#anyways this fic hasn't been touched at all since... june-july. so I'm partially hoping my muse will kick back into gear by posting more
blorbologist · 5 months
Cat's Cradle is getting AO3 updates again!
Heyo! For the holidays I'm updating the rest of Cat's Cradle's backlog to AO3 every few days; this shouldn't be anything new to people who have followed my blog since spring/summer, but to the AO3-only readers hopefully this is a nice lil holiday treat <3
CH 14: Two weeks
It occurs to Percy, with great delay, that he’s in a heap of trouble.
This may or may not be in regards to the cat currently wedged behind the toilet.
Curio has been in Vex’s bathroom for a grand total of twenty-seven minutes. The only reason she has not spent all that time in her current hiding spot is because it took her a solid ten to find the courage to leave the cat carrier and bolt for cover. 
Percy isn’t sure he has much of a heart to work with, but whatever is in his chest is beating painfully for the poor thing. Her pupils are blown wide behind her wincing eyes, thankfully drugged out of her little mind. Thank gods for that - Percy had caught one look at the stitches and nearly swallowed his tongue.
It’s one thing for the vet to tell you they’re amputating a leg, another to see the result. Something striking, about how easily such a huge part of her anatomy could just be… gone. 
There’s more to it, of course: Curio’s middle is also shaved, stitched here with a neat incision that Percy was told would dissolve on its own. She got spayed while she was under anesthetic, which - good, it will hopefully make it easier to find a home for her, too. 
She’s also, as it turns out, on several medications for the next ten days.
[Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3!]
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