#basically elar is the bad guy in this story
I need to come up with lore for Wrem and Wrek (Elar d'Thuranni's shadow companions) for my 5e campaign where Baron Elar has been corrupted through the influence of the Order of the Emerald Claw. I want to incorporate the shadows into his Villain Origin Story™︎.
In 3.5e they're greater shadows and in 4e they're sword wraiths. I haven't found any 5e canon or kanon on the subject but regardless of stats the idea seems to be that they are undead creatures and the people that they came from died in a violent or at least unpleasant way.
My ideas so far for Wrem and Wrek's identities have been:
They were his parents.
They were his victims from an assassination job.
They were his children.
He actually did make them with his dragonmark.
Gifts from the Emerald Claw.
Gifts from the Bloodsails/Lady Illmarrow.
Elar made a deal with a dark power of Mabar.
They're just some random mabaran shadows who like the cut of Elar's jib.
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