#b/c Raph's Savage Raph state appears due to panicking over being alone
tblsomedoodles · 1 year
This feral cat Leon thing just keeps building. Makes me want to see things from the Doctor’s point of view. Around the second or third visit, Leo jets “Special Patient” status, and the whole office staff are putting on protective gear or trying to call out sick if they know in advance He is coming.
(Why am I enjoying this so much?)
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Those poor doctors lol. I imagine the office would either set aside the whole day just for the Hamato boys (b/c there's 4 of them, and one's a semi-feral little shit.) or at least schedule them during non-standard office times. Bringing a in four turtles, one of which is either screeching, biting, or at some point got hit with a tranquilizer dart, would not be a sight they want their other patrons to see. (the office would love the few times Donnie gets fed up and just shoots him with the tranquilizer. They don't have to worry about getting bit then lol.)
When it becomes apparent he's probably not going to stop acting like this, they might start prescribing some calming meds for him to take before those visits (which his family have to sneak to him b/c Leo won't take meds.)
but yeah, Leo damn near having his own feral state (like Raph's savage raph state) over going to the doctors is not what i expected out of this au, but i am certainly here for it lol.
thank you!
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