#avoiding tagging because i don't want to get flam3d lmao
taatdragun · 3 years
Wish twitter would learn how to, instead of trying to change cc's to their ideals, watch someone else? It's always such a limited viewpoint. Your experiences are never universal, and I think people forget that. Just because you are part of a minority group, does not mean every other part of that minority group shares your viewpoints.
Like u have to understand, just because you are (for example because I am also bi) bisexual, and you don't like this specific joke, doesn't mean every bi person finds said joke offensive. There's a fine line between someone needing to be educated and you, the viewer, needing to log off and find someone else's content to invest in. Expecting cc's to change for you is parasocial.
You need to stop ingesting if the food is making u sick. Don't expect the food to change, yeah?
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