#astro's playroom is the best ps5 game tbh
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the hidden uncharted the lost legacy ending reference in Astro's Playroom (it has to be. PLEASE IT HAS TO BE THE BRIDGE IS EVEN BROKEN LIKE THE TRAIN TRACKS
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan’s Playstation 5 Reveal Analysis
Alright so first off, if I say something bad about a game you care about.. It’s just my opinion, although tbh they were all pretty decent games so.. yeah.. Just gonna give my thoughts on stuff, Idek if anyones interested I just feel like doing it. Maybe have some conversations with people about it. 
Okay let’s do this.. Under Cut cus long.
It’s a ps3 game, cool that the online is free when it comes to PS5 but like..it does just feel like Rockstar paid to have this mentioned and they just shrugged and quickly shoved it at the front of the presentation to get it over and done with before starting for realsies. 
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Now this isn’t their Spider-Man 2, this is a side game like Infamous First Light was a side game but I love the PS4 Spider-Man it’s one of my favourite games and I know I’ll love this one too so yeah, real solid start. Makes me realise I need more Miles Morales in my life. 
Gran Turismo 7
I played Gran Turismo back on like.. maybe the Playstation 1, honestly Car games just aren’t for me but in like my first initial reaction to the whole reveal I said that there’s games for basically everyone, if you like a specific type of game there is a game for you and car nerds have this. Looks visually stunning though. 
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart
Looks stunning, so much happening and really good at showing the power of the Playstation with the travelling to different worlds instantly so quick. I grew up on Ratchet and Clank and I am down for more! I wish it had a dirtier name like Rift A Whole or something to go with the vibes of Up your Arsenal or Quest for Booty or Full Frontal assault.. but looks great! 
Project Athia
Games with the word Project in the title we don’t end up seeing for ageeees but visually it looks stunning, I’d like to know more about it but we’ll just have to wait and see. 
I have no idea if this is a linear story or a wide open world game or anything. The world looks amazing, robots and fun Grafiti art hinting at a really dark past but yeah Stray cat sim looks cool. I just wanna know more about it but it’s for sure on my to watch list. 
Terrible name.. but the game’s story seems somewhat interesting, I thought it would be a first person horror space game with survival elements but then the gameplay seems like a third person bullet hell type thing, honestly it’s not for me but I’m sure there’s some people hyped for it. I’m also a coward so too spooky 4 me. 
Sackboy: A Big Adventure
I like Sackboy as a mascot, same with Ratchet and Clank actually, and I actually really enjoyed Little Big Planet, I never really messed around with the creation aspect of it, I’d like to know if that’s still in the game or if this is simply a platformer type game that you can also play with your friends, either way I might get it but with all the other games around, maybe not. Great if you’re a parent who wants to play something with your kids though!
Destruction Allstars
Honestly.. I haven’t played a Destruction Derby game since like the PS2 and I am so ready for one, I like the whole being able to get out of your vehicle aspect too, seems like a really new and fun idea and take and I’m down to play. I kind of hope it’s free to play with like paid customisation options, like Fortnite, because then I can Just play it for free and people can work out if it’s for them or not. 
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
OHMYGOD THEY ARE SO CUTE THEY KEPT MY BOLD ON! No but this game looks gorgeous and kind of like a Pixar film but in the best way. It’s like a mix of Pikmin, Horizon Zero Dawn and Zelda and I am sure it’ll be probably quite liniar maybe with puzzles but loooook atthe spirits omg they’re the cutest. The enviroments also look gorgeous so.. I’m down. 
Goodbye Volcano High
One of those like Teen growing up discovering the world but like.. they’re dinosaurs and I’m sure the game probably ends with the meteor wiping them out.. honestly not a game for me but people that love that feelsy teen drama type game might be loving whatever this is. 
Oddworld: SoulStorm
The first game creeped me the fuck out as a kid but fans of the series are gonna love this by the looks of it, personally it’s not for me, I’m terrible at these kind of side scrolling lemmings type things but.. I’m sure it’s someones game of the year when it comes out for sure. 
Ghostwire Tokyo
Again, I’m a coward. Game looks interesting, too spooky for me for sure but I’m sure some people will enjoy it’s aesthetic but yeeaaah just not for me.
Jett: The Far Shore
This game looks stunning and very interesting but I also have no idea wtf it even is, it’s like a space.. exploration game maybe? No idea. For sure a wait and see game. 
This trailer is terrible for a game that I could enjoy. This is like supposed to be like Destiny from what I’ve heard where you play with your friends and you get better gear but this trailer feels like it’s from 2011. I’d like to see what the progression looks like because right now all the gear I’ve seen looks the same, I need to see what a starting character looks like, someone who’s in the middle of the game and then someone at the end, because the getting gear loop is only good if you actually want the loot.. but yeah looks interesting, i need more information and maybe a better trailer? 
Solar Ash
I never played Hyper Light Drifter but the fact the name rings a bell to me means it’s probably a great game, this gives me like weird Journey vibes which is a game I found really gorgeous and if you haven’t played Journey you should, it’s a basically the answer to “Are games art?” and the answer is yes. But Solar Ash.. I need more than these like 5 seconds so.. We’ll see. 
Hitman 3
Kill people the most creative way you can, now with better graphics. Idek if anyone is interested in the actual story of it anymore but I know a lot of people will be hyped to play it, it’s not for me because I’m terrible at it, but for sure going to see a lot of this on youtube probably. 
Astro’s Playroom
If you’re hating on this, you don’t understand it. Apparently, first off, it’s apparently free. So.. instantly you can’t hate it. Second off, it’s really just Playstation’s tech demo for the controller. I think it’s just going to show you how the controllers haptic feedback works and feels and maybe show some cool Playstation graphics but yeah, it’s a free way to see how cool the controller is now so.. fair enough. 
Little Devil Inside
This is the game I’m probably the most curious about. I love the art style of it, I don’t really know what the gameplay is of it, it seems like ti could be some sort of big open world monster hunter type thing then you bring your kill home to your Butler Jeeves, who knows. Looks really interesting. 
NBA 2K21
is basketball
This is made by the people who made octodad so maybe it’ll be a big like youtuber or streamer game.. the ending of the trailer for it is.. like.. suddenly spooky and scary for some reason :P Honestly though, I’ve seen the trailer a few times now and that fucking song is stuck in my head even though the only word i know is ‘Bugsnax’.. again it looks like a game for kids and parents so like that’s nice!
Demon’s Souls
The daddy of all the souls type games is back and remastered. Honestly, I can’t play those games to save my life, i don’t enjoy them because I just get annoyed and stop playing forever, but this will be someones favourite game of all time. 
I have no idea what this game really is despite seeing gameplay, is it two player where one of the people has to kill the target and then the other has to kill them before they do? Or singleplayer? Or.. ???? either way I love the style of it and I like the death time loop mechanic so I am more than happy to give this one a go. 
Resident Evil VIllage
Very cool use of the VII to be quite honest, but I’m a coward so this looks to be a stunning game that a lot of people will love that I will never play :D 
No fucking clue. Your guess is as good as mine. *shrug* wtf? 
Horizon Forbidden West
I love Horizon Zero Dawn, I platinumed it.. So I am really fucking down for this sequel. I don’t even know what to say, it looks interesting, some new environments, new robot things to take down. I’m sold. 
The Actual Ps5 Console 
I think people will either hate the design or love it. I really like it and honestly the more I see it the more I like it. Idk about the digital edition, I kind of like owning disks but if it’s considerably cheaper then maybe it’ll be worth it seeing as I do tend to buy most of my games digitally now. Either way, looks cool, the tech is impressive and Yeah.. let’s face it, I’ll get one. Idk if it’ll be on release, but I will get one.
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