#anyway this is part of the bigger xie lian headcanon post i was writing but it got long so it’s its own post
yea-baiyi · 6 months
xie lian headcanon:
his laughter is mostly silent, with lots of shaking shoulders and hunching into himself and covering his face. the kind that looks like you might be crying. sometimes xie lian will laugh so hard he ends up making choking sounds like half a guffaw. (he’s autistic ok he’s never gonna laugh just pretty and normal he’s gotta be forever kinda weird about it.)
later on he tends to fold over into hua cheng and bury his face in hua cheng’s shoulder when laughing but hua cheng likes to pull back to look and treasure his laughing face. so when xie lian’s having a rare giggle fit (a thing that almost never used to happen, even before the fall of xianle and certainly never after) they end up in the position where hua cheng is just leaning forward clutching xie lian’s shoulders and kind of watching and laughing as well so they’re in their own bubble which is adorable but also so fucking weird when there’s people around.
they’re weird4weird in this marriage ok xie lian gets the space to open up and be treasured for the ways he is weird and imperfect and hua cheng gets the space to be a creepy fanboy without getting judged for it.
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