#apologies to mitama for inflicting this upon her
redmessenger · 1 year
♡ in some strange alternate universe perhaps..?
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she has a theme song (imagine the 0 damage tinh tinh tang tang tang sound effects from the games)
this is also the only form she manifests in in my brain, but it fits her gremlin personality so we keep it! frontline healer who enjoys making people squirm, she likes to toy with people and messes with her comrades so much that she's lucky she's an actual asset on the battlefield. has lukas' sharp tongue but none of his restraint, god bless.
very good at getting hit and hitting back harder. her specialty, really. her role best fits engage's martial masters than great master/shrine priestess
takes after azama but at the surface level. she doesn't really get what he's talking about half the time but he's funny and cool when he verbally beats someone down, so she took after that. lukas, also having his one-liners, didn't help
if lukas is involved as a parent, then we are NOT sending the babies to an alternate dimension, that's HORRIFYING. i like the idea of him realization slightly too late. goes to pick up his six month old and ends up with a kindergartner.
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