#as you can probably notice I'm not a fan of Kayne
skayafair · 2 months
The fact that Kayne critically misjudged John's true feelings and how much their relationship with Arthur have progressed, brings me so much joy.
Not that all-knowing and all-powerful anymore, are we?
It'd do him good to be brought down a peg or two.
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croik · 9 months
what do you dislike about Kayne/the butcher in terms of writing?
Everything 😌
No but really I'll share my thoughts under the cut.
I could probably write an essay about how the introduction of Kayne has already irreparably damaged the show's narrative, but the short version is that by existing, he has erased virtually all stakes, imo. He appeared basically out of nowhere, deflated all tension leading up to the final confrontation with the King in Yellow (who was the main antagonist at the time), and following that confrontation removed all the consequences of it. By undoing Arthur's broken bones and returning John, everything about Arthur's and John's choices on the plateu were invalidated, as well as the choice we the Patrons had made, despite it being billed as a very significant vote. He replaced them with entirely new and completely arbitrary consequences (the memory loss, whatever John's deal is).
His motives may or may not become clear later on, but in the meantime, we're left with a villain who seems to be reshaping the story just for his own amusement, with no regard for the characters' agency or consequences. If Kayne can bring Arthur back from literal death whenever he wants, why should I ever be worried for his safety? Why should I care if John is losing his memory again, when Kayne has full control over his mind and existence? There's no point even wondering what he's after or what the conditions of his deal are until he reveals them himself, and even then, it might just get undone again.
It's contrived, imo. It's lazy. It's a get out of jail free card when you snap a character's femur and then realize you don't want spend time on healing, or come up with some other explanation to get rid of the injury so the plot can barrel forward. He's too powerful, and until he tips his hand, we can't trust that anything else will stick or matter.
Butcher is different, but the problem I have with him is the writing trying too hard to convince us that he's smart/good at this. Him clocking Arthur as blind after a few minutes, after personally watching him READ THE NOTE he himself gave him, and despite none of the other people who spent longer with Arthur noticing, is a desperate bid for us to think he's smart. Him climbing on top of the moving train, where he can't see or hear his quarry, and dropping in exactly when Arthur is next to the specific window, is very dramatic but nonsensical. He chats on and on with the officers, basically shouting at the audience how scary and important he is for far too long.
And he just happened to chase Arthur into an apartment building with a chair and rope set up in the basement. Again it's all a little too convenient. There's a lot about the current scenario that doesn't make much sense logistically, but it doesn't matter because we're just supposed to take the Butcher at his word that he's very good at this.
And hey, I'm not looking for realism. That's not my issue. I just don't like a story telling me that the villain is the best in his field, and then showing him rely on happenstance and luck while he prattles on and on, and sometimes magically intuits something unearned.
(I'm also not a fan of his "oo I'm in love with my victims" shtick, but someone else explained that better already)
Disclaimer these are all my personal feelings and I'm not trying to convince anyone or say you shouldn't like these characters, I fully admit I also have strong personal reasons for disliking them unrelated to the writing so I can't be 100% objective. But who even can be, amirite?
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deathdxnces · 7 months
👫 - For Haru
— @witchcraftandburialdirt
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we've already established the hunting down and killing noxians as a bonding activity, but i like the idea they might have met before, even if just in passing. i'm not sure if haru actually got to fight during the invasion, considering he tried to flee the conflict, but if he did, they might have fought together then. irelia suggests she saw firsthand what the noxians did to bahrl, and it makes sense considering it's after the placidium and she's leading the resistance. so there's always the chance they'd have interacted then and that he met irelia when she was a 14 year old baby responsible for far more than she should be, even if it was a brief meeting.
irelia doesn't really know much anything about the darkin, but given kayn's struggle, she's Not a Fan. which is to say, she's at best wary of tarhos and by extension of haru preaching the darkin's godhood around. but at the same time, irelia really doesn't know anything about the darkin, so she doesn't really know if they're all alike (but! the fact they were all imprisoned in weapons! doesn't make it look good for them!). at any rate, haru and tarhos are also slaughtering noxians, so she can live with that. if they eventually turn to harm ionia, then she'll fight; but if the spirit isn't trying to kick them out that's good enough for her, at least for the time being. but i think in part it's also that irelia knows there aren't that many people both strong enough and willing to fight the noxians, and as always, she's very certain it's a matter of time until swain launches a new attack. and hey, when that happens, she'd rather have them fighting by her side than waiting for the kinkou to move their asses to do something c:
we. haven't really discussed much about them but because of that one ask you sent the other day (which i still love so much thank you egg), i feel even if there isn't outright friendship, there's some distant sense of kinship, or at least respect - enough so he was there imparting the wisdom to not be merciful at all to any noxians ever, but that wasn't done in a way that was aggressive or antagonistic toward her. and on my side when writing the answer it just. felt like that respect existed because she was so willing to listen to what he was saying in the first place. i don't see them as close friends, but i think that mutual respect would exist. they could become friends proper and talk about how similar or different things are in bahrl and navori and maybe one day get to the level 9841234123894129384 of friendship when tragic backstories are unlocked and bond over losing their families bc of the war (or they can end up following the antagonistic path, depending on what happens. i can see it going either way, but i think that, for now, there's at least a degree of respect between them)
that might be in part projecting because i think haru is so beautiful but i feel irelia would be a little awed by how beautiful he is. not immediately when they met, if it really was during the war, because then the focus would be on the war, but whenever they interacted in better circumstances and she actually got to look at him and see how gorgeous he is. the girl probably had to take a moment because he was just so pretty — and i don't even mean it in like, irelia being actually attracted to him, because she's very demi and it wouldn't be that at all, but rather just in a i saw a man so beautiful i started crying sort of way USDFHAHSDFH i imagine haru would have noticed even if irelia wouldn't have said anything, because she's not good at hiding anything honestly. she got over the very awed reaction eventually, but she still thinks he's really beautiful
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
Stan twitter (I'll call it stan twitter but they're on other platforms too, especially Tiktok) is full of sociopaths and I'm not exaggerating. Those people are mentally unwell. We all have mental issues but they're beyond help, are so out of touch with the world, are so angry and insecure and have victim complexes. They hate anyone who is popular. They turned on Harry when he beat Taylor Swift's vinyl record for most albums sold. They hate him because he is a threat to their faves and are desperately trying to cancel him. All of this hate started when he started breaking music records. They did the same with Olivia Rodrigo (they turned on her). Ed Sheeran. Justin Bieber. With Olivia Rodrigo they were struggling to come up with reasons to cancel her so they started painting her as a racist and using photoshop to fake tweets she made. Nicki Minaj stans are one of the worst, along with Kayne fans and pop girl stans like Swifties. Nicki fans have been harassing the woman who spoke up about Nicki's husband sexually assaulting her. They're just awful.
Hi anon as someone who has been on most major SM apps besides IG I can say yeah people are toxic and hypocritical. I wouldn't go as far as saying their mental don't feel like that's something we should call others but yes I do understand why you are at such a high level of anger towards twitter and tiktok users.
There's the regular non fan accs who hate Harry based on misinformation and shit that's just not true and those are the people that for no reason hate Harry and want any excuse to justify their hate even tho he is probably one of the better celebs to like. These are also the people who don't get fandom culture and have made fun of those in fandom culture since the 2000s. Just bc you don't understand how a singer, youtuber ect. can make someone's life better doesn't mean you need to shit on those who get it and the people they like.
There's the hypocritical ones are those who act like that hating Harry for ??? reasons but ARE fan accs and for people like K**ye, Blondie and N*kki who have proven time and time again they are not even remotely close to a good person so why tf are talking about Harry and his fans? Also I noticed they all have the same thing in common with the notion of always being the victim and never the problem. N*kki as you mentioned bullies actual victims.
And there's the Harry fans who clearly just like Harry bc they feel they need to and or have a following in his fandom so they don't want to leave it even tho they dont give af about him fans are just as bad. These are the ones who care more about being "fandom famous" than actually caring for the artist they stan. They just stan whoever is hot in the moment and probably change their stan list often.
I see this often with OT4/5 stans who say they stan Harry but any chance they get they will throw Harry under the bus to help uplift other members usually Liam or Zayn. Also what you said happens a lot people claim to stan Harry but then get mad when he beats records other singers they stan held. If you actually liked Harry you would be happy for him. If you're mad he "beat you're other fav" clearly the other is the only one you actually like.
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