list of Random Stuff and no idea what to do with any of it, so from there I try to organize. Move things around into an order that kinda makes sense, like Thing X happens before Thing Y, and Thing Z actually can’t happen until at least Thing Y has happened, stuff like that.
I find that step also helps for figuring out the bits you might be lacking in the early stages. You can see all the points laid out in some approximate order and if it looks something like ‘Point A, Point B, Point D,’ your brain will often be able pick out that there’s a gap there that doesn’t work, and that you need to come up with a Point C to bridge it.
“I’ve connected the two dots.” “You didn’t connect shit.” “I’ve connected them.”
But once you’ve got that, you’ve got at least a bare bones outline, and that’s really the framework for everything!
At that point, for me, it’s just a matter of coming back to it a few times and expanding it, so in the super-basic outline, you might just have something like ‘first date, bonding & flirting.’ When you come back to it to add more, you might decide what kind of date they’ll be having, what they might talk about or how they might flirt with each other, maybe a few actual lines of dialogue if you happen to think of anything good.
I do this with every chapter I think a fic is going to have before I post any of it, because by then I feel like I have a solid enough basis to follow through on the whole idea with, and there’s only two steps left for the outline after that: pre-writing and writing.
The pre-writing step, I try to tackle within a week of when I know (or hope to know) that I’ll have time to write, so everything’s fresh. Basically, though, pre-writing is just taking one of the already semi-fleshed out chunks of outline and making it even more detailed. You’re more or less making an outline of this one bullet point on your outline, taking the basic concept (‘first date, bonding & flirting’) and all the extra details you added on (where they’re going, what they’re saying, etc) and arranging them/filling in any blanks you can find until it’s pretty much a rough cut of what the chapter will look like.
I think about a lot of framing stuff in this step, like how the chapter is going to open and how to segue it into the stuff that’s supposed to happen, body language and facial expressions, more dialogue/banter, setting up so that you’re on track for flowing into what the next chapter is supposed to be.
Right around here is also sometimes where you might realize you can’t do that effectively and there might’ve been a transition chapter left out of your original outline because you hadn’t yet realized you need it-- not a big deal, it’s happened for both of my longer fics at least once (FGTC was supposed to be 10 chapters, DL was supposed to be 20, oops)--but you can sort that out with a brainstorming session or two at some point and just doing what you did for all the other chapter outlines to add one or a few more.
But then, once you’ve done all that, the only thing left is the writing step! Which is to find a time (or a few times) that work for you in terms of energy and other RL obligations to just sit down and write it. By then, you probably have a very detailed outline going on, so it’s just a matter of refining all those notes you made about how everything happens, in what order, who says what, etc, etc into actual sentences in your narrative.
Read over it again once you’re finished, maybe run it by a beta if that’s how you roll (I’m the worst combination of impatient and sensitive, so I just read it over twice instead! XD), and then it should be ready to post wherever you so happen to post.
...But like I said, that’s just my method and General Process, it’s totally possible that you might find a different way that works for you better.
I hope some of that rambling mess was helpful to you, and good luck with any future projects! <3
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baconcheeseburger · 4 years
You want her?
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Summary: Dean and you are out drinking. Dean notices that you are eying the bartendress and decides to act on it. He suggests to take her back to the motel with you, for a night you both will never forget.
Pairing: Dean x Reader x Robin (OFC)
Warnings: NSFW, no plot in sight, just smut, threesome (f/f/m), oral (fem receiving), fingering, dirty talk, spanking, tied up, edging, kinda dom!Dean, voyeurism, masturbation, hair pulling, rough-ish sex, unprotected sex
Word count: 4,4k pure filth
Prompt: “You like the way I flick my tongue?”
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​‘ bi-weekly writing challenge. More or less my first time writing smut, at least a lengthy one. Sorry for posting so late and last minute, unfortunately life got in the way... But here it is! - Enjoy! Banner and divider were made by me.
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“You want her, Y/N?”
His question caught you off  guard and you froze. Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything.
Dean stood close behind you, his face alongside yours, following your gaze to the other side of the bar. You hadn’t been able to tear your gaze away from the bartendress all night. Your eyes had kept trailing back to her, watching her walking around behind the bar and pouring out drinks. Watching her tits bounce with every step and her hips sway with every move. From time to time you had catched yourself wondering and imagining how her lips would feel like on yours, how soft her hands would feel on your body.
“She was checking you out all night as well.” His voice had dropped a few octaves. His hot breath fanned over your ear and cheek and his lips lightly graced the shell of it as he spoke. Paired with the way he pressed his body into yours from behind and his big, strong hands gripping your hips tightly, fingertips digging hard into the flesh, he had you whimpering. You didn’t even register a sound left your lips until you heard him groan deeply.
“You know”, he began and lightly nibbled on your earlobe, “I saw how you were looking at her since we got here, saw how you practically eye fucked her in front of me. Fuck, baby, I can’t help but to imagine you making out with her. I bet you would look so fucking good together.” He slightly lowered his body and rolled his hips up against yours and your breath hitched when you felt his growing bulge press against the crack of your ass. “I’d love to see her on top of you, ‘d love to see her eat your pretty little pussy out. I know you’ve never done anything with a woman before, but... Hell, I see the way you look at her and I say, let’s take her home and have some fun. So, I ask you again... You want her, Y/N?” He licked over the shell of your ear and pulled it in between his teeth, lightly biting down.
Your eyes fluttered shut and heat was pooling between your thighs. Damn, alone the thought of the three of you together made you moan. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and leaned back against him. Breathing heavily you pressed your thighs together. 
“Mmh, who says I have zero experience with women, huh?” you teased. You turned your head to look into his shocked, lust blown eyes.
“Fuck, sweetheart”, he growled and crashed his lips against yours. He pulled back just as fast and let go of your body. You hadn’t realized how weak your knees had become and almost lost your balance when he stepped back. Dean pushed through the people and walked over to the bartendress with long strides.
You had no idea what he was saying to her, but at first she was about to shake her head then she curiously looked over to you when he pointed in your direction. You watched her bite her lip before she turned back to him and said something to him. Dean's smirk grew wider at her answer. He nodded and came back, the onesided pantie dropping grin never leaving his lips. He winked at you and grabbed your wrist. “Let’s go.”
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You stepped outside and Dean pulled you into the alley next to the bar, pressed you against the brick wall and pushed his leg between your thighs, before he dipped his head and kissed you passionately. Your hands immediately found their way to his neck, gripping at the short hair at the back of his head. When he pulled back, he was panting.
"She’s getting off in thirty. Told her where we’re staying, she will come to the motel when she’s done here”, he growled into your ear and pushed his knee up, giving you the much needed friction. “Gonna work you up until then baby, want you drippin’ when she joins us.” He captured your lips once more and pushed his knee up again. You couldn’t hold back anymore. You started to desperately grind against his thigh and moaned into his mouth. You had never been so turned on in your life.
He chuckled and pushed his thigh even higher, which had you standing on your toes, almost lifting you off of the ground and ground his hips against yours. You could feel his rock hard cock against your stomach and you didn’t want anything more than to drop to your knees and let him fuck your mouth.
Dean sucked your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled before he stepped back, growling. “Baby, we gotta go. If we don’t stop, I’m gonna fuck you right here and now, where anyone can see us.”
You looked at him through hooded eyes, a mischievous smile growing on your lips. You let your hands wander over his body, traveling further down to his waistband. “Well, what speaks against it, huh?”
He groaned deeply. “Because,” you could see the strength he had to gather to take another step back, “I have othet things planned for you tonight and fucking you in the middle of the street isn’t on the list.”
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Back in your motel room Dean shut the door behind you. He backed you up against the wall, grabbed the back of your thighs and picked you up. Within seconds your upper body was naked and he attacked your neck with his mouth. His hands grabbed your breasts and he started to play with your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
“Tell me, Y/N”, he let one of his hands slide down your body and fidgeted with the button of your jeans, “how far have you gone with a woman?” He licked over your pulse point and scraped his teeth over the sensitive skin, nibbling on the spot that made your knees weak.
“Made out with two girls in senior year. Almost would have fucked the second one, b-but I- wasn’t sure if sh-she would want to g-go there, so we didn’t go further than that. Oh fuck, Dean!”
You cried out when his hand found its way into your pants and his fingers finally touched you where you wanted them the most.
He bit into your shoulder to muffle the deep and long moan that escaped his lips. “Fuuuck, baby, you’re drenched.”
Dean pressed his palm flat against your clothed core, rubbing in the slightest motions. “Let’s see how often I can bring you to the edge until she gets here, huh?”
He put more pressure on his middle finger, parting your lips when he moved his hand upwards and stopped at your clit. With the tip of his finger he tapped against it, sending shivers down your spine and making your walls clench around nothing. He added another finger, pressed down and started to circle them around the bundle of nerves through the lace of your panties. When a loud whiny moan left your lips, you just let it happen. You didn’t care if anyone heard you. 
While his lips worked their way down to your breasts to give the unoccupied nipple some attention, his fingers were moving slowly, stretching out every bit of pleasure that jolts through you.
It didn't take long until your body started to shake and your breath hitched, little whimpers leaving your lips. Dean knew your body even better than you did yourself. He knew exactly which buttons to push, knew how to push you further and further, knew every little movement and sound you made when you were about to let go. He knew how to keep you on the edge until you couldn't take anymore without pushing you over.
You gasped when his fingers stopped moving right when you got close, right before the tight knot in your stomach was about to snap. You felt his lips on your neck, felt him smile, before he pressed down on your clit and lightly tapped against it again. Your eyes rolled back and you let your head fall against the wall, moaning. Oh sweet, sweet torture.
He moved his hand away from your center and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. Dean grinned mischievously. 
"One." The tip of his tongue peaked through his teeth. He licked his lips and kissed your hard and fast.
You were so distracted by his lips and tongue, that you didn't register his hand slipped back down. This time he pushed it into your panties and when his fingers brushed over your folds you shamelessly moaned into his mouth. 
"Oh fuck, Dean, yes."
His fingertips circled your clit for a few times, then he pushed his hand further down and slipped a finger into your pussy. Your walls immediately clenched around the digit, trying to suck it deeper. He slowly pumped it in and out, teasingly brushing over your walls. When he added a second finger he started to move faster. In a skilled motion he crooked his fingers and pressed down onto the spot that made your knees weak. 
Dean kissed his way over your jaw, back to your neck. He licked, sucked and nibbled on the sensitive skin. To drive you even more insane, he started to thrust his hips into yours, rubbing the palm of his hand against your core.
Your walls clenched and you felt the coil in your stomach tighten again until Dean pulled away.
"Two." He whispered, his hot breath fanned over the shell of your ear.
He loosened your legs from his waist and as soon as your feet hit the ground he ripped your jeans and panties down, helped you step out of them and threw them across the room. His mouth captured yours again, distantly you heard his belt unbuckle. Dean grabbed your wrists and held them together in one hand in front of you. With a questioning look he searched for your gaze as he moved the belt around your wrists. You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth and nodded.
With every brush of his calloused fingertips over your skin as he wrapped the leather around your wrists, he sent a shiver down your spine. When he was satisfied with the tightness of the belt, his gaze fell above your head. He smirked and brought your hands up over your head and hooked the belt into the hook of the coat rack on the wall. You pulled a bit, testing out if the rack would hold. It seemed pretty stable.
As soon as you both were sure the thing wouldn't break, Dean covered your body with his and pressed himself against you. His hands were sprawled out on you back, one on your ass, pulling your hips into his and the other one pressed down between your shoulder blades, pushing you into him and holding you in place. He leaned down and kissed you hard.
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By the time a sharp knock on the door ripped you from your own little world, your legs were shaking and were barely able to hold your body up. You had lost count on how often Dean had pushed you to the edge.
Dean clicked his tongue before he took a step back and turned around to open up. 
The leather on your wrists felt heavier than before, tighter. You hoped the rack would withstand your weight and you let your legs give in to let the coat rack support most of your weight, so you could concentrate on catching your breath. Your lungs hurt with every breath you took.
Your eyes followed Dean as he grabbed his flannel from the floor and put it on while he walked to the door. He opened it a bit in only his jeans and the open flannel and looked outside for a second before he opened it fully with a smile on his face. 
You heard the clicking of heels on the wooden floor and shortly after the bartendress entered the room. A small part of you was surprised that she was really here, you thought she might not even come.
Now that she was here you were slightly embarrassed hanging around naked on a coat rack. But she didn’t seem to mind it at all. No, instead of questioning your position, she started to peel off her jacket and eyed you hungrily.
“Hey. I see you started without me, huh?” she joked and threw the piece of clothing on the chair.
Before she walked over to you she pulled her dress over her head, revealing a matching black lace lingerie set, her hips swaying even more than before. You looked her up and down, eyes traveling over her curves. Right in front of you she stopped and let her eyes wander over your naked body, biting her lip.
The tip of your tongue darted out and wetted your lips, before you smiled at her. "Hi." Her lips curved upwards. “Hey. Y/N, right? I am Robin, it's really nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, Robin. I’d shake your hand, but…” You chuckled and with a wide one sided smile you looked up at your wrists. Her eyes followed your gaze.
When your eyes met again, she smirked at you. “Oh well, you know… There are a few other ways to say hello….” Her beautiful brown hazel eyes darted to your lips, then she looked up into your eyes again before her gaze settled on your lips. Now that she was so close you could see the golden specks in her iris that made them sparkle even more.
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to yours, you couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped your throat. Finally you felt her lips and it was nothing like you had imagined; in a good way. They were so incredibly soft and full and felt fucking wonderful. You opened your mouth to let her tongue in. Your tongues danced against each other, the kiss getting more heated with every passing second.
After some time Robin pulled back, her lips still brushing over yours as she whispered: “Can I touch you?”
“Please", you begged. She lifted her hands and graced the skin of your forearm with the tips of her fingers from your elbows up to your bound wrists. Her palms pressed against your soft skin and she lowered her hands again, letting them glide over your skin and softly scratching her fingernails along the way. Your whole body began to shiver. It felt so unbelievably good to be touched by her, you almost couldn't handle the anticipation for more. You wanted to feel her hands everywhere, wanted her to touch every inch of your skin.
Robin scratched her nails down your arms and over your ribs, over your sides down to the mid of your thighs where she changed the angle of her hands, pressed her palms against your skin and moved them back up to your hips. With a firm grip on your butt cheeks she pulled your hips into hers. Not a second later her mouth was on yours again in a heated kiss. She bit on your bottom lip and pulled before she kissed her way over your cheek to your jaw. She placed sloppy kisses all over your neck and collar bone, slightly nibbling on it. 
Her hands roamed all over your body, no inch of skin left untouched. When she reached your breasts she grabbed and massaged them. Her index finger teasingly circled around your nipple for a few times at first and scratched her nail lightly over it, before she pinched them between her fingers, twirling them around. You sighed and whimpered at the sensation, the air suddenly knocked out of your lunges. Your eyes shut and your head fell back. With your eyes closed her touch felt a lot more intense.
“Need to taste you”, Robin mumbled against your collarbone. She slowly lowered herself and kissed and nibbled her way down your body.
When you heard Dean’s deep voice, it shifted your attention away from Robin, back to him. “Baby, I want you to look at me while she eats you out.”
Your eyes locked with his and another incredibly strong wave of pleasure washed over your body, just from looking at him. Dean had taken off the rest of his clothing and stood by the bed. You could see all the emotions that whirled around in his forest green eyes. The way he moved his hand up and down his cock and the way the muscles in his arm flexed with every stroke of his hand turned you incredibly on. 
Robin reached your mound and planted a kiss right aove your slit. She pulled one of your legs over her shoulder and immediately started to devour you. She licked over your slit, flicked her tongue against your clit and repeated the motion. With every lick she got faster, hungrily licking up your juices.
When a particular long and loud moan left your lips she looked up into your eyes and hummed. “You like the way I flick my tongue, baby?” She licked a long stripe over your slit again, circling your clit with the tip of her tongue a few times before she sucked it hard between her lips, her teeth lightly scraping over the sensitive skin. When she pressed her tongue flat against it while she still had it pinned between her full lips, you let your head fall back against the wall and you moaned loudly.
“Answer her”, Dean ordered in a low voice.
“Mmmh”, was all you were able to respond.
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
"F-Feels so good. Love your t-ounge. So so good." 
You looked back at him, saw that he sat down on the end of the bed while he kept his eyes on the both of you, watching you closely and pumping his fist up and down his thick shaft. 
“Fuck, look at her, sweetheart. Doing such a good job fucking you with her mouth. Freakin’ love the sounds she coaxes out of you.”
Robin’s tongue moved around your clit, occasionally changing rhythm and pattern, hitting all the right spots.
“Oh fuck, yes. Don- don’t stop. Fuck, so good.”
She chuckled at that, sending vibrations straight to your core, and sucked hard on your clit.
“You want her to fuck you with her fingers?” Dean asked.
You fastly nodded your head. “Uh-huh”
“Words, baby girl”, Dean reminded you sternly, his voice was deep and laced with lust. 
“Y- yes. Aah fuck. Please, please. Need- need your fingers inside me”, you begged and teared your eyes away from Dean to look down at her.
“You heard her, Robin. Do it. Push your fingers into her cunt and fuck her. Hard.”
Not needing to be told twice her hand left your butt and moved between your legs. She teasingly brushed over your lips before she pushed two fingers into your throbbing pussy and immediately found your sensitive spot. After a few hard thrusts she added another finger, filling you up.
It didn’t take her long to have you a whimpering mess above her, ready to let go. The coil in your stomach grew tighter and tighter and was about to snap.
And Dean sensed it too. “Stop touching her.”
No, no, no! When she stopped moving her fingers and pulled away, you whined loudly. You didn’t care how pathetic it must have sounded, this was pure fucking torture. You were so fucking close - again - and he just wouldn’t let you come.
“Dean… Please. Please, I want to- need to-” you begged until he interrupted you harshly.
“Not yet, sweetheart.”
“Not. Yet." Dean almost growled. "If you’re gonna come, then you’re gonna come on my cock. You understand?”
He left no room for discussion and to be honest his words alone could have sent you over right now. 
Robin stood up, but not without kissing her way up your body. When she stood straight again she raised her hand that was glistening with your juices and slowly pushed them between your lips. You moaned when you tasted yourself on her fingers
Dean ordered her to lay down on the bed, so she walked backwards while she pulled off her underwear, her eyes never leaving you and pulled herself up to the headboard. She leaned back on her elbows and pushed her heels into the mattress, her knees falling wide open to reveal her wet, glistening pussy lips. You gasped at the sight and sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, your mouth began to water.
Dean stepped closer to you and took Robin’s place. He covered half your body by pressing his body into your side. His hand traveled over your stomach up to your throat. He laid his fingers around your neck and chuckled darkly while flexing them. His lips were so close they brushed over the edge of your ear.
“You wanna taste her?” The tip of his tongue graced over the shell.  Dean stood so close, you could feel the bass vibrating in his chest as he spoke.
"Yes, please. Wanna taste her so bad." You turned your head and looked at him, begging him with your eyes to free your hands so you could join her on the bed and dive in between her legs.
"Then go on, do it." He raised his free hand and lifted your hands from the rack to open the belt. As soon as the leather was gone he moved his hand to the back of your neck and directed you to the bed.
You walked over on shaking legs, incredibly glad the bed wasn’t too far away. You crawled over to her and started to touch her thighs, rubbing your hands up and down her soft skin. You pressed your lips against her inner thigh and kissed your way up until you reached her puss, where you pressed a kiss to her clit. Your tongue darted out and you licked over her lips, finally tasting her. And damn, she tasted great. You began to eat her out, mirroring what she had done to you and changing it up a bit. It didn’t take you long to find out what drove her crazy, what made her beg for more.
You were so concentrated on Robin that you didn’t feel the bed dip behind you. You only realized that Dean was behind you when his big hands grabbed your butt and he slit the head of his cock through your pussy lips.
Without a warning he slammed his hips into yours, filling you up with his cock in one thrust. The pleasure that rolled through your body overwhelmed you when he bottomed out, his hips slapping against your ass and pushing you forward, deeper between Robin’s legs. Your legs began to shake again and you rested your forehead against her stomach to recover your breath. Robin’s hands moved to head, stroking over your hair.
You waited for him to fucking move, but Dean didn’t move. He stayed still, waiting. The hand came out of nowhere, slapping down on your ass hard. You yelped at the impact, then moaned, welcoming the stinging pain.
"Did I tell you to stop? Keep going. Make her cum and maybe I will let you cum too." And with that his hand came back down on your ass cheek, reddening the skin.
You eagerly began to thrust your tongue into her entrance and flick it against her clit. You moved your hand from her hip and slowly pushed two fingers into her entrance, starting to fuck her with your fingers. As soon as you started, Dean slowly pulled his cock out and hardly thrusted back into you. The sound of his hips slapping against your ass filled the room as he fucked you hard and fast, his fingers digging hardly into your hips to keep you in place.
You moaned against Robin, the vibrations helped pushing her further to her release. You could tell she was close, you felt her walls clench around your fingers. With a twist of your wrist you changed the angle you fucked into her and crooked your fingers. Her pussy gripped your fingers tight, her thighs began to shake and caged your head between them when she came, screaming your name.
Dean leaned forward and buried his hand in your hair and pulled you up by it. Your back hit his chest and his other hand came around your body, grabbing your throat. He picked up his pace, fucking you even harder.
Robin moved and kneeled down in front of you. She pressed her mouth to yours and started to kiss you, her hands wandering over your body. She grabbed your breast and played with your nipple. With the other she rubbed against your clit, adding even more to your pleasure.
Dean nibbled on your neck. “Now”, he grunted. “Come. Come for me, baby.”
A few thrusts later your walls clenched around his cock, you came so hard you saw stars and your ears began to ring. Your screams were muffled by Robin’s mouth on yours.
Dean followed you soon after, the pulsing of his cock sending you straight into another orgasm. He now slowly fucked into you, riding your orgasms out.
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You hadn’t moved much after, you were totally spent. You sank down to the mattress, your body aching in sweet pain. Dean got up to get something to clean you up, while Robin lay with you, kissing you and moving her fingertips over your back, side and arms.
When Dean came back from the bathroom he put the blanket over your bodies and lay next to you. He planted a kiss on your shoulder and chuckled when he saw your tired eyes. You turned to him and sighed happily.
You felt Robin inch closer to you. She pressed herself against your back, her nose brushed over the nape of your neck. A small sigh left her lips and her body relaxed with every breath she took. She slowly drifted to sleep.
Dean cradled your cheek in his hand, brushed his fingertips over your cheekbone and jaw. He bit on his lip and grinned at you.
“Had fun, sweetheart?”
You chuckled, pecked his lips and rested your forehead against his. “Oh yes, I had fun. A lot. Thank you, Dean. That was…”
“Yeah. It was.” He grinned. “Get some sleep, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too, Dean.”
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askcharaandfriends · 3 years
lets say for some reason the afac tumblr blog show up what reaction ould thay have?
Like everyone from the AFAC blog?? All at once? Well we have a crossover planned but I think *everyone* going over at once would break something. So here's some hypothetical meet up responses based on what I think the characters would do. F[person] is from AFAC. C[person] is from ACAF. F for Frisk. C for Chara. This hypothetical interaction takes place post memelord. This is also assuming Frisk is a little more mellow now and not about to cause trouble immediately but still not fully "reformed" but people are hypothetically chill with them.
F. Frisk: Hello new world! It's good to be here! I wonder what other me is like this time!? I hope they're nice! I bet they're nice!
C. Frisk (appearing in front of them): What are you and why do you look like me but alive and so... sunshiny...
F. Frisk: ooo you're a ghost?? So you died? I'm so sorry! But how does it feel? Is it weird being a ghost? Are you doing ok? Did you ever think about becoming a Skeleton monster? My friend Chara was a ghost and then they became a Skeleton monster! Maybe you can do that!!
C Frisk: (sarcastically) ooo you're human?? So you're alive? I'm so sorry! But how does it feel? Is it weird being made of flesh? Are you doing ok? Did you ever think about dying? Did you consider eating a pie of buttercups?This is you. This is how you sound. Do you think before you speak?
F. Frisk: Oh.... so it's that kind of world, huh? One where I'm in Chara's place and Chara is in my place? Kinda... swapped or something?
C.Frisk: What are you talking about?
F. Frisk: I don't think I can tell you because spoilers, but just know everything will be ok! It'll all work out! Oh! And if Chara makes you a strawberry ghost cake, you should eat it because they worked really hard on it!
C. Frisk: thanks???
F. Chara: You're alive? Ok... [thinking] (I wonder if it's like that one time or something else... awe man, I hope I wasn't rude just now. I would find that very rude and make a sarcastic comment. I hope they are not as like me as they look... for multiple reasons)
C. Chara: Um well, greetings. Welcome to this world? [Looks at the Frisks, then looks back at F. Chara] So, your Frisk is alive but you are a Skeleton and you were surprised that I was alive. I'm just guessing here, but I think maybe you're like switched with Frisk or something?
F. Chara [relieved]: or something eh heh...
C. Chara: judging by the fact that you're a Skeleton and not trying to um... hurt people I'm guessing you've gone through some character arcs and now you're cool? Please be cool. My Frisk just did this um... possession thing?? But there were like memes or something and a rainbow dance??? And it was cool but also weird. You're not going to do that here, right? (Though I guess you can't because you're not a ghost anymore... )
F. Chara [cringing from their past]: no. I promise to be good.
C. Chara: oh! Ok cool! We're cool then! Would you... like to see my chocolate stash? It's all magic chocolate, so you shouldn't have a problem with it.
F. Chara [finally relaxing into themselves]: is that even a question? =)
C. Chara: =)
F. Papyrus: Greetings! I am the Great Papyrus! You also Look like Papyrus! Is that true? Are you another Papyrus?
C. Papyrus: i am. though maybe not as great. you look good Papyrus. you seem happy.
F. Papyrus: I am! Lots of good things have happened to me in my world! I made lots of friends! I have a boyfriend! I am captain of the royal guard!
C. Papyrus: is that so? sounds nice! you've really got it figured out, huh? i'm happy for you. [He is sincere, but a little sadness creeps in]
F. Papyrus: Thank you Papyrus! But um... are you doing ok? I know I, the Great Papyrus can go with very little sleep sometimes, but you seem like you have gone a very long time with very little sleep. I am sure, as Papyrus, you can handle it. But even Papyrus's need rest sometimes.
C. Papyrus: you know me too well, Papyrus. i do have trouble sleeping at night sometimes. but i try to make up for it by napping.
F. Papyrus: Egad! A Papyrus, Napping! It's worse than I feared! You, Papyrus, and I, Papyrus are going off to have a "self care day"! Literally because we are caring for our "selves"! Nyeh heh heh!
C. Papyrus: good one, Papyrus. ok. you know what, yes. i will take you up on that "self" care day.
F. Papyrus: That's the spirit, Papyrus! You are looking better already! Nyeh heh heh! [F. Papyrus scoops C. Papyrus up and runs off]
C. Sans: There they go... Looks like fun! Do you wanna do that too?
F. Sans: nah. let's just... hang out for a sec. so, you're me, huh? i heard there was a lot of us out there- many much Sansi. how do you feel about that? knowing that there are so many other versions of "you?" not knowing which one is the "real" you. realizing you might not be the best version of "you." that you could even be one of the worst-
C. Sans: Hold on there, pal. Your spiraling in negativity. This is also "me" you're talking about, you know? You're going to hurt my feelings.
F. Sans: oh! um... sorry. i didn't mean it like that. it's just weird to think about i guess.
C. Sans: It's ok, Buddy. I'm thinking maybe you have your reasons for thinking like that. Some bad things that happened in the past, like what happened to my brother. He gets like this sometimes. I will tell you what I tell him: Sometimes bad thoughts come because of what happened and that's ok- normal even. Having bad thoughts doesn't make you a bad person. Just don't dwell on those thoughts too long. When you realize you are having bad thoughts you should take a step back and examine them. Then shoo them away with thoughts about things you like: your brother, for example.
F Sans: that's... really good advice. thanks, me.
C Sans: No problemo, amigo. We're both pretty Sansational after all!
F Sans: eeyyyy! [Finger guns]
C Sans: Eeyyy! [Finger guns]
F Gaster: I have seen many Gasters from my time in the void (and one in person). They varied vastly in form and personality. You however, look a lot like me except...
C Gaster: i am a ghost in a cloak? yes... i see your Hermann is like this as well. so you experimented on your own wife?
F Gaster: Did you have to say it like that? I was desperate!
C Gaster (in a more informal accent): relax, mate. i was only jokin'. i would do the same thin' in your place. ( i mean i am you after all, ain't i?) i already forgave my wife for what she did to me, so i'm not about to give ya a 'ard time. it must've been rough, imagining livin' without her. you did what made sense, even if it didn't make sense. does that make sense?
F Gaster: um...
C Gaster: brilliant! how about i make you some orange tea? i know i like that.
F Gaster: I did, but I had a rather unfortunate accident involving said tea, and I haven't liked it very much since.
C Gaster: let me guess, piranhas?
F Gaster: How did you know??
C Gaster [nods sagely]: my Hermann had the same exact problem not too long ago, except our piranhas are fond of lemons. hate oranges though. maybe you should try orange tea again, if you are going to be staying a while- just in case.
F Gaster [thinking of the lemonade he had earlier]: Yes ok, let's try it then.
C Gaster: Great! you can give me your insight on my latest scifi idea! i'm thinking it will be a buddy comedy about this one guy and his doppelganger from another universe and their hilarious hijinks and misadventures!
F Gaster [nervously]: Greeeaaat...
F Hermann: Ok, Ok, So you're like me, but like a science nerd like mí amore, sí?
C Hermann: Cierto. I guess you are an author/ comedian like my husband? However... he writes scifi. If I was an author, my preferred genre to write would be...
F Hermann: ;3
C Herman: Mira a tú cara! It is that, isn't it?!
F Herman: ;3
C Herman: nice. Podemos leer eso? -3- you did bring some of your books, didn't you?
F Hermann: I thought you would never ask. I have a few of my favorites in my phone's box .
C Hermann: vamos a mí cuarto. Just so we can talk about it without...
F Hermann: of course. Let's go.
[I hope my spanish was good. That's all I will do for now. It was a lot of writing, but it was fun]
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