#anyways mom named him Nickolas and I named him Larry so whichever name you like i guess
luvevee · 1 year
Not the oddest guest but definitely a surprising one
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#yeah that's a starling in my basement#i heard my mom scream because it 'came at her' lol#mom begged dad to let it stay tonight because it's subzero and windy outside and he relented despite his inner nature conservative#like I know it should be put down too but i don't have the heart to do it and i was ok with it staying the night#but mom asked me if i could offer it food because it's super dazed and weak so i said ok#and yeah just fed it some crickets for my gecko with my tongs#it was pretty hungry once it realized i wasn't trying to kill it lol#it's still down in the laundry room but mom's happy and dad's softened up to letting it stay lol#i wasn't gonna really do much with it since i thought it was just chilling out but i was open to feeding it when i saw how exhausted it was#yes it's bad to feed wild animals but this is a circumstance where i think it's acceptable#it's not being treated like a pet we're leaving it alone and going to release it in the morning when the storm clears#dad thinks it was in a box he took downstairs last night because the door was open#only way it could've gotten in basically#and yeah that's my mom texting me lol#but yeah it's a cute moment just this is a special circumstance of interacting with a wild animal like this#yeah im a nature nerd about this stuff like my dad but dif is I'm too pussy to kill an animal even if it's invasive#I'm rambling lol#anyways mom named him Nickolas and I named him Larry so whichever name you like i guess#rosebud posting 💐
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