#at first I wrote about him getting whisky dick and not even realizing it and being so embarrassed about it the next morning
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Dabi is surprisingly a lightweight. You honestly would’ve never figured by looking at him, but as you think back on it, you’ve never really seen him drink a lot. Not when there were celebratory parties, or when things didn’t go right for him. It’s why you’re so shocked when you convince two shots into his system, why he suddenly looks so loose, why his grin splits so wide.
He’s a clinger, you’ve also learned as you’ve started observing the blue eyed man where he shoves his face into the crook of your neck. His body bends over almost uncomfortably to fit into the position, and you can’t help but flinch a little when his damp breath blows a quiet little raspberry on your flesh.
omg wait my favorite thought is of you not even necessarily being a heavyweight, you can just handle your liquor a little better than anyone expects. you love to knock back drink after drink, convince Dabi into some stupid competition that he falls for because he’s such a little nerd and secretly wants to impress you. he does it thinking you’ll be the drunk one first, the one hanging off of his arm and hopefully his dick by the end of the night.
it belatedly shocks him when it’s the exact opposite. when he’s slurring a little and smiling at you, when you watch him through low eyes with a wide grin, when he wraps himself around you like a python, when you shake his face gently as you squish his cheeks together in hand. he’s just so utterly obsessed with you in these moments, and maybe it’s the liquor in him, but he knows his lowered inhibitions are only bringing forth the feelings he’s always suppressed.
drunk sex with Dabi where he’s the one too loose limbed and limp and weak. he flops onto bed like some rag doll with his arms and legs spread wide, but he musters up enough strength to release the heavy weight of his cock from its confinements. doesn’t do much besides lift his head from the pillows with a point to his crotch and a lazy grin, an announcement of, go ahead and hop on already before he’s flopping back down again, ready to lay back and get fucked like how he knows he deserves.
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lindstromm · 3 years
It's amazing that you have so many fic ideas going. While I understand people who don't want to see the COVID-19 pandemic in mainstream media, I really appreciate how fandom has helped people cope and I loved your continuation of "Bug on a Plate" so I'd like to ask for"sexy pandemic roommate".
I wrote that one in response to a prompt then never posted it because I kinda shocked myself with writing smut. It's the first PWP I've written, and then I talked myself out of posting it because I'm asexual so it's probably lame sex. I gave Erik my squick about bodily fluids and the two of them use condoms even for hand jobs. Very prudish. Prudish porn. Yes, I achieved that. Anyway, first T-rated scene is under the cut.
Erik got to be a regular only because he was such an asshole the first time he ‘engaged Charles’ services.’ That’s Emma’s phrase for it. It’s not like they’re some slick professional agency; the whole thing came about at 2:00 a.m. after too much cheap scotch and Charles ranting about how he had no marketable skills and would starve to death while he waited for the lawyers to stop generating court filings about his inheritance. Emma pointed out his ability to wear a tux and look sexy. The rest was just details.
Anyway, the first evening with Erik went like this: Charles wore his tux and met Erik at what he’d described as a ‘dull work networking thing’. Erik introduced Charles to everyone as the male escort he’d hired for the evening. Sure, Charles hadn’t been doing this very long, but his previous four clients certainly hadn’t wanted that fact blasted around to all and sundry. If he’d had some warning and whisky, he might have been able to psych himself up enough to ball his way through it. As it was, he felt like that scene in “Pretty Woman” (Charles’ favorite old movie; fuck off if you don’t like it; of course he had fantasies about it) where Julia Roberts gets propositioned and it makes her feel sleazy.
“What the fuck?!” Charles had snarled at his client later (as soon as he’d verified that Erik had paid him). “Why did you say that?”
“To find out who was a dick,” Erik said absently, tapping on his phone. “Paulsen treated you decently. Contract goes to him.”
“You’re a dick! You don’t just blindside me like that! You . . . you . . .” Charles sputtered into incoherence.
Erik proved his dickishness by looking surprised. “It matters to you?”
After a raging fight at full volume (Charles at full volume; Erik mostly appalled into silence), Erik apologized.
Charles told him to fuck off and stormed away, wishing there was a door he could slam. Still, it piqued his interest that Erik apologized so humbly. Usually, when someone hurt or insulted Charles, they laughed at him if he tried to stand up for himself. The whole mess with his inheritance was his stepfather and stepbrother laughing at Charles’ attempt to get his father’s money back from those thieves.
Because of Erik’s apology, Charles told Emma that Erik was on the approved list.
The second time Erik ‘engaged his services,’ he took Charles to a German opera. He was exceedingly proper the entire evening, never touched Charles and basically bored him to tears.
“What was tonight about?” Charles demanded at the end.
“It was an apology for last time,” Erik said.
The clumsy effort was enough for Charles to realize that Erik had potential. Erik was actually going to listen to him and try to treat him better. Charles patiently explained that an apology is more effective if you offer something the other person actually enjoys doing.
That was how they ended up at the Hellfire Club listening to the Banshees while drinking whisky until 4:00 a.m. the next weekend. Erik stuck it out, though he started looking glassy-eyed by 1:00 a.m.
After that, Erik was Charles’ favorite client.
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lorcanxdeath · 4 years
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Full Name?: Lorcan İlaya Mikhael d’Eath.
Lorcan ( pronounced LOR - KHAN ) means “little fierce one.”
İlaya ( pronounced IL - LIE - DAH ) means “fair, honest, just.” It is the name of his mother, given to him in honour of her.
Mikhael ( prounced ME - KULL ) means “Who is like God?” His father is Orthodox Christian, so he was given a biblical secondary middle name.
d’Eath ( prounced DEE - ATH ) means “death” but also “fuel, tinder.”
Age?: Twenty-one.
Gender?: Cis Male.
Pronouns?: Him / He.
Birthday?: March 20th, 1960 ( the first day of spring ).
Zodiac Sign?: Pisces.
Where were you born?: Ankara, Turkey.
Where were you raised?: Vadu Izei, Romania.
Hair colour?: Dark chestnut brown.
Eye colour?: Blue like his mother, but they can turn black when he needs to feed.
Height?: 6′ 2″.
Tattoos?: He has a sleeve of the galaxy on his left arm, which changes colour depending on his mood & a skull with roots growing out of the mouth on his calve. Both were drawn and done by his friend and roommate Blaise Blackthorn.
Piercings?: N/A.
Any other notable features (scars, freckles, etc)?: He has a scar over his right breast -- a wizard tried to stake him in the heart as a child, but luckily missed his heart.
What was their relationship with their parents growing up?:
İlaya d’Eath ( nee Burakgazi ): His mother died in childbirth so he never knew her. His father gave him his mother’s name as his first middle name, to remind him that his mother loved him. So while he never knew her personally, he is grateful to her for bringing him into life -- she is a large influence in his music he writes.
Ion d’Eath ( pronounced I - YON ): His father is around one hundred and fifty years old, a full fledged vampire. Ion kept to himself most of his life, secluded, until he found İlaya and they had Lorcan together. With İlaya gone, Ion is very protective over Lorcan his son, especially since he knows that he is the cause of Lorcan’s hardships, being both human and vampire, never being accepted fully by either species for being half-breed. While his father is a little old school, quiet and shows his form of love in non-conventional ways, Lorcan loves him deeply.
Saoirse O’Connor ( prounced SER- SHA ): His vampire “step-mother” -- she is a new vampire, turned by a rogue vampire and rescued by Ion sometime after they moved to Ireland, who he helped teach to live as a vampire. Lorcan doesn’t know her extremely well, as she and his father only started dating about three years ago and he only gets to see her during the summer months; however, he likes her just fine. As long as she makes his father happy, then Lorcan will be happy. She is kind to him and he absolutely loves her strong, Irish accent.
What was their relationship with their siblings growing up (if applicable)?: He was an only child growing up, but now he has a half-sister that he absolutely adores named Ava, who is around two years old. She is a little rascal, always biting everything, and he would do anything to protect her.
Were there any other key people in their childhood? What was their relationship like?: He really only had his father growing up. He made a few friends while he was at Durmstrang Institute, but at that time he was still learning on how to be half-vampire, trying to keep it secret, so he never let anyone get close.
Who was their childhood best friend?: N/A.
What was their lifestyle like growing up?: Lorcan grew up in the countryside, so he’s always enjoyed the outdoors. He was sometimes limited to the physical activites he could do outside, as the sun can weakened him if he is exposed to it for a long time. This was one reason that Ion gifted a guitar to him at a young age, so he had a hobby indoors.
House?: Ravenclaw.
Year?: Tenth.
Bloodstatus?: Half-blood / Half-breed (vampire).
What form does your boggart take?: An innocent person, with bite marks on their skin, bleeding out.
What form does your patronus take?: A bat.
Do you play Quidditch? What position?: N/A.
Are you a prefect?: N/A.
What clubs are you in?: Music.
What is your wand like?: Hornbeam, 13″, Coral.
Hornbeam: selects it’s mate with a single, pure passion, which some might call a small obsession -- more kindly - vision, which almost always be realized (for Lorcan, his music). Hornbeam wands apart more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use. Even for the most simple spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever it may be, and will refuse to perform acts -- whether for good or ill -- that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand (source: link).
Coral: wand’s core properties are unknown.
His wand was made by Mykey Gregorovitch.
Do you have a favourite spell?: Rictusempra.
What’s your favourite class?: Astronomy.
What’s your least favourite class?: Flying.
Sexuality?: Pansexual.
Relationship status?: “Faking dating” Mary MacDonald.
How many relationships have you been in, in the past?: He secretly dated Narcissa Black from Christmas 8th year to Christmas 9th year, Hugo Mendoza from 9th year to the next summer, but he has had many flings and sexual encounters throughout his years at Hogwarts.
Do you have a crush?: Maybe.
Do you believe in love?: Yes, he believes that you can have many loves and soulmates throughout life.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, with Narcissa Black for a time.
Do you miss anyone?: His mother, always. He also missing friendships he had with some that were lost when his vampirism came out.
Do you want to get married?: He doesn’t care, he would be with someone married or not.
Who are you best friends currently?: Anna, Bert, Blaise, Daisy, Edgar, Flo, to name a few.
Has your relationship with your family changed since childhood?: Sometimes, if he admits it, it can be hard to see his father with another woman who isn’t his mother, but he reminds himself that it has been years since his mother’s passing, and his father deserves to move on and find love again.
Do you have any pets?: He has an Ural Owl from Romania named Cirilla (nickname Ciri). He also gets along great with cats, surprisingly.
Do you drink?: All the time -- his favourite drink is Jasmin red wine and whisky.
Do you smoke?: Sometimes.
Do you do drugs?: Yes -- he is willing to try anything and everything (sometimes it doesn’t affect him or can affect him differently, because of his vampire genes).
What are your hobbies?: He has his own band (the leader singer) and can play guitar and piano -- he composes the songs and writes his own lyrics. He also has a love of space, stars and constellations.
What is your opinion on muggles?: He doesn’t think of them often, but he doesn’t have a problem with them, though there is a small fear of humans hunting vampires.
Where do you stand in the upcoming war?: Lorcan has remained neutral, though if he had to choose, he would probably choose the Order, since there was a highest chance of them not mistreating him as a half-breed.
What is your biggest strength?: Aside from the physical strength and speed he gets as a half-vampire, it would be his openness and empathy.
What is your biggest weakness?: He falls in love too easily, and will always put others before himself.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?: Necks to You, a song he wrote about Jasmin.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?: HIS DICK one day he will be proud of his vampire heritage.
Where do you see yourself in the future?: He hopes to one day pursue a full time career with his music and band.
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