#apparently operation overdrive is the least liked power rangers season?
jcmorrigan · 7 years
So, you started watching Operation Overdrive. What's your opinion on the characters/villains you've seen so far?
Written as of seeing the “Once a Ranger” two-parter and no further.
Mack: Grew from just likable into absolutely lovable. He’s just…can I use the cliché “Too good, too pure”? He’s such a good soul, and his energy is infectious.
Rose: Probably my actual favorite of the heroes, though. I love how she’s a fountain of knowledge of all things mythological AND scientific. She also just seems like the kind of person I’d want to be friends with.
Dax: This big ol’ dork. I love him. He’s such a ham.
Ronny: Pretty cool. Not as memorable as Mack, Rose, or Dax, but likable all the same.
Will: I didn’t like him at first because of his whole lone-wolf act and how much he shook the team up with it, but he’s grown away from that and I find myself enjoying him a lot more now. 
Andrew: HAAAAAAATE. He obviously values the success of the mission over respecting the team as individuals, and I can’t stand how underhanded he is with them (setting up fake danger scenarios without telling them to test how they work as a team?). Not to mention FIRING WILL BECAUSE HE HAPPENED TO LOSE A FIGHT TO KAMDOR, WHO IS VERY SKILLED? Dude.
Spencer: I should probably be bothered by him playing accomplice to Andrew, but really, he’s too nice not to love, and he actually makes up for a lot of Andrew’s missteps himself. I would trust this man with my life. I want to hug him, but he would probably not find that professional.
Tyzonn: Absolute cutie. My heart goes out to him so much. I don’t want him to hurt anymore. Though sometimes I wonder why in the world he gets HIS OWN SEPARATE MEGAZORD despite being the newcomer to the team. That’s not really fair. 
Sentinel Knight: Too much of an ethereal entity and not enough of a character for me to judge. 
Moltor: Does…does he have to be in EVERY episode? He’s the WEAKEST of the villains in terms of personality, he bores me half to death, he’s pretty much the only main villain who isn’t part of a cool duo (unless you count Blothgaar or any of the other one-episode wonders; have you noticed that EVERYONE WHO ALLIES WITH MOLTOR DIES AFTER ONE EPISODE), and he’s soooooo overused.
Flurious: Now, this is a villain with class. I love his snark. Watching him point out Moltor’s flaws can be a highlight of an episode. 
Norg: I want to rescue this poor baby and take him out for ice cream and give him lots of hugs and make snow angels with him. 
Benglo and Mig: Super fun. They’re always just making a party out of being evil, and it’s hard not to just join right in that party with them. 
Miratrix: Awesomesauce. A very boss warrior who I love to watch in action. Double points if she’s doing a scheme where she’s wearing a Paper Thin Disguise (like the mayor’s aide or Dax’s girlfriend “Mira”) and everyone falls for it anyway. 
Kamdor: MY PRECIOUS. MY ABSOLUTE PRECIOUS. BEST CHARACTER IN THE SHOW. I LOVE HIM TO DEATH. He is just SUCH an entertaining villain. He is ALWAYS fired up about everything and ALWAYS yelling about things and I love it. His bond with Miratrix is also engaging. I see them as having an almost familial relationship. Anyway, this is the guy who got mad at one of his monsters because he wanted a Corona Aurora jewel and the monster brought him JUST a priceless ruby (which he decided he wasn’t going to let the Rangers have anyway when they showed up). This is the guy who can make a monster out of a clutch purse. This is the dual-sword-wielding ninja who was actually the first villain to obtain a Corona jewel despite being the gamma or delta threat in the show. I love him so much.
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