#anyway tho i just remembered in the roadtrip au anakin asks (will ask) obi-wan if he was with set because his hair was darker
tennessoui · 2 years
LOVE how often you make anakin insecure about being brunette lmao. every time he thinks about becoming blonde to impress obi-wan i lose my mind.
LOL thank you thank you yah that pops up a lot--
like a year ago when i was just starting to really get into obikin and figuring out how i liked writing the characters and exploring the different versions of them that i felt could top or bottom and how that would look and what i liked about each different au and take on the character, i came across a post on this website that said that op as a reader could tell if anakin was going to top or bottom based on if he is described as blond (bottom) or brunet (top)
and i thought that was just. so wildly divorced from any actually interesting take or conversation about the characters and expression of sexuality and sexual preference, that since then, i've made it my hill to die on to make that theory incredibly wrong.
when an anakin in my story is brunet but thinks about dyeing his hair to be blond in order to bottom for obi-wan, that is me being extremely petty, i will not lie to you.
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